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1、六年级阅读理解精选毕业英语复习提高试卷测试卷(含答案解析)一、阅读判断阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Last Sunday, my sister and I went to the book store. We bought many interesting books. We wanted to buy a picture book for Tom. My sister found a picture book about the Monkey King. But I didnt like it, because I thought the science book was more in

2、teresting than the picture book. At last, we bought the science book.1、Last Saturday, they went to the book store.( )2、They wanted to buy a book for Tom. ( )3、My sister wanted a picture book about the Monkey King. ( )4、I thought the picture book was more interesting than the science book. ( )5、At la

3、st, they bought the science book. ( )答案:1、F2、T3、T4、F5、T解析:1、F2、T3、T4、F5、T二、阅读判断阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符Today is Friday. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Im going to buy some food and a comic book. Tomorrow morning Im going to Guangzhou for a trip. Im going there by train. Im going to read my

4、new comic book on the train. The day after tomorrow Im going to Kunming by plane from Guangzhou. In Kunming, Im going to see folk dances and eat snacks. Ill be very happy this holiday.6、Im going to buy some food tomorrow. ( )7、Im going to take a trip next Friday. ( )8、Im going to Guangzhou by train

5、this morning. ( )9、Im going to Kunming by plane. ( )10、Im going to see modern dances in Kunming. ( )答案:6、F7、F8、F9、T10、F【解析】解析:6、F7、F8、F9、T10、F【解析】三、阅读理解 It is Oct. 24、 You pick up a bottle of milk. You see Best Before Oct.23 on it. What do you do with it? Most people just throw it away. Its a big wa

6、ste.The United Nations says that over one third of food goes to the trash. But 795 million people on Earth dont have enough to eat. To change this, people have come up with great ideas. After all, the best place for food is our stomachs, not the trash.Sharing foodPeople say, Theres no such thing as

7、a free lunch. But they are wrong. Recently, share fridges have come to cities like Shanghai and Quanzhou, Quick meals, milk, cookies and cakes are staying in the fridges. It is just like your fridge at home. The food comes from families and shops nearby. And it is free for every passerby to enjoy! T

8、his great idea comes from the popular food bank practice. We keep our extra money in a bank. In 1967, some people in the US wanted to do the same with food. They then set up the worlds free food bank.In many peoples eyes, expired (过期的) food becomes junk. But a company from the UK thinks differently.

9、 There is a Best Before Date on the food bag. Before that date, the quality(质量) is the best. But after that date, the food can be still OK to eat.So, the Real Junk Food Project, a British company, gets such food from supermarkets and puts it in cafes again. They dont give the food a price. You can g

10、ive whatever money you like. If you dont want to spend money, you can help work there.11、The writer thinks its wrong to say Theres no such thing as a free lunch, because _. ()Athe saying is not true at allBthe food in share fridges is freeCmost food goes to the trashDthe food for lunch is free every

11、where12、Where did the first free food bank appear? ()AChina.BThe UN.CThe US.DThe UK.13、A company from the UK thinks the food after Best Before Date is _ to eat. ()AbadBOKCthe bestDbetter14、You cant see the _ of the food in cafes. ()AnameBdateCaddressDprice15、Whats the best title for the passage? ()A

12、Ways to stop food wasteBFoods best before dateCTo enjoy the free foodDWhere to find share fridges?答案:11、B12、C13、B14、D15、A【分析】短文大意:短文呼吁要减少食物浪费,并介绍了几个防止食物浪费的方法。11、句意:作者认为说“天解析:11、B12、C13、B14、D15、A【分析】短文大意:短文呼吁要减少食物浪费,并介绍了几个防止食物浪费的方法。11、句意:作者认为说“天下没有免费的午餐”是不对的,因为_。A这句话一点也不正确;B共享冰箱里的食物是免费的;C大多数食物都被扔进了垃圾

13、桶;D午餐的食物每天都是免费的;根据短文中的The food comes from families and shops nearby. And it is free for every passerby to enjoy!可知共享冰箱里的食物是免费的,故选B。12、句意:第一家食物银行出现在哪里?A中国;B联合国;C美国;D英国;根据短文中的In 1967, some people in the US wanted to do the same with food. They then set up the worlds free food bank. 可知第一家食物银行在美国出现了,故选C

14、。13、句意:一家英国的公司认为“保质期”之后的食物是_吃的。A坏的;B可以;C最好的;D更好的;根据短文中的There is a Best Before Date on the food bag. Before that date, the quality(质量) is the best.But after that date, the food can be still OK to eat.可知一家英国的公司认为“保质期”之后的食物是是可以吃的,故选B。14、句意:你不能在咖啡馆看到食物的_。A名字;B日期;C地址;D价格;根据短文中的They dont give the food a p

15、rice. 可知不能在咖啡馆看到食物的价格,故选D。15、句意:这篇文章最好的标题是什么?A停止食物浪费的方法;B食物的保质期;C享受免费的食物;D在哪里找到“共享冰箱”?根据短文大意,可知短文介绍了几个防止食物浪费的办法,所以最好的标题是停止食物浪费的方法,故选A。【点睛】四、阅读理解Four girls go to school every day by taxi. One day one of the girls says, “There is a test in the morning. Lets go to the school late. Then we will not have

16、 to take the test.” “What can we tell the teacher?” one of the girls asks. “She will be angry. We need a good excuse(理由).” The girls think for a few minutes, then one of them says, “Lets tell him that our taxi has a flat(平的)tyre(轮胎).” “Thats a good idea,” the other girls say. “We will tell him that.

17、”They arrive at school an hour later. The test is finished. “Why are you late?” the teacher asks, “You miss(错过)the test.” “Our taxi has a flat tyre,” one of the girls says. The teacher thinks for a moment, then he says, “Sit down.” The girls do this. Then the teacher says, “Write on a piece of paper

18、 the answer to this question: Which tyre is flat?” What a difficult question! The girls look at each other sadly. At last they give different answers.11、How many girls are there in the story? ()ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.12、How do the girls go to school every day? ()ABy bus.BBy taxi.CBy train.DBy plane

19、.13、Why do the girls want to be late for school that day? ()ABecause they dont like school.BBecause they dont want to do their homework.CBecause they want to go shopping.DBecause they dont want to take the test.14、Why do the girls give different answers? Because _. ()Athey cant remember which tyre i

20、s flatBthere isnt a flat typeCthey each give a different answerDall four tyres are flat15、Does the teacher believe the girls excuse? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CNot mentioned.DWe dont know.答案:11、C12、B13、D14、B15、B解析:11、C12、B13、D14、B15、B五、阅读理解Hi! My name is Ben. Im 12 years old. Im very helpful. I

21、 usually wash clothes and clean the rooms at home. I always help my teachers at school. And I am a foodie(吃货), I like ice creams. They are sweet. And potatoes are my favourite vegetables. I like fruits, but I dont like bananas.Im a cool boy, too. I like playing ping-pong, football and I can swim ver

22、y well. I was afraid of dogs before, but now I have a pet dog. It drinks orange juice every day. It can play with a ball, its so cute. I like it very much.What am I going to be? MmI want to be a police officer. Because helping people is fun for me. I will study hard and do more exercise.16、Ben alway

23、s _at school. ()Awashes clothesBcleans the roomChelps teachers17、Ben doesnt like _. ()AbananasBice creamsCpotatoes18、Ben likes _very much. ()AsportsBmusicCscience19、I like it very much. Here, it refers to(指的是) _. ()ABC20、Ben wants to be a_. ()AdoctorBpostmanCpolice officer答案:16、C17、A18、A19、B20、C解析:1

24、6、C17、A18、A19、B20、C六、阅读理解I was born in a small river. When I was young, the river was my home. I did not know my father or mother, but I had many, many brothers and sisters. I swam and played with them. At that time I did not look like my father or mother. I had no legs, but I had a tail. I looked l

25、ike a fish. Then my tail became shorter and shorter. And now I have four legs and a very short tail. I know Im going to have no tail at all. Im going to be like my father and mother. Then Im going to jump out of the water. Im going to live on the land (陆地) and in the water, too. Im going to eat a lo

26、t of insects (昆虫)- a lot of bad insects.21、When I was young, the _ was my home. ()AlandBriverCwater22、I had no _, but I had a _ when I was young. ()Atail; legBlegs; mouthClegs; tail23、I looked like a _. ()AfishBfrogCinsect24、Im going to live on the _ and in the water, too. ()AriverBearthCland25、What

27、 am I? ()AAn insect.BA frog.CA fish.答案:21、B22、C23、A24、C25、B【解析】21、题干句意:当我年轻的时候,_是我的家。根据When I was young,解析:21、B22、C23、A24、C25、B【解析】21、题干句意:当我年轻的时候,_是我的家。根据When I was young, the river was my home.可知是河流,A陆地;B河流;C水;故选B。22、题干句意:我没有_,但我年轻的时候有一_。根据I had no legs, but I had a tail.可知没有腿但是有一条尾巴,A尾巴,腿;B腿,嘴;C腿,尾巴;故选C。23、题干句意:我看起来像_。根据I looked like a fish.可知像鱼,A鱼;B青蛙;C昆虫;故选A。24、题干句意:我也要住在水里和_。根据Im going to live on the land (陆地) and in the water, too.可知是水里和陆地,A河流;B地球;C陆地;故选C。25、题干句意:我是什么?根据文章描述可知是青蛙,A昆虫;B一只青蛙;C一条鱼;故选B。

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