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1、七年级英语上册补全对话七年级英语上册补全对话 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(七年级英语上册补全对话)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为七年级英语上册补全对话的全部内容。4补全对话专练请根据对话内容,在下列对话的空白处填写适当的句子。(1)A: Hello,Tom。 B:_1_Hello_, H

2、elen. A: 2_What is this in English_? B:Its a jacket。A: 3_How do you spell it_? B: J-A-CK-ET.A: 4_What color is it_? B: Its yellow。A: It looks nice. B: 5_Thank you_。(2)A:Good afternoon, Mike!B: 1_Good afternoon_,Tony。 How are you?B: 2 _I am fine,thank you_. And you?A: I am fine, too. 3_What is your l

3、ast name_, Mike?B: My last name is Smith。A: 4_What is your telephone number?B:My telephone number is 4594309. Here is my card。A:OK。 I will call you. See you.B: 5_See you_(3)A: 1_Nice to meet you_。B:Nice to meet you, too。A:2_Where is the baseball_。 B: The baseball is under the bed。 But I dont like ba

4、seball。A: Do you have a tennis?B:3_Yes,I do_. But tennis is difficult。A: Then lets watch TV。B:4_That sounds boring_。 I dont like watching TV .How about playing computer games. Its relaxing.A:5_OK_。 Lets go.(4)A: 1Excuse me_ Wheres my ruler? Do you know? B: 2Sorry,I do not know_ Is it in your pencile

5、 case?A: No, it isnt. B: Is it in your desk?A: 3_No_ B: Is it in your English book?A:4_YES_ Its in the book. Thank you。 B: 5_You are welcome_(5)A: Excuse me,what are these? B: 1They are apples_。A: Do you like apples? B:2_Yes I do_. I like them very much。 A: What sports do you like? B:3_Basketball_。

6、I think basketball is interesting。A:Do you have a basketball? B: Yes, I do. A: 4_How much is it_? B: Its 20 dollars. Lets play basketball。A: _That sounds good_(6)A: Good morning. 1 Can I help you? B: Yes, please。 Id like to buy a Tshirt。A: We have many Tshirt here. 2 What color do you like? B: Black

7、.A: 3 What about this one? B: It looks nice。 4 How much is it? A: 100 yuan.B: All right。 5 I will take it (7)A:1_What do you like for breakfast?_ B;I like eggs and milk for breakfast。.A:2_what food do you like?_B:I like bananas and apples.A:Do you like tomatoes?B:3_Yes ,I do._. They are healthy. I l

8、ike to eat tomatoes for lunch.A:Do you like icecream?B:4_No, I do not._. I dont want to be fat.A: I think your eating habits are goodB:5_Thank you。_。(8)A: 1 When is your birthday ?B: My birthday is on March 4th.A:2 How old are you ?B: I am 13。A:3 Do you have a school trip? B:No, we dont have a schoo

9、l trip。 But we have an art festival every year。.A: 4 When is it? B: Its on October 10th.A:Do you have a good time at the art festival?B:5_Yes ,we do._。 We have many programs(节目)。(9)A:1What is your favorite subject ?B: My favorite subject is P。E。A:2 Why ?B: Because it is fun.How about you?A:3 I like music. ?B: Why do you like music?A:Because it is relaxing.B: 4 Who is your music teacher ?A: My music teacher is Ms Li. B: Does she teach you English songs?A:5_Yes ,she does。_. She teaches us many English songs.

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