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1、英语书面表达高级句式(复合句及特殊句式等)英汉互译训练试题 兴安县二中 唐有兴一、定语从句1、Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that(in which) attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. 2、我还记得我第一次见她的时候。 3、刚好我们到的那天他们走了。 4、The sun heats the earth , which makes it possible for plants to grow . 5、那位老人有一个在部队工作的儿子。 二、

2、状语从句 1. I wont call you, unless something unexpected happens. 2. We all know that, if not carefully dealt with, the situation will get worse. 3. Pop music is such an important part of society as it has even influenced our language. 4. While I really dont like art, I find his work impressive. 5. It w

3、ill be a long time before we meet them again. 6留把钥匙放在邻居家中,以防万一你哪一天把自己锁在门外了。7. 即使Tim没有进行太多的体育锻炼,他还是身材很好。 8. 一旦你有自信心,你就会在这次面试中取得成功。9. 不论你面临多么严重的问题,你都应该鼓起勇气面对挑战。 10. 不论明天天气怎样,我们的船都将起航去澳门。 11. -你对暑假有什么安排吗?-只要有阳光、大海和沙滩,我不介意去哪里。 12. 他发现他很难阅读,因为他的视力正在不断下降。 13. 你最好不要把药放在孩子拿得到的地方。 14. The engineers are so bu

4、sy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, even if they have the interest. 三、名词性从句(一)、主语从句 1、Who will go is not important. 2、It doesnt matter so much whether you will come or not. 3、That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised. 4、 任何人来都欢迎。5、 任何人要这书都可拿去。6、 她什么时候回来在很大程度上要看天气。7

5、、 他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。8、 什么时候到没有关系。 (二)表语从句 1、The question was who could go there. 2、My idea is (that) we can get more comrades to help in the work. 3、 我感冒了,因此我没来。4、 我没有来,那是因为我感冒了。(三)宾语从句 1、Ill do whatever I can to help him. 2、Im interested in whether youve finished the work.3、Im interested in what youve

6、 said. 4、 我怀疑它是否不会下雨。5、 我不知道你想要什么。 6、 我不知道这报道是否是真的。7、I dont know whether/ if the report is true or not. 8、 它取决于我们是否有足够的时间。 9、 我问她是否会同意。10、 我不知道她为什么哭。四、倒装句一、全部倒装 谓语动词提至主语之前为全部倒装。当句子没有宾语,且主语偏长时,往往将句中作状语的介词短语或作表语的形容词短语或作表语的分词短语提至句首,引起主谓的全部倒装。如: 1、Out came his guest. 2、 在山上有一座小木屋。3、There lived an elderl

7、y lady whose husband died long ago. 4、 在草地上躺着一位二十多岁的漂亮女孩。二、部分倒装 助动词或情态动词提至主语之前,谓语动词位置不变,即为部分倒装。(一)、否定词用于句首时,句子应进行部分倒装,否定词常用的有:Not only(but also), Not until(直到.才), No sooner.(than)(一.就) Never/ Rarely/SeldomHardly/Scarcely (when) Few/LittleNeither/Nor (也不) NowhereAt no time Under no circumstances(决不)O

8、n no account (决不) In no way其中not only, no sooner, hardly, scarcely 分别和but (also), than, when搭配使用,需注意:后一组词之后的部分不进行倒装,只有否定词之后的部分倒装1、Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain. 2、No sooner had I got any chance to speak than the clerk slammed(使劲关门) the door in my face. 3、他不仅能够进入最终决赛,也是最先出来的。4、他很少外出

9、旅行。(二) 介词、副词、分词词组提前倒装1. only + 副词(when, before, if, after等)或only+介词状语(由in, under, by, on, after等引导)提前,必须部分倒装、Only then did he realize how stupid he had been.、只有进入商店后阿瑟才意识到有危险。、只有在图书馆她才能集中注意力。2. often, such, so等副词提前,部分倒装 So diligently did he work that he got high scores on the final exam. =He worked

10、so diligently that he got high scores on the final exam. 我们经常在炎热的夏天放暑假。 我对他了解那么少以至于我很容易被他的话欺骗。 注意,so的另一种倒装是表示“也” California relies heavily on income from crops, and so does Florida. 同理,体会一下neither, nor的倒装 他不会跳舞,我也不会。3. in, out, down, up, away, off, here, there, over等副词提前,全部倒装Off got the old gentleme

11、n. 这些是我在海边拍的照片。(三) 疑问倒装 疑问句需部分倒装语序,由于经常用到不会成为考试的难点。如:1、What part did he play in Hamlet? 2、 你喜欢茶还是咖啡?五、省略句(一)、状语从句中的省略 如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式 (am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。 1、Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street. 2、When (I was) on my way to work, I met her. 3、 如果被正确

12、地处理,废物对环境没有害处。 4、 除非被邀请,否则我不会去参加聚会。 5、 一旦你被抓到在超市偷东西,你会被惩罚。6、 尽管他很穷,他很开心。 7、 不论生病还是健康,她总是很开心。 8、He stood up as if/though (he wanted) to leave.(as if/though + to do表示一个将来的动作) (二)、 than,as引导的比较状语从句中的省略用法:当不同的主语进行比较时, 一般省略从句中的谓语;当从句中的主语与谓语(be动词除外)和主句中的主语与谓语相同时,通常省略从句中的主语和谓语,只保留比较部分。1、 他比他的哥哥更高。 2、I have

13、 as much as confidence in you as (I have confidence) in him. (三)、 以if从句为代表的状语从句中的特殊省略用法:通常省略了it is,that is, there is/are。 1、 如果有可能,这座老寺庙将被重修。 2、 如果这样的话,我将在下午五点回电话。 3、There are only a few books in our school library, if (there are) any. (四)、定语从句中的省略用法 关系词的省略 关系代词that,which,whom等在限制性定语从句中充当宾语且不位于介词之后时

14、,可以省略;in which或that在先行词way后作方式状语从句时可省略。 1、 你昨晚拜访的那个人是我的爷爷。 2、 I dont like the way (in which/that) you treat the girl. (五)、虚拟语气中if及should的省略 1、 当条件状语从句中有were,had,should等时省略if,把它们提至句首,形成倒装句。 . If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students. = Were I a teacher, I would be strict with my studen

15、ts. 2、 Suggest,insist,order,require等表示建议、要求、命令的动词后接的从句中,谓语动词常用should+动词原形,should可以省略。 . 这位医生建议他尽量减肥。 (六)、不定式符号to的省略 1、 感官动词see,hear,feel,watch等和使役动词have,make,let等后接不定式作宾语时,不定式省略to。( 一听hear, 二看see, watch,三使役have, let, make) 2、 do nothing but,cant help but等结构常接省略to的不定式。 昨天我们除了呆在家里看电视之外什么事也没干。 3、 在特定语境

16、中为了避免重复,当不定式再次出现时,在want,wish,hope,try,plan,like,love,hate后往往只保留to,而省略后面的动词。但不定式后有be,have时,也保留be和have。 . 我父母亲鼓励我去上大学,但是我不想去。 (七)、So和not的替代性省略 用于避免重复前面所说过的内容,替代词so/not替代肯定或否定的名词性从句。可与believe,do,expect,fear,guess,hope,say,speak,suppose,think,Im afraid等连用 . 你认为他将去参加会议吗?我认为不。(我认为是) (八)、日常交际中的省略 在情景会话中,答语

17、常常省略不会引起歧义的主语、谓语或宾语部分,而只保留对方希望了解的内容。在复合句或并列句中,也有省略主、谓、宾的情况。 -你想要几本?-三本 你曾经去过长城吗?不,从未。 六、强调句用强调句型itis/wasthat/who 强调斜体部分单词1.Shedidntknowhermotherwas illinbeduntilshecamehomefromwork.2.Didhisfatherdie duringtheSecondWorldWar?3.Whobroke thewindow?4.Howdidyou succeed?5.Heisa teachernow. 6.Ibought youthe

18、dictionary.7.Iamto blame.8.Youare wrong. 9.Iamlookingfor him. 10.Hetoldmethe newsatthegate. 英语书面表达高级句式(复合句及特殊句式等)英汉互译训练试题-答案一、定语从句答案 1、人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似之处。2、I still remember the first time I met her. 3、We arrived on the day when they left. 4、太阳给予大地热,这就使植物的生长成为可能。5、The old man has a

19、 son who is in the army . 二、状语从句答案 1. 我不会打电话给你,除非有什么不可预料的事情发生。 2.我们都知道,如果不小心地处理,形势将会变得更糟。 3.流行音乐是社会上那么重要的一部分以至于它甚至影响了我们的语言。 4.尽管我不喜欢艺术,但是我还是发现他的作品能给人留下深刻印象。5.我们要过很久才能再次见到他们。6. Leave your key with a neighbor in case you lock yourself out one day. 7. Tim is in good shape physically even though he does

20、nt get much exercise. 8. You will be successful in the interview once you have confidence. 9. However serious a problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 10. Whatever the weather is like tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao. 11. - Have you got any idea for the

21、 summer vacation? - I dont mind where we go as long as theres sun, sea and beach. 12. He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail. 13. Youd better not leave the medicine where kids can get it. 14.这些工程师们那么忙以至于他们没有时间进行户外活动,即使他们有这方面的兴趣。 三、名词性从句答案(一)、主语从句 1、谁将去并不重要

22、。 2、你是否来并不那么重要。 3、他上星期突然生病使我们很惊讶。4、Whoever comes will be welcome. / Anyone who comes will be welcome. 5、Whoever wants the book may have it. 6、When shell be back depends much on the weather. 7、Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 8、When we arrive doesnt matter. (二)表语从句 1、 问题是谁将去哪里。2、 我的想法是我们可以

23、让更多的同志去帮忙工作。3、I had a cold. Thats why I didnt come. 4、I didnt come. Thats because I had a cold. (三)宾语从句 1、 我们将尽我们所能来挽救他。 2、我对你是否已经完成了工作很感兴趣。 3、我对你所说的话感兴趣。 4、I wonder if it doesnt rain. 5、I dont know what you want. 6、I dont know whether or not the report is true. 7、 我不知道这报道是否是真的。 8、 It depends on whe

24、ther we have enough time. 9、I asked her whether she would agree. 10、I dont know why he was crying. 四、倒装句答案全部倒装1、 他的客人出来了。2、On the hill stood a little cottage。 3、 那儿住着一位老妇人,她的丈夫很久前死了。4、Lying on the grassland is a pretty girl in her early twenties.部分倒装 (一)1、 我一到家就开始下雨。2、 我还来不及讲话,服务员就砰地把门关上了。3、Not only

25、 was he able to enter the final round of the contest, but he came out first as well.4、Seldom does he travel about. (二) 、 只有那时他才意识到他曾经多么傻。、Only after entering the store did Arthur realize that there was danger. 、Only in the library can she concentrate on her study. 2. often, such, so等副词提前,部分倒装 他学习那么努

26、力以至于他在期末考试时得了高分。 =He worked so diligently that he got high scores on the final exam. Often did we go on a holiday in hot summer. So little did I know about him that I was easily taken in by his words. 注意,so的另一种倒装是表示“也” 加利福尼亚过多的依赖于来自农作物的收入,佛罗里达也是这样 同理,体会一下neither, nor的倒装 He cant dance, neither/nor ca

27、n I . 3. in, out, down, up, away, off, here, there, over等副词提前,全部倒装 这位老绅士下车了。Here are the photos I took at the seaside. (三) 疑问倒装 疑问句需部分倒装语序,由于经常用到不会成为考试的难点。如:1、 在哈姆雷特中他扮演什么角色? 2、Do you prefer tea or coffee? 五、省略句答案(一)、1、 当你过马路时一定要小心。 2、 当我在上班的路上时我遇见了他。3、If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no h

28、arm to the environment. 4、Ill not go to the party unless (I am) invited. 5、 Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished. 6、He was happy, though/although (he was) poor. 7、 Whether (she is) sick or well, she is always cheerful. 8、 他站起来似乎要离开。 (二)、1、He is taller than his brothe

29、r (is). 2、我对你和对他一样有信心。 (三)、1、 If (it is) possible/necessary, this old temple will be rebuilt. 2、 If (that is) so, I will call you back at 5:00 pm. 3、 如果有的话,我们学校图书馆也只有一些书。 (四)、定语从句中的省略用法1、 The man (that/who/whom) you visited last night is my grandpa. 2、 我不喜欢你对待那个女孩的方式。(五)、虚拟语气中if及should的省略 1、. 如果我是个老

30、师,我将严格对待我的学生。2、 . The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose weight. (六)、不定式符号to的省略 We didnt do anything but stay at home watching TV yesterday. 3、 . My parents encouraged me to go to college, but I didnt want to. (七)、So和not的替代性省略 . Do you think he is going to attend the meeting? I think not.

31、 (I think so.) (八)、日常交际中的省略 How many copies do you want? - (I want) Three copies, please Have you ever been to the Great Wall? - No, (I have) never (been to the Great Wall). 六、强调句答案答案:1.Itwasnotuntilshecamehome workthatsheknewhermotherwasill in bed.2.Wasitduring the SecondWorldWarthathisfatherdied?3.Whowasitthat brokethewindow?4.Howwasitthat yousucceeded?5.Itisateacher thatheisnow. 6.Itwasfor youthatIboughtthedictionary.7.ItisIwho/that amtoblame. 8.Itisyouwho/thatarewrong. 9.Itishimwhom/thatIamlookingfor 10.Itwasatthe gatethathetoldmethenews

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