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1、一、阅读理解 John is a happy boy and he likes to make jokes (开玩笑). His classmates (同学) like him because he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time.One Sunday, a new student comes to his class. The student says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs. No one and nothing (没有人和事) can make Tom la

2、ugh. John doesnt believe (不相信), so he asks the student to bring Tom to his home. John tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories. Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt. Finally, John has to give up (放弃). At last (最后), the student tells (告诉) John, “Tom is deaf.”犇1、Johns classmates like him because _. ()Ahe is

3、deafBhe often makes them laughChe likes to make jokes犇2、The new student says that his younger brother _. ()Anever laughsBlikes laughingCSometimes laughs犇3、John tells _ many funny stories. ()Ahis classmatesBTomChis new classmate犇4、Does John make Tom laugh? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CIts difficul

4、t to say.犇5、The word (词) deaf means (意思是) _. ()A瞎子B聋子C跛子二、阅读理解 It was sunny last Sunday. Yang Ling visited Liu Taos grandparents. She went there with Liu Tao, Su Hai, Su Yang, Wang Bing and Mike. Liu Taos grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked a nice lunch f

5、or them. They liked the food very much.In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. In the afternoon, they worked in the garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. Liu Tao and Wang Bing picked apples. Yang Ling and Mike planted (种植) some trees. They worked

6、 for about two hours (小时). They really had a good time there.犇1、It was _ last Sunday. ()AsunnyBcloudyCwindy犇2、Liu Taos grandma cooked a nice _ for them. ()AbreakfastBlunchCdinner犇3、The children cleaned the house _. ()Aafter lunchBin the afternoonCin the morning犇4、_ watered the trees and flowers. ()A

7、Liu Tao and Wang BingBThe twinsCYang Ling and Mike犇5、The children were very _ last Sunday. ()AsadBhungryChappy三、阅读理解David is eight. One day his friend Rose says to him, “This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?” David says, “Yes”.On Sunday, David asks his mother if he can go to

8、 the party. His mother says, “Yes, you can go, but you must be polite. Dont ask for any food. They will give you some.” “All right, Mum.” David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike.There are lots of kids (小孩) at the party. They play together for some time, and then Roses mother gives them

9、some food, but she forgets David. He waits and waits and then he takes his plate up and asks, “Do you want a nice clean plate?”犇11、Whose birthday is it? ()ARoses.BDavids.CRoses mothers.DDavids mothers.犇12、The birthday party is in _. ()ARoses houseBDavids houseCRoses schoolDDavids school犇13、David goe

10、s to the party _. ()Aby carBby bikeCby busDon foot犇14、David is Roses _. ()AmotherBclassmateCbrotherDfriend犇15、Who gives David food at the party? ()ARose.BRoses mother.CThe kids.DNo one.四、阅读理解Hi! Im Li Ning. I live in Beijing. Come and see my new pen pal Daming. He lives in Wuhan. He likes reading an

11、d going hiking.Damings father works in a school. He is a head teacher. He likes doing sports. He goes to work by bike every day. His mother is a music teacher. She likes singing and dancing. She goes to work by bus.October in Beijing is beautiful. The weather is cool. Daming and his family are going

12、 to Beijing in October. Her mother is going to teach me the song “Jasmine Flower”! I feel very happy.犇16、What are Damings hobbies? ()AHe likes skating and riding a bike.BHe likes reading and going hiking.CHe likes skating and reading.犇17、How does Damings father go to work? ()ABy bike.BBy bus.COn foo

13、t.犇18、What does Damings mother do? ()AShe is a music teacher.BShe is a worker.CShe is a singer.犇19、Where does Daming live? ()AIn Beijing.BIn Shandong.CIn Wuhan.犇20、When are Damings family going to Beijing? ()AIn December.BIn November.CIn October.五、阅读理解Can people live on Mars? Maybe they can someday.

14、 NASA(美国国家航天局) started a design contest(设计比赛) in 2015、 There were 11 teams in the contest. Each team designed a house for astronauts to live in on Mars. They made 3-D printed houses. What are the houses like? Now NASA picks three winning designs.This houses designers must be soccer fans. It has four

15、 small huts with domed(圆形的) roof. They look like four soccer balls. Three smaller huts connect to the bigger one with bridges. Astronauts can move from place to place without going outside. Each hut stands on special “legs”. The legs are made volcanic(火山) rock found on Mars.This house is built out o

16、f Martian(火星的) soil and rocks. So it looks bronze(古铜色的). In the house, there are two labs, four bedrooms and a vertical garden(垂直花园). Astronauts can grow the first plants on Mars.Its not easy to build a house on Mars. The weather there lisquite bad. This house has a moving shield(防护罩). It protects t

17、he house from strong sunlight.犇21、The designers made _ printed houses. ()A2-PB3-DC3-PD4-D犇22、The passage tells us _ designs. ()A3B4C11D2015犇23、The first house has small huts. They look like _. ()AlegsBbridgesCsoccer fansDsoccer balls犇24、There are four _ in the second house. ()AlabsBbedroomsCgardensD

18、plants犇25、The house with a moving shield can protect the house from strong _. ()AsnowBrainCwindDsunlight六、阅读理解 John is a happy boy and he likes to make jokes (开玩笑). His classmates (同学) like him because he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time.One Sunday, a new student comes to his class. The

19、 student says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs. No one and nothing (没有人和事) can make Tom laugh. John doesnt believe (不相信), so he asks the student to bring Tom to his home. John tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories. Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt. Finally, John has to give up (放弃). At

20、 last (最后), the student tells (告诉) John, “Tom is deaf.”犇26、Johns classmates like him because _. ()Ahe is deafBhe often makes them laughChe likes to make jokes犇27、The new student says that his younger brother _. ()Anever laughsBlikes laughingCSometimes laughs犇28、John tells _ many funny stories. ()Ahi

21、s classmatesBTomChis new classmate犇29、Does John make Tom laugh? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CIts difficult to say.犇30、The word (词) deaf means (意思是) _. ()A瞎子B聋子C跛子【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、A犇3、B犇4、B犇5、B【分析】短文大意:主要讲述约翰是一个爱开玩笑的男孩,但是他却没能让汤姆笑,因为汤姆聋。犇1、句意:约翰的同学喜欢他因为_。由短文His classmates (同学) like him because

22、 he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time可知约翰的同学喜欢他因为他能让同学们笑。结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇2、句意:新同学说他的小弟弟_。由短文The student says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs可知新同学说他的小弟弟从来不笑,选项A从来不笑,选项B喜欢笑,选项C有时笑,故选A。犇3、句意:约翰给_讲了很多有趣的故事。由短文ohn tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories可知约翰给汤姆讲了很多有趣的故事,选项A他的同学,选项

23、B汤姆,选项C他的新同学,故选B。犇4、句意:约翰让汤姆笑了吗?由短文 Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt可知约翰没能让汤姆笑,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇5、句意:单词“deaf”的意思是_。结合全文推测应是聋的意思,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】二、阅读理解解析:犇1、A犇2、B犇3、C犇4、B犇5、C【分析】短文主要讲述上星期日,刘涛和他的朋友们一起去看望爷爷奶奶的事。犇1、句意:上星期日是_。根据It was sunny last Sunday.可知上星期日是晴朗的。A.晴朗的,B.多云的,C.有风的。故选A。犇2、句意:刘涛的奶奶

24、为他们做了一顿美味的_。根据His grandma cooked a nice lunch for them. 可知刘涛的奶奶为他们做了一顿美味的午餐。A.早餐,B.午餐,C.晚餐。故选B。犇3、句意:孩子们_打扫房子。根据In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. 可知早上,孩子们为刘涛的爷爷奶奶打扫房子。A.午餐后,B.下午,C.早上。故选C。犇4、句意:_浇了树和花。根据Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. 可知苏海和苏洋浇

25、了树和花。A.刘涛和王兵,B.双胞胎,C.杨玲和迈克。苏海和苏洋是双胞胎。故选B。犇5、句意:上星期日孩子们很_。根据They really had a good time there.可知他们在那里玩得很开心。A.悲伤的,B.饥饿的,C.高兴的。故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇11、A犇12、A犇13、B犇14、D犇15、D【导语】本文主要是大卫去参加罗斯生日派对的事情,大卫听了妈妈的话没有向别人要食物,结果没有人给他食物。犇11、句意:它是谁的生日?A罗斯的。B大卫的。C罗斯妈妈的。D大卫妈妈的。根据文中句子One day his friend Rose says to him, “T

26、his Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?”可知星期日是罗斯的生日,故选A。犇12、句意:生日派对在_。A罗斯的家里。B大卫的家里。C罗斯的学校,D大卫的学校。根据文中句子David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike.可知生日派对在罗斯家里,故选A。犇13、句意:大卫_去派对。A坐汽车,B骑自行车,C坐公交车,D步行。根据文中句子 David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike.可知大卫骑自行车去罗

27、斯家,故选B。犇14、句意:大卫是罗斯的_。A妈妈,B同学,C弟弟,D朋友。根据文中句子 One day his friend Rose says to him.可知大卫是罗斯的朋友,故选D。犇15、句意:派对上谁给大卫食物了?A罗斯。B罗斯的妈妈。C孩子们。D没有人。根据文中句子They play together for some time, and then Roses mother gives them some food, but she forgets David. 可知没有人给大卫食物,故选D。四、阅读理解解析:犇16、B犇17、A犇18、A犇19、C犇20、C【导语】本文介绍了

28、大明和大明的家人及他们十月要去北京。犇16、句意:大明的爱好是什么?A他喜欢滑冰和骑自行车。B他喜欢阅读和去远足。C他喜欢滑冰和阅读。根据He likes reading and going hiking.,可知大明喜欢阅读和去远足,故选B。犇17、句意:大明的爸爸怎么去上班?A骑自行车。B坐公交车。C步行。根据He goes to work by bike every day.,可知大明的爸爸骑自行车去上班,故选A。犇18、句意:大明的妈妈是做什么的?A她是一名音乐老师。B她是一名工人。C她是一名歌手。根据His mother is a music teacher.,可知大明的妈妈是一名音乐

29、老师,故选A。犇19、句意:大明住在哪?A北京。B山东。C武汉。根据Come and see my new pen pal Daming. He lives in Wuhan.,可知大明住在武汉,故选C。犇20、句意:大明的家人什么时候去北京?A十二月。B十一月。C十月。根据Daming and his family are going to Beijing in October.,可知大明的家人十月去北京,故选C。五、阅读理解21、B犇22、A犇23、D犇24、B犇25、D【分析】犇21、这一题问的是设计师制作了哪种打印房子。根据They made 3-D printed解析:犇21、B犇2

30、2、A犇23、D犇24、B犇25、D【分析】犇21、这一题问的是设计师制作了哪种打印房子。根据They made 3-D printed houses.可知,他们制作了3-D 打印房子。故选B。犇22、这一题问的是本篇讲了几种设计。根据Now NASA picks three winning designs.可知,本篇讲了3种获奖的设计。故选A。犇23、这一题问的是第一个房子有小屋,他们看起来像什么。根据It has four small huts with domed(圆形的) roof. They look like four soccer balls. 可知,他们看起来像足球。A腿,B桥

31、,C足球迷,D足球。故选D。犇24、这一题问的是在第二个房子里有四个什么。根据 In the house, there are two labs, four bedrooms and a vertical garden(垂直花园). 可知,有四个卧室。A实验室,B卧室,C花园,D植物。故选B。犇25、这一题问的是带有防护罩的房子可以保护房子免遭什么。根据This house has a moving shield(防护罩). It protects the house from strong sunlight.可知,带有防护罩的房子可以保护房子免遭强光。A雪,B雨,C风,D阳光。故选D。【点睛

32、】六、阅读理解26、B犇27、A犇28、B犇29、B犇30、B【分析】短文大意:主要讲述约翰是一个爱开玩笑的男孩,但是他却没能让汤姆笑,因为汤姆聋。犇26、句意:约解析:犇26、B犇27、A犇28、B犇29、B犇30、B【分析】短文大意:主要讲述约翰是一个爱开玩笑的男孩,但是他却没能让汤姆笑,因为汤姆聋。犇26、句意:约翰的同学喜欢他因为_。由短文His classmates (同学) like him because he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time可知约翰的同学喜欢他因为他能让同学们笑。结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇27、句意

33、:新同学说他的小弟弟_。由短文The student says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs可知新同学说他的小弟弟从来不笑,选项A从来不笑,选项B喜欢笑,选项C有时笑,故选A。犇28、句意:约翰给_讲了很多有趣的故事。由短文ohn tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories可知约翰给汤姆讲了很多有趣的故事,选项A他的同学,选项B汤姆,选项C他的新同学,故选B。犇29、句意:约翰让汤姆笑了吗?由短文 Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt可知约翰没能让汤姆笑,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。犇30、句意:单词“deaf”的意思是_。结合全文推测应是聋的意思,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】

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