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1、1.有机会做 2. 拍照 3. 在水边 4. 上演一出好戏5. 有做某事的渴望 6. 转过头7. 随着它越来越近 8. 虚拟助手的儿童版本9. 一个数码助手 10. 给出句子11. 教他们礼貌 12. 在他八十多岁时13. 残忍adj. n. 14. 目前的指导方针15. modest 汉译 16. 主张 拥护v. / 拥护者 n.主张拥护n.17. for the most part 18. 参与 v. n.19. 占座 20. 一个老顾客 21. 最初的,原始的 22. 适度的,谦虚的23. 搭便车 24. 编程 v. Keys:1.have a chance to do 2. take

2、pictures of 3. at the edge of 4. put on a good show 5. have the urge to do 6. turn to head back 7. as it got nearer and nearer 8. a childrens version of its virtual assistant 9. a digital assistant 10. give out sentences 11. teach them politeness 12. at his eighties 13. cruel cruelty 14. current gui

3、delines 15. 谦虚的 适度的 16. advocate advocacy 17. 多数情况下,极大程度上 18. engage in, engagement 19. occupy a seat 20. a regular 21. original 22. modest 23.give a ride 24. programme单词和短语拼写:joy adj._ sorrow adj._ mess adj. _ value adj. _ compete adj._ phenomenon pl._盛宴;款待_ 感情破裂_ 强行进入_ 身体垮掉_爆发_ 实在;事实上_ 理论上_ 简短来说_轮

4、流;反过来_句子:1. Students who do not plan ahead may delay starting college or take extra courses _(give) themselves time to make up their _ (mind). 2. Choosing a career while you are in high school also gives you time to explore your 5 (choose) industry.3. You can also apply 8 a chance to get an informal

5、 position related to your desired industry.4. If you do as much as you can to build a network 10 you are ready for a job, you will be more likely to succeed.Key:Joyful; sorrowful; messy; valuable; competitive; phenomena; feast; break up; break in; break up; break out; in truth; in theory; in brief;

6、in turn To give, minds; chosen; for; before/when一Key words translation 1.spare another family this pain_ 2.失去平衡_3.被宣布死亡_ 4.fall _ the roof 5.客观的_6.幽默地_7.乐观的_8.生气的_ 9.qualifications _10.Those clothes fashioned _(词义)out of _(必须)11.garment _12.original/primitive _13.inherently/naturally _ 14.picture a

7、leader with a commanding voice_15.distract_ 16.be immersed in _ 17.take time out _二Fill in the blanks 1.We promised to do anything to help our baby. _(But/So) I had to take her back to the doctor every two weeks to have each foot recast as she was growing.2.I thought back the years of frustration fo

8、r her as a child of two _ (seldom/merely) wanted to walk. 3.We admired how far she had come on two tiny feet that had _(never/once) been bound in heavy casts. 4.Douyins daily plays _(spread) over one billion in the past few years.5.Similar to how Vine worked _ a time-limited video platform, Douyin i

9、s a collection of 15-second music video. 6.Whenever were _ with/ Whenever we _ difficulties or in a dilemma, cooperation plays an important role in getting us out of trouble. 7.Now I am getting _ well with my friends. 8.There was a time when I was _ proud that I overlooked my classmates. Keys1.赦免2.l

10、ose ones balance 3.be declared dead 4. off 5.objective 6.humourous 7.optimistic 8.annoyed 9.资格 10.制造 necessity 11.服装 12. 最初的,原始的13.自然地 14.想象一个有着命令语气的领导 15.分心 16.陷入 17.抽出时间 1.But 2.merely 3.once 4.have spread 5.as 6.faced/face 7.on/along 8.so 周日自助1. My family and my friends had come to watch our clas

11、s walk across that _2_. (stage/period/moment)But like everyone in my graduating class, I had watched theeconomy _3_(go/become)from bad to worse during my senior year.2. The weeks _7_ were not easy. I drove to California to find work. But what I thought would _8_ me a week dragged into two, and then

12、four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself _9_ I was before.3. Days _10_ like weeks, weeks like months and those many months seemed _11_. The most _12_ part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldnt seem to make any _13_.4. I put my frustration into a childrens _15_(book/story), one story of which was about a(n) _16_, a little fish, who, fighting in a “river”, refusing to give up his dream.1.stage go 2.ahead take where 3.felt endless frustrating progress 4.book hero

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