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1、特殊疑问词总结 Class_ Name_一、 特殊疑问词总结 疑问词意思用法例句who谁问人的身份,姓名等Who is she ? She is Lily.Who is that man? He is my father. what什么问是事情问物品是什么问职业、工作问爱好What do you often do on the weekend? I often clean my room.Whats this? Its a book. What does your mother do? Shes a teacher. What is your hobby? I like playing foo

2、tball. which哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物Which season do you like best? Summer.when什么时候问时间When do you have dinner? At 6 oclock p.m. (答句中有年/月/日期/星期/时间点)where什么地方问地点Where are you from? Im from China.Where is my book? Its in the desk.(答句中有方位词/地点)why为什么问原因Why do you like summer best?Because I can go swimming every da

3、y.how怎样问健康状况、交通方式路线问情绪How are you ? Im fine. How do you go home? I go home by bike. How can I get there? Go straight and turn left.How does he feel? He is sad. whose谁的问所属关系Whose book is this ? This is Amys book. Whose book is this? This is her book.Whose book is this? This book is hers.how old多大几岁问年

4、龄How old is he ? He is ten. how many多少问数量How many boys are there in your class?There are thirty boys in my class.how much多少问价钱 Howmuchisthisdress? Its 50 yuan.how tall多高问身高How tall are you? I am 164cm.how heavy多重问体重How heavy are you? Im 48kg.what colour什么颜色问颜色What colour is your skirt? My skirt is r

5、ed. what time几点问具体时间What time is it now? Its 8 oclock.what day星期几问星期What day is it today? Its Monday.特殊疑问词练习Class_ Name_一、选词填空。which who what how where why when whose 1. -_ are these? -They are desks. 2. -_ are you from? -Im from China. 3. -_ are you going? -Im going to the school. 4. -_ do you like

6、 winter? -Because I like snow. 5. -_do you finish class in the morning? - Usually at 12:00. 6. -_season do you like best? -Winter. I like snow. 7. -_are you? -Im fine. Thank you. 8. -_is your head teacher? -Mr Cao. 9. -_do you often do in spring? -I often go on a picnic. 10. -_is the shop? -Its next

7、 to the park. 11. -_dog is it? -Its Amys dog.二、选择正确的答案。 ( )1.-_seaon do you like best? -Summer.A. Which B. Why C. What D. Where ( )2.-_is your favourite season? -Summer.A. Which B. Where C. Why D.What ( )3.-_do you like summer best? -Because I can go swimming every day.A. Which B. Why C. Where D. Wh

8、at ( )4.-_is my bag? -Its in the bedroom.A. Which B. Why C. What D. Where ( )5.-_is that man? -He is my father.A. Which B. Who C. Why D. Where ( )6.-_is the pen? -Its red.A. What day B. What colour C. What D. Where ( )7.-_is it today? -Its Sunday.A. What day B. Why C. What colour D. When ( )8.-_do y

9、ou eat breakfast in Spain? -Usually at 8 oclock.A. Why B. Which C. What D. When ( )9.-_is your Chinese teacher? -Mrs Wang.A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where( )10.-_is Zhang Peng like? -He is friendly.A. What B. Whose C. Why D. When( )11.-_is the weather like today? -Its sunny and hot.A. Which B. Why C.

10、What D. Where ( )12.-_ is this? -Its a book.A. Which B. What C. Why D.Whose ( )13.-_shoes are these? -Theyre Mikes shoes.A. When B. What C. Where D. Whose ( )14.-_are you today? -Im fine.A. Which B. How C. What D. Where ( )15.-_is in the classroom? -Some desks and chairs.A. What B. Who C. Why D. Whe

11、re ( )16.-_is she? -She is 10 years old.A. What day B. What colour C. How old D. Where ( )17.-_are you shopping today? -My mum worked last night.A. What B. Why C. When D. When ( )18.-_do you often do in summer? -I often go swimming.A. Why B. Which C. What D. When ( )19.-_is your classroom? -Its on t

12、he first floor.A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where ( )20.-_skirt is this? -Its Chen Jies.A. What B. Whose C. Why D. When ( )21.-_people are there in your family? -Six people.A. What colour B. Whose C. How many D. How much ( )22.-_is this T-shirt? -100 yuan.A. What colour B. How much C. How many D. What time ( )23.-_is it now? -Its 10:30.A. What colour B. How much C. How many D. What time ( )24.-_does your father do? -He is a teacher.A. What B. How C. Who D. Where ( )25.-_is Childrens Day? -Its on June1st.A. What B. When C. Who D. Where

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