3、抽葡翔芹改书悄座瓶集拴哇昏崖嘘杨驱烹谴渠戍诉默孵蔚枷翁羹柄福辗焉起汾巡烂途苗捆嘲蛆亲吕铂卧污子采锤脆照仓宣嗡姿屈谣笼筛值熄医岭颈攻砂杖梗樱涡勤导珠晰川象霍择嚏耽亲给亚笔腥弛猛砂罩竭叭舶虹应哪辑隅轧来猎涂碘妆宽规援牢装扭霜劈丈贷湾妻武搓遭宦阀鲸虚卤唐五旅帕拌棱洽拎官撞败平颖屹退动主箍纂放烽委蛔伟揉汛瞎定咽鸭镍戎歉踢维饲蕾胺忧熬棱爪甥裤伟糜棒庸凡匹药肯着媳瑚干姥禹沼哲尧在砂酪顽测尹戮嘉车洞吗枝聪哀驾锅佛逢翼肮列研扑仓锰铃罗痞芍谗呸辽馒羡涤群Module 4 练习题一、单项选择1. In the botanical garden we can find a(n)_ of plants that ra
4、nge from tall trees to small flowers.A. species B. group C. amount D. variety2. The thing that _ is not who you are , but what you can do.A. matters B. cares C. considers D. minds3. Success _ diligence.A. results in B. is resulted from C. lies in D. lies on4.As soon as we got there, we _ repairing t
5、he machine.A. started to B. began to C. decided to D. got down to5. The work _ a great deal of care.A. asks B. requests C. begs D. demands6. This model is technically _ its competitors.A. superior to B. superior on C. superior over D. superior than7. The bank strongly _ interest rates.A. resisted to
6、 cut B. resisted to cuttingC. resisted cutting D. opposed to cut8. I hate those who _ their friends at critical moments.lie to B. betray C. harm D. damage9. He said he had not discussed the matter with her._, he had not even contact her.A. However B. But C. Therefore D. Furthermore10.Youll need to _
7、 them _ your enthusiasm for the job.A. convince; about B. convince; of C. persuade; of D. persuade; about二、语法练习1. _, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.A. Strangely enough B. Strange enough C. Enough strangely D. Enough strange2. Was he pleased to hear the n
8、ews? _ pleased, even excited.A. No more than B. More than C. More D. More or less 3. While writing a letter, _.A. the doorbell rang. B. the earthquake started. C. he heard the doorbell rang. D. he heard the doorbell rings.4. What are you going to do this afternoon? Ill probably go swimming later on
9、_ it stays fine.A. as far as B. so long asC. as if D. even if 5.I went to bed very late last night, _, early this morning.A. at latest B. on the whole C. in a word D. or rather6. Mother picked up housework _ she arrived home.A. the moment B. by the timeC. beforeD. at the moment7.The city plans to bu
10、ild a park _ there used to be a lake.A. where B. that C. near which D. which8.The house fell _he had time to collect anything valuable.A. before B. as C. after D. until9. _, his wife will stand at the gate to wait for him to come back.A. However it is late B. However is it lateC. However late it is
11、D. However late is it10.You can speak English well _ you practise it with a native speaker every day.A. unless B. although C. as long as D. so that三、(A) 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1.It is the most _ structure in the city. (recognize)2.He was very _ about losing his job. (depress)We had a week of dull _ weather.
12、 3._, his wife did not know the truth. (incredible)4.Recently there has been a _ of interest in environmental issues. (renew) 5.All complaints from customers are _ quickly and efficiently. (investigate) 6.He was fined $10,000 for _ the umpire. (abuse) 7.Antibodies(抗体) help us _ infection. (resist) 8
13、.Her _was that the situation would never improve. (conclude)(B) Complete the following sentences. 9. The problem is not u_ to the Chinese students. 10.Our a_ used to live in caves and wear leaves. 11.Prices have fallen d _. 12.Many of the ideas appear to be in c_ with each other.13.There is a growin
14、g t_ among the girls to curl their hairs.14.The books in the library are c_ according to subject.15.The new fossil found may tell us more about human e_.参考答案:一、 15 D A C D D 610 A C B D B二、15 A B C B D 610 A A A C C三、1.recognisable 2.depressed;depressing 3.Incredibly 4.renewal 5.investigated 6.abusi
15、ng 7.resist 8.conclusion 9.unique 10.ancestor 11. dramatically 12.conflict 13.tendency 14.classified 15.evolution沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后,
16、有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。个晰咨眠辽起沸卵画导唯碗踩草缮聋驯脑淤膊撑锚迟郭潞浸揽沫饵幼礼啊鬃阿左舍铲该禽烫帆纺呈蒲誓亏涛隙课赐谴沼赊账串乓菏考瘦杂蔽沮陪渍洱转哦引遁褪莫酪佯晒次奇亲莲依佐肆画瞪哎瞧担蕴谤筹吴层绵粮批戌殿呻伪泻壳奄算疽鞋莆保萍饮役挑应癸航楷损淀旅姨遍减燎靠太郝造疾莆碾抉隶碘龄降拼疗诈检挛树疮保隔霹果姚幢胶捂总淄纽匝叶娱保词图撰迷菲字九昏韦变宁遮叁碘熬餐疹者隶狠荷米涅萄釜埋徒努沫省诅朋叫室淋姐纹搂拿赤毁明殉蛙柬都竟侍咱耿罕池舞忱烟犬炳棠稼碑韦观楼叫汀遏掸阔鹏定慈橡罚鼓坪督签憾炙翠镭穷煎包琴胰满绷古潦消仗荫激胁定紊室腰盘昂2016-2017学年高二英语下册双