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1、五年级下学期阅读理解专项英语综合试题测试题(答案)一、阅读理解 Mike is six and starts to go to school this week. Its Sunday. His mother, Mrs Smith, doesnt go to work. Mike wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six and asks his mother to take him to the zoo. After breakfast, they go to the bus stop. They are waiting for the bus at

2、 the bus stop. They want to take a No.3 bus.Look, Mum. shouts the boy. A No.3 bus is coming. says Mrs Smith. It isnt No. 3 bus. Its No. 21 bus. You are wrong. says Mike. My teacher says two and one is three!犇1、Mike is student of Grade (年级) _. ()AOneBTwoCThree犇2、Mike is going to the zoo with his _. (

3、)AfatherBmotherCbrother犇3、Mrs Smith and her son want to go to the zoo by _. ()AcarBbikeCbus犇4、Mike thinks _, so he is shouting. ()Ahe doesnt know the busBa No.3 bus is comingCa No.21 bus is coming犇5、Who is WRONG? ()AThe teacher is.BMike is.CMrs Smith is.二、阅读理解One day, John was back home after work.

4、He found that his wife was shaking (摇晃) their daughter in her arms, she was only half a year old. She said “Daddy” to the baby girl again and again. John felt very happy because he thought his wife chose the word “Daddy” to teach their baby. Two weeks later, the little girl cried loudly and shouted

5、“Daddy” one night. His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.犇1、Johns daughter was _. ()A1year oldB6 monthsC10 months犇2、The mother taught(teach的过去式) the baby girl to say the word _. ()AMummyBloveCDaddy犇3、The baby could shout “Daddy” when she _ at night. ()Asaw

6、her fatherBwas happyCdidnt feel good犇4、The husband had to _ the baby girl at night. ()AworkBlook afterCsleep犇5、The wife could go on _ when the girl cried. ()AteachingBshakingCsleeping三、阅读理解 Today is a fine day. My mom takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are two tigers

7、. They are walking. Two rabbits are running and a lion is sleeping. I like monkeys best. They are swinging now. They like eating yellow bananas. Sometimes they climb trees. They are very good climbers. Sometimes they jump up and down.犇11、I go to the zoo with _ today. ( )Amy fatherBmy motherCmy grand

8、ma犇12、What are the rabbits doing now? ( )They are _ .AwalkingBrunningCjumping up and down犇13、What is my favourite animal? ( )AMonkeys.BLions.CTigers.犇14、What are the monkeys doing now? ( )They are _.Ajumping up and downBeating yellow bananasCswinging犇15、_ are good climbers. ( )AThe rabbitsBThe monke

9、ysCThe tigers四、阅读理解Mark Twain is a great American writer. He writes many books. Hes busy every day. Today is a sunny day. Hes going to a village to visit his friend. Hes going there by bus. When he is on the bus, the conductor wants to see his ticket. Mark Twain looks for the ticket here and there,

10、but he cant find it. The conductor says, “I know youre Mark Twain. Youre a writer. If you cant find your ticket now, it is OK.” Mark Twain says, “Its not OK. If I cant find it. I dont know where Im going.”犇16、Mark Twain is from _. ()ACanadaBAustraliaCthe USA犇17、Mark Twain is going to _ on a sunny da

11、y. ()Aride a bikeBvisit his friendCwrite a book犇18、Mark Twain cant find his _. ()AmoneyBbooksCticket犇19、The word “conductor” means(意思) “_” in Chinese. ()A清洁工B查票员C船长犇20、Mark Twain _ where he is going. ()Adoesnt knowBknowsCdont know五、阅读理解A woodcutter (樵夫) is cutting down a tree on the bank of the rive

12、r. His axe (斧头) falls into the river. He tries his best to get it but he cant. He is very poor, so he begins to cry. Mercury, the god (神) of the river, hears his cry and comes to help him. He asks him, “Why are you crying?” The woodcutter tells him, “My axe falls into the river. I have only one axe,

13、 I have no money to buy a new one.”The god at once jumps into the water and comes out with a golden (金的) axe. The woodcutter sees it and says “Oh, no, its not my axe.” Then again the god jumps into the water. This time he brings out a silver (银的) axe. Again, the woodcutter says that it is not his. H

14、is axe is old and iron. Mercury jumps into the water the third time and comes back with an iron axe. “That is my axe,” shouts the woodcutter out of joy. The god is very happy with him for his honesty (诚实) and gives him all thethree axes. The woodcutter is overjoyed (狂喜的) and goes home. He lives a ha

15、ppy life after that.犇21、How many times does Mercury jump into the water? ()AOne.BTwo.CThree.犇22、What does the story tell us? ()APeople should be honest.BPeople should work hard.CPeople should be happy.犇23、The woodcutters axe falls into the water, he feels very _.()AhappyBsadCworried犇24、The underline

16、d word “iron” means _ in Chinese. ()A木制的B泥制的C铁制的犇25、Mercury gives all the three axes to the woodcutter because the woodcutter _.()Atells the truthBhelps himCis very poor六、阅读理解Helen: May I come in?Doctor: Come in and sit down, please. Helen: Thank you.Doctor: Whats the matter?Helen: Ive got a bad hea

17、dache and a high fever.Doctor: Let me have a look. OK, I see. Youve got a cold. Here is some medicine for you. Have a good rest and drink warm water.Helen: Thank you, doctor.犇26、Where is Helen? ()AShes at school.BShes in the hospital.犇27、Whats wrong with her? ()AShes got a headache and a high fever.

18、BShes got a backache.犇28、What should Helen do? ()AEat some fruit.BTake some medicine and go to bed.犇29、Can Helen eat an ice cream? ()AYes, she can.BNo, she cant.犇30、How can we help Helen? ()AWe can give her some fruit.BWe can give her some toys.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、B犇3、C犇4、B犇5、B【分析】短文大意:描述迈克和家人周末的活

19、动。犇1、句意:迈克是_年级的学生。A.一,B.二,C.三,由句子Mike is six and starts to go to school this week.可知他是一年级,故选A。犇2、句意:迈克准备和他的_一起去动物园。A.爸爸,B.妈妈,C.哥哥,由句子He gets up at six and asks his mother to take him to the zoo.可知他和妈妈一起去动物园,故选B。犇3、句意:史密斯夫人和她的儿子想要_去动物园。A.一、车,B.自行车,C.公交车,由句子They are waiting for the bus at the bus stop

20、. They want to take a No.3 bus.可知他们坐公交车,故选C。犇4、句意:迈克认为_,所以他大喊。A.他不知道公交车,B.一辆3路公交车,C.一辆21路公交车,由句子A No.3 bus is coming.可知他认为是3路公交车,故选B。犇5、句意:谁错了?A.老师,B.迈克,C.史密斯夫人,由句子It isnt No. 3 bus. Its No. 21 bus.可知是迈克错了,故选B。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、C犇3、C犇4、B犇5、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了妻子教婴儿说爸爸是为了夜里孩子哭闹时喊爸爸。犇1、句意:约翰的女儿_了。A一岁;B六个

21、月;C十个月;根据短文中的He found that his wife was shaking (摇晃) their daughter in her arms, she was only half a year old. 可知约翰的女儿六个月了,故选B。犇2、句意:妈妈教小女孩说的单词是_。A妈妈;B爱;C爸爸;根据短文中的 She said “Daddy” to the baby girl again and again.可知妈妈教小女孩说的单词是爸爸,故选C。犇3、句意:当婴儿晚上_时会喊叫爸爸。A看见爸爸;B很开心;C感觉不舒服;根据短文中的Two weeks later, the li

22、ttle girl cried loudly and shouted “Daddy” one night.可知婴儿感觉不舒服才会大声哭喊叫爸爸,故选C。犇4、句意:丈夫不得不在夜里_女婴。A工作;B照顾;C睡觉;根据短文中的 His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.可知丈夫不得不在夜里照顾女婴,故选B。犇5、句意:当女孩哭时妻子可以继续_。A教;B摇晃;C睡觉;根据短文中的His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.”

23、Then the wife turned to sleep.可知当女孩哭时妻子可以继续睡觉,故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇11、B犇12、B犇13、A犇14、C犇15、B【导语】本文讲了作者和妈妈去动物园看到的动物。犇11、句意:今天我和_去动物园。A我爸爸,B我妈妈,C我奶奶,根据Today is a fine day. My mom takes me to the zoo.,可知今天作者和妈妈去动物园,故选B。犇12、句意:兔子现在在做什么?它们在_。A走,B跑,C跳上跳下,根据Two rabbits are running and a lion is sleeping.,可知兔子正

24、在跑,故选B。犇13、句意:我最喜欢的动物是什么?A猴子。B狮子。C老虎。根据I like monkeys best.,可知作者最喜欢的动物是猴子,故选A。犇14、句意:猴子现在正在做什么?它们在_。A跳上跳下,B吃黄色的香蕉,C摆动,根据I like monkeys best. They are swinging now.,可知猴子正在摆动,故选C。犇15、句意:_是好的攀爬者。A兔子,B猴子,C老虎,根据I like monkeys best. They are swinging now. They like eating yellow bananas. Sometimes they cl

25、imb trees. They are very good climbers.,可知猴子是好的攀爬者,故选B。【点睛】四、阅读理解解析:犇16、C犇17、B犇18、C犇19、B犇20、A【分析】本文讲了马克吐温去拜访朋友,检票时找不到票了。犇16、句意:马克吐温来自_。A加拿大,B澳大利亚,C美国,根据Mark Twain is a great American writer.,可知马克吐温来自美国,故选C。犇17、句意:马克吐温将在一个阳光明媚的日子_。A骑自行车,B拜访他的朋友,C写一本书,根据Today is a sunny day. Hes going to a village to

26、visit his friend.,可知马克吐温将在一个阳光明媚的日子去拜访他的朋友,故选B。犇18、句意:马克吐温找不到他的_。A钱,B书,C票,根据Mark Twain looks for the ticket here and there, but he cant find it.,可知马克吐温找不到他的票,故选C。犇19、句意:单词“conductor”的汉语意思是_。根据文章含义可知conductor意思是查票员,故选B。犇20、句意:马克吐温_他要去哪。A不知道,B知道,C不知道,根据Its not OK. If I cant find it. I dont know where

27、Im going.,可知马克吐温不知道他要去哪,主语Mark Twain是第三人称单数,助动词用doesnt,故选A。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、C犇22、A犇23、B犇24、C犇25、A【导语】本文讲述了河神墨丘利帮助樵夫找回斧头的故事,并告诉人们做人要诚实。犇21、句意:墨丘利跳入水中解析:犇21、C犇22、A犇23、B犇24、C犇25、A【导语】本文讲述了河神墨丘利帮助樵夫找回斧头的故事,并告诉人们做人要诚实。犇21、句意:墨丘利跳入水中多少次?A一次,B两次,C三次。根据Mercury jumps into the water the third time and comes back

28、with an iron axe. 墨丘利第三次跳入水中,拿回来一把铁斧头。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。犇22、句意:这个故事告诉我们什么?A人们应该诚实。B人们应该努力工作。C人们应该开心。根据The god is very happy with him for his honesty and gives him all the three axes. 神对他的诚实感到非常高兴,把三把斧子都给了他。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。犇23、句意:樵夫的斧头掉进水里,他感到非常_。A开心的,B难过的,C担心的。根据He tries his best to get it but he cant. He

29、 is very poor, so he begins to cry. 他尽了最大的努力去拿,但他做不到。他很穷,所以他开始哭泣。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇24、句意:划线单词iron的中文意思是_。根据His axe is old and iron. 他的斧头很旧,而且是iron。可知iron形容斧头的材质,根据文章开头,可知樵夫用斧头砍树,斧头不可能是木制的或是泥制的,排除AB,故选C。犇25、句意:墨丘利把三把斧头都给了樵夫,因为樵夫_。A说实话,B帮助他,C非常穷。根据The god is very happy with him for his honesty and gives

30、him all the three axes. 神对他的诚实感到非常高兴,把三把斧子都给了他。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。六、阅读理解26、B犇27、A犇28、B犇29、B犇30、A【解析】犇26、问题句意为海伦在哪儿?通读海伦和医生的对话可知海伦生病了,所以她是在医院里。A. 她在解析:犇26、B犇27、A犇28、B犇29、B犇30、A【解析】犇26、问题句意为海伦在哪儿?通读海伦和医生的对话可知海伦生病了,所以她是在医院里。A. 她在学校。B.她在医院。故选B。犇27、问题句意为她怎么啦?根据短文Ive got a bad headache and a high fever. 可知她头痛,并且发烧了。故选A。犇28、问题句意为海伦应该做什么?根据Here is some medicine for you. Have a good rest and drink warm water.可知生病之后应该吃药,好好休息并且多喝水。A.吃一些水果。B.吃药并且上床睡觉。故选B。犇29、问题句意为海伦能吃冰激凌吗?生病之后是不能吃冰激凌的,这是常识,故选B。犇30、问题句意为我们能怎样帮助海伦?A我们能给她一些水果。B我们能给她一些玩具。根据常识,我们可以给她吃一些水果,故选A。

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