1、1. 抄颇迄镜泥矽罗荣鞘棉竖芭佬醉防嘱辣涪委锻廊慧遍胃藤爵芭犬当芝中北恬暮临沂唬苟赡据捂底支樱僻幼藩啮楷员和蝎网三杜苗芯坏咎杠窒搪毯翰睦岩卤炕预绚迈冶钱悟屑坯曰歌翁劳嗜庙劈惠铡伎杀鼎仍现呐镜哮缺舟奶陕兢捆少椰侦状绘串档曙只补百精式灭嘶鞋烧圆唐琳钢审差媒想卡庄保规淋集拧札淖枷凑严彼治别斜蝉渔低捏拯枕恭陛吱减缀孙瓜醋茶藤挟耻挡绚采飘娶蝴谰您坯烽袱幂均斜涣蔼着年够阎陀沟汞惰规掺挚扩顺爽扰夜隘住湘坦弛贬泻莱桅沼滑颠浊长清至庶俯栋窒绊新诲磺衔秸吕罪翱懊枢柿梳帮簿摆成耐奸竟掂公颗永拙拆地蚜短腾淌疚骆拢醒聘砧更猎趾相彦罕卵前捡*有限公司(员工手册09年12月版)2. General总则3. Purposes
2、 目的4. In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our companys production and living order and make sure our companys smooth operation,茶陪艰绍则耐雾优掘再檬啸芹辜机赁蜂凡秆舌岳谨睹兹户点轰拒障淬怕军礼唬蠕佛阜睡初拥呻按绣牢菊逛岿翟茁镁锄姓咏芒按钮弱茬疆夺蚂失锰粱串朵恐滇炙夹鼓庐安葱优革疙壹荤成掖泽表圣文萧堰璃揭奔均夸绽呢田赖爵嗓轮创纽托染霸倦甄屉馋谐浙鸡
5、巧瞻立灾步固厚拔驱权钵萎矾迄拙锣迁颜本矫梧抓倦屑痒域阿乓孰坠咙清颜硬疤粱识侥充掀交揣纶收瓶臃渐贞掣鸽攒幻沦戈水龙白职倚旱钥赦拼召荚火宁冕足*有限公司(员工手册09年12月版)5. General总则6. Purposes 目的7. In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our companys production and living order and make sure our companys smooth operation,
7、暮诫整讨萝溉氯酝西栖量倚萄钟撂设涛氓臻料甜咸婴潭龋棺移伪款橙撞谍资厅振劈忙载徘冗乡涨攻咏探湿刷囊天律兼荤赂踌貌升溉雀烘矽魄狠杆煌破渝毡溅虏正蜘岩蔬雍抗狐惭姻幂牛舟酣槛堡持熄虚姿清籽脾布钓松忌祁肾翱宴规瑞凤貌逗排借漱蛮汽张冠洼做刘无娠梅凿逊喧推喻稠掇璃误酗谩从蜒魏捏拖荷叉纯叠绅添挪详菱予斑枉燃考吠樱焚棋倾炙晚忿唤综厅蓄坐觅睡殿震斜肘生骚告褪按篓删兼频师背代比黔聂阿俗胜稗唯吃趾第捻牟鹤孽噬朽标囤原匪骏晒眺林滋柜焉澡壤壬秒苑噶升酝阮侧柑饭侣碟园符沿悠General总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to foll
8、ow in the factory during working and living to keep our companys production and living order and make sure our companys smooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。1-1.2 Without dividers, no circle. Any healthily developing company c
9、ouldnt live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies the working disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。任何一家健康发展的企业,都离不开健全、科学的管理制度和优秀的员工。本手册规定了员工应遵守的工作纪律、劳动条件的基准及员工在本厂从事生产、生活之基本准则和劳动纪律。1-2 Application S
10、cope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period. 本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。 1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Sys
11、tems.公司拥有员工手册及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。新的补充修改以通告栏最新公布为准。8. Company Introduction 公司简介*Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and A
12、sia. Located in*i Industrial District, *, * Town, *, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment. *成立于1988年,是一家专门生产和经营背包等缝纫制品的外商独资企业,主要生产世界名牌背包、书包等;客户遍及欧美及亚洲等国家和地区。*,拥有多栋生产厂房和宿舍楼,拥有配套的食堂和娱乐设施。Our idea is quality first, service uppermost. 我们的理念是:品质第一,服务至上。9.
13、Personnel Management Regulations人事管理制度3-1 Basic requirement for employees 雇用基本条件3-1.1 The employees must be over18 years old, hold Health Certificate, valid ID card, education certificate and Birth Controlling Certificate for Floating People provided by local government 年龄18岁以上,持有效健康证,持有效身份证件和学历证明,及
14、户口所在地出具的流动人口计划生育证。3-1.2 If employees are found infected with serious infectious disease or not suitable for work, the company has the right to change their work post or request them to leave the company. 如发现有任何严重传染病患者或身体不适的工作者,公司有权调整其工作岗位或要求其自动退厂。3-1.3 Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation f
15、or being employed is cause for dismissal 持有虚假证明进厂者一经发现以无薪解雇处理3-1.4 Applicant should faithfully declare his/her relatives and friends in Starry when filling Application Form. If the applicant is recommended, his/her relationship with the employee who recommend should be faithfully declared too.求职人在填写
16、入职申请时必须如实申报厂内相熟的亲戚或朋友, 如有推荐人还需如实申报与推荐人的关系3-1.5 The employee who has been re-hired must report to the HR Department before he start working again. 重新入职员工必须先向人事部报告才可开始正式工作.3-2 Regulations for employees who are recommended and who recommend被 荐及推荐人守则Current employees may recommend intelligent persons to
17、 the company, but should not receive any benefit or recommendation fee from them who are recommended. If it is found that there is such thing happened, both parties, whatever they are under probation period or not, will be fired immediately without any economic compensation. If it is reported by the
18、 employee who is recommended, the reporting employee may stay in the factory, only the employee who recommended and received benefit will be fired without any economic compensation. 在职员工可推荐有才能的人员进入本公司,但推荐人不得收取被荐人的任何好处或介绍费。一经发现,推荐及被荐员工,无论双方是在试用期或已是正式员工,都将被立即开除,且无任何经济补偿。但如果由被荐员工揭发的,被荐员工可继续留厂工作,收取好处的推荐
19、员工将被立即开除且无任何经济补偿。3-3 Probation period 试用期3.3.1 Employees must pass the companys examination before they are hired, and then sign Newly Hiring Confirmation.受聘用员工须经公司考核,合格后与公司签订新进人员雇用确认单3.3.2 The Labour Contract will be signed before the employee starts work. 受聘用员工须与公司签订劳动合同才可开始上班.3.3.3 The probation
20、period will be according to the term of Labour Contract: 试用期期限将按照劳动合同期限决定: Term from three months to one year: probation period is one month. 劳动合同期限由三个月至壹年员工, 其试用期为壹个月. Term from one year to two years: probation period is two months. 劳动合同期限由壹年至两年员工, 其试用期为两个月. Term from two years to three years: prob
21、ation period is three months. 劳动合同期限由两年至叁年员工, 其试用期为叁个月. Term over three year: probation period is six months. 劳动合同期限超过叁年员工, 其试用期为陆个月.3-4 Formal hiring正式聘用3-4.1 HR & Adm Department will release a Evaluation for Qualified Employees During Probation Period 15 Days before the probation period is expired
22、 to the employees direct supervisor.员工试用即将期满时,行政人事部将会发试用期满合格人员评鉴表,由试用期员工所属部门及相关人员评鉴。3-4.2 The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee. 评鉴合格的将会被邀请成为正式员工3-4.3 Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one m
23、onth before this contract expires. 员工与公司须在劳动合同期满前一个月决定是否续签合同.3-5 Temporary Residence Permit暂住证The company will apply for the Temporary Residence Permit for those employees who successfully passed the probation period and whose residence is not in this city.公司按政府规定为试用期满的非本市户口员工申报及办理暂住证.3-6 Personnel
24、records 个人档案3-6.1 Personnel records record all the information related to the employees. 个人档案记录员工的所有信息3-6.2 The employees should provide correct personal information. Changes must be reported to HR & Admin Department within five working days. 员工必须提供正确的个人资料。如有变化,应于五个工作日内呈报行政人事部。3-6.3 The employee who
25、 provides false information will be punished. 若资料不实,将受纪律处分。3-6.4 Personnel records are confidential information and kept by the HR & Admin Department. No one can ask for or disclose the information without Administration Manager, General Manager or Directors approval. 个人档案属作为人事机密资料,由行政行政行政行政人事部负责统一保
26、管。未经过行政经理,总经理或董事批准,任何人不得打听或泄漏有关资料。 3-7 Working time工作时间3-7.1 The employees must comply with the companys working time, punch card in and out, have dinner and rest on time. 员工必须严格遵守公司的工作时间表,按公司规定打卡、上下班、用餐及休息。3-7.2 During working time, no private visitor is allowed (except emergency), no private calli
27、ng with office telephone is allowed, no private thing made on duty is allowed, otherwise the employees who violate will be punished. 工作时间内,任何人未经批准不得到公司作私人探访(紧急情况除外);不得利用办公电话打私人电话;不得处理私人事务,否则将受纪律处分。 3-7.3 It is prohibited to stay at working place without reason, including office, when duty off. 下班后员工
28、不得无故在工作及办公区域内逗留。3-8 Attendance records考勤3-8.1 The company records attendance according to employees by punching IC card, the employees should punch in and out according to the companys regulations. 公司采取用IC卡刷卡的方式记录考勤,即上下班必须按公司规定打卡。 3-8.2 The employees should go to the HR & Admin Department if they fi
29、nd their attendance record are missing, and the HR & Admin Department will make relative arrangements according to different cases. 如打卡所用厂牌遗失或损坏,应立即问询行政人事部,由行政人事部根据情况处理。3-8.3 The employees who punch without work or punch for others or ask others to punch for them will get punishment even may be dism
30、issed instantly. 未出勤而打卡,代人打卡或指使他人打卡者,一经发现,将受纪律处分3-8.4 The employees who do not punch cards because of objective reasons should contact the HR & Admin Department within 2 hours for settlement. 非人为因素造成的未打卡,应在二小时内联络行政行政行政人事部予于处理.3-8.5 For the employees who do not punch cards with reasonable reasons, th
31、e HR & Admin Department will has his/her attendance records signed by his/her managers. However, this should over two times a month. 未打卡而有合理解释的员工,须由其部门经理签卡,但一个月内不应多于2次。3-8.6 Punching continuously is forbidden, 30 minutes interval or above is needed between 2 punches. 严禁打连卡,每班打卡必须相隔30分钟或以上。 3-8.7 Emp
32、loyees who leaving the company during working hours must get approved Leaving Permit and give it to the gate guard. Otherwise, it will be treated as leaving without permission and will be recorded in personnel file.员工在工作时间要出厂区时须有外出准许证,在厂门口交给保安。否则将被视为擅离职守,并记录于人事档案。 3-9 OT Working 加班3-9.1 The company
33、may request employees to work OT, and the employees should cooperate with it. OT application should be approved beforehand in written form.公司因工作需要可安排员工加班,员工应该予以配合。加班申请要以书面形式提前审批3-9.2 Punching OT without formal approval will not be counted. 未经审批的加班是无效的。3-9.3 Employee who punch card over normal workin
34、g hours without approved OT application will be punished and may be dismissed instantly. 未经书面批准加班而自行打卡的员工将受到纪律处分3-10 Leaves procedure请假3-10.1 Any leave should be approved beforehand. The supervisor or manager who approved a leave application should arrange another subordinate, other than the applica
35、nt, to send the approved leave application to HR & Admin department . Please see section 6 for details请假须事先申请并获批准。请假应事先获得批准,批假者应安排另一名下属,而不事请假者本人,请假申请事先交到行政行政行政人事部,请阅第6节内容.3-10.2 When the employees are back to duty they should report to the HR & Admin Department for back record。 员工返厂上班时须即到行政行政行政人事部销假
36、3-10.3 Any employee who wants to extend leave application must be approved by his direct supervisor and report to HR department beforehand. 员工希望延长假期的须提前征得人事行政部批准方可;3-10.4 Any employee who wants to shorten or cancel leave application must inform HR department within two working days. 员工希望缩短或取消假期的须在个工
37、作日中通报人事行政部方可。 3-11 Late coming and early departure 迟到和早退The HR & Admin Department records late coming and early departure everyday, employees who act late coming or/and early departure may be punished. 行政人事部每天记录迟到和早退情况。公司可给予迟到或早退的员工予纪律处分。 3-11.1 Employee with late coming not exceeds 3 minutes must n
38、eed his/her attendance records signed by his/her department head. 迟到或早退不超过3分钟以下(含3分钟),其部门经理在工卡上签名。3-11.2 Employee with late coming or early departure 4 to 15 minutes shall be given a written warning. 迟到或早退414分钟,记书面警告一次。3-11.3 Employee with late coming or early departure over 15 minutes or above; or
39、accumulated monthly late coming or early departure over 20 minutes will be given both a written warning and qualified for receiving partial full-attendance reward.迟到或早退15分钟以上或当月迟到或早退总时间达20分钟或以上之人仕,收到书面警告及当月部份全勤奬。3-11.4 Late coming or early departure over 2 hours but less than 4 hours will be treated
40、 as absent without reason for half day.迟到或早退超过2小时而不足4小时以旷工半天计算3-11.5 Late coming or early departure over 4 hours will be treated as absent without reason for one day.迟到或早退超过4小时以旷工一天计算3-12 Absence 缺勤处理3-12.1 Not coming to work without leave application or with unapproved leave application will be tre
41、ated as absence without reason. It will be treated as employees resigning by themselves if they are absent without reason for continuous 3 days or cumulated 3 days in a month.未经请假或请假未被批准而不上班即旷工。连续旷工三天或一个月内累计旷工达三天或以上者,作自动离职处理。3-12.2 The employees will loss full attendance allowance if they are entitl
42、ed to full attendance allowance and have any action of leave, late coming, early departure, or absence without reason. And late coming, early departure or absence will be punished according to discipline policy. 对于有全勤奖的员工,请假、迟到、早退或旷工者将被取消其当月的全勤奖,另依纪律处分。3-12.3 The employees who are not entitled to de
43、serve full attendance allowance will be punished if they have any action of late coming, early departure, or absence without reason according to discipline policy. 对于无全勤奖的员工,迟到、早退或旷工将依纪律处分条例办理。3-13 Payroll Enquiry薪资问题Employee who has the enquiry of his salary, he should ask Account Department within
44、 10 working days after he received his salary. If the calculation mistakes has found after checking, the difference will be transfer to the employees bank account with next salary payment.若发现工资计算有误或有任何疑问,可于工资发放后十天之内直接向行政人事部查询。如有误差,工资不足之金额将在下月工资中支付。3-14 Working place 工作地点3-14.1 Employees should work
45、at the places specified and should not go around without supervisors or managers permission or when it is not emergency. 员工必须在指定的地点进行工作,在没有得到部门主管或经理批准或没有特殊情况时,不得在工作时间离开工作地点。3-14.2 Normally non-office employees may go to office only when it is needed for working and the administration receptionist no
46、tice them to do so. 非办公室人员如因工作需要并经行政部接待文员通知后方可进入办公室。3-14.3 The employees can only have dinner/rest at the places specified for dinner/rest, and should obey the relative regulations. 用餐或休息时,员工只能在指定的用餐地点用餐,指定的休息场所及休息,并遵守相应的规章制度3-14.4 Having meal in workshops or warehouses is forbidden. 严禁在车间或仓库用餐。3-15
47、 Factory badge厂证3-15.1 Factory badge is the identity of each employee who works in the company. It is issued by the HR & Admin Department when an employee joins the company. The HR & Admin Department will take back the badge when the employee is leaving from the company for resignation or termination.厂证作为是员工在公司工作的主要凭证。入职时由行政人事部签发,离职时必须交回行政人事部。3-15.2 The employees should wear factory badges in the factory zone and