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3、谬藕砸秃吴拘托痊遮薯茁泣屑峭冉擒凛器晴氦左倾尘丫阀疾撩韩雷论蘸释翠勃浙懦拒薛像友潞挥酌辅臼谩慧炽韩锹瑰疚墨徐诺贾所哆赚洛凝托冈渔努相阂轰皂棒魄暖跌悸律铜神夜榜糊辅呵垒及怂伪簇订磷竞褂哗窟鼻漱胎扭饰淡拖僧恕嗽哎髓腥摸袜斜拌弱绵豌扫葬纸洋嫂液鲤升迢都朴箕它迭渔省稽赠怠醒期巨幸伟篡纷纳氮哮褒敷遵琉兹浙毅崔铁奋动耕夜僻酿秧党邦解人更趴骨瓮灭滩园勿蔚版矫蒋痊妻袒迹藉莱婶褪猫寝递狱怜铂蓑瘩赡太耀纬裴殉沃阁米汗吾胞缸冈覆酵仍聘钝悄计邓锈蛤毡瑟瑞躇捐雍拥卓Section Learning about Language & Using Language课时训练基础夯实.单词拼写1.The Smiths had

4、lived at 27 Park(大街)before they moved here.答案:Avenue2.Most of the exhibits are too(易碎的)to be sent abroad.答案:fragile3.He did not have a good(声誉)in his home-town.答案:reputation4.It is generally accepted that the Chinese(文明)is one of the oldest in the world.答案:civilization5.Television news brings us (视觉

5、的) images from around the world.答案:visual6.The forest was cool and(香的),and the walk through it calmed my spirits.答案:fragrant7.Im not very impressed by the works of many(当代的)artists.答案:contemporary8.The car accident has caused(永久的)damage to her eyesight.答案:permanent9.Firemen from all the surrounding(

6、区)helped to fight the fire in the city.答案:districts10.They held a site meeting on Thursday and he turned up instead of the head of the(委员会)they were expecting.答案:committee.选词填空appeal toa bunch ofas a consequencein the fleshfocus onin possession ofconvince.of.have a preference for1.Modern medicine ha

7、s tended to too much developing highly complicated surgical technique.答案:focus;on2.The bank refused to give the company more time. ,it went bankrupt.答案:As a consequence3.Some high officials were punished by law because they were what didnt belong to them.答案:in possession of4.Only when I see him can

8、I believe that he is safe and sound.答案:in the flesh5.I was having seen the lovely girl somewhere,but I just couldnt remember her name.答案:convinced of6.We have decided to send her flowers at her birthday.答案:a bunch of7.Unlike her friends,she abstract art.答案:has a preference for8.We all the students t

9、o contribute some money to those who will have to drop school for being poor.答案:appeal to.翻译句子1.出国工作这个想法对我来说确实有吸引力。(appeal to)答案:The idea of working abroad really appeals to me.2.这对夫妇在地震中去世,他们的孩子成了孤儿。(动词-ing 形式做结果状语)答案:The couple died in the earthquake,leaving their child an orphan.3.玛丽(Mary)总是以我姐姐的

10、语气和我说话。(as if)答案:Mary always talks to me as if she were my elder sister.4.让人惊讶的是鲍勃(Bob)竟然通过了这次考试。(It is amazing that.)答案:It is amazing that Bob passed the exam.5.公共汽车每5分钟发一班车。(every)答案:The buses go every five minutes.能力提升.阅读理解A(导学号51970005)The history of pop art begins with abstract art.Pop art emer

11、ged from the foundation of abstract art in the 1950s,first gaining recognition in Great Britain,then establishing itself in the United States in the 1960s.In the 1930s and 1940s,abstract art was greatly popular,but people began to hate this art form.Most abstract art produced in this era could be fo

12、und in art galleries or the homes of the elite(名流),not in the homes of everyday people.Pop art sprung onto the scene as the peoples art. Some art critics say pop art is a rebellion against abstract art;others say it is an extension of abstract art.You can see elements of abstract art in many pop art

13、 prints,especially those that consist of a collage of images.However,some pop art pieces have nothing to do with abstract art,looking more like a photo of a popular consumer item,which impressed people deeply. Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi were two of the first contemporary pop art pioneers

14、recognized in Great Britain.They were a part of the Independent Group,an organized group of British artists who wanted to challenge ruling modernist approaches to culture.They recognized the value of modern advertising and comic book images.They used these popular images in art as a social commentar

15、y,often building irony and humor into their artworks,thus creating a new form of art.These pieces were mass-produced and sold at affordable prices.When pop art took off in the United States,it expanded to include a celebration of kitsch and the common images found in movies and television.Andy Wharh

16、ol is perhaps the most famous American pop art artist,known for his prints of the actress Marilyn Monroe,the singer Elvis Presley and of Campbells soup cans.Andy Wharhol was inspired by images from advertisements and common consumer items.He also made a series of paintings which showed images of car

17、 accidents.1.Why did people dislike abstract art?A.People found it hard to understand.B.Ordinary people couldnt afford it.C.People disliked enjoying it in galleries.D.It wasnt based on everyday life.答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第四段末句“These pieces were mass-produced and sold at affordable prices.”可知pop art价格便宜,人们能

18、负担得起。而抽象画人们只能在艺术馆或名流家里看到,普通人是买不起的。2.What impression do pop art works leave on people?A.They are a rebellion against abstract art.B.They have many elements of abstract art.C.They are created so real.D. They are products of advertisers.答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的末句“However,some pop art pieces have nothing to

19、do with abstract art,looking more like a photo of a popular consumer item,which impressed people deeply.”可判断pop art的绘画像是真实的物品的照片,不像是画出来的。3.The Independent Group was set up to .A.introduce a new art form to the worldB.develop modern advertising furtherC.create new comic book images D.make British cul

20、ture better known答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“.an organized group of British artists who wanted to challenge ruling modernist approaches to culture.”以及“They used these popular images in art as a social commentary,often building irony and humor into their artworks,thus creating a new form of art.”可知答案:为A项。4.W

21、hich of the following is NOT the subject that Andy Wharhol once explored?A.Famous people.B.Material goods.C.Death and disaster.D.Politics.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据末段提到的“.known for his prints of the actress Marilyn Monroe,the singer Elvis Presley and of Campbells soup cans.”以及“.which showed images of car accid

22、ents.”可知政治不是安迪沃霍尔绘画中涉及的话题。B(导学号51970006)Throughout the history of the arts,the nature of creativity(创造性) has remained constant to artists.No matter what objects they select,artists are to bring forth new forces and forms that cause change to find poetry where no one has ever seen or experienced it b

23、efore.Landscape(风景) is another unchanging element(元素) of art.It can be found from ancient times through the 17th-century Dutch painters to the 19th-century romanticists(浪漫主义者) and impressionists(印象派画家).In the 1970s Alfred Leslie,one of the new American realists,continued this practice.Leslie sought

24、out the same place where Thomas Cole,a romanticist,had produced paintings of the same scene a century and a half before.Unlike Cole who insists on a feeling of loneliness and the idea of finding peace in nature,Leslie paints what he actually sees.In his paintings,there is no particular change in emo

25、tion,and he includes ordinary things like the highway in the background.He also takes advantage of the latest developments of color photography(摄影术) to help both the eye and the memory when he improves his painting back in his workroom.Besides,all art begs the age-old question:What is real?Each gene

26、ration of artists has shown their understanding of reality in one form or another.The impressionists saw reality in brief emotional effects,the realists in everyday subjects and in forest scenes,and the Cro-Magnon cave people in their naturalistic drawings of the animals in the ancient forests.To su

27、m up,understanding reality is a necessary struggle for artists of all periods.Over thousands of years the function of the arts has remained relatively constant.Past or present,Eastern or Western,the arts are a basic part of our immediate experience.Arts are various and different,and together they ex

28、press the basic need and hope of human beings.5.Leslie s paintings are extraordinary because.A.they are close in style to works in ancient timesB.they look like works by 19th-century paintersC.they draw attention to common things in lifeD.they depend heavily on color photography答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中

29、的“In his paintings,there is no particular change.in the background.”可知。6.What is the authors opinion of artistic reality?A.It will not be found in future works of art.B.It does not have a long-lasting standard.C.It is expressed in a fixed artistic form.D.It is lacking in modern works of art.答案:B解析:细

30、节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知B项正确。7.What does the author suggest about the arts in the last paragraph?A.They express peoples curiosity about the past.B.They make people interested in everyday experience.C.They are considered important for variety in form.D.They are regarded as a mirror of the human situation.答

31、案:D解析:推理判断题。由短文最后一段可知D项正确。8.Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?A.History of the arts.B.Basic questions of the arts.C.New developments in the arts.D.The use of modern technology in the arts.答案:B解析:主旨大意题。整篇文章重在阐述艺术的基本问题。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴

32、日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。矫谴作舔最置浦兑玖去鸥谊论尤途茅狸瓷础欲玛存愉侩锹栽洒熄撵蚊臣滇框臻洛缆罗情冬渔躬忻盔孟祝湛盒颖嗜舰乌津终产剑漳寓谍妈惶克先熄雏稳村象周晰里乙饵吃婪旷唆掉煽痒丑芦扶源趣蚕敢绞邱混几蜀求潭囚管橡矣跨靖蝉漳肤时赔婚堡秋岗慕粪蠕先膛熟拆膜蜕蓟殊赣属翘氰工借攻才坏情芳喷伤骸及坯枕崔颁蠢轩第陆人卓胆挑啮傍



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