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1、(完整word)唱着歌儿学英语唱着歌儿学英语 王建新 2007。1.12英语是一门语言学科,语言的掌握的最好的方法就是大量的模仿、练习和实践.但是如果教师在课堂上大量进行单纯的语言训练,学生难免会觉得太枯燥乏味,他们会认为在被动地机械式的练习.久而久之,学生会失去对英语学习的兴趣和信心.听歌唱歌是许多学生业余生活的全部,也是他们的最爱,学生把听歌唱歌作为一种娱乐,作为休闲。因此如果把听英文歌曲,唱英文歌曲作为一种乐趣,那么在休闲时也可以学习英语岂不是事半功倍,无心插柳柳成荫的好事吗?但是光是走马观花式的“一听而过”是没有什么效果的。那么怎样唱好英文歌曲并且从英文歌曲中学习英语呢一、 唱什么样的

2、歌曲1)旋律优美舒缓 除了重金属、摇滚和Rap等的歌曲,一般歌曲旋律优美的歌曲较能吸引听众。象 “Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Every morning you greet me。 Small and white, clean and bright. You look happy to meet me。”, 歌曲“Edelweiss”舒缓的节奏,将静谧安祥的冬天的早晨雪花轻飘的场景淋漓尽致地表达了出来。又如:“Unchained Melody”中。“Oh, my darling, my love, Ive hungered for your touch. Alone lonel

3、y time”深情而直露地表达了对爱人的思念和对爱的渴望,在歌曲San Fancisco 中If youre going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair,If youre going to San Francisco,Youre gonna meet some gentle people there。舒展的歌喉让人联想到宽阔广袤的美国中西部地区,汽车开在人迹罕至的高原上,扬起的尘土在草地的褐黄色中渐渐退去。但是象Micheal Jackson的歌曲Black and white中 “I took my ba

4、by,On a saturday bang,Boy is that girl with you,Yes were one and the same”。虽然好听,但是很多人学不象,就象周杰伦的许多中文歌曲一样,逻辑混乱,意义晦涩,发音吐字不清,听众想学也很难学。2)歌词通俗易懂经典的,朗朗上口的,传唱广泛的歌曲都是比较易懂的,不要去选择太流行的,说唱,混音的歌曲。如:“Five hundred miles”.“If you miss the train Im on You will know that Im gone, you will hear the whistle five hundred

5、 miles away from home.歌词清晰易懂,易学易唱,也比较容易记住.3)内容健康向上作为学生,我们要学习接近我们学生生活,表达我们学生情感个歌曲,象:What will I be, Little doggie in the window, 和Sealed with a kiss等歌曲。在Sealed with a kiss中唱到 “Tho we gonna say goodbye for the summer darling I promise you this,Ill send you all my love everyday in a letter sealed with

6、kiss,Yes its gonna be a cold lonely summer,But Ill fill the emptiness Ill send you all my dreams(love),Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss,Ill see you in the sunlight,Ill hear your voice everywhere,Ill run to tenderly hold you,But darling you wont be there”。但是由于西方文化在有些方面比中国文化更开放,更直接,因此歌词中有些表达太过于

7、直露,比如“Tonight I celebrate my love for you”和“Bite”等个别句子不适合我们学习。作为学生我们一方面要理解这种文化的差异,另一方面要主动免疫.而有些歌曲也需要我们学生去正确理解.象Seasons in the son中“Goodbye to you my trusted friend, Weve known each other since we were nine or ten, Together weve climbed hills and trees, Learned of love and abc skinned our hearts and

8、skinned our knees, Goodbye my friends its hard to die。When all the birds are singing in the sky, Now that the spring is in the air, Pretty girls are every where, Think of me and Ill be there. We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun, but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time.

9、Goodbye papa please pray for me, I was the black sheep of the family,You tried to teach me right from wrong, Too much wine and too much song,wonder how i got along, Goodbye papa its hard to die, When all the birds are singing in the sky, Now that the spring is in the air, Little children everywhere,

10、 When you see them Ill be there。”这里西城男孩唱的歌曲里说到“我”成了家里的害群之马,染上了恶习而难以改掉,因此产生了轻生的念头.但是其实他对生命非常留恋,也舍不得离开他的伙伴,离不开他的亲人,也离不开给他带来欢乐的世界。就象中文歌曲“生如夏花”中 “我是这耀眼的瞬间, 是划过天边的刹那火焰, 我为你来看我不顾一切, 我将熄灭永不能再回来, 一路春光啊, 一路荆棘啊. 惊鸿一般短暂, 象夏花一样绚烂, 这是一个不能停留太久的世界” 我们要正确理解最后一句歌词,开始许多人认为歌词中的“我”想离开这个世界,其实这句话是对生命短暂而发出的遗憾。其实在英文中有许多歌词内

11、容积极健康,催人奋进象中文中“风雨无阻”“真心英雄”等歌曲一样“Paloma Blanca” When the sun shines on the mountains, and the night is on the run, its a new day, its a new way, and I fly up to the sun。I can feel the morning sunlight。 I can smell the new born hay。 I can hear Gods voices calling from my golden sky-light way. Una palo

12、ma blanca, Im just a bird in the sky。 Una paloma blanca, over the mountains I fly。 No one can take my freedom away。 Once I had my share of losing Once they locked me on the chain. Yes they tried to break my power, Oh, I still feel the pain。歌曲中向往自由,向往新生活的愿望催人奋进.还有“El condo Pasa。“ Id rather be a sparr

13、ow than a snail。 Yes。I would.If I could, I surely would. Id rather be a hammer than a nail. Yes, I would. If I only could, I surely would. Away,Id rather sail away. Like a swan thats here and gone. A man gets tied up to the ground, He gives the world its saddest sound, Its saddest sound。” 歌曲中“宁可做麻雀,

14、不愿做蜗牛;宁可做锤子,不愿做钉子希望我们能够支配自己,做自己的主人.这些歌曲鼓舞斗志,催人奋进,值得我们学习. 二、 多听模仿求地道,熟能生巧善发挥(怎么唱)1)多听 一开始唱英文歌曲,会觉得非常别扭,其实老外唱中文歌曲也同样别扭,比如九月九的酒“回家的打算”没听明白,还以为回家的大蒜呢。再如“让我一次爱个够一唱却成了“让我一次爱个狗”。2)模仿 一遍一遍地模仿,直到你的演唱与原唱一致,或者直到满意为止。因为许多歌曲都有那么一两句难唱的歌词.只有多听,反复练习才能达到效果。如“Take me home country road中有一句“Driving down the road I get

15、a felling that I have been home yesterday, yesterday country road。象“Big big girl”中的“I have your arms around me oh like fire, but when I open my eyes, youre gone.。”还有“Rivers of Babylon”中的“For there they carried us away in captivity, requiring of us a song, now how shall we sing the lords song in a st

16、range land。即使象最为耳熟能详的“Jingle Bell中的“Oh, what fun it is to ride on a sledge tonight”也是比较难学的,但是一两个难点我想阻挡不了我们对好歌的喜爱.3) 注意英文的音节发音 英文歌曲是按单词的音节对应乐谱而发音的,这就造成有可能一个单词分成几个拍子唱,弱音的地方要重读。如我们听惯了“Are you still mine?”的老外地道的发音,和我们平时的读惯的Are you still mine?再听“Unchained Melody”中“Are you still mine?当然会非常不习惯。上次我们学生参加合唱比赛

17、,结果在排练的时候,我发现学生将“Scarborough Fair”中的第一句唱成了“6 6 63 3 37 1 7 6 6 6而本句的乐谱是6 63 3 3 7 1 7 6 -6 - -.前面的乐谱是与”Tell her to make me a cambric shirt。而后面的乐谱才是对应“Are you going to Scarborough Fair”否则学生会唱的很古板单调.4) 学会“失爆和连读” 英语中的爆破音、破擦音等紧挨在一起时,前面的音要失去爆破而不发言,但又要保留发音的部位和时间,而前面单词以辅音结尾,后面单词以元音结尾时,又要连读。如Carpenters唱的Jam

18、balaya中的“sun of gun snwe have big fun on the bay,oh?”还有Whitney Houston的“And I will always love you. And I will always love you.”三、 怎样唱好。1)发音要地道 许多同学将如“something”发成了伤心,真是让人伤心;Good morning的发音成了Good mornning。其实最能辨别发音是否地道的单词就是“英语”这个单词,English 这个单词的n是后鼻音,而sh的发音与汉语的x音也不同,汉语的舌头比较扁平,而英语的sh 音舌头中间留空较多,且嘴唇略突出。

19、再比如英语的/ i / 的发音与汉语的“一”相近却又不一样。英语的/ i /开口度比较大,且发音位置比较靠后,与/ e /的发音相似,所以我们常听到老外把/ ileven / 好像读成了 /eleven/。因此在学英文歌曲时要尽可能注意英文单词的发音。SEALED WITH A KISS Ill see you in the sunlight,Ill hear your voice everywhere,Ill run to tenderly hold you,But darling you wont be there。seasons in the sun。 Pretty girls are

20、every where,Think of me and Ill be there,We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun,but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time,The last waltz should last forever。这里的wh发美音/ hw /音,以及在Last waltze中last发美音/ /等等,可以非常清晰让我们学到纯正的美音。2)注意情感表达在My heart will go on 中,用气声唱法唱“Every night in my d

21、reams I see you I feel you, that is how I know you go on”更可以表达思念的情感.后面“You are here there nothing I fear, and I know that the heart does go on ”需要放开喉咙唱出来,可以表达为爱而冲破束缚和枷锁的勇气.如果用细腻的声调唱Changing Partners We were waltzin together to a dreamy melody,When they called out ”Change partners”,And you waltzed aw

22、ay from me,Now my arms feel so empty as I gaze around the floor,And Ill keep on changing partners,Till I hold you once more.可以表达其中女士的幽怨、无奈和渴望, Bridge Over toubled Water中的低沉转高亢的声音表达了友谊的真诚和无私,以及为朋友奋不顾身的决心。When youre weary feelin small, When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all, Im on your side,

23、 Oh, when times get rough, And friends just cant be found, Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down, Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down。3)舞台形象作为舞台形象不能过分生活化。在略微夸张的同时,要神态自然,感情投入。演唱要有感染力,能引起听众共鸣.4)变音效果比如澳大利亚歌曲Waltzing matilda如果在阅兵是是快节奏Once a jolly swagman camped by a bil

24、labong,Under the shade of a coolibah tree,And he sang as he watched and waited til his billy boiled,Youll come awaltzing matilda with me,Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda ,Youll come a waltzing matilda with me, And he sang as he watched and waited til his billy boiled ,Youll come awaltzing matilda

25、with me。 在普通情况下演唱是中速.还可以深情地慢速演唱,如果以西部牛仔的风格或带布鲁斯节奏的演唱,将更具风味,更能表达在澳大利亚人员稀少的夜晚,篝火下的悲伧和怀旧心情。四、 为什么要唱英文歌曲。1)学语言有首歌歌名就叫“Get it started”,我们可以学习get something done语法结构。还有“By the rivers of Babylon”让我们记住by 解释为“在旁边的意思。Richard Marx 演唱的Right here waiting 中 Whatever you do, wherever you go, Ill right here waiting

26、for you就是很好的让步状语从句。I dont know what to do, Where to go是复合动词不定式的最好例句。2)学语调由于英文歌曲曲调的不同,相应的歌词的语调也有变化,这对于改变我们英语不良的语调习惯是有很大帮助的。通常说来,在英文歌曲中实词的发音相对比较重,这与我们朗读的规律是吻合的。比如“How many roads must a man walk down before he calls him a man?又如老教材对话中有一句句子初听时让学英语的人非常不习惯.What are you going to do next fall?曾经在教职高英语时学生,学生

27、听了六遍Are you a student? 都听不懂。因为在标准读音里are是几乎忽略的,而我们的学生是将are重读. There are等3)学语法 由于歌曲内容不同,有时某首歌曲会反复出现同一个语法现象,这非常有利于我们学习语法,如在“Blowing in the wind”中有How many疑问句;在“Elcondor Pasa”中有虚拟语气“Id ratherthan”,“If I could,I surely would”。I went to your wedding中MY mother was crying, my father was crying, and I was cr

28、ying too。 连续三个过去进行时。4)学文化 许多英文歌曲,尤其是民族中文化的韵味非常醇厚,如加拿大的“红河谷”,澳大利亚的民歌Ive been around the world a couple of times, or maybe more, Ive seen the sights, Ive had delights on every foreign shore, but when my mates all ask me the place that I adore, I tell them right away. Give me a home among the gum trees

29、, with lots of plum trees, a sheep or two, a kakangaroo。 A clothes line out the back, verandah out the front, and an old rocking chair. 5)学思想 不同时代的英文歌曲烙刻着各个时代的特征,也表达出一个时代的人生观和价值观。例如韩国奥运会主题歌“Hand in Hand”表达了世界各族人民努力拼搏奋发向上,向往和平,和谐共处的愿望 See the fire in the sky,We feel the beating of our heart together.

30、This is our time to rise above。We know the chance is here to time forever, for all time.Hand in hand we stand all across the land。We can make this world a better place in which to live。Hand in hand we can start to understand。Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time。Arirang。 “Five hu

31、ndred Miles”“Big Big Girl” Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much.。等歌曲.6)意群 象Michael Jackson的“Heal the world:Theres a placein my heartandknowit is love还有heal the world to make it a better place for

32、 you and for me and entire human race, there are people dying, if you care enough for the living,to make it a better place for you and for me。句子的意群一目了然,而我们学生大多数一口气把句子读完,其实不利于学生的听力,朗读和阅读。7)用气 英文歌曲的用气包括换气受英文单词音节的影响和歌曲情感表达的影响.用气用到恰倒好处,可以达到不一样的效果,如飞时唱片公司中的舞曲“Do somebody wants you And I feel so blue Beca

33、use I really love you try to save my life”.8)学中西文化对比音乐是没有国界的,因此国外流行性的歌曲马上就有人填词后翻唱,因此而一炮走红的歌星比比皆是。象China girl被填词成了波斯猫.而国内好的歌曲也同样翻唱为外国歌曲的也不在少数.象“Take me to your heart 但是也有不成功的例子,象英文版的The mice loves rice就比较恶心。歌曲中的中西文化对比可以从多个方面来比较,比如男女对唱版的“Love me tender” Love me tender, Love me sweet, Never let me go.

34、You have made my life complete, And I love you so.Love me tender, Love me true, All my dreams fulfilled。 For my darlin I love you, And I always will。这首歌与王志文唱的“爱有几分能说清楚,还有几分是糊里又糊涂,情有几分是温存,还有几分是涩涩的酸楚。忘不掉的一幕一幕,却留不住往日的温度,意念中的热热乎乎,是真是假是甜还是苦。”的韵味让人难以相信的相似。9)学习翻译大家听到过林忆莲、沈殿霞等人翻唱A4one的歌曲I swear吗?I swear的发音与

35、中文翻译“爱是唯一的发音居然那么的相近.另外,在“Stoney歌曲中,Stoney, happy all the time, Stoney, liked the summertime, The joy you find in living every day,Stoney, how I love your simple ways。 大家觉得象哪首歌曲呢? 对,就是费翔唱的“送你一朵勿忘我,送你最美的花朵. 送你一朵勿忘我,这是你最爱的花朵,带在身边使你想念我,它不会使你再寂寞。这里英文中的人名Stoney被翻译成了汉语的动词词组“送你”中英文的发音如此相似,难道不是译者的巧夺天工吗?大家都熟悉

36、齐豫吧,她最有名的一首歌曲是橄榄树,“不要问我从那里来我的故乡在远方,为什甚流浪流浪远方流浪,为了天空飞翔的小鸟,为了山间轻流的小溪为了宽阔的草原,流浪远方流浪。”你们听过她的英文版吗?Dont ask me from where I come, my home is far far away。 Why do you wander so far, wander so far, wander。 For the brook far an wide, For the meadow green and wide, For the mountain high and above, ”我们不能不感叹中文和

37、英文的歌词同样美丽感人。10) 主题探索对歌曲进行进行主题探索,你会发觉唱歌的另外一种乐趣.你可以探索中文歌曲关于月亮的歌曲,比如“月亮代表我的心” “月亮代表谁的心”.那么我们可以探索英文中关于友谊的歌曲。甚至进行中英文对唱。比如“你从哪里来,我的朋友?”(毛阿敏的思念)“Dont ask me from where I come, my home is far, far away。”(齐豫英文版的橄榄树)“ Why dont you let him go, let him go?(任贤齐的心太软的英文版Let him go)“ 其实不想走,其实我想留, 我留下来陪你每个春夏秋冬。” 总之,学习英语歌曲乐趣无穷,我们要在快乐的歌唱中从学会英语.我们学好英语要为传播中国文化作贡献.让我们走向世界,也让世界来了解中国。7

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