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1、【词汇】1. parent父或母 2. clean擦,洗 3.cook烧,煮 4. sweep the floor 扫地 5. busy 忙,忙碌 6. wash the dishes洗碗7. make the bed 整理床铺 8. grow 种植 9. garden 花园,果园 10.sweet甜的11. pest害虫 12.ladybird瓢虫13. go away走了,离开 14.grow 生长15.wind 风 16.blow 吹;打击17.bring 带来 18.kettle壶 【词组短语】1. help our parents 帮助我们的父母2. Saturday morning

2、星期六上午 3. clean the car洗车4. help him帮助他 5. cook breakfast做早饭6. in the kitchen 在厨房 7. in the living room在客厅8. sweep the floor 扫地 9. in his bedroom在他的卧室里10. in the afternoon 在下午 11. my cousin 我的表弟、表妹12.be busy忙碌的 13. cook dinner 做晚饭 14. help her 帮助她 15.wash the dishes洗碗16. clean the table擦桌子 17. eat fr

3、uit吃水果18. watch TV看电视 19. make the bed整理床铺20.wash clothes洗衣服 21.in the morning 在早上 22.listen to 听 23.grow grapes种葡萄24. in his garden在他的花园里 25.big and sweet 又大又甜26.on the grapes在葡萄上 27. so sweet 那么甜 28. go away走了,离开 29.watch the flowers growing看花朵生长 30.listen to the wind blowing 听风吹过的声音 31.put the ke

4、ttle on 烧壶水32.theyve all gone away 他们都离开了 【句型】1.It is Saturday morning这是星期六早上。2.My father is cleaning the car.我的爸爸正在洗车。3.I am helping him.我正在帮助他。4.My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.我的妈妈正在厨房里做早饭。5.What are we doing now?我们现在正在做什么?6.Helen and I are helping her.海伦和我正在帮助她。7.What are Tim and J

5、im doing?They are eating fruit in the living room.蒂姆和吉姆正在做什么?他们在起居室里吃水果。8.Were eating your grapes.我们正在吃你的葡萄。9.The pests go away,but the ladybirds do not.害虫离开了,但是瓢虫没有。【语法】本单元归纳呈现了现在进行时的特殊疑问句和肯定句,同时归纳了本单元出现的动词现在分词形式。1. 现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。通常与表示现在的时间的单词连用及句首为look,listen等动词连用2. 现在进行时的构成:be动词(am,is,are)+

6、动词-ing形式。现在进行时的肯定句式结构:主语+be动词(am,is,are)+动词-ing形式+其他。现在进行时的特殊疑问句式结构:特殊疑问词+be动词(am,is,are)+主语+动词-ing形式+其他?3. 动词现在分词的构成:(1)大部分动词是在其原形后直接加-ingdo-doing,clean-cleaning,cook-cooking,eat-eating,help-helping,wash-washing,watch-watching。(2)以不发音e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。make-making,write-writing,take-taking,skate-sk

7、ating,have-having,ride-riding(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,则应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。sit-sitting,swim-swimming,put-putting,run-running【语言知识点】1.My father is cleaning the car.我爸爸正在洗车。这句话中的cleaning是动词clean的现在进行时,表示“正在洗刷”。现在进行时的基本结构是“动词be动词(am,is,are)+现在分词(doing)”,动词be必须与主语的人称和单复数形式一致。如:I am sweeping the floor.我正在

8、扫地。They are sweeping the floor.他们正在扫地。She is sweeping the floor.她在扫地。2.What is he doing now?他现在正在做什么?此问句是现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式。what是疑问代词,意思是“什么”。当主语是第三人称单数时,be动词用is;当主语是第一人称单数时,be动词用am;其他人称时,be动词用are。“be”动词+动词-ing形式构成了现在进行时,表示正在做的动作。例如:(1)What are you doing ,Tom?你正在做什么,汤姆?(2)Im looking for my toy car.我正在寻找我

9、的玩具小汽车。3.Bobby grows grapes in his garden.博比在他的花园里种了葡萄。grow在这里作及物动词,是“种植”的意思。如:They grow rice on the farm.他们在农场上种植水稻。grow 也可以用作不及物动词,表示“生长”、“成长”、“变成”等意思。如:The grapes are growing well.葡萄长得很好。4.Then,some ladybirds e.后来,来了几只瓢虫。Ladybird是指瓢虫。瓢虫是一种体色鲜艳的小型昆虫,两鞘翅上有红、黑或黄色的斑点。瓢虫的种类很多,不同种类的瓢虫习性也各不相同。本单元和下一个单元的

10、卡通故事就是基于不同种类的瓢虫的习性而展开的。5.The pests go away,but the ladybirds do not.害虫走了,但瓢虫没有走。这个转折并列句的后半句是一个省略句,在do not后省略了go away,目的是为了避免重复。又如:Sam is happy ,but Bobby is not.萨姆是开心的,但博比不是。(省略了happy)I would like to e but I cant.我想来,但不能来。(省略了e)go away 在这里是“走开”、“离开”的意思。如:Wait here.Dont go away.等在这里,别走开。Rain ,rain,go

11、 away,little Johnny wants to play.雨呀,雨呀,快走开,小乔尼呀,想要玩儿。6.I am helping him.句子中help是个动词,动词和介词后面用人称宾格him。主格Iweyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouhimheritthem形容词性物主代词myouryourhisheritstheir7.一般现在时中be动词的用法一般现在时be动词有三种,am,is,are,其中 I 用am,名词单数或者不可数名词用is,复数we/you/they 用are缩略式为:Im,youre,hes,were,theyre否定缩略式 Im not, isnt,

12、 arent 【语音】ing /I/I/是短元音,发音时声带振动。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向上腭抬起,但比发/i:/音时略低些和放松些。双唇仍呈扁平口形,但比 发/i:/音时稍开大些。/n/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。舌后部高高抬起,抵住下垂软腭,让气流经过鼻腔,从鼻孔泄出。发音时双唇始终微微张开。比/n/音有浓重鼻音。发/I/和/ 音时,瞬间合一。living , sing, dancing ,sleeping,cooking,washing 5BUnit Five单元练习卷班级_ 姓名 _等第_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)(

13、 )1.A.parent B. present C. father ( )2.A. clean B.cook C. cinema ( )3.A. wash B. watch C. water ( )4.A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleepy ( )5.A.cook B. book C. look ( )6.A. bus B. busy C. but ( )7.A. sweet B. sweater C. swing( )8. A. clean the table B. clean the bed C. clean the door( )9. A. cook breakfa

14、st B. cook dinner C. cook lunch ( )10.A. She is helping her mother. B. She is making the bed. C. She is washing clothes. 二、听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )1. She is eating some chicken in the kitchen.( )2. My brother is doing housework.( )3. Tim is in his bedroom.( )4. Hele

15、n is cleaning the table.( )5. They are watching TV in the sitting room. 三、听录音, 选出合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )1. A. Yes,I do. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I am.( )2. A. He is jumping. B. She is singing. C. They are dancing.( )3. A. We like singing. B. We are singing. C. We usually sing .( )4. A. I nee

16、d a cup . B. We need some candles. C. No,thank you.( )5. A.No,he isnt. . B. They are cleaning the library. C. Yes,they are.四、听录音,完成下面的句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分。读三遍)1.Its Sunday_ .My mother is in the _ .She is _ the _ . My father is _ the floor in the sitting-room.2.What is your uncle doing?He is _

17、flowers. How your aunt?She is_ _. They are very _ . 笔试部分(70分)一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. A. cook B. book C. good D. moon( )2. A. class B. rabbit C. taxi D. apple( )3. A. wash B. ship C.peach D. shiny( )4. A. who B. where C. which D .when( )5. A. dress B. tree C. drink D .draw二、英汉词组互译

18、。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 星期六下午 2. 整理床铺 3. 看电视 4. 洗碗 _ 5. 吃水果 6. grow flowers 7. a busy day 8. help his parents 9. big and sweet _ 10. go away 三、单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1. _ are you going? Im going to the cinema.A. What B. Where C. Who D. When( )2. Look,the pests _ the grapes. A. is to eat B. is eat

19、ing C. eat D. are eating( )3. _ is your sister doing ? She is dancing. A. What B. Where C. Why D. How( )4. He wants _ a film on Sunday.A. seeing B. see C.sees D. to see( )5. Tims mother always nice breakfast for _ . A. cook ,him B. cook,heC. cooks,him D. cooks,he( )6. They often their housework in t

20、he evening.A. did B. do C. does D. to do( )7. Listen,the bird _ in the tree.A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing( )8. Mr Green every day. But he now.A. swim,is swimming B. swim, swimmingC. swims, isnt swimming D. goes; doesnt( )9. Mikes friend playing basketball.A. are B. is C. am D. be( )10. W

21、hat Nancy and Mike doing?They are .A. are;watching TV B. are;watches C. is;watching TV D. is;watches四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10个空格;每空1分,满分10分)1.Tom usually _ ( brush) _ (he ) teeth in the morning.2.I like _ ( sing ) .3. What _ he _ ( do ) in the playground ? He is running.4. Look,Jim_ (sweep) the floor in th

22、e sitting room.5. Shes not (wash) clothes .6. What your sister (do)now?She is (make) the bed.五、按要求完成下列句子。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. Mike is helping his parents. (改为一般疑问句)_2. They often do their homework in the evening. (用she替换they)_3. He is sleeping in the bedroom. (对划线部分提问)_4.My sister listens to music ev

23、ery day.(把every day 改为now )_5.are, my, sister,the, breakfast, I, cooking,in ,kitchen,and(.) (连词成句)_.六、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。(每空一词,每词1分,共15分)1.我的阿姨正在扫地。My aunt the floor.2. 那个女孩在看电视吗?是的。 that girl TV?Yes,she .3. 你的姐姐正在做什么?她正在整理床铺。What your sister ?Shes the bed.4. 放学后她常常做回家作业。She usually her homework after sc

24、hool.5. 波比想要看电影。Bobby see a film.6. 我的叔叔正在洗车,我正在帮助他。My uncle is the car.Im .7. 她得了感冒。She a cold.七、阅读理解。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(A) Ben and Jack are good friends.Theyre twelve.They are in the same class.They are in Nanjing Primary School.They have the same hobby.They like sport very much.At school,they li

25、ke having PE lessons.Look,they are having a PE lesson now.Ben is jumping up and down.He jumps very high.Jack is running.He runs fast.At the weekends,they like swimming and climbing.Sometimes they go to the playground to play volleyball and basketball.Sport is good for their health(健康),so they are st

26、rong(强壮的). 阅读短文,选择正确答案。( )1. How old are Ben and Jack? A.They are eleven. B. They are twelve C. Ben is eleven and Jack is twelve D. They are not twelve( )2.Do they have the same hobby? A. Yes,they do B. No,they dont. C.Yes,they have different hobbies D. They have the same hobby( )3. What do they lik

27、e doing? A. They like climbing B. They like singing C. They like swimming D.They like having PE lessons( )4. What is Jack doing? A. Hes jumping B. Hes playing basketball C. Hes playing football D. Hes running.( )5. Is sport good for their health? A. Yes,it is. B. I dont think so C. No,it isnt D. Its

28、 bad (B) Its four oclock in the afternoon now.Classes are over.Some students are making paper flowers and some students are reading books.Some students are flying model planes in the playground.My friends are playing in the classroom.Yang Ling and Mike are playing chess in the classroom,They can pla

29、y very well.Nancy is playing cards with Liu Tao.Sun Yang and Helen are not in the classroom.They are in the library.Perhaps they are cleaning the library.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Its 4:00 now.( )2. Mike is playing chess with Yang Ling.( )3. Gao Shan and Liu Tao are playing cards.( )4. Helen is in the

30、 classroom.( )5.Su Yang and Nancy are cleaning the library.(共5分)八、模仿本单元story time,介绍你家人在周末早晨正在做什么。(共5分)要求:1.条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,表点正确,书写规范。 2.要求用“现在进行时”介绍你家人活动,不少于五句话。 Its Sunday morning .Look, My father (命题人:长安花苑小学) Unit Five单元练习卷听力文字稿一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)1.parent 2. cook 3. wash 4.

31、 sleeping 5.look 6. busy 7. sweet 8.clean the bed 9. cook breakfast 10. She is washing clothes二、听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)1. She is eating some fruit in the kitchen.2. My brother is doing homework.3. Tim is in his bedroom.4. Helen is cleaning the car.5. They are watching

32、 TV in the sitting room. 三、听录音, 选出合适的答句,听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)1. Do you go to school by bus?2. What is Helen doing?3. What do you like doing?4. Would you like some cakes?5. Are they cleaning the library.四、听录音,完成下面的句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分。读三遍)1.Its Sunday afternoon .My mother is in the bedro

33、om .She is making the bed . My father is sweeping the floor in the sitting-room.2.What is your uncle doing?He is growing flowers. How about your aunt?She is cooking dinner. They are very busy .Unit Six【词汇】1. game 运动,比赛 2. smell 有气味,闻起来3. meat (猪、牛、羊等的)肉 4. vegetable 蔬菜5. tomato 西红柿,番茄 6. potato 马铃薯,

34、土豆7. I cant wait. 我等不及了。 8. look for 找,寻找9. ready 准备好 10. yummy 好吃的,美味的11. love 喜欢, 喜爱 12. bread 面包13. win 获胜,赢 14. yeah 太好了,太棒了15. angry 生气的,愤怒的 16. spot 斑,点17. catch 抓,抓住 18. driveaway 赶走19. queen 皇后 20. through 穿行21. golden 金色的,金黄色的 22. crown 皇冠 23. chopsticks 筷子 24. fork 叉子 【词组短语】1. e home from a football game 从一场足球赛上回到家2. cook dinner in the kitchen 在厨房做饭 3. smell nice 味道很好4. cook meat 煮肉 5. wash vegetables 洗菜6. cook tomato soup 做番

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