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1、英语小学六年级阅读理解精选复习试卷测试卷(含答案解析)一、阅读判断根据短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。It is sunny today. Im Mike. I am at Willow Primary School. It is so pretty. There are many yellow flowers. David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English. The teacher, Ms Brown, is very

2、helpful. Teachers and students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea. Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious. After lunch, we have a reading class. What a friendly school!1、The new school is very pretty. ( )2、Mikes favourite class is English. ( )3、Teache

3、rs and students often eat lunch at home. ( )4、David is clever and hard-working. ( )5、After lunch, we have a singing class. ( )答案:1、T2、F3、F4、T5、F【解析】1、句意:新学校很漂亮。从文中句子“I am at Willow Primary School. It解析:1、T2、F3、F4、T5、F【解析】1、句意:新学校很漂亮。从文中句子“I am at Willow Primary School. It is so pretty.”得知我在柳树小学。真漂亮。

4、与题干相符合,故答案为T。2、句意:迈克最喜欢的课是英语。从文中句子“He is funny, too. His favourite class is English.”得知大卫最喜欢的课是英语,不是迈克。与题干不符合,故答案为F。3、句意:老师和学生经常在家吃午饭。从文中句子“Teachers and students often eat lunch at school.”得知老师和学生经常在学校吃午饭。不是在家,与题干不符合,故答案为F。4、句意:大卫聪明又勤奋。从文中句子“David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working.”得知他

5、聪明又勤奋。他也很有趣。与题干相符合,故答案为T。5、句意:午饭后,我们上歌唱课。从文中句子“After lunch, we have a reading class.”得知我们有一节阅读课,不是歌唱课,与题干不符合,故答案为F。二、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office. One day, Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening. Would you and your

6、wife like to come?” Mr Brown said, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr Brown went to the other room and called his wife. Then he came back and looked very worried. “Whats the matter?” asked Mr Jones, “Is your wife there at home?” “No,” Answered Mr Brown, “She is no

7、t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, Is your mother there, David? and he answered, No, she isnt in the house. Where is she? I asked, She is somewhere outside. What is she doing? She is looking for me.”6、There was a party at Mr Jones house on Friday evening. ( )7、Mr Jones aske

8、d Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party. ( )8、The telephone was in Browns office. ( )9、Mr Brown spoke to Mrs Brown on the telephone. ( )10、Mrs Brown was looking for her son. ( )答案:6、F7、T8、F9、F10、T解析:6、F7、T8、F9、F10、T三、阅读理解How will people travel in the future? Many scientists think that a traveler

9、will get into a car and tell the car computer where to go. The computer will then drive the car down the road at a speed (速度) of 120 miles an hour (小时). The computer can sense (感知) other cars on the road and cars wont hit (撞击) one another.Schools of the future may be open for twelve months a year, t

10、wenty-four hours a day, with students coming and going at any time they want. There will be a computer on every desk in the classrooms. Some scientists think that books may disappear. People will never see books any more. Students can learn everything from the computer.The TV of the future will show

11、 pictures in three dimensions(三维). And people can see programmes (节目) from all over the world at any time of the day or night.11、The _ will drive the car down the road in the future. ()AtravellerBscientistCcomputer12、Schools of the future will be open _. ()Aevery dayBfrom Monday to FridayCfor 12 hou

12、rs a day13、From the story, we know the word “disappear means “_”. ()A消失B出现C储存14、Which sentence is NOT true according to the passage?AThe computer can sense other cars on the road and cars wont hit each other. ()BStudents can learn everything from the computer.CPeople cannot see programmes from other

13、 countries at any time.15、The best title (题目) for the passage should be “_”. ()ASchools in the futureBLife in the futureCCars in the future答案:11、C12、A13、A14、C15、B【导语】本文主要讲述了科技将来可能在学校,旅游,和电视方面的发展。11、句意:_将在未来解析:11、C12、A13、A14、C15、B【导语】本文主要讲述了科技将来可能在学校,旅游,和电视方面的发展。11、句意:_将在未来驾驶汽车在路上行驶。A旅行者;B 科学家;C电脑;根据

14、文中“The computer will then drive the car down the road .”可知电脑将驾驶汽车在路上行驶 。故选C。12、句意:将来的学校将会_开放。A每天;B从周一到周五;C一天12小时。根据文中“Schools of the future may be open for twelve months a year, twenty-four hours a day,”未来的学校可能一年开放12个月,每天24小时, 可知学校每天开放。故选A。13、句意:从这个故事来看,我们知道单词消失的意思是_。故选A。14、句意:根据文章哪一句话是错误的?A电脑可以感应到路

15、上的其他车辆,从而避免车辆相撞。 B学生可以从电脑中学到一切。 C人们在任何时候都看不到其他国家的节目。根据文中“And people can see programmes (节目) from all over the world at any time of the day or night.”人们可以在白天或晚上的任何时间看到来自世界各地的节目。可知C表达错误,故选C。15、这篇文中的最好的标题应该是_。 A将来的学校;B将来的生活;C将来的汽车。根据文中内容可知整篇文中都在讲述将来的生活。故选B。四、阅读理解My name is Jack. I am a pupil of Grade O

16、ne. Im in No.1 Middle School. On weekdays I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast at seven and then I go to school by bike. We begin our class at eight oclock in the morning. At noon, I have lunch at home. Classes are over at four fifteen in the afternoon. After class, we often play football in the

17、 afternoon. I go home at about five. I have supper at about six thirty in the evening. I do my homework at seven thirty. At weekend , I watch TV. I often go to bed at ten. Im very happy.11、Jack is a pupil in _.()AClass OneBGrade OneCNo. 212、Jack gets up at _ in the morning. ()AsixBsevenCeight13、Afte

18、r class they often play _ on the playground . ()AvolleyballBbasketballCfootball14、Jack often watches TV on _ . ()AMondayBThursdayCSunday15、Which is true (真实的)? ()AJack is a good boy.BJack has his lunch at school.CClasses are over at four in the afternoon.答案:11、B12、A13、C14、C15、A解析:11、B12、A13、C14、C15、

19、A五、阅读理解Jack came to China three years agoJack is an Australian boy. His parents are now in China, too. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is now in No. 2 Middle School. He is a student. He works very hard. His parents work in No. 8 Middle School. Jack is my good friend. Last Sunday he came

20、to see me. We went to swim in the river near my house that day.16、Jack is _.()AAmericanBAustralianCEnglishDCanadian17、Jack and his parents are _ now. ()Ain AmericaBin ChinaCin CanadaDin Australia18、Jack is in _.()ANo. 2 Middle SchoolBNo. 8 Middle SchoolCNo. 18 Middle SchoolDNo. 20 Middle School19、Ja

21、ck came to see me _.()Alast SundayBlast MondayClast ThursdayDlast Saturday20、I _ with Jack that day. ()Awent to the shopBwent out at the cinemaCwent out to play footballDwent to swim答案:16、B17、B18、A19、A20、D解析:16、B17、B18、A19、A20、D六、阅读理解I was born in a small river. When I was young, the river was my ho

22、me. I did not know my father or mother, but I had many, many brothers and sisters. I swam and played with them. At that time I did not look like my father or mother. I had no legs, but I had a tail. I looked like a fish. Then my tail became shorter and shorter. And now I have four legs and a very sh

23、ort tail. I know Im going to have no tail at all. Im going to be like my father and mother. Then Im going to jump out of the water. Im going to live on the land (陆地) and in the water, too. Im going to eat a lot of insects (昆虫)- a lot of bad insects.21、When I was young, the _ was my home. ()AlandBriv

24、erCwater22、I had no _, but I had a _ when I was young. ()Atail; legBlegs; mouthClegs; tail23、I looked like a _. ()AfishBfrogCinsect24、Im going to live on the _ and in the water, too. ()AriverBearthCland25、What am I? ()AAn insect.BA frog.CA fish.答案:21、B22、C23、A24、C25、B【解析】21、题干句意:当我年轻的时候,_是我的家。根据When

25、 I was young,解析:21、B22、C23、A24、C25、B【解析】21、题干句意:当我年轻的时候,_是我的家。根据When I was young, the river was my home.可知是河流,A陆地;B河流;C水;故选B。22、题干句意:我没有_,但我年轻的时候有一_。根据I had no legs, but I had a tail.可知没有腿但是有一条尾巴,A尾巴,腿;B腿,嘴;C腿,尾巴;故选C。23、题干句意:我看起来像_。根据I looked like a fish.可知像鱼,A鱼;B青蛙;C昆虫;故选A。24、题干句意:我也要住在水里和_。根据Im going to live on the land (陆地) and in the water, too.可知是水里和陆地,A河流;B地球;C陆地;故选C。25、题干句意:我是什么?根据文章描述可知是青蛙,A昆虫;B一只青蛙;C一条鱼;故选B。

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