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1、语法Unit11、形容词的用法:(1)作定语:形容词+ 名词 如: There are many _(beauty) mountains in China. (2)作表语:连系动词 + 形容词常用的连系动词有:be;keep(保持);感觉动词look(看起来),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来),feel(感觉),sound(听起来);状态转变动词bee,get, turn, grow等。如:The children are so _ (luck) that they can get one present each. (3)作宾语补足语:keep/ make + 宾语+形容词 fin

2、d / feel it + 形容词+ to do sth如:They wear glasses to keep their eyes _.A. safeB. safelyC. safetyD. safly2、 副词的用法(作状语):(1)行为动词+ 副词如:Be quick! , he shouted (angry).(2)副词 + 形容词 / 副词如:He is (terrible) ill. * 要决:判断一个地方应该用形容词还是要用副词首先是看这个单词后面是否有名词或是形容词被它修饰,然后看它前面的动词是连系动词还是行为动词。3、形容词比较级用于两人或两事物之间的比较;最高级用于三个或三



5、elder-oldest/eldestfar-farther/further-farthest/furthest4、形容词比较级用法:A+be+形容词比较级+thanBSheisshorterthanIam.Mybookismoreinterestingthanhisbook.形容词最高级用法:A+be+the形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句Sheisthebeststudentinherclass.ThisisthebiggestappleIhaveevermet.固定结构中的比较: “比较级 +and + 比较级” 表示 “越来 越”如:我们的国家变得越来越美丽了。Our coun

6、try is _。“the +比较级, the +比较级” 表示 “ 越,就越”如:你学习越努力,你的英语就会越好。_you study, _your English will be.5、形容词的后置情况:(1)形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词后置。如:Will you have _ to say at the meeting tomorrow?A. something importantB. anything importantC. important somethingD. important anything(2)表示计量时, 形容词后置。如:这条河有两米半深。The river _.6、词

7、尾为-ing 和-ed的形容词用法区别:和物有关的用 ing : interesting, amazing, surprising, exciting和人有关的用 ed: interested, amazed, surprised, excited如: I am very_ in the _book. (interest)Unit21. 数量的比较:(1)可数名词:morethan 比多; the most 最多fewer than 比少; the fewest 最少(2)不可数名词:more than 比多; the most 最多 less than 比少 the least 最少2. l

8、ike “像”, 是介词,like +名词/代词/动词ing alike “相同的,相似的”, 是形容词,只能作表语,连系动词 +alike 3. be the same as “和相同” be different from “和不同”4.morethan修饰可数&不可少比多NancyhasmorefreetimethanJohn. fewerthan修饰可数比少DanielhasfewerCDsthanKitty. lessthan修饰不可少比少IhavelessfreeorangejuicethanJohn. themost最多Danielhasthemostmoney. thefewes

9、t/theleast最少Kittyhastheleastmoney.5.副词比较级与最高级构词方法与形容词基本相同单音节词大多数词后加er或eatfast-faster-fastest多音节词和部分双音节词在词前面加more或mostquickly-morequickly-mostquickly不规则变化:well-better-best;badly-worse-worst;far-tarther/further-furthest/farthestUnit3 并列连词一 and 和,又(1) and 连接相似意思的词、短语或分句。(2) 两个形容词置于名词前时,除了表示同一性质或颜色的情形以外

10、,常不用and. a red and black car; a talk dark man(3) 三个或三个以上的词、短语或分句相并列时,通常只在最后一个前加and,前面的用逗号隔开。I visited London, Paris and Rome. (4) 当and 与人称代词连用时,通常按二、三、一的顺序排列。you, she and I(5) 视为一个整体的两个名词在并列时,通常第二个前不加冠词。a mother and child 母子,my father and mother我的父母(6) 被and 连接起来的名词如果指同一个人时,通常后面的不加冠词。He is a teacher

11、and writer. 他是一位教师也是一位作家。二 but 但是(连接不同的意思,表示转折)三 or 或者(1) 连接表示选择的意思。(2) or常用于选择疑问句中。Would you like coffee or tea?你要咖啡还是茶?(3) or还可用于否定句中,意为“也不”。We cant go to parks or swimming pools. 我们不能去公园也不能去游泳池。动词不定式(1) 基本形式肯定形式:to + 动词原形 否定形式:not to 动词原形(2) 用法:一般情况 如果一个动词前已有了行为动词,则后面的动词要用不定式:行为动词 + 不定式He asked m

12、e to talk about English. 疑问词后面要跟不定式:疑问词 + 不定式 I dont know what to do.特殊情况 在下面的动词短语中后面的动词要用动词原形:had better + 动词原形;see / hear / make / let / help sb. + 动词原形The thermos made me feel thirsty.在下面的动词短语中后面的动词要用动词ing: like / enjoy / finish / mind / keep/ keep on / allow / practise / stop / go on / prefer/ b

13、e busy / + 动词 ingIf you want to learn English well, you must practice reading it everyday.反身代词(表示“自己”“亲自”)当主语和宾语一样时,宾语可以使用反身代词形式,起强调作用。反身代词不能单独作主语。反身代词和它所指代的对象在人称、性别、数上必须保持一致。第一人称和第二人称的反身代词是由形容词性物主代词加上self或selves构成,第三人称的反身代词是由宾格加上self或selves构成。IYouYouSheHeWe TheyItOneMyselfYourselfYourselvesHerselfH

14、imselfOurselvesThemselvesItselfoneself常用反身代词短语 enjoyoneselfhurtoneselfdressoneselfhideoneselfwashoneselfbyoneselfthethingitselfloseoneselfin.helponeselfto.saytooneselfetooneselfbuysth.foroneself teachoneself(todo)sth.learn(todo)sth.byoneself lookatoneselfinthemirrorkeepthesecrettooneself 时态复习:(一)、一般

15、现在时:用法:1、表示自然现象或客观真理。2、表示现在的事实。3、表示经常性动作。 构成:1、be 动词 (is/ am/ are) 肯定句:主语+is/am/are 否定句:主语+is/am/are+not 疑问句:is/am/are +主语 2、实义动词 (动词的第三人称单数形式 / 动词原形) 肯定句:(1)、主语(第三人称单数)动词第三人称单数形式 (2)、主语(不是第三人称单数)动词原形 否定句:(1)、主语(第三人称单数)does not (doesnt)+ 动词原形 (2)、主语(不是第三人称单数)do not (dont) +动词原形 疑问句:(1)、does + 主语(第三人

16、称单数)+ 动词原形 (2)、do + 主语(不是第三人称单数)+ 动词原形 3、常跟时间:always, usually, often, sometimes, every morning, every day, every week, every month, once a week, in the morning, in the evening, on Sunday, on Sunday afternoon 等。(二)、现在进行时用法:(1)表示现在正在进行的动作。(2)表示当前一段时间内正在进行的动作。构成:be(is / are /am) +动词-ing常跟时间短语:now (= ri

17、ght now = at the moment), at present, these days, Look! Listen! (三)、一般将来时:1. 用法:表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。2. 构成:shall(用于I 或we) + V原 (表示征求意见)will + V原 (表示纯粹的将来)be going to + V原 (表示打算或计划要做的事,或有迹象要发生的事)否定:will not = wont; shall not = shant 3. 常跟时间:tomorrow(明天), tomorrow morning(明天早上), tomorrow evening(明天晚上), th

18、is afternoon(今天下午), this evening(今天晚上), tonight(今晚), next week(下个星期), next year(明年), next month(下个月), the day after tomorrow(后天), in the future(在将来), in a few days(几天后), next Sunday(下个星期天),the ing Sunday(下个星期天) 等。在时间和条件状语从句中用一般现在时来表示将来时(常用will + V原):一般将来时+when/ until/ if + 一般现在时。I will go to the par

19、k if it doesnt rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨,我将去公园。Unit41.祈使句当我们向他人发出命令,提出请求或建议时,常使用祈使句。如:Bequiet,please!Dontbelateagain!【注】祈使句的主语通常不明确表示出来。(1)祈使句的肯定形式以动词原形开头;否定形式是动词原形前加donot/dont(2)为了显示客气和礼貌,我们常在祈使句中加please。当please在句末时,必须用逗号隔开。2.用should和hadbetter提建议Hadbetter和should都是情态动词,后接动词原形,而且均没有人称和数的变化。hadbetter的语气比

20、should强一些。Youhadbetterwatertheflowersassoonaspossible.Hadbetter中的had可缩写为dAllofusshouldtakepartinthisactivity.否定形式:hadbetternotshouldnot/shouldntYoudbetternotplayputergamesnow.Heshouldntbelateforschoolagain8A Unit 11. worry “使烦恼,使烦恼” worry about = be worried about 担心某事2. say bad words about sb 说别人的坏话

21、3. Ill vote for我将投票赞成 vote against 投票反对(Integrated skills)1. (1)help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人干某事=help sb. with sth. (2) solve problems 解决问题2. try ones best to do sth. 尽力去干某事do ones best to do sth. 3. a famous singer 一个著名的歌手famous“著名的”well-known, 常用短语:be famous for “因而著名” 4. agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree

22、with sb. 同意某人,与某人有相同的看法agree about / on sth. 关于的意见一致,同意某事5. one of the +形容词最高级名词复数“最之一”6. What is he like?他人如何?他是个什么样的人?(询问人性格、品质等)What does he look like?他长什么样子?(询问人的相貌)(Main Task)1. next door “隔壁”2. She always wears a smile on her face and looks happy. 她脸上总是挂着微笑,看上去总是那么的快乐。wear “面露,面带”8A Unit 2(ic

23、strip and Wele to the unit)1. 一些:some = a few (+可数名词) a little (+不可数名词) 2. 许多:a lot of = lots of = many (+可数名词) = much (+不可数名词)3. 几乎没有:few (+可数名词), little (+不可数名词) (Reading, Vocabulary)1. learn how to do sth. 学习怎样做某事疑问词+不定式2. as well “也,又,同样地” = too3. sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事。

24、sb. spend some money on sth. 某人花费多少金钱买某物。4. You are my hero. 你是我心中的偶像。5. have a good (great , wonder) time doing sth. 做某事很愉快=enjoy oneself doing sth = have fun doing sth6. What doesmean? = What do you mean by ? = Whats the meaning of ? 是什么意思?7. (1)students in 12th Grade “12年级的学生”,介词短语作定语,后置。 (2)be c

25、alled “被叫作” (Integrated skills and Study skills)1. have off “有(时间的)放假2. have morning assembly 开晨会3. What if? “要是又怎么办?=What would happen if ?4. mind “介意 ,在乎”, 后跟名词或动名词,= not agreemind doing sth. 介意干某事5. be able to “能,会”,=can6. have for breakfast / lunch / supper “早餐/午餐/晚餐吃”(Main task and Checkout)2.

26、pop music “流行音乐,通俗音乐”=popular music 3. school uniform 校服police uniform 警服4. one, the other “(两个中的)一个, 另一个”5. half an hour 半小时 half a year 半年6. go on a school trip “去郊游”7. be the same size as = be as big as “和一样大”8A Unit 3(ic strip and Wele to the unit)1. (1)need to do sth. 需要做某事 (need 是行为动词,后接不定式)(2

27、)exercise 运动,锻炼(动词) take exercise = have sports= do sport 做运动(3)keep fit =keep healthy保持健康2. (1)let sb do sth 让某人做某事(2)enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun 玩得开心3. take a boat trip 乘船游玩4. Take care!多保重!(问候语)常用的问候语有:Good luck!祝你好运! All the best! 祝万事如意!Have a good trip!祝旅途愉快! May you succeed! 祝你

28、成功!Greetings!请代我问候你的家人。5. by 在旁边besideby the lake 在湖边 by the fire在火旁(Reading, Vocabulary)1. (1)invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事(2)join in (doing) sth 参加某项活动2. at the beginning = at first 起初反义:at last,in the end 最后at the beginning of 在的开头反义:at the end of 在的结尾3. be made of 用制造的(能看见原材料)be made from 用制造的(看不出

29、原材料)4. not any more 不再5. in front of =before 在前面(在外面) in the front of 在前部(在内部)6. (1) over = more than 超过,多于(2)places of interest 名胜=interesting places(3)all over the world 全世界7. (1)teach oneself = learn by oneself 自学 (2) teach sb how to do sth. 教某人做某事= teach sb to do sth = teach sb doing sth(3)home

30、page 主页(Grammar)1. plan to do sth 计划做某事2. want to do sth 想做某事would like to sth3. agree to do sth.同意做某事4. decide to do sth 决定做某事5. hurt oneself 伤到自已 (Integrated skills and Study skills)1. be /reach/play in the final of 打进决赛2. take place 发生,进行(有安排的)happen 发生,进行(偶然的)3. 提建议的方法:(1)Shall we do sth?我们做好吗?(

31、2)Why dont we do sth?我们为什么不做呢? =Why not do sth?(3)Lets do sth.让我们干(4)How about doing sth?做怎么样?=What about doing sth?(5)How would you like to do sth?你觉得做怎么样?(Main task)1. go boating 去划船go camping 去露营;go skiing 去滑雪;go shopping 去购物;go dancing去跳舞2. work out 计算出,解决3. as as possible = as as sb can 尽可能8A U

32、nit 4(ic strip and Wele to the unit)1 look delicious 看起来好吃系动词形容词2 talk to sb. 跟某人说话talk with sb. 跟某人交谈talk about sth. 谈论某事3 look after = take care of 照顾 (Reading, Vocabulary)1 first “第一次,首次”,是副词。2 look like 看起来像3 call sb. sth 叫某人为4 (1) at four months = at the age of four months = when she was four m

33、onths old 四个月时(2)weigh 称重,重(3)start to do sth. = begin to do sth 开始做某事(4)for the first time 第一次5 not any more = no more = not any longer = no longer 不再6 grow into 长成7 (1) at the very beginning 起初,最初,very 加强语气。(2)up to 多达8 have another baby 又生了一个婴儿 have a baby 生孩子9 (1)It is +形容词+ for sb to do sth 对某人

34、来说,做某事是怎么样的。(2)in the wild 在野外10 in the future 在将来11 have no where to live 没地方可住, 不定式作定语12 (1) leave 留下 (2)on ones own 独自地,独立地13 take away 带走,拿走14 in danger 在危险中,垂危 in danger of 有的危险 out of danger 脱离危险15 We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas. take actions to do sth. 采取行动做某事16 enc

35、ourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事17 keep sb/ sth safe from danger 使某人或某物脱离危险= protect18 stay alive 活下来=survive19 alive 只作表语The fish we caught is still alive. 我们捉的鱼还活着。living 只作定语 living things生物 (Grammar)1. live as a family 以一个家庭的形式生活 as 作为, 是介词。 (Integrated skills and Study skills)1. They look lovely on

36、me. 它们穿在我身上很好看。2. lose ones life 失去生命,死= die3. 否定前移,常用的动词有:think, believe.I think so. 我认为是这样的。 I dont think so. 我认为不是这样的。4. Maybe you are right. 可能像对的。=Perhaps you are right.= You may be right.maybe 也许,可能=perhaps5. someone else 其它人 else修饰不定代词或疑问词,后置。What else can you see? =What other things can you

37、see?6. make a lot of money赚很多钱(Main task)1. black and white黑白色的black and white TV set 黑白电视机2. sb spend some time (in) doing sth 花费多少时间干某事.=It takes sb some time to do sth. 3. (1) one or two 一两个,seven or eight七八个 one and a half hours = an hour and a half 一个半小时(2)at a time一次, 每次 at times =sometimes 有时 at any time随时 at that time 那时4. smaller and smaller越来越小 比较级+and +比较级 “越来越”5. keep doing sth 坚持做某事,不断做某事 =keep on doing sth =go on doing sth 不断做某事6. tell sb about sth 把有关于某事的情况告诉某人7. know about sb/sth知道关于某人或某物的情况 know sb / sth 知道某人或某物8. walk upright起立行走9. in the daytime白天 in the night晚上

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