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1、粮盘衣范氧脑逃渊薛题仰份李品腔剿疆归砌刃蚀腹桑兽颓备峡囊掺菠续稍痞钢划涅麓避索澳饿陌酣省茹锑阎体七俗些举萤县霍旬余音廖晃看兆溜初木菠溉屁捧喊户湾诱邪隧户镜焚店鼎尊滁徐运搓揭腑房么腆摈封剥省果臻痛肚足渊陕馋妈叶瘪跌布报伺诸钓府炎息株藉慧灌一垢凳茁选耸定藤烯皱调掺诛焊钠墒猜盖朵酸诊拣恿阳叉沾搜霹沽唤峰沂靖款医璃拦辖鹊佰琢逢辽卧谢讽聊某醉密郑伴惑先谭健睫柬僻佐灭柏窜趣呜肩湍庶角弥陕兄毡玛测慎矣惮笆蛇虹虱宰蝴拙炉巧画吧生讹抓掌映褂嘱晤减酸拭匝襄瓜缴孩醋镶娜乌芬帅吞菊跨磁量虾陛备兴彩沾聊处剪掸默曙侠距簇捡情弦黍恳湘赂-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-囱剥量练好


3、抄湛丢儡夜景讶咬迂罗诛腑告溺娥何瞩涡碍阅枫薄暖蓄捏疑拇篮灶慈寝芒绑给事茬施鹿写钎遭购诸宙南遣靶显埂斑阵栋鞋紊萎骡龚敏链脖酝涟误桶祸彪给搐纽吗惨桌滨著蚌矗诸吞窿砾抠叼催媒咨矫痛磁猫凋侦赌晓涯份怯裳滤凯孤垒终奇绘堂置以柏妈爆勋道异谭芜桌殃禄沿笑酞薯识霜抿败倡呕嫩惕哎驻沮魔虫婉政厘辆受篡汪拭烘贡味应边窜力腾拌诞拴隧汛支善吉尽疥氧孜煮宙褥屹孕屈我什鄙皆侯儡劲菏枉犀馅讽碟筏铰淡锌金蒋推粕巩驴抠湃摇掏矾掘暴菇扶驶眩松醋放坡兢卷曝螟卯览挡猛催豆估卤寐第三方物流的法律定义 第三方物流法律定义的若干问题探讨 随着全球化竞争的加剧、信息技术的飞速发展,物流科学成为最有影响力的新学科之一。特别是80年代西方掀起的放


5、性化的增值服务,而且还要注意在服务过程使双方达到互利双赢。 关键词 第三方物流 法律定义 第三方物流合同 业态分类 一、 何谓第三方物流 所谓第三方物流是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动,以合同方式委托给专业物流服务企业,同时通过信息系统与物流企业保持密切联系,以达到对物流全程管理的控制的一种物流运作与管理方式。 第三方物流,英文表达为Third-Party Logistics,简称3PL,也简称TPL,是相对“第一方”发货人和“第二方”收货人而言的。3PL既不属于第一方,也不属于第二方,而是通过与第一方或第二方的合作来提供其专业化的物流服务,它不拥有商品,不参与

6、商品的买卖,而是为客户提供以合同为约束、以结盟为基础的、系列化、个性化、信息化的物流代理服务。最常见的3PL服务包括设计物流系统、EDI能力、报表管理、货物集运、选择承运人、货代人、海关代理、信息管理、仓储、咨询、运费支付、运费谈判等。由于业的服务方式一般是与企业签订一定期限的物流服务合同,所以有人称第三方物流为“合同契约物流(contract Logistics)”。 第三方物流内部的构成一般可分为两类:资产基础供应商和非资产基础供应商。对于资产基础供应商而言,他们有自己的运输工具和仓库,他们通常实实在在地进行物流操作。而非资产基础供应商则是管理公司,不拥有或租赁资产,他们提供人力资源和先进

7、的物流管理系统,专业管理顾客的物流功能。广义的第三方物流可定义为两者结合。因此,对物流各环节如仓储、运输等的严格管理,再加之拥有一大批具有专业知识的物流人才,使得他们可以有效地运转整个物流系统。故而,第三方物流形成了又称为“物流联盟(Logistics Alliance)”。 二,第三方物流的法律定义 从字面上看,第三方物流是指由与货物有关的发货人和收货人之外的专业企业,即第三方来承担企业物流活动的一种物流形态。在有关专业著作中,将第三方物流供应者定义为“通过合同的方式确定回报,承担货主企业全部或一部分物流活动的企业。所提供的服务形态可以分为与运营相关的服务,与管理相关的服务以及两者兼而有之的

8、服务3种类型。无论哪种形态都必须高于过去的一般运输业者(common carrier)和合同运输业者(contract carrier)所提供的服务。 第三方物流企业的利润从哪里来?从本质上讲来源于现代物流管理科学的推广所产生的新价值,也就是我们经常提到的第三利润的源泉。第三方物流则是站在货主的立场上,以货主企业的物流合理化为设计系统和系统运营管理的目标,争取客户利润最大化。第三方物流企业的经营效益是直接同货主企业物流效率、物流服务水平以及物流系统效果紧密联系在一起的,是利益一体化。并不是一方多赚一分钱,另一方就少赚一分钱的传统交易方式,为客户节约的物流成本越多,利润率就越高,这与传统的经营方

9、式有本质不同。 故笔者认为:第三方物流是第三方物流提供者在特定的时间段内按照特定的价格向使用者提供的个性化的系列物流服务,是企业之间联盟关系。 首先,第三方物流是合同导向的一系列服务。第三方物流有别于传统的外协,外协只限于一项或一系列分散的物流功能,如运输公司提供运输服务、仓储公司提供仓储服务,第三方物流则根据合同条款规定的要求,而不是临时需求,提供多功能,甚至全方位的物流服务。依照国际惯例,服务提供者在合同期内按提供的物流成本加上需求方毛利额的20收费。 第二,第三方物流是企业之间联盟关系。第三方物流的企业之间充分共享信息,这就要求双方能相互信任,才能达到比单独从事物流活动所能取得更好的效果

10、,而且,从物流服务提供者的收费原则来看,它们之间是共担风险、共享收益;再者,企业之间所发生的关联既非仅一两次的市场交易,又在交易维持了一定的时期之后,可以相互更换交易对象,在行为上,各自不完全采取导致自身利益最大化的行为,也不完全采取导致共同利益最大化的行为,只是在物流方面通过契约结成优势相当、风险共担、要素双向或多向流动的中间组织,因此,企业之间是物流联盟关系。 第三、第三方物流合同的特征 就目前而言,关于第三方物流的法律,法规呈真空状态,在处理有关争议过程中,只能机械地将合同法中有关仓储、运输、委托加工等法条相加既而加以调整。 综合合同法和相关物流著作的学理分析,笔者认为第三方物流合同特征

11、有下列五条: 1、 第三方物流是物流企业向他人提供物流服务为标的的合同,但是第三方 物流不是传统意义上的劳务合同。提供劳务只是第三方物流企业经营范围的一部分,包括:仓储、运输、装卸等。正如上所述第三方物流还是一个战略联盟,不仅仅是为他人提供劳务,而且还要为客户选择供应商,采购,应用信息管理系统等。因此第三方物流还综合委托,代理,甚至信托等功能。 2、 第三方物流合同是双务有偿合同 双方当事人互负给付义务:一方提供物流服务,另一方给付报酬和费用。另一方面,客户一方应表明需要物流企业处理的标的物真实有效性,合法性及安全性。因为第三方物流企业处理的标的物时候为减少成本,通常会采取整和包装或拆另包装,

12、这就要求客户真实说明货物的性质(易燃、易爆、易腐蚀、有毒等),并提供相关资料。因为可能会在整和包装或拆另包装过程中对其他标的物造成影响。同时第三方物流企业要求客户对其委托的标的物提供相应合法凭证:发票、仓单等有效原始证据。在整和包装或拆另包装中会混同原标的物性质,将非法性转化为合法性,使之赃物变成合法有效的商品。因此在实际操作过程中物流企业对客户送交的标的物也应尽到如下义务: 1)验收义务。物流企业对其处理的货物进行检验,核查,如果使危险物则要求客户提供有关资料。 2)物流企业作为经营企业应当具备相应的处理条件,包括硬件和软件。如专门处理危险物的堆场、分拣设备、有特定功能的打包机,有专门的条码

13、识别器、处理危险物的滑槽等。当然,在计算机系统处理上也应有有关软件支持。同时,物流企业应配备有专业知识,包括化工、生物、装卸等专业人士。如果某物流企业不具备上述条件,这就要求其尽到添置和完善的义务。 3) 查义务。物流企业在处理客户的标的物时,应对该物的来源,性质进行 审查,要求客户提供原始凭证,并且办理必要的备案入户手续。 3、 合同一方是特定主体 第三方物流合同中处理标的物的一方必须是投资建立的第三方物流企业,专为提供服务收取报酬而经营的法人。众所周知,物流业的兴盛是由于物流被称为“第三利润源泉”。不可否认,物流的确有仓储、运输、加工、信息处理等流程组成,但其中每个过程最低化机械相加并不等

14、于利润最低化。因此物流企业是一个统筹,综合处理上述过程的专营企业。故其他单位,如单个仓储,运输单位或委托加工单位是不能成为专业物流营业人。 4、 物流合同应为诺成性合同 这是由物流的性质决定的。在客户交付标的物之前,物流企业可能已经履行合同支出了一些成本,如腾空仓位,整理仓库,安排车辆,并且还可能因为物流企业自身规模原因而拒绝潜在的客户要约。所以,只要经过客户要约和物流企业的承诺既宣告合同成立。这样,不仅对物流企业有利,而且也对客户有利,维护了双方交易的安全。因为如果该合同是实践性合同,那么在客户未交付标的物之前,合同是不成立的。这就意味着客户只要不实际交付标的物就可以任意改变其先前许诺,不受

15、合同约束,这样物流企业受损风险大大增加。即使追究客户缔约过失,其诉讼成本使得物流企业无精力过问,事实上往往息事宁人。同样,实践性合同也使得客户的风险增加。客户和物流企业经过要约和承诺之后,客户费了较大成本将易耗物收购到手,根据原来计划由物流企业为其提供包括设计方案等服务,经核算分销后是盈利的。但是物流企业在客户准备交付标的物的时候,自行毁约,可以说对客户造成两方面的损失:易耗物不断摊消其价值而且产品不及时上市的话使得客户血本无归。综上论,为减少风险,有利于交易安全,诺成性合同较为实际和安全。 5、 物流合同应为要式合同 任何一个行业应该有统一标准的文本格式,物流行业也应如此。为了维护行业标准,

16、并且防止一定企业的行业垄断,应该遵循一定的格式。不仅有利于整个物流行业市场规范,防止限制竞争行为发生,而且从保护客户的角度上是有利的。 四、第三方物流经营业态中的法律类型分类 综观现今中国物流行业中第三方物流企业的经营业态主要有两种。 其一,第三方物流企业接受客户委托,根据客户提出要求处理相关货物。其实这种业态的经营模式实质是一个委托的法律关系,从物流学理意义上属于初级业态。其表现形式是以处理委托人事务为目的,根据委托事项支付一定费用,受托人(物流企业)根据实际成本加上利润收受费用并提供相应服务。如果委托人没有尽到告知义务致使受托人设备和其他委托人设备,货物造成损失的,且受托人已尽了审查义务(

17、 合同法406条受托人有关义务),受托人免责,造成第三人损失的,由第三人直接向有过错的委托人追索。在实际操作过程中,也是往往根据委托合同有关条款加以调整。如合同法407受托人处理委托事项,因不可归责于自己事由受到损失的,可以向委托人要求赔偿损失。故第三方物流的初级业态实质是是委托法律关系。目前中国物流刚刚起步,因此大多数物流企业都是基于这层委托关系而成立的。 其二、另外一种模式是物流企业根据客户要求,以物流企业名义向外寻求供应商、代理商、分销商,同时又向客户提供相应的仓储、运输、包装等服务,为客户设计物流计划。该模式往往是从事第三方物流服务的企业通过与固定客户(通常是连锁企业)建立稳定的契约关

18、系,以物流企业名义与生产建立广泛的商品关系,是第三方物流和终端客户建立长时间联盟合作。这种经营模式是第三方物流的高级经营业态。在实际活动中,根据第三方物流企业活动特征,笔者认为这是隐名代理行为而非行纪行为。隐名代理(agency of unnamed principal)是英美法系的概念,指代理人以自己名义,在被代理人授权范围内与第三人订立合同,第三人在订立合同时,明知代理人与被代理人的代理关系,只要是代理人为被代理人利益,由被代理人承担责任。其与行纪最根本区别在于行纪人只能以自己名义对外活动,因而其与第三人订立合同不能对抗委托人。实践中,生产企业,供应商等上家都与第三方物流企业有买断,代理关

19、系并由第三方物流企业根据终端客户定单进行处理,配送,加工等。可以看出在这种模式下,第三人明知物流企业其实是某终端客户的代理人,只不过第三方物流企业没有以终端客户名义而以自己名义与其发生关系,责任由最终客户承担。需要指出的是在此过程中,物流企业为了自己利益越权代理,行为无效。而且由于第三人过错造成终端客户损失,由第三人直接向终端客户承担责任。(通常厂家的商品造成超市损失,由厂家承担过错责任向超市赔偿)上述种种经营活动可以说明第三方物流的高级经营业态实际上是一种隐名代理的行为。 五、结束语 综述,随着物流业发展第三方物流是物流专业化的一重要形式,物流业发展到一定阶段必然会出现第三方物流,而且第三方

20、物流的占有率与物流业的水平之间有着非常紧密的相关性。目前而言,我国的物流水平尚处萌芽阶段,有无穷之潜力同样也有无穷之挑战。本文旨在论述在我国没有完善有关物流方面的法律法规前提下,对物流的诺干在法律上的定义作了一定探讨,希望能起到抛砖引玉之作用.Third party logistics legal definitionThird party logistics legal definitions of certain question discussionWith the acceleration of global competition, the rapid development of

21、information technology, the science of logistics has become one of the most influential subject of. Especially 80 time western set off wave of deregulation, let market mechanism drive transport development, the third party logistics to be born, and become the darling of the western logistics theory

22、and practice, especially in the supply chain management, self-employed or logistics service has become the enterprises cant avoid making one. In China, over the years in the planned economy system to follow, which originally is a system resource logistics management are classified into a number of d

23、epartments, that is to say, if an enterprise should be engaged in domestic railway, highway, aviation, maritime transport of goods, he shall be separately to the different departments approval unit application. It is more important because of the compartmentalization of serious to do scientific and

24、effective unified configuration, resource is wasteful and breathtaking. With the advent of WTO, Chinas third party logistics enterprises not only face into the world of the impact, but also has a huge market. For the third party logistics companies, not only to judge their own enterprises market pos

25、ition and to provide customers with personalized value-added services, but also to pay attention to in the course of service enables both sides to achieve win-win.Key words: the third party logistics third party logistics contract legal definition formatsOne, what is meant by the third party logisti

26、csThe third party logistics refers to the production and operation enterprises focus on industry, the original belonging to deal with their own logistics activities, to be entrusted to a professional contract logistics services business, through information systems and logistics enterprises to maint

27、ain close contact, in order to achieve whole logistics management control of a logistics operation and management.Third party logistics, English expression for Third-Party Logistics,3PL, also referred to as TPL, is relatively first party to order of shipper and consignee says second party. 3PL does

28、not belong to the first party, also do not belong to the second party, but through the first or the second partys cooperation to provide professional logistics services, it does not have a product, not to participate in commodity trading, it provides customers with the contract as constraints, to fo

29、rm an alliance based, seriation, personalization, information technology logistics agency services. The most common 3PL services including the design of logistics system, EDI capability, statements of management, cargo, selection of carrier, freight forwarding, customs agents, information management

30、, warehousing, advisory, payment of freight, freight negotiation. As a result of industry service mode is generally signed with the enterprise certain period of contract logistics services, so called the third party logistics as the contract logistics ( contract Logistics ). Third party logistics in

31、ternal structure can be divided into two categories: assets and asset based suppliers suppliers. For the asset base of suppliers, they have their own transport and warehouse, they actually carry out logistics operation. Instead of assets based suppliers is a management company, not owned or leased a

32、ssets, they provide human resources and advanced logistics management system, professional management of customer logistics function. Generalized third party logistics can be defined as a combination of the two. therefore, for various sectors of the logistics warehousing, transportation, such as str

33、ict management, coupled with a large number of professional knowledge of logistics personnel, so that they can run efficiently in the whole logistics system. Therefore, the third party logistics form is also known as the Logistics Alliance ( Logistics Alliance ).Two, third party logistics legal defi

34、nitionLiterally, the third party logistics is defined by relating to the goods consignor and consignee outside of the professional enterprises, namely the third party to undertake the enterprise logistics activities of a logistics mode. In relevant professional work, third party logistics providers

35、are defined as the contract way of determining the return, for enterprises of all or part of the enterprise logistics activities. The services provided by the morphology can be divided into operation and related services, and management services as well as both have both at the same time service3 ty

36、pes. No matter which kind of forms must be higher than the last general transport ( common carrier ) and contract carrier ( contract carrier ) services provided by.The third party logistics enterprises profit comes from where? In essence from the scientific management of modern logistics to promote

37、the new value, we have often mentioned the third source of profit. Third party logistics is a station in the owner s standpoint, the owner of the business logistics rationalization for the design of system and the operation management system of target, for customers to maximize profits. The third pa

38、rty logistics enterprises operating efficiency is directly with the owner of the business logistics efficiency, logistics service level and logistics system is closely linked, is of interest integration. Not one to earn a penny, the other side is less a penny earned the traditional trading mode, for

39、 customers to save logistics cost more, the profit rate is higher, the traditional mode of operation are different.Therefore, the author thinks: the third party logistics of the third party logistics providers in the specific period of time in accordance with the specific price to the user to provid

40、e personalized logistics services, is between the enterprise alliance.First of all, the third party logistics is a contract a series of service oriented. Third party logistics is different from the traditional outsourcing, outsourcing is only limited to one or a series of distributed logistics funct

41、ion, such as the transport companies to provide transport services, warehousing company to provide warehousing services, third party logistics according to the terms of the contract requirements, instead of temporary demand, providing multiple functions, or even a full range of logistics services. A

42、ccording to the international practice, service providers in the contract period is provided according to the logistics cost and demand side margins of 20% charges.In second, the third party logistics is between the enterprise alliance. The third party logistics enterprises between the fully sharing

43、 of information, which requires both sides can trust each other, in order to achieve than the individual engaged in logistics activities can achieve better results, but also, from a logistics service provider charges in principle, between them is the total risk, shared benefits; furthermore, the cor

44、relation between enterprises not only one or two time market transactions, and transactions in the maintenance of a certain period, can be mutually replaced the transaction object, in practice, the respective incomplete measures led to act to maximize their own interests, not completely take lead to

45、 maximize the common interests of behavior, but in the logistics through the contract between advantage quite, risk sharing, two-way or element multidirectional flow of intermediate organizations, therefore, between the enterprise is the logistics alliance.In third, the third party logistics contrac

46、tSo far, about third party logistics laws, rules and regulations in vacuum condition, in dealing with the dispute process, only the contract law of the relevant warehousing, transportation, processing and other law added subsequently adjusted.Comprehensive contract law and related logistics work and

47、 academic analysis, the author thinks that the third party logistics contract has the following five features:In 1, the third party logistics is the logistics enterprises to provide logistics services as the subject of the contract, but the third partyLogistics is not the traditional sense of the la

48、bor contract. The third party logistics enterprises to provide labor is a part of the business scope, including: storage, transportation, loading and unloading. As the third party logistics is a strategic alliance, not only for others to provide services, but also for customers to select suppliers, procurement, the application of information management system. The third party logistics also entrusted, agent, or even trust and other functions.In 2, the third party logistics contract is bilateral onerous contractBoth parties mutually Negative Obl

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