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1、Ill help clean up the city parks.Section A Period 2 (1)people without homes(2)start;establish(3)make something clean(4)make someone happier(5)work in the open air(6)make something happen later(7)give something to somebody in order(8)to help someone who needs help(9)to hang or stick something on(a bo

2、ard)b.clean uph.put upc.cheer up d.work outsideg.offer helpi.put offf.give oute.homeless peoplea.set upMatch the phrases with their own meanings.Volunteers Being a volunteer is great!Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people:Li Huiping,Lan Pei,and Zhu Ming.These three students

3、 all volunteer their time to help other people.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week,so it is a major commitment.Huiping loves to read,and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school.Here,she helps young children(to)r

4、ead.Pei loves animals and plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school.He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.Ming wants to be a professional singer.He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.“Volunteering is great!”says Huiping.“Not only

5、 do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.”Pei says he has learned more about animals.Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital.The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project“Become a volunteer today!”NameThe kinds of w

6、ork the volunteers do:(志愿者做的工作)(志愿者做的工作)The reasons why they like their work:(为什么他们喜(为什么他们喜欢他们的工作)欢他们的工作)Li HuipingLin PeiZhuMingWork in the after-school care center,help young children to read;work in an animal hospital;sing for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.He has learned

7、more about animalsHe has met some wonderful people at the hospital.Not only does she feel good about helping other people,but she gets to spend time doing what he love to do;Read this article,and then fill this chart.1.This volunteer work takes _ of them several hours a week,so it is a _commitment.2

8、.Huiping loves to read,and she _ this love to _ _ by working in the after-school _ _.3.3._ _ _ I feel good about helping other people,_ I get to spend time doing_majorputsgood usecare centerNot only do butwhat I love to do 根据课文内容,完成下列句子。根据课文内容,完成下列句子。eachSome phrasal verbs1Not onlybut also的用法2Get to

9、,volunteer等的用法3How to express your own ideas about volunteer.4SummaryI.从方框中选择适当的短语完成句子,每个短语限用一次,从方框中选择适当的短语完成句子,每个短语限用一次,每空词数不限(如果需要可变化形式)。每空词数不限(如果需要可变化形式)。put off ,cheer up ,clean up ,put.to good use 1.Lily looks sad,lets _ her _.2.Miss Green will _ her experience _ in the new job.3.Dont _ what we

10、 can do today till tomorrow.4.Tell your sister to _ the living room.cheer upputto good useput offclean up(推迟)(推迟)(使高兴起来)(使高兴起来)(打扫)(打扫)(把(把投入使用)投入使用)1.Not only the students but also their teacher_ to the concert.A.is going to B.are going to C.go D.have gone2.I have difficulty in Chinese,so I get to

11、spend time _ it.A.learning B.learn C.to learn D.learntB.3.Dont put off _ what we can do today till tomorrow.C.do B.doing C.to doD.4.Not only _ he like basketball,but he likes football.E.A.did B.do D.doesAABC.单项选择题。单项选择题。1.Remember the points we have learned today.2.2.Do exercises(Period 2第二第二课时)课时)o

12、n your exercise books.1.1.BeingBeing a volunteer a volunteer is is great!great!当一个志愿者真是太好了!当一个志愿者真是太好了!当一个志愿者真是太好了!当一个志愿者真是太好了!注:动名词短语在作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。注:动名词短语在作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。注:动名词短语在作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。注:动名词短语在作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。不定式短语作主语谓语也用单数。不定式短语作主语谓语也用单数。不定式短语作主语谓语也用单数。不定式短语作主语谓语也用单数。To be a volunteer To be a

13、 volunteer is is great!great!练习:练习:练习:练习:Playing basketball _ very interesting.Playing basketball _ very interesting.A.are B.is C.am A.are B.is C.amExplanationaB2.2.Not onlyNot only do do I feel good about helping other I feel good about helping other people,people,butbut(alsoalso)I I get toget to s

14、pend spend time doing time doing what I love to do.what I love to do.(1)not only(1)not only置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。练习:练习:练习:练习:Not only _ I a student,but(also)Lily is a Not only _ I a student,but(also)Lily is a student.student.A.do B.are C.am A.do B.ar

15、e C.am(2)not only.but(also).(2)not only.but(also).当连接两个主语时,谓当连接两个主语时,谓当连接两个主语时,谓当连接两个主语时,谓语动词应遵循语动词应遵循语动词应遵循语动词应遵循“就近原则就近原则就近原则就近原则”。练习:练习:练习:练习:Not only my brother but also my parents Not only my brother but also my parents _(be)interested in guitar._(be)interested in guitar.amare(2)(2)get toget to

16、 表示一个动作发生的过程。表示一个动作发生的过程。表示一个动作发生的过程。表示一个动作发生的过程。I I get toget to like basketball now.like basketball now.我现在有一点喜欢篮球了。我现在有一点喜欢篮球了。我现在有一点喜欢篮球了。我现在有一点喜欢篮球了。练习练习练习练习:他们开始学习弹钢琴了。(翻译)他们开始学习弹钢琴了。(翻译)他们开始学习弹钢琴了。(翻译)他们开始学习弹钢琴了。(翻译)They They get toget to learn to play the piano.learn to play the piano.另外,另外,

17、另外,另外,get to get to 还有还有还有还有“到达到达到达到达”的意思的意思的意思的意思 eg.eg.我明天到达北京。我明天到达北京。我明天到达北京。我明天到达北京。I will get to Beijing tomorrow.I will get to Beijing tomorrow.1.be home to sb.是某人的家园是某人的家园 eg.School is home to us.学校是我们的家园。学校是我们的家园。2.volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事自愿做某事 eg.He volunteered to clean the classroom yest

18、erday.昨天他自愿打扫了教室。昨天他自愿打扫了教室。3.put to good use 把把投入使用投入使用 eg.I put my time to good use by studying.通过学习我把我的时间通过学习我把我的时间充分利用了起来。充分利用了起来。4.plan to do sth.=plan on doing sth.计划做某事计划做某事 eg.They plan to go shopping.他们计划去购物。他们计划去购物。=They plan on going shopping.5.feel good about 对对感到愉快感到愉快 eg.I feel good about helping kids.我对帮助孩子感到愉快我对帮助孩子感到愉快此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!

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