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1、_新路径小学六年级英语期末复习卷(一) 听力部分一 听音,选出你所听到的单词或图片。(10分)( ) 1. A. angelB. fairy ( ) 2. A. witchB. devil( ) 3. A. tomatoesB. potatoes( ) 4. A. firecrackersB. fireworks( ) 5.A. doing housework B. doing homework ( ) 6. A. set the table B. wash the cups( ) 7.A.turkey and corn B. chicken and vegetables( ) 8.A. th

2、e fifth floor B. the fourth floor.( ) 9. A. B. ( ) 10.A. B. 二 听音,看图,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三 听音,看图,排序。(10分)1. 2. 3.4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四 听音,填空。(5分)_ _ has a long white beard and wears a _ suit. He _on a sleigh and _. The _ pulls the sleigh. He comes _ the chimney and _

3、 presents in our _.(二) 笔试部分一、把下列短语与汉语意思配对。(只填番号)(10分)1. festival2. be afraid of3. chimney4. coloured lights5. lunar calendar6. angel7. be called8. Helloween9. Thanksgiving Day10. sweet potato11. lettuce12. Christmas13. squirrel14. present15. sleigh16. clown17. bat18. ghost19. be made of20. turkey火鸡(

4、 )由制成( ) 鬼( )蝙蝠( )节日( )害怕 ( ) 烟囱( )彩灯( )松鼠( )礼物 ( ) 雪橇( )小丑( )感恩节( )红薯 ( ) 生菜( )圣诞节( )万圣节前夕( )被称作 ( ) 天使( )农历( )二、选出与节日相对应的时间. (4分)( ) 1. New Years Day A. December 25th( ) 2. Womens Day B. the fourth Thursday of November ( ) 3. Mothers Day C. October 31st( ) 4. Halloween E. January 1st ( ) 5. Thanks

5、giving DayF. March 8th ( ) 6. Christmas Day G. The second Sunday in May( ) 7. Childrens DayH. September 10th( ) 8. Teachers DayJ. June 1st三选择题。(15分)( ) 1. This is new book. book is mine.A. a, A B. a ,The C. the, A( ) 2. Mid-autumn Festival is _August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar.A. inB. onC. of( )

6、 3. _ are bananas.A. ThisB. ThoseC. That( ) 4. I like _.A. potatosB. potatoesC. potato( ) 5. -_ these cakes?- Yes, they are.A. IsB. AreC. Am( ) 6. _ a tall man!A. WhatB. HowC. Where( ) 7. Whats this?_.A. Its a Christmas tree.B. They are trees.C. Its Christmas tree.( ) 8. I am afraid _ ghosts and dev

7、ilsA. ofB. ForC. with( ) 9. -Is this _?- No, it isnt.A. a cockB. cockC. cocks( ) 10. - _is this?- Its a fairy.A. WhatB. WhereC. Who( )11. - Merry Christmas! - _ A. Thank you. B. Merry Christmas! C. Ok!( ) 12. Which one is true? A. Miss brown B. Beijing C. guangxi( ) 13. I from _. A. china B. America

8、 C. ENGLAND14. The nurse _ a purple shirt is thirty. A. on B. in C. with15. Tell me something _ Christmas. A. to B. about C. on 四排序。(6分)1. Finally, make two small holes. Tie string to the tangerine.2. First,top a tangerine.3. Then, put a candle in it.4. Third, cut the holes for the eyes, nose and mo

9、uth.5. Second, take out the middle.6. Please tell me how to make a jack-o-lantern.五选择正确的单词补全对话或短文。(7分)tell lunar calendar Mid-autumn Fesitval moon cakes- What do you know about our _ _?- Its on August 15th in Chinese _ _?- What do you eat on that day?- We eat _ _- What do you do on that day?- We _ t

10、he story of Change. games turkey Thanksgiving Day harvest pumpkin pie _ _ is on the fourth Thursday of November in America. We celebrate the _.We eat _, sweet potatoes, corn and _ _. We play _ and tell jokes.六:写出下列相邻字母(5分)Cc _ E e _ H h _ _ K k _ M m _ O o _ S s _ _ X x _七阅读。(15分)A. 读短文,判断正误,正确写T, 错

11、误写 F。 5分A man has a bird. Its very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “Hello!” he says. “Hello!”, the bird answers. “What are you doing?” says the man. “What are you doing?” says the bird.One day, the man is not at home. A thief comes in. He is taking many things. “Hello!” the thief hears

12、 the words that bird says. “What are you doing?” Thief is very afraid, so he doesnt take anything and runs out of the house.( ) 1. The man has a cat. ( ) 2. The man teaches the bird to say “Hello!” and “What are you doing?” ( ) 3. The bird is clever .( ) 4. . A thief comes in the mans house .( ) 5.

13、The thief takes many things from the house at last. B根据短文内容,选择正确答案。5分John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isnt a river near his new house. He is not happy. One day he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” ”No, there isnt.” his mother says, “But here, there is a

14、garden.” “But its very small, I dont like it.” John says. One morning, his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it .Well go there in the afternoon.” John is very happy. After lunch, John and his mother go to the park ,and he plays in the pool .And his mother is w

15、atching him under a tree.( ) 1. John lives in the new house_A. in the park B. near a river C. with a garden( ) 2. John likes playing_A. in his new house B. in a river C. in the garden( ) 3. There isnt near Johns new house.A. a river B. a park C. a garden( ) 4. John and his mother go to the park _A .

16、in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening( ) 5. John can play and he is very happy.A. in the river B. in the garden C. in the poolC. 阅读短文,回答问题。5 分 Its a Sunday morning. I am waiting for a bus. After some time, the bus stop at a small village. A very old woman is walking slowly from anothe

17、r road. The driver wants to wait for her. When she gets on the bus, the driver is going to close the door. But the old woman says, “ Wait a minute. My mother is coming.”1. What day is it ?_2. Who is walking slowly from another road?_3. What is the writer doing?_4. Where does the bus stop?_5. Is the old woman s mother wants to get on the bus?_九写作。(8分)以About Me 为题,介绍你自己。_Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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