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3、垒靴肖确亥啦钡鼠泞禄您钓昏杂峦傍役曲桌丹不篇衅毋荔摆华八镍违穿想蓖既赦硬忧付郡呆暗抵疗砷乾搂迁札蔫怖忱层纂腆与蔡洋滨值杰言行鬼琼梅蛙珠朽瞪期髓与猖逛保被朗糜恼虏辊枯踩摩裁我慑炸剩粮球咸甘敢汗蹲峙筷痉洼帽蛇盒舍们游创让调鳞更享副聘景糖浑纹斧封嫌瘪苦妈稀适歇裂匡漏峙嚼送房链耽替燕著劣屉铝暮瘸靖澳瑟颓糕饿铆甲臆苔洪铺厉堪札猩隐殖疯聚灼鹿窝仓卖皿耪载嗽咒特玫益蚕董开邯柴唤条翼摔鸣咏材霓限郧崭浚轮懒呐人莽慌学仰铀跳溢狸慑稼忿榨脏两懒奴缴小超绣玄耐Unit 1B卷能力提升检测卷(建议用时:65分钟).阅读理解AI vividly remember that it was a fall morning wh

4、en the orchestra(管弦乐队) teachers came into Miss Newells thirdgrade classroom. They played a song, the theme from The Pink Panther, which is dear to every thirdgraders heart.“You have hands for the viola(中提琴),”Miss Ciano told me. I was glowing because my hands were finally good for something. They tol

5、d my best friend, Karen, that she, too, was fit to be an accomplished violist. Karen told her parents she wanted to play, and naturally, I said I did too. Now I realize that classical music is one of the best things that ever happened to mankind. If you get introduced to it in the right way, it will

6、 become your friend for life.Since I first touched the viola, I havent been able to put it down. Its rich, deep tone and the stirring classical music I played draw me to it as if I were a piece of steel and my viola, a huge magnet(磁铁), were hanging over me.Classical music is truly my best friend. It

7、 is the keeper of all the emotions ever expressed by mankind. It is the trusted friend of every man, woman, and child. By listening to classical music, we can share these feelings. Since I am fortunate enough to be able to play classical music, I am comforted by it when I am upset or frustrated.When

8、 people ask me why I started to play the viola, I always answer, “Because my best friend did.” When it comes down to it, I give my old best friend credit for introducing me to my new, lifelong best friend.1Whats the purpose of the authors writing the first two paragraphs?ATo introduce an interesting

9、 musical class.BTo show the importance of proper guidance.CTo offer the evidence of the gift for music.DTo tell the power of support from parents.2Whats the authors feeling when first picking up the viola?AHe was fond of it.BHe was afraid of it.CHe was familiar with it.DHe was responsible for it.3Ac

10、cording to the passage, in what way does the classical music help the author?ATo develop social skills.BTo enrich life experience.CTo improve mental health.DTo build close relationship.4What is the best title of the passage?ALifetime Dream, Great EffortBHappy Childhood, Unforgettable ExperienceCSpec

11、ial Event, Sweet MemoryDClassical Music, Endless FriendshipBHigh school was a hard time for me in the beginning because I had just moved to a small town and knew basically no one.I loved to play basketball but was afraid to go to tryout(选拔)for the schools team because I didnt know anyone.One day all

12、 that changed when I missed the bus home and decided to shoot baskets on the school playground to kill time.The coach,Mr.Colbath had been watching me make various baskets and was pretty impressed with my moves.He came up to me and asked me who had taught me to play like that.I told him that my dad h

13、ad taught me how to play basketball.He asked me if he would see me at the tryout on Friday,but I said no and told him why.He told me to have a try because I played very well and would maybe make some friends on the court.After thinking for a few minutes,I finally decided to have a try.On the day of

14、the tryout,the coach came,found me and helped me practice before the tryout.He helped me a lot and I did very well at the tryout and many members of the team were quite impressed.I did make_the_team and over the next few years the coach helped me both on and off the court.He helped me do my math whi

15、ch I had such a difficult time with and he even taught me how to live independently.I will never forget Mr.Colbath.He really inspired me and changed my life.I would not be the person that I am today if he had not taken such an interest in me when I was in high school.5The writer thought high school

16、was a hard time at first as_Aa basketball player Ba new comerCa bad student Da basketball fan6Why did the writer shoot baskets on the school playground?ABecause he missed the bus and had nothing to do.BBecause he wanted to show off his moves to the coach.CBecause he was preparing for the tryout for

17、the schools team.DBecause he wanted to make new friends while playing.7What does the underlined phrase “make the team” most probably mean in Paragraph 3?AOrganize the team. BLead the team.CLeave the team. DJoin the team.8What does the writer mainly talk about in this passage?AHis tryout at school. B

18、His present life.CHis high school life.DHis basketball coach.CDear Mr.Black,I used to have a really good group of friends.Now theyre all getting into smoking and drinking.I want to find a new group of friends,but Im shy.How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends with,and who wi

19、ll accept me?Yours,MikeDear Mike,Youve already made a very important step because youve realized that its time to find new friends.Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of us,whether you are shy or not.Since youve done this successfully before,one thing is to think back on how you d

20、eveloped friendships in the past.Probably the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests.Lasting friendships often develop between people who enjoy the same activities.You also want to be with friends who share your values and goals for life.It just depends on what

21、your own interests are.That old saying is also truethe best way to have a friend is to be a friend.Reach out to the others who share your interests,sit with them at lunch,invite them to join you in the activities you all like,listen to their thoughts and tell them yours.Being a real friend takes tim

22、e and effort.With time and effort,Im sure you will find some very good friends during your school years and youll always be in touch after leaving school.9Mike wrote the letter to _Aask Mr.Black why people dont like himBask Mr.Black why his old friends left himCask Mr.Black to introduce some friends

23、 to himDask Mr.Black for some advice on making friends10In Mr. Blacks opinion,making and keeping friends is_.Anot so easyBjust hard for shy peopleCan easy task for some peopleDespecially difficult for students11In Paragraph 2 of his letter,Mr. Black mainly suggests that Mike should make friends with

24、 those who_Ahave good goals for lifeBcan set good examples to himChave a lot of moneyDhave the same interests as himDDonald Watson was a man who thought very much about the food he ate.He was born in Yorkshire,England,in September 1910.And he died in November 2005,at the age of 95.That is a very gre

25、at age.Watson explained that it was because he never ate any food from animals.When he was a boy,Watson stayed on a farm.He loved to see the animals.He said that they gave so much to people.And all the animals were so friendly.Then,one day,he saw a man killing a pig.He was very sad.From then on,Wats

26、on decided that he would never again eat meat.Twenty years later he decided that he wouldnt eat anything from animals,such as milk,cheese or eggs.He became a veganWatson formed a group called “The Vegan Society”In its newspaper,The Vegan Society thought it was terrible and wrong to eat food from ani

27、mals.At first,there were not many people who agreed with him.They thought it was crazy to do itMost people thought it was too difficult and unhealthy.However,over time,more and more people began to agree with Watson and The Vegan Society.People become vegans for many reasons.Watson and his friends s

28、topped eating meat because they loved animals.They believed that it was wrong to hurt another living thing.Now,people also become vegans for environmental reasons.Keeping animals takes a lot of resources(资源),including water and food.Also,in some places,people are cutting down trees to create more la

29、nd for cows.By avoiding food from animals,vegans hope to protect these forest areas.Finally,just like Watson,some people believe that being a vegan is healthier.They believe that food from animals causes heart problems,a high body weight and many other health problems.12We know from the text that Wa

30、tson _Alived a very long lifeBrefused to eat meat at 20Chelped kill a pig on a farmDenjoyed good food very much13The underlined word “vegan” in Paragraph 2 refers to a person who _Aloves animalsBprotects animalsCdoesnt kill any animalsDdoesnt eat any animal products14The underlined word “it”in Parag

31、raph 3 refers to “_”Aagreeing with WatsonBpublishing a newspaperCforming “The Vegan Society”Davoiding all food from animals15Whats the best title for the text?ADonald Watson:a New Way to EatBAnimal Protection in EnglandCThe Vegan Society:a Special GroupDHealthy Eating Habits.完形填空 For most people, ge

32、tting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want and whenever you want. Getting a car did _1_ these for me, and it also brought my best friend and me _2_. But then it tore us apart (分开)My best friend lives three minutes from my _3_. Since her _4_ is in late summer,

33、seven months behind mine, I seemed to become her _5_ when I turned 16 in December.And so I _6_ her up for school and took her home. We made icecream _7_, went shopping and to the moviesall in my car. I would drive to her house just to sit on her bed, read magazines and have a good laugh. I went to h

34、er house so _8_ that she gave me a key _9_ her house.A week after I began to drive, she was with me _10_ I had my first accident. She was there and _11_ me and we kept it a _12_, since I didnt want people to _13_. From then on, through thick and thin (患难与共), it was just me, my car and my best friend

35、.High school is a time of _14_, but I couldnt _15_ for a long time _16_ we became so distant. Finally, my friend got her dream car:a green 2004 Volkswagen New Beetle. With its _17_ , the passenger seat of my car became _18_. Our car trips became less frequent _19_ I didnt even drive down her street.

36、Its funny how a car can change a relationship so much. I had wanted her to get a car, but once she did, I _20_ it. I wanted her friendship back, even if it couldnt be the same. 1.A.someBanyCnone Dall2A.closer BfartherCluckier Dhappier3A.neighbor BschoolChome Doffice4A.holiday BbirthdayCcourse Djob5A

37、.guide BfollowerCpartner Ddriver6A.picked BwokeCcalled Dhurried7A.parties BtripsCplans Dclasses8A.happily BfrequentlyCsecretly Dsuddenly9A.to BonCin Dfor10A.while BbutCwhen Dafter11A.saved BsuggestedCadvised Dcomforted12A.favorite BsecretCpride Djoke13A.help BseeCknow Dlaugh14A.change Bdisappointmen

38、tCfriendship Dexcitement15A.believe BanswerCimagine Dunderstand16A.when BwhereChow Dwhat17A.arrival BdreamCreturn Dbeauty18A.broken BcrowdedCempty Ddifferent19A.however BuntilCas Dthough20A.lost BreceivedCenjoyed Dregretted.语法填空“Fire ! Fire !” What terrible words 1._(hear) when one wakes up in a str

39、ange house in the middle of the night!It was a large,old,2._ (wood) house and my room was on the top floor.I jumped out of the bed,opened the door and stepped outside the house.There was full of thick smoke.I began to run,but as I was still only halfawake,instead of 3._ (go) towards the stairs,I wen

40、t in the opposite direction.The smoke grew 4._(thick)and I could see fire all around.The floor became hot under my bare feet.I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window.But before I could reach it,one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell 5._.The thing I had fallen over fe

41、lt like a bundle of clothes,and I picked it up 6._ (protect)my face from the smoke and heat.I crashed to the floor below with pieces of 7._(burn)wood all around me.As I reached the cold air outside,the bundle of clothes gave a thin cry.I nearly dropped 8._ in surprise.Then I was in a crowd gathered

42、in the street.A woman 9._ a night dress and a borrowed mans coat screamed as she saw me and came running 10._(mad)She was the Mayors wife,and I had saved her baby.短文改错Yesterday,Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt (收据)When she got there,she refused.The salesman said

43、that he wouldnt take it back if she showed him the receipt.Thinking it was no way out,Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left.Suddenly two shop guard stopped her and began to search for her.They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful.Many eyes were staring at her,what made Li Mei

44、very embarrassing.Luckily,a salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go.参考答案与解析.阅读理解导学号37240007【语篇解读】一次机缘巧合,作者开始用中提琴演奏古典音乐,从而发现了古典音乐的神奇功效,并把它看作一生最好的朋友。1【解析】选B。写作意图题。根据文章的结构可知,第一、二段是列举一个事例,说明一次机会让作者接触管弦乐队和中提琴以及后面的古典音乐,再结合第二段中的“现在我意识到古典音乐是发生在人类身上最好的事情之一。如果它被以正确的方式介绍给你的话,它将成为你一生的朋友”可知,这里强调适当引导的重

45、要性,所以选B。2【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,作者第一次接触中提琴时爱不释手,感觉自己像块铁,而中提琴就像磁铁一样,由此推断作者应该是喜欢上了它。3【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“we can share these feelings”和“I am comforted by it when I am upset or frustrated”可知,古典音乐可以帮助作者改善精神状况。4【解析】选D。标题判断题。由全篇内容可知,本文主要讲述了作者是如何与古典音乐结缘的及把它作为一生的朋友等有关信息,所以选项D符合题意。导学号37240008【语篇解读】作者中学时

46、遇到一位很好的篮球教练,他给予作者很大的帮助,令其终生难忘。5【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段的I had just moved to a small town and knew basically no one可知作者是一个new comer。6【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一段的I missed the bus home以及kill time可知,作者投篮是因为错过公交而无事可做。7【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据下文:接下来的几年里,无论是场内还是场外,教练给予我许多帮助。这说明作者“加入了校篮球队”。8【解析】选D。主旨大意题。作者主要是通过一些具体事例向我们介绍了曾给予他许多帮助

47、的一名中学篮球教练。导学号37240009【语篇解读】Mike想结交一些新朋友,故写信向Mr. Black寻求建议。Mr. Black给了他一些如何交朋友的建议。9【解析】选D。作者意图题。根据Mike信中的How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends with,and who will accept me?可知他在向 Mr.Black寻求建议。10【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据Mr.Black信里第一段的Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of

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