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1、必修三1. _(bury) in watching TV, I didnt notice him.2.I stood there,_(wait) for him.3._(devote) to teaching, I dont have time to relax.4. I sat there,_ (concern) about the result.5._(tire) of Chinese, I decided to watch a film.6._(suffer) from headache, I couldnt focus on my study.7._(base) on a true s

2、tory, the film is a big hit.8._(request) to hand in the paper, I did it as the teacher asked.9.Great changes _(take place) in this city since 1990.10.I am _(starve).11.The building is _ memory of Mark Twain.12.Please dont play tricks _ the disabled.13.They dressed _ to celebrate Christmas.14._ arriv

3、al at the station, the girl found her boyfriend waiting for her.15.The president will award the gold medal _the first person who will reach the final line.16.Without my _(permit), you cant talk.17.We dont permit _(smoke) here.18.Could you permit me _(open) the door.19.He said he would keep _(he) wor

4、d.20.Im writing to apologize _ you for _(break) your cup.21.You need to make an _(apologize) to him for breaking your word.22.For years he has drowned _(he) in the study of English.23.On New Years Eve, we will set _ fireworks.24.We will set off/out_ Beijing next month.25.I dont want them to remind m

5、e _ her.26.Please remind me_(hand) in the paper.27.Please forgive my _(be) late.28.Forgive me for_(interrupt), but I really dont agree with that.29.You can gain a lot_ the reading activity.30.He was awarded the prize _being the fastest runner.31.My father is a teacher and I admire him _ imparting kn

6、owledge to his students.32.In fact, I have witnessed your progress with/in _(admire) all these years.33.I am looking forward to_(learn) more about the history.34.I received the book_his name on it.35.Residents in Beijing also have seen blue skies frequently despite the _(arrive) of cold weather.36.S

7、hes always _(diet) but she never seems to lose weight.37.The two hostesses wanted to keep the see-saw _ balance.38.Be sure to keep your _(balance).39.Im thinking_ how to become slim.40.He looked at me _ curiosity.41.The baby is curious _ all the things around her.42.No one is so deaf_ those who wont

8、 listen.43.There is nothing more _(importance) than studying hard.44.He lied to me,_ upsets me.45.I saw the customer_(pay) the bill at the counter.46.I was made _(fill) in the form.47.I cant have you _(make) the same mistakes.48.Those who tell lies will never get away_ it.49.He is_(lie) under a tree

9、 sleeping.50.The store _(discount) all its slow-selling goods.51.The dress is _ a discount of 10%.52.Sometimes your weakness can become your _(strong).53.He consulted _his colleagues about healthy diet.54.Youd better _(consider) it carefully.55.You ought to balance career _ family.56. He is very ric

10、h, he _(can) have been in debt.57.You must have _(see) the film Titanic.58.He earns his _(life) by helping people lose weight.59.The village is no _(long) what it looked like when he was born there 20 years ago.60.He said our holiday must_(limit) to five days.61.We should limit the meeting _ 30mins

11、at most.62.We can benefit a lot _ reading.63.Balanced diet is _(benefit) to our health.64.Its a _(combine) of strength and skill.65.We need to cut the total number_.66.They have cut_ the water supplies of the city.67.His job is to spy _ the enemy.68. We held the party in _(celebrate) of our success.

12、69.The students left the room _ all the lights on.70.With the boy _(lead) the way, we will find the house easily tomorrow.71.I _(bring) up by a foreigner.72.Weather _(permit), well go on a picnic.73.Life can be great when you are not busy finding fault _ it.74.Someone spotted him_(steal) money from

13、the counter.75.I spotted him_ the photo immediately.76.The man tried to get away with stealing,but he was caught _ the spot.77. It was the culture,rather than the language,_ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.78.It is said that body language accounts_55% of a first impressio

14、n.79.They need to take all the situations _ consideration.80.He was seeking _ something to serve as a table.81.Unless I hear anything_ the contrary, I shall assume the meeting will be held on time.82.She taught me to take_(chance) and not to be afraid.83.If, _ chance,he won, he would spend the prize

15、 money on a computer.84.A little bit of kindness will be rewarded with a huge_(amount) of benefits.85.Large amounts of money _(spend) on building the bridge.86.It is rude_you to scream at that old lady.87.It is bad _(manner) to stare at others.88.You should not scream at the man _rags.89.You can see

16、k help from me_you need it.90.As_ the proposal, I will take it into careful account.91.She couldnt afford_(buy) a ticket for the concert.92.Eating out once or twice a week may be_(afford).93.It is_(believe) that the temple was built in the Tang Dynasty.94.The gold medal will be awarded to _ wins the

17、 first place in the bicycle race.95.She asked me _I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadnt.96.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is_one can be entirely free from dust.97.The best moment for the football star was_ he scored the winning goal.98.They are permitted t

18、o take _ amount of money with them.99.You should never take_(chance) when driving a car.100.The chance is_ he has paid off his debt.101.His plan in the following year is_(go) abroad to study astronomy.102.There was a _(violence) storm yesterday.103.It is_(like) that he wins the race.104.We are_(like

19、) to make mistakes when learning English.105.Fresh air is fundamental_ good health.106.Too much drinking will do harm_ your health.107.Tom didnt find it very difficult _(float) on the surface of the sea.108.Internet makes _ possible for us to shop online.109.The black hen _(lay) an egg yesterday.110

20、.There _(exist) an old temple 20years ago.111.The organization has been in_(exist) for 25years.112.These animals long came into _(exist) on the earth.113.She is German_ birth but is a French citizen now.114.The Chinese culture has given birth _ many important inventions in its long history.115.I wil

21、l,_ my turn,clean the window next week.116.You can take_(turn) to use the computer.117.No one can prevent this plan from_(carry) out.118.She was _(puzzle) about her future.119.I am totally _ a puzzle.120.That wall block_ all the light.121.It is often the case_ anything is possible for those who hang

22、 on hope.122._ will go to the concern is not known.123._ solves the puzzle can receive the award.124.The train has pulled_, and the passengers are boarding it.125.The lovely atmosphere here cheered me_ a lot.126.The novel is twice as _(long) as that one.127.This spaceship is three times _(big) than

23、that one.128.Now that you _(grow) up, you can make up your mind by yourself.129.A fight broke_ between the two sides.130.While crossing the street, please watch_ for the coming car. 131.I would die rather than_(give) in to the enemy.132.I think it is the sales manager, rather than the salesgirls, th

24、at _(be) to blame.133.On the way_the bookstore, I came across my teacher.134.They sat waiting, chatting _ something.135.The lovely boy likes to chat _his friends on the Internet.136.They couldnt decide whether to go_(向北)or _(向东).137.With the house _(surround), the thief couldnt escape.138.What is th

25、e _(popular) of this city?139.We must take measures _(stop) pollution.140.You cant measure a pearl _ its appearance.141.The girl_(stare) at him, he didnt know what to say.142.The problem _(solve), the quality has been improved.143.He finally settled down to_(do) his homework.144.How did you manage_(

26、persuade) him?145.She said that she caught sight _ me in the crowd in the distance.146._ the sight of the police, they ran away.147.He has a gift for_(chat) with strangers.148.It is known to us all that the he is a _(gift) child.149._(find) work is not easy these days.150.China borders _ India.151.He told me that he was_ charge of the factory.152.How much do you charge_ repairing the car.153.The couch, as well as the classmate, _(be) interviewed after the match.154.We have some doubt _ they can complete the task on time.155.I have no idea_ he is doing.

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