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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-状况1:先和客户约定吃饭时间和地点A:我今晚想邀请您吃晚饭,不知您是否有空?Would you be interested in dinner with me. Are you free? B:谢谢您的邀请,我今晚有空。Thank you for your invitation. I am free tonight. A:您喜欢吃哪种菜?中餐、西餐还是海鲜?Which food would you like best? Chinese food, western food or sea food? B:我

2、比较喜欢西餐。I prefer western food. A:好的,我晚上7:00去饭店接您。Ok, I am going to the hotel to pick you up at 7:00 oclock at night. B:很好,我会等候。Ok, Ill wait for you. A:待会儿见。See you later.B:再见。See you.状况2:刚到达餐厅A:请给两人的座位。Please give me a table for two. C:(服务生)这边请。This way, please.A:我要靠窗的位置。I want a seat by the window.

3、B:这位置不错。This seat is not bad. A:很高兴您满意,请坐。Its my pleasure to satisfy you, have a seat, please! 状况3:点正餐前,先点些饮料C:这是菜单和酒类表。This is menu and wine list. A:您想喝点什么?Johnson先生,啤酒或酒?What would you like to drink? Mr. Johnson, beer or wine? B:我想试试台湾啤酒。I want to try some Taiwan beer.A:来两瓶台湾啤酒。Two bottles of beer

4、, please. C:好的,先生。Ok, Sir.状况4:开始点正餐A:您想点什么餐?What would you like to eat? B:这家餐厅的招牌菜是什么?我们有特制牛排、鸡肉和鱼。What is the special food of restaurant? We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.B:我喜欢牛排。Id like beefsteak. A:来两客。Make it two. C:您要几分熟?三分、五分或全熟?How would you like to have it? rare, medium or overdon

5、e? B:我要五分熟。I want medium. A:我也是。Me too. 状况5:点些甜点、水果和饮料C:您们的甜点要什么?What dessert would you like? A:你们有什么?What do you have? C:蛋糕、派、冰淇淋和水果。Cake, ice cream and fruit. B:给我冰淇淋和水果。Ice cream and fruit ,please. C:好的,谢谢。那么要喝点什么,咖啡或茶?Ok, thank you. What would you like to drink, coffee or tea? B:我比较喜欢茶。I prefer

6、tea. A:我要咖啡。I want coffee.C:谢谢,请稍后。Ok, thank you. Please wait for a moment. 状况6:用完餐,付账A:服务生,请给我账单。Attendant, Please give me the bill. C:先生,一共是1050元(新台币)。Sir, total is 1050 new ntd.A:这是1100元,不用找了。This is 1100 new ntd. keep the change. C:谢谢,先生,请再次光临。Thank you, Sir, please come again. B:这家餐厅不错,谢谢您的晚餐。T

7、his restaurant is not bab, thank you for the dinner. A:不客气。Dont mention it. Taking a message 留言转接r: This is front office. May I help you?G: I tried to contact Mr. Irvin in room 0834 but he was out. Could you take a message for him, please?R: Certainly, sir, for Mr. Irvin in room 0834, may I know who

8、 is calling, please?G: Yes, My name is James Ellens.R: Mr. Ellens. Go ahead, please.G: Could you ask him to call me back as soon as he arrives at the hotel?R: Certainly, sir. May I have your number, please?G: Its 234-2473.R: 234-2473.G:Thats right.R: Is that the complete message:G: Yes, thats all.R:

9、 Certainly, sir. I will repeat your message, the message is for Mr. Irvin in room 0834 form Mr. James Ellens. please call him back at 234-2473 when you arrive at the hotel. Is that correct?G: Thats right.R: Thank you very much. My name is Zhang Lin. If you have any further enquiries, please dont hes

10、itate to contact me.Morning Call 叫醒电话O: This is operator. May I help you?G: Yes, Id like to be woken up tomorrow morning.O: Certainly, sir. At what time?G: At around 7:30 a.m.O: May I have you room number?G: 0901,please.O: Yes, sir. A Morning Call for room 0901 at 7:30. We will call at time, and any

11、thing else I can do for you?G: No thank you.O: Hope you enjoy your stay.ASSISTANT MANAGER 助理经理1、我们当尽力而为,但我很难给您保证什么。(well try our best ,but I cannot guarantee anything.)2、非常抱歉我们不能对此事负责,你应该把贵重物品寄存在接待处。(I must say that we cannot be held responsible. you should have deposited valuables with the receptio

12、n.)3、 相信服务员并不是有意无礼,他只是可能没有听懂您的意思。(Im sure the waiter didnt mean to be rude. perhaps he didnt understand you correctly.)4、 很抱歉,先生(小姐)。我想这里面可能有点误会。(Im sorry sir, there must be some misunderstanding.)5、 很抱歉,但情况已是如此,请坐一会儿,我尽快为您作安排。(Im terribly sorry. but that is the situation. Please take a seat. Ill so

13、on have something arranged for you.)6、 先生,感谢您为我们提供这些情况,我立即去了解。(Thank you for telling us about it, Ill look into the matter at once.)7、 先生很抱歉,我将尽快地解决这个问题。(Sorry, sir , Ill solve the problem for you as soon as possible.)8、 恐怕您误会了我的意思,我能解释一下吗?(Im afraid you have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can

14、 explain again.)9、 对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。(Im awfully sorry for my carelessness.)10、先生请别激动,让我来想办法。(lease sir ,if you calm yourself, Ill try to help you.)11、很抱歉,我们此刻不能答应您。我们明天给您回音。We are sorry, we cannot promise you now. Tomorrow we shall let you know.12.Thank you for telling us about it, sir. Ill look into t

15、he matter at once.先生,感谢您为我们提供这些情况,我立即去了解。13Sorry, sir. Ill solve the problem for you as soon as possible.14. Im afraid you have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can explain again.15.Please relax, madam. Ill take care of it according to our request.19. Im awfully sorry for my carelessness.20. Ill

16、 speak to the person in charge and ask him to take care of the problem.21. Just a moment, sir. Ill have to get the manager.22. Excuse me, but I should say its against out hotel regulations.23. Please, sir. If you calm yourself, Ill try to help you.WelcomeVisitorstoRooms迎宾进房 -Goodmorning, sir. Iamana

17、ttendant. Wouldyoupleaseshowmeyourroomcard? -先生你早。我是服务员,请把房卡给我看一下。 -Allright. Hereitis.-好的,给你。 -Yourroomnumberis624.Letmetakeyouthere.-你的房号是624,我来陪你去。 -Leamecarryyourluggage.-我来帮你提行李。 -Imsorrytotroubleyou.-麻烦你了。 -Hereweare. Thisisyourroom.-我们到了。这就是您的房间。 -Letmeintroduceourhotelbriefilytoyou.-我简单地介绍一下

18、饭店的情况。 -Thatsverynice.-那太好了。 -TheBarbers,theShop,PostandCableService,BilliardsandTableTennisRoomareallonthegroundfloor.Thevisitorscandotheirshoppingandhaveamusementsthere.Thedining-hallisontheseventhfloor.BothChineseandWesternfoodareserved.Andoneveryfloorthereisadining-room.Servicehoursare:Breakfast

19、,7.00to9.00a.m.;Lunch,12.00to2.00p.m.;Supper;6.00to8.00p.m.TheBarisonthefirstfloor,andthecafeonthesecondfloor.Theyareopenroundtheclock.TheChinaInternationalTravelServicehasanofficeintheHotel. -饭店的底层设有理发室、卖品部、邮电服务处、弹子房、乒乓室,客人们可以任意选购物品,进行娱乐活动。大餐厅设在八楼,中西餐都有。此外,每一楼层都有自己的餐厅。开饭时间是:早饭七点至九点;午饭十二点至下午两点;晚饭六点至

20、晚八点。酒吧间和咖啡厅分别设在二楼和三楼,昼夜营业。中国国际旅行社在饭店里设有办公室。 -Getataxiatthereceptiondeskwhenyougetone.-如果你要出租汽车对服务台说一下就成了。 -MayIhavebreakfastinmyroom?-我可以在房间里用早餐吗? -Ofcourse. Wecansendthreemealstoyourroomifyoulike.-当然可以。如果你愿意可以三餐都在房间里吃。 -Itsverykindofyou. Thanksforyourinformation.-你想得真周到,谢谢你的介绍。 -ThisiswhatIshoulddo

21、.-这是我应该做的。 -Bytheway, Ihavetwotrunksonthegroundfloor. Willyoupleasesendthemup? -顺便说一声,我有两只箱子在楼下,请你把它们送来可以吗? -Certainly.Ihavethembroughtupatonce.-当然可以。我马上把它们送上来。 -Allyourluggageishere.Seveninall.-你的行李都在这里,共七件。 -Thispieceisnotmine.-这件不是我的。 -Onepieceismissing.-我少了一件行李。 -Letmecheckit.-我帮你查一查。 -Whyhastmy

22、luggagebeensenthereyet?-为什么我的行李到现在还没送来? -Dontworry.IllinquireoftheChinaInternationalTravelServiceaboutit? -别着急,我向旅行社问一问。 -Isthispieceofluggageyours?-这件行李是你的吗? -Yes,thisoneisjustmine.-是的,就是这件。 -Hereisthekeytotheroom.Pleaseleaveitattheservicedeskwhenyougoout. -这是房间的钥匙。你出去的时候把它交服务台保管。 -Ifyouneedanythin

23、g,justringusup.-你有事找服务员可按电铃。1、Haveyouareservation? 您预定过了吗? 2、MayIknowyournameandroomnumber? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗? 3、Hereisyourroomkey. 给您房间钥匙。 4、Pleasepayatthecashiersdeskoverthere. 请去那边帐台付款。 5、Aretheseyourbaggage? 这些是您的行李吗? MayItakethemforyou? 我来帮您拿好吗? 6、Housekeeping,mayIcomein? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗? 7、Leaveyour

24、laundryinthelaundryinthelaundrybagbehindthebathroomdoor. 请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。 8、IhopeImnotdisturbingyou. 我希望没有打扰您。 9、Onemoment,madam.Illbringthemtoyourightaway. 等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。 10、Illsendforanelectrician(doctor.) 我给您请电工(大夫)。 餐饮部: 11、Sitdown,please.Hereisthemenu. 请坐,给您菜单,先生。 MayItakeyourorder,sir? 您要点菜

25、吗? 12、Whatwouldyouliketohave,coffeeortea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? 13、Wouldyouliketohaveanywinewithyoudinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗? 14、Servicehoursare: (餐厅)供应时间是: 7:00a.m.to9:00a.m.forbreakfast. 早餐7点到9点。 11:30a.m.to1:30p.m.forlunch. 午餐11点半到1点半。 6:30p.m.to8:30p.m.fordinner. 晚餐6点半到8点半。 15、Hereisthebill.Pleasesignit. 这是您的账单,请签字。-精品 文档-

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