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1、雅思小作文的简单句型朗阁雅思考试研究中心其实我们在上篇中已经说了比较多关于雅思小作文的一些写作方法,不管童鞋们遇到了时态问题还是名词性从句或是状语之类的,大家看到题目都不要慌乱,否则会的题都会变得不会的,我们只要找到一些方法,再加上平时练习时候的积累,就当这次考试是一场平常的测验,平常心对待,或许就会轻松很多。下面我们就来看些余下部分的讲解吧,看过之后大家就会觉得,其实小作文的引言段还是比较好写的呢!马上去实践吧!3. 名词性从句这种改法相对比较复杂,所以不建议考生首选使用,但是在平时训练时,最好也能够熟练掌握它的法则,以便于在考试时多一种选择。名词性从句有好几种,并不是所有的都适用。根据朗阁

2、雅思考试研究中心专家的多年经验,how many, how much, how这3个使用频率较高,前2个往往用于替换可数及不可数名词,而后者则较多用于流程图和地图题。以下我们看几个例子:2007年12月15日图表作文WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart gives information about the amount of oil discovery worldwide from 1950 to 2020.Summarise the information by selecting an

3、d reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.在这个考题中“石油的发现量”是不可数名词,因此我们可以把引言段写成:The chart shows how much oil was discovered globally from 1950 to 2020.又如上文的4月14日考题,我们可以采用相似的办法将题目中的2个宾语分别用名词性从句替换:The graphs illustrate how much money four profess

4、ions earned per year and how many hours they had to work every week in the year 2001.值得一提的是我们在使用的时候特别要注意在从句中的“陈述句”语序,想必这个语法点考生一定在中学的英语课中学到过吧?其实这种写法我们更多的时候是在应对流程图以及地图题的时候使用:WRITING TASK 1(1月14日)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The flow chart below shows the three stages of glass bottle

5、recycling.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.The flow chart illustrates how discarded glass bottles are recycled, which can be classified into three main stages.WRITING TASK 1(6月24日)You should

6、 spend about 20 minutes on this task.The flow chart below shows the production process for cement and concrete. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.The flow chart illustrates how cement and co

7、ncrete are produced, which can be categorized into several consecutive steps.WRITING TASK 1(9月2日)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagrams below show the development of the village of Kelsbey between 1780 and 2000.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main featur

8、es, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.The maps illustrate how the village of Kelsbey had changed from 1780 to 2000.四 状语解决了最复杂的宾语的替换问题,最后我们再来看一下相对比较容易的状语。状语在题目中一般情况下是2个,即时间状语和地点状语,原则上我们直接照抄题目也是没有问题的,不过有可能的话我们还是应该尽量对状语也做一下微调。1. 时间状语若题目中只有一个时间状语,比如in 2001, 这时可以照抄;若题目中是多个时间状语并

9、列,如in 1995, 2001, 2008, 这个时候,我们可以改写为in three different years。若题目中是一个时间跨度,比如between 1995 and 2005, 最简单的办法就是用fromto替换原先的介词,好一点的话我们就把时间跨度写出来,比如across a 10-year period, 然后再跟上具体的时间。2. 地点状语地点状语一般没有什么近义词可以替换,直接抄写即可。不过要注意美国和英国这2个国家,我们是可以进行替换的:in the UK; in Britain; in the USA; in America。若是多个国家并列,我们可以采用和时间状语相同的方式改写;观察力更强一点的考生,发现地点状语属于同一个大洲或者经济区的还可以进行相应的“个性化”修改,如:in Gulf countries; in the EU等等。(本文来自朗阁教育托福考试教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处)6 / 6

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