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1、句子成分句子有两个最重要的成分,那就是主语和谓语。主语表明这句话说的是谁或什么的情况,谓语说明主语的情况(动作或状态)。e.g. China is advancing.中国在前进。主语一般由名词或起名词作用的其他词类,短语或从句担任,谓语主要由动词担任,有时也可由一个系动词加一个形容词或名词担任,e.g. He is a boy. She is pretty.在后一种情况中,用来与系动词合成谓语的成分,称为表语。(回头看) 除了主语和谓语,句子有时还有其他成分,如宾语,定语和状语。 宾语一般用在及物动词后面:We love our country. 宾语一般由名词或与之相当的其他词类,短语,从

2、句担任。定语用来修饰或限制名词或代词。 China is a great country.状语用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子。e.g. They are working hard.He works very hard.The situation is excellent indeed. 状语主要由副词或与之相当的其他词类,短语或从句担当。代词代词可以分为下列九类1 人称代词(personal pronouns): I You She2 物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns): My, His3 自身代词 (self pronouns): myself4. 相互代词 (rec

3、iprocal pronouns): one another, each other5. 指示代词(demonstrative Pronouns):this, that, those, these6. 疑问代词 (interrogative pronouns): who, whom, whose, what, which用来构成特殊问句的。7. 关系代词 (relative pronouns): who, whom, whose, that, which等引导定语从句的。8. 连接代词(conjunctive pronouns):疑问代词都可以用作连接代词,来引起主语从句,宾语从句和表语从句。

4、9 不定代词 (indefinite pronouns): all, each, both等一 人称代词英语中主要有以下这些人称代词: 数 格 人称单数复数一二三一二三主格Iyouhe, she, itweyouthey宾格meyouhim, her, itusyouthem人称代词做主语时用主格,做宾语时用宾格。在作表语时,用宾格较多,例如:Who is knocking at the door? - Its me.但在强调结构中却常用主格:It was he who did it.It is she who wants this clothes.在使用人称代词时有下面几点值得注意:1)sh

5、e可以用来代表国家,船只,大地,月亮等。e.g. I think England will do what she promised to do.2) 在并列的主语中,I总放在最后。e.g. Mary and I will be in charge of the case.3) 第三人称,男女两性并用时,男先女后。He and she still dont agree to the plan.二 物主代词英语中主要有下列这些物主代词:类型 词义我的你的他(她,它)的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourHis, her, itsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyoursH

6、is, hers, itsoursyourstheirs1. 形容词性的物主代词只能作定语,如my brother 名词性的物主代词可以作:1) 表语Whose dictionary is this? -its mine.2) 主语 Ours is a big family.3) 宾语Lets clean their room first and ours later.2. “of +名词性物主代词”可用作定语That car of hers is always breaking down.= Her car is .三 自(反)身代词单数myselfyourselfhimselfhersel

7、fItself复数ourselvesyourselves themselves1这些词可用来:1) 作宾语I cant express myself in English.2) 作表语I am not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。3)作主语或宾语的同位语The theory itself is all right.在作同位语时,自身代词常译作“本人”或“亲自”They must make investigation themselves.他们必须亲自作调查。与by oneself较难区分By oneself 译为“一个人干(不要别人帮助)”They m

8、ade the machine all by themselves. 这机器完全是他们自己制造的。2自身代词常和某些动词连用Enjoy oneself, behave oneself(使自己举止良好), help yourself to sth. 请吃点。Come to oneself苏醒3常与某些介词连用By oneself 一个人做(不要别人帮助)For oneself替自己,自己He has a right to decide for himself. 他有权自己决定。In oneself 本身This is not a bad idea in itself. 这主意本身并不错。To o

9、neself供自己用She had a room to herself.她自己住一间房。四 相互代词One another与each other由于表示相互关系,称为相互代词,两者的用法是差不多的。We can help one another (each other).We are eager to learn from each other.我们都急欲向彼此学习。五 指示代词有this, that, these, those.注意:1 前面刚提到的东西,英语中常用that (或those)表示,而汉语中却常用“表示。”e.g. We have no time to do it. Thats

10、 our trouble.我们没有时间做这事。这就是我们的问题。2. 指下面要谈到的事物时,常用this, 例如I want to know this: has John been here?3 those在下面的这种类型的句子里常出现,表示人们或东西(后面多有一定定语修饰)Those who wish to go to the concert may sign up here.He was among those who attended it. 他是到会人之一。六 疑问代词有who, whom, whose, what, which都是来构成特殊问句的。Who通常做主语和表语,whom做宾

11、语。1 what, who一般来说,what 问的是职业或地位,who问的是姓名。-What was her husband?- He was a lawyer.比较 - who was her husband? - He was John Smith, the son of a famous writer.2 which, whatWhich用于已知情况的选择,其后可以跟of, 而what用于未知情况的疑问,其后不能跟of.What fruit do you like best?Which do you like better, oranges or apples?3 在以这类代词做主语时,

12、后面的动词可以用复数形式,也可以用单数形式,要看所代表的人或物是复数还是单数来决定。e.g. Who live(s) in this room? 如果不清楚代表的东西是复数还是单数,则动词多用单数形式。-Whats there on the desk?- Therere some books on it.七 关系代词 关系代词有who, whom, whose, that, which,是用来引起定语从句的。它一面代表定语从句所修饰的那个名词(或代词),一面又在从句内担任一个成分。举列问学生:The worker who invented the machine is now studying

13、 at Qinghua University.Who指这个工人,在从句中做主语。He is no longer the man that he was. That指这个man, 在从句中做表语。1 Who, whomWho, whom代表人,在从句中做主语时用who, 做宾语时用whom.The girl who spoke is my best friend.I want to find someone with whom I can discuss such things.2 whose代表“某个人的”,在从句中做定语。Do you know anyone whose family is

14、in Xian?3. which 代表事物,在从句中可以用作主语和宾语。He told a story which moved us deeply.4 that代表事物的时候更多些,也可代表人,在从句中做主语,宾语,表语。例子不举了,太多。需要注意以下几点:1 在先行词是anything, all, much等词的句子中,多用that,不要用which.I never took anything that didnt belong to me.2. 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种,在限制性定语从句中,如果前面紧挨着介词,则不能用that.He is a man from whom we are

15、 all ready to learn.3. 在非限制性定从中,不能用that, 只能用who, whom代表人,用 which代表物。My sister, who is a nurse, came home for a few days.在这种从句中,which有时可代表前面说的整个情况或主句的某一部分,而不只代表一个词。He failed his exam, which proves that he wasnt working hard enough.八 连接代词疑问代词都可以用作连接代词,来引起主语从句,宾语从句和表语从句。e.g. It is not decided who will

16、hold the meeting?Do you know whose pen it is?The question is whom I should trust.1 代词what有时可以用来表示the thing which这种意思。What (the thing which) she lacks is experience.We should never pretend to know what we dont know. (这里常出现that这个迷惑项。)2 who(m), which, what可以和ever构成合成词,和前面所提到的疑问代词一样,引导主从或宾从。(也就是whatever

17、, whichever, whoever的用法)Whatever he did was right.Whoever makes mistakes must correct them.九 不定代词英语中有下面这些不定代词:all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no.以及一些复合不定代词,如:anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, eve

18、rything, nobody, nothing.1 none, no one, nothing的用法区别(1)none即可指人,也可指物,且一定是特指,常用来回答how many/much引导的疑问句;no one只能指人,而且只能是泛指概念,常来回答who引导的疑问句;nothing侧重于物,常用来回答what引导的疑问句。-How many people are there in the room?- None. (问学生)Who is in the room?- No one./nobody.(2) none后面可加of引导的介词短语,而something, anything, eve

19、rything, nothing, someone.却不能。(3)none后面的谓语用什么?单数还是复数。答:none做主语时,如果侧重所有人的情况,动词多用复数,如果侧重每个人的情况,动词用单数。a. None of us are perfect.我们都不是完人。b. None of us has got a bike. 我们谁都没有自行车。(非考试重点)2 each 和every的区别(1)each强调个体,every强调“全体”。不可用not each来表示部分否定,而not every表示部分否定。Every man is not honest.并非每个人都诚实(让学生翻)。not e

20、very man is honest.(2) every还可以表示“每隔。的;每。中的”Every year or two每一两年 every other day每隔一天 one car to every 20 people每20人承一辆车。 3 another, other, the other, others, the others的用法(1) another经常指三者或三者以上中的另一个,意思是“另外一个”,表示泛指。I dont like this coat. Show me another, please. (2) other表示“另外的”,只作定语。Any other plant,

21、 some other day(某天)(3)the other,两者中的另一个。常与one连用,构成onethe other (一个。另一个)(4)others泛指别的人或物,是other的复数形式,泛指别的人或物(但不是全部,全部是“the others”)e.g. some others(5) the others特指其余的人或物,是the other的复数形式。4 全部否定和部分否定(1)All, both, everyone, everybody, everything 和every加名词都表示全部肯定,no one, none, nobody, nothing, notany(其实是

22、我们接触过最简单的句型) 和no +名词都表示全部否定;但当not出现在含有表示全部肯定的不定代词的句子中,不管not在他们之前还是之后都表示部分否定;e.g. Both of them havent read this story. (not在后) 他们两人并没有都看过这个故事。only one of them has read this story.All bamboo doesnt grow tall=not all bamboo grows tall.并非所有竹子都长得高。全部否定的例子:all of the boys are clever, but none of them can

23、work out this problem.这些男孩都很聪明,但没有一个人能解出这道题。(2)总括性副词如everywhere, always, altogether, wholly和not连用时,也表示部分否定。如:Such a thing cant be found everywhere. 这种事并非到处可见。(部分否定)Such a thing can be found nowhere.这种事什么地方也见不到。(全否)5 both, all, either, any, neither, none的用法都任何都不两者botheitherneither都allanynone通过练习题来学习用both, all, either, any, neither, none(1) I asked him for some oil, but he hadnt _. (2) As we were asleep, _ of us heard the sound.(3) -Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?-Im afraid _ day is possible.(4) - do you want tea or coffee?-_. I really dont mind.Key: any, none, neither, either6

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