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1、摘要摘要2014年,国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见出台,我国启 动了高考综合改革试点,6年间取得了显著成效,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。与我国毗邻的韩国,其现行的招生考试制度与我国极为相似,都把“高考”看作 是通往美好生活之桥梁。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,对韩国考试招生制度进行全 面、系统、深入的挖掘和总结,引发大家思考,可以为我国正在进行的新高考改 革提供一定的借鉴。截至目前国内学者还没有以韩国高校考试招生制度为研究对象进行专门研 究的专著和学位论文。本研究以韩国高校考试招生制度为研究对象,通过梳理其 改革历程,发掘其在学生综合素质评价、考试科目选择、等级赋分等方面的实践 经验。此外

2、,本研究希望突破以往研究视野的困囿,访谈了韩国大学在读学生、招生官员、高中教师和大学教授等高校考试招生制度的直接参与者,获得了大量 一手资料,深入挖掘了不同主体对于多元化的考试招生制度之看法,有利于进一 步完善和深化高校考试招生相关理论。全文主要内容如下:第一,梳理韩国教育制度。韩国高校考试招生是衔接基础教育和高等教育的 关键环节,其“弘益人间”的教育理念也渗透在考试招生当中。韩国早在上世界 纪90年代便进入了高等教育的大众化阶段,但大众对优质高等教育的需求仍然 居高不下,高校考试招生制度作为高等教育的准入机制,“指挥棒”作用明显,给基础教育和高等教育发展带来不小的影响,梳理韩国教育制度为研究

3、韩国高校 考试招生制度提供铺垫。第二,追溯韩国高校考试招生制度的历史发展。韩国高校考试招生制度的形 成是一个历史发展过程,不同时期的考试招生制度受到政治、经济、文化等多方 面因素影响。从古代的科举考试,到近代学校的建立,再到现代招生考试制度频 繁改革,韩国考试招生制度不断从统一走向分化,再从分化走向统一,分析历史 现象背后所隐藏的深层次原因,有助于更加深刻地理解韩国高校考试招生制度来 自哪里,又去向何方。第三,分析韩国现行考试招生制度中的考试环节,主要聚焦在考试机构、考 试形式、考试内容、考试组织与管理、学生生活记录簿(综合素质评价)等方面。韩国高校考试招生制度研究发现其招生与考试是相对分离的

4、两个系统,各司其责。考试还是以统一考试为主,分为必考科目和选考科目,坚持文理分科,实行标准分数和等级赋分制度。第四,分析韩国现行招生考试制度中的招生环节,主要聚焦在招生机构与招 生管理、招生类型、招生方式等方面。发现韩国高校在招生方面有一定的自主权,可以自行划定选考科目要求,并设置了综合素质评价、面试等环节。第五,选取具有鲜明特色的韩国高校招生考试制度的具体案例进行分析。主 要根据大学性质、办学规模、入学竞争程度等因素,选择首尔国立大学、高丽大 学、延世大学三所一流大学,忠北大学、亚洲大学、济州大学三所一般大学,韩 国教员大学、韩国警察大学、韩国艺术大学三所别具特色的院校,以解剖“麻雀”的方式

5、,展现韩国不同类型高校招生的具体做法。第六,对学生、教师、高校招生官员等不同群体进行实证调查,运用质性研 究方法对相关访谈材料进行分析,从材料中发现和寻找概念。系统地思考分析与 概念有关的生成性理论问题,建立概念之间的联系,丰富招生考试公平理论内涵 和外延。最后,进一步梳理韩国高校招生考试制度的特点和问题,深入分析影响韩国 考试招生制度的人口、政治、经济、文化等方面的因素。我国与韩国有着相似的 文化背景和历史渊源,民众对待大学招生考试制度有着相似的社会文化心理,分 析韩国招生考试制度的问题对我国正在进行的新高考改革具有启示和借鉴作用。综上所述,本文在全面审视韩国高校考试招生制度的基础上认为:在

6、进行高 校考试招生制度改革时要正确看待社会发展水平与教育公平之间的关系;控制好 考试招生制度的选拔功能与育人功能之间的关系;协调好优质生源与高校人才培 养质量之间的关系;整合好学生兴趣与高校需求之间的关系。关键词:韩国;高等院校;考试招生;科学性;公平性IIAbstractAbstractIn the Implemen tation Opin ion s on Deepen in g the Reform of the Chin ese Ex amin ation s an d En rollmen t System has emphasized that by the year of 202

7、0,the ex amin ation s an d en rollmen ts for modem education ex amin ation s with Chin ese characteristics will be basically established,an d the ex amin ation an d admission model fbr classified ex amin ation s,comprehen sive evaluation,an d multiple admission s will be formed.Now is the year of 20

8、20,Chin ese n ew GaoKao(college en tran ce ex amin ation)reform has reached a remarkable achievemen t,but there are also some problems that n eed to be solved urgen tly.Republic of Korea,which is adjacen t to Chin a,has a system of en rollmen t ex amin ation s which is very similar to that of Chin a

9、.Both regard the college en tran ce ex amin ation as a bridge to a better life.The ston e of other moun tain s can be used to attack jade,comprehen sively an d systematically ex cavate an d summarize the Korean ex amin ation en rollmen t system,which will lead everyon e to thin k an d provide a cert

10、ain referen ce fbr Chin ese Gaokao reform.Up to n ow,Chin ese domestic scholars have n ot con ducted in-depth an d detailed discussion s on this subject.In addition,this study hopes to break through the difficulties of previous research horizon s,from the perspective of un dergraduates,admission s o

11、fficers,teachers,etc.in Korean un iversities,based on groun ded theory,to ex plore differen t levels of views on the fairn ess of diversified admission ex amin ation system,an alysis It hides the structural con cept of un fairn ess in the admission s ex amin ation system un der fair fan tasy,which i

12、s con ducive to further improvin g an d deepen in g the ex amin ation en rollmen t theory.The full tex t is as follows:First,we sort out the Korean education system.Korean college en tran ce ex amin ation en rollmen t is the key lin k between the basic education an d the higher education,an d its ed

13、ucation al philosophy of“Hon gyi Human ity“is also in filtrated in the in韩国高校考试招生制度研究ex amin ation en rollmen t.Although the higher education of Republic of Korea en tered the stage of massification in the 1990s,the good quality of higher education is still in high deman d.The college en tran ce ex

14、amin ation system is an access the access of the higher education.The role of“baton”is obvious.The developmen t of education an d higher education has brought about n o small impact.These are un avoidable topics in research an d n eed to be ex plored an d judged in depth.Secon d,trace the historical

15、 developmen t of the college en tran ce ex amin ation system in Republic of Korea.In Republic of Korea,which is in the East Asian cultural circle,the formation of the tradition of college admission s ex amin ation system is a historical developmen t process.The ex amin ation en rollmen t system in d

16、ifferen t periods is in fluen ced by man y factors,such as politics,econ omy an d culture.From the an cien t imperial ex amin ation s,to the establishmen t of modem schools,an d to the frequen t reform of the modem en rollmen t ex amin ation system,the Korean en rollmen t ex amin ation system has co

17、n tin ued to move from un ity to differen tiation,an d then from differen tiation to un ity,an alyzin g the deep-seated reason s behin d historical phen omen a.To gain a deeper un derstan din g of where the Korean college en tran ce ex amin ation system comes from an d where to go.Third,an alyze the

18、 ex amin ation part of the curren t en rollmen t ex amin ation system in Republic of Korea,focusin g on the ex amin ation in stitution,ex amin ation form,ex amin ation con ten t,ex amin ation organ ization an d man agemen t,studen t life record book(the implemen tation of comprehen sive quality eval

19、uation),etc.,an d fin ds that the en rollmen t an d ex amin ation are two systems that are relatively separated an d this chapter focuses on the ex amin ation is a un ified on e,which is divided in to the categories of man datory an d selected subjects.The ex amin ation adheres to the separation of

20、liberal arts an d scien ce.The stan dardized scores an d hierarchical grades are used for the test resultsFourth,an alyze the en rollmen t part of the curren t en rollmen t ex amin ation system inIVAbstractRepublic of Korea,focusin g on admission s in stitution s an d en rollmen t man agemen t,admis

21、sion s at an y time”an d timed en rollmen t,an d admission s to featured un iversities an d colleges.The Korean colleges an d un iversities have certain auton omy in en rollmen t,which mean they can demarcate the requiremen ts for selectin g subjects an d set up comprehen sive quality evaluation an

22、d in terviews.Each un iversity separately organ izes in terviews,discusses ex amin ation s,vocation al skills tests,etc.By an alyzin g the en rollmen t part of the Korean college en tran ce ex amin ation system,it can provide certain ideas an d ex perien ces fbr the en rollmen t departmen t of Chin

23、ese colleges an d un iversities to chan ge from the previous studen t service office to the real en rollmen t office.Fifth,select specific cases of Korean college admission s ex amin ation system with distin ctive characteristics.Three major un iversities-Seoul Nation al Un iversity,Korea Un iversit

24、y,an d Yon sei Un iversity,three gen eral un iversities-Chun gbuk Un iversity,Asian Un iversity,an d Jeju Un iversity are selected,main ly based on the n ature of the un iversity,the scale of schoolin g,an d the degree of competition fbr admission.Three distin ctive colleges,in cludin g the Police U

25、n iversity an d the Korea Un iversity of the Arts,It con n ect the macro an d micro aspects of the Korean admission s ex amin ation system,an d show the specific practices of Korean college admission s by dissectin g the“sparrow”.Six th,from the perspectives of studen ts,teachers,paren ts,college ad

26、mission s officers,etc.,combin ed with fairn ess an d root-seekin g theory,this chapter utilized qualitative research methods to an alyze to relevan t in terview materials step by step,discover an d fin d con cepts from materials;Verification an d comparison of materials an d con cepts,systematicall

27、y thin kin g about the problem of gen erative theory of an alysis an d con cept,then developin g an d improvin g theoretical con cepts,establishin g the con n ection between con cepts;systematically codin g materials an d con structin g con ceptual den sity,The theory of variability an d highly in t

28、egrated theory ex plores an d an alyzes the structural con cept of the un fairn ess of the admission ex amin ation 韩国高校考试招生制度研究system un der the hidden fair fan tasy,to en rich the con n otation an d ex ten sion of the fairn ess of the admission ex amin ation.Fin ally,this chapter?/this dissertation

29、 further clarifies the characteristics an d problems of the Korean college en tran ce ex amin ation system,an d an alyze the demographic,political,econ omic,an d cultural factors that affect the Korean ex amin ation an d admission system.Chin a an d South Korea have similar cultural backgroun ds an

30、d historical origin s People have similar social an d cultural psychology to the ex amin ation an d en rollmen t system.The research on the fairn ess of the Korean ex amin ation an d en rollmen t system can provide certain en lightmen t an d referen ce fbr the on goin g Chin ese Gaokao reform.Based

31、on the comprehen sive review of the college admission s system in ROK,this article believes that when reformin g the college admission s system,we must properly view the relation ship between the level of social developmen t an d education al equity;The relation ship between education fun ction s;co

32、ordin atin g the relation ship between high-quality studen t resources an d the quality of talen t train in g in un iversities;In tegratin g the relation ship between studen t in terests an d un iversity n eeds.Keywords:ROK;colleges an d un iversities;ex amin ation an d en rollmen t system;scien tif

33、icn ess;fairn essVI目录目录绪论.1一、研究缘起与意义.1二、文献综述.4三、研究思路与方法.24四、理论基础与概念界定.28第一章韩国教育概况.35第一节韩国基础教育概况.35一、韩国教育理念.35二、韩国教育行政管理体制.37三、韩国学制与学校系统.39四、韩国高级中学考试招生制度.46第二节韩国高等教育概况.52一、韩国高等教育历史演进.52二、韩国高等教育体制与政策.56三、韩国高等教育发展现状及特点.61第三节韩国的重要教育改革.68一、韩国“新村运动”中的教育改革.68二、韩国基础教育课程改革.70第二章韩国考试招生制度的发展历程.77第一节韩国古代考试制度的建立


35、02四、大学修学能力考试时期(1994年至今).104第三章 韩国高校考试招生制度之考试研究.107第一节 招考分离:考试机构与考试管理.107一、考试机构.107二、考试管理.115三、考试评价研究.122第二节统考为主:韩国大学修学能力考试.128一、自主与质量:科目设置之权衡.128二、科学与公平:等级赋分办法之优劣.132三、基础与创新:各领域试题分析.133第三节综合评价:韩国学生生活记录簿.143一、学生生活记录簿的建立及发展历程.144二、现行的学生生活记录簿制度.145三、学生生活记录簿的性质与功能.148四、学生生活记录簿的社会影响.151五、学生生活记录簿的实施原则.152

36、第四章 韩国高校考试招生制度之招生研究.155第一节协同自主:招生机构与招生管理.155一、招生机构.155二、招生管理.160三、招生科研.167第二节多元并举:“随时招生”与“定时招生”.173一、韩国高校招生计划确立的基本原则与法律依据.173VIII目录二、韩国高校招生计划的类型及实施程序.176第三节 分层分类:特色大学与专科院校招生.182一、特色大学招生.183二、专科院校招生.188第四节本土改造:韩国招生审定官制度.196一、韩国招生审定官制度实施背景及内容.196二、政策网络理论分析方法.198三、韩国招生审定官政策网络特点及执行.200四、韩国招生审定官制度的理想与现实.


38、与科学性探索.286第一节韩国高校考试招生制度之公平性探索.286一、韩国高校考试招生制度亲历者对考试招生公平之看法.286二、韩国弱势群体考试招生.298IX韩国高校考试招生制度研究第二节韩国高校考试招生制度科学性探索.306一、考试制度的科学性.307二、招生制度的科学性.313第七章韩国高校考试招生制度的影响因素、特点与审思.319第一节韩国高校考试招生制度的影响因素.319一、文化与历史因素对韩国高校考试招生制度的影响.319二、人口与教育因素对韩国高校考试招生制度的影响.322三、政治与经济因素对韩国高校考试招生制度的影响.326第二节韩国高校考试招生制度的特点 问题与审思.330一

39、、韩国高校考试招生制度的主要特点.330二、韩国高校考试招生制度的主要问题.332三、韩国高校考试招生制度之审思.334参考文献.339附录.364附录1攻读博士学位期间发表的学术论文.364附录2知情同意书.365附录3访谈提纲.367附件4首尔大学入学申请材料.369后记.378XContentsContentsIn trocuction.1Origin an d Sign ifican ce of Research.1Literature review.4Research ideas an d methods.24Theoretical basis an d con ceptual de

40、fin ition.281.Education in Republic of Korea.351.1 Overview of basic education in Republic of Korea.351.1.1 Education Con cept.351.1.2 Education Admin istration System.371.1.3 School System.391.1.4 Sen ior High School Ex amin ation En rollmen t System.461.2 Overview of Higher Education in Republic o

41、f Korea.521.2.1 Historical Evolution of Korean Higher Education.521.2.2 Curren t Korean Higher Education System an d Policies.561.2.3 Developmen t an d Characteristics of Higher Education in Republic of Korea.611.3 Major Educational Reform Initiatives in Republic of Korea.681.3.1 Education al Reform

42、 in the New Village Movemen t.681.3.2 Basic Education Curriculum Reform.702 History of the Korean Examination and Admission system.772.1 Establishment of Ancient Korean Examination System.772.1.1 The Sprout of An cien t Korean Ex amin ation System.772.1.2 Establishmen t of An cien t Korean Ex amin a

43、tion System-Imperial Ex amin ation sin the Korean Dyn asty.782.1.3 Imperial Ex amin ation System in Chosun Dyn asty.832.1.4 Evaluation of the An cien t Korean Ex amin ation System.872.2 Changes in modern Korean examination system.88XI韩国高校考试招生制度研究2.2.1 The social backgroun d of the formation of the m

44、odem Korean ex amin ation system.892.2.2 Two classes collapsed un til the 1920s before the admission s system.902.2.3 Ex amin ation admission s system from 1920s to the recovery of the Pen in sula.912.3 The Development Stage of the Korean Modern Examination and AdimissionSystem.962.3.1 In dividual e

45、x amin ation periods at un iversities(1945-1968).962.3.2 Un iversity Admission Preparation Period(1969-1981).1002.3.3 Un iversity En tran ce Ex amin ation Period(1982-1993).1022.3.4 Un iversity Competen cy Ex amin ation Period(1994-presen t).1043.Examination of Examination and Admission System to th

46、e HigherEducation IN ROK.1073.1 Separation of admissions:examination institutions and management.1073.1.1 Ex amin ation agen cy.1073.1.2 Ex amin ation Man agemen t.1153.1.3 Research Man agemen t.1223.2 Unified Examination-Based:Korean College Scholastic Ability Test.1283.2.1 Auton omy an d quality:t

47、he trade-off of subject settin g.1283.2.2 Scien ce an d Fairn ess:Pros an d Con s of Hierarchical Gradin g.1323.2.3 Basics an d In n ovation:An alysis of Test Question s in Various Fields.1333.3 Comprehensive Evaluation:Korean Student Life Record Book.1433.3.1 Establishmen t an d Developmen t of Kor

48、ean Studen t Life Record Book System 1443.3.2 Status of Korean Studen t Life Record Book System.1453.3.3 Nature an d Fun ction of Studen t Life Record Book.1483.3.4 Social Impact of Studen t Life Record Book.1513.3.5 Implemen tation Prin ciples of Studen t Life Record Book.1524.Adimission of Examina

49、tion and Admission System to the HigherEducation in ROK.155XIIContents4.1 Collaborative Autonomy:Admission Agencies and Admission Managementl554.1.1 Admission s agen cies.1554.1.2 Admission s Man agemen t.1604.1.3 Admission s Research.1674.2 Diversity:Admission at any timeandRegular admissions*.1734

50、.2.1 Basic Prin ciples an d Legal Basis of Korean College Admission s Plan.1734.2.2 Types an d implemen tation procedures of Korean college admission s programs 1764.3 Hierarchical classification:characteristic of university and college admissions.1824.3.1 Featured Un iversity Admission s.1834.3.2 C

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