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1、一、单项选择1_ is Mothers Day? ()Its _ the second Sunday of May.AWhat; onBWhen; inCWhen; on2Excuse me, how do I get to Happy Cinema _ Shanghai Street? ()Walk along this street. You can find it _ a metro station.Aat; nearBon; next toCin; on3Mum, its eight oclock. I should go for my piano lesson now. ()OK.

2、Dont _ your piano book _.Ashow; aroundBleave; behindCtake; off4Miss Xus home is _ her factory, so she usually goes there by car. ()Afar fromBin front ofCnearDnext to5Listen! The students _ an English song in the classroom. ()AsingsBsingCis singingDare singing6下列单词中划线字母发音与句中cakes划线字母发音不同的是哪个? ()句:I l

3、ike eating rice cakes.AangryBtakeCplane7There are _ numbers in the password. The _ number is three. ()Afour; fourthBfour; fourCfourth; four8Where _ your uncle live? ()He _ in a small town.Ais; livesBdo; livesCdoes; lives9Can you _ your bike _ me? ()Ashow; toBshow; forCshowing; to10When is your birth

4、day? ()Its _ the first of May.AinBonCat11Whose jeans are these? ()_ATheyre Lindas.BTherere Lindas.CThey are Linda.DIts Lindas.12That girl _ so sad. Her hand _. ()Alook; hurtBlooks; hurtsClooks; hurtDlook; hurts13The eighth month of a year is _. ()AJulyBSeptemberCAugust14The park is near my home. So

5、I often go there _. ()Aby planeBby trainCon footDby metro15What would you like, Helen? ()_AI like to watch TV.BI like oranges.CId like some grapes.二、用单词适当形式填空16Who _ (teach) you English this term?Miss Li.17George is very happy _ (help) them.18Tom _ (make) the bed now.19Look! Dad _ (cook) meat in the

6、 kitchen. Hes a great _ (cook).20Wang Bing usually _ (climb) mountains and _ (eat) rice cakes at this festival.21Listen, Helen _ (sing) in the next room.22What _ (be) your uncle?Hes a bus _ (drive).23I want _ (cook) some soup. Would you like _ (any) soup?24Dont talk! The babies _ (sleep).25He wants

7、_ (take) the bus to the supermarket.26The boy _ (not listen) to music now.27Our school has five floors. The Music room is on the _ (five) floor.28You should _ (brush) your teeth in the evening.29They usually _ (visit) their grandparents and _ (have) a big dinner together.30The girl _ (try) on this r

8、ed skirt and it fits.三、完成句子31Im washing some _ (番茄). I want to cook some _ (番茄汤).32We put on warm c_ in winter.33My parents often have some n_ on their birthdays.34My father _ (洗车) now.35My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. They both work in a h_.36Today is Sunday. My mother is doing some h_

9、 at home.37I have a toothache. I cant _ (eat) anything. 38Is he _ _ (寻找) his new kite in the _ (花园)?Yes, he is.39Children have a lot of f_ at Spring Festival.40My twin brother _ (住在月亮街).四、阅读判断阅读短文,选择正确答案。Dad: What date is it today, Ben?Ben: Its 10th of September. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday.Dad: Wou

10、ld you like a big cake for your birthday?Ben: Yes, please. Can I have a cake with lots of strawberries?Dad: Sure. Lets put “Happy Birthday, Ben!” on the cake.Ben: Great! Thank you, Dad.Mum: What would you like as a birthday present, dear?Ben: Id like some fish, please. Mum: What colour fish would yo

11、u like?Ben: Id like a blue one and a yellow one, please.Ron: A blue fish! Can I have one too, Mum?Mum: OK, Ron. Ill buy one for you, too.Ron: Thank you, Mum.41、Bens birthday is on _. ()ASeptember 9BSeptember 10CSeptember 1142、Ben would like a cake with _ on it. ()AapplesBstrawberriesCgrapes43、Mother

12、 wants to give Ben _. ()Aa big cakeBsome fishCsome strawberries44、What colour fish does Ben like? ()ABlue and yellow.BRed and yellow.CBlue and red.45、Ron can have _ too. ()Aa big cakeBa blue fishCa yellow fish五、阅读判断Mrs King is about forty years old. Her husband has a factory in the town and gets a l

13、ot of money. Their three children are all clever and they work in the factory. She has nothing to do every day. She lives happily.Mrs King likes to eat meat and cakes very much. So her husband and children often buy some for her. She doesnt like sports. She always gets up at about eleven in the morn

14、ing. So she gets fatter and fatter. Now its difficult for her even to walk.One day, she went to see a doctor. The doctor looked over her carefully and then said, There is something wrong with your heart, Mrs King. Its bad for you to eat too much sugar and meat. Youd better eat a piece of bread for e

15、ach meal.Thats easy, doctor. said Mrs King. “But when should I eat it? Before a meal or after a meal?46、Mrs King gets fatter and fatter because _. ()AShe eats much meat and cakes.BShe doesnt have any sports.CBoth A and B47、There are _ people in Mrs Kings family. ()AfourBfiveCsix48、Their three childr

16、en all work in a _. ()AfactoryBfarmChospital49、There is something wrong with Mrs Kings _. ()AmouthBheadCheart50、Which of the following is right? ()AMrs King didnt quite understand (明白) the doctor.BThe doctor wanted the woman to eat a piece of bread after a meal.CMrs King hoped to get fatter.六、阅读理解 O

17、nce upon a time, there was a princess named Anahita. She was different from the other princesses. She loved to farm. The king didnt understand why. He felt angry and ordered her to leave the palace alone for a period of time so she could know what life is really like. Anahita packed a bag of seeds a

18、nd headed to the countryside. She built a little hut (小屋) and planted a field near it. She also made three new friends, a cat, a parrot, and a spider.After a period of time, the king was told that the princess lived well by farming. He was angry. He went to ask the powerful sorcerer (巫师) for help, a

19、nd let the sorcerer teach his daughter a lesson. Luckily, the parrot heard this and told the princess about the drought (旱灾). Anahita then quickly moved her crops to the riverbed (河床). When the drought came, all the crops in the kingdom dried up, but Anahitas crops survived (幸存).51、There was a _ nam

20、ed Anahita in the kingdom. ()AprinceBprincessCking52、Anahita loved to farm, but the king didnt feel _. ()AangryBsadChappy53、Anahita planted a field _ the hut in the countryside. ()AnearBbehindCin front of54、Anahita lived _ by farming. ()AsadBbadlyCwell55、Anahitas crops survived with the _ help. ()As

21、orcerersBparrotsCcats七、阅读理解One day, John was back home after work. He found that his wife was shaking (摇晃) their daughter in her arms, she was only half a year old. She said “Daddy” to the baby girl again and again. John felt very happy because he thought his wife chose the word “Daddy” to teach the

22、ir baby. Two weeks later, the little girl cried loudly and shouted “Daddy” one night. His wife said to John, “Dear, she is calling you.” Then the wife turned to sleep.56、Johns daughter was _. ()A1year oldB6 monthsC10 months57、The mother taught(teach的过去式) the baby girl to say the word _. ()AMummyBlov

23、eCDaddy58、The baby could shout “Daddy” when she _ at night. ()Asaw her fatherBwas happyCdidnt feel good59、The husband had to _ the baby girl at night. ()AworkBlook afterCsleep60、The wife could go on _ when the girl cried. ()AteachingBshakingCsleeping【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:母亲节在_? 在五月的第二个星期天。根据答句可知上

24、文问的是母亲节在什么时候,因此第一空填When。in + 年 / 月 / 季节,on + 具体日期,“the second Sunday of May”是具体日期,因此前面用介词on,故选C。2B解析:B【详解】句意:劳驾,请问去上海街快乐电影院怎么走?沿着这条街走。你可以在地铁站附近找到它。在某条街道上用地点方位介词on,排除选项AC,next to在旁边,故选B。3B解析:B【详解】句意:妈妈,现在八点了。我现在应该去上钢琴课了。好的。别忘了你的钢琴书。考查动词短语,show around带参观,leave behind忘记,take off脱掉,选项B符合语境,故选B。4A解析:A【详解

25、】句意:徐小姐的家离她的工厂_,所以她通常乘小汽车去那。A远离,B在前面,C在附近,D紧挨着,根据后半句乘小汽车去工厂可推断工厂离她家很远,故选A。【点睛】5D解析:D【详解】句意:听!学生们正在教室里唱英语歌曲。根据listen可知后面动作正在进行,故用现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,主语The students是复数,故be动词用are,故选D。【点睛】6A解析:A【详解】cakes划线字母发音为e,A划线字母发音为,B划线字母发音为e,C划线字母发音为e。故选A。7A解析:A【详解】句意:这个密码有四个数字。第四个数字是三。第一空表数量,故用基数词four;第二空做num

26、ber的定语,故用序数词fourth;故选A。8C解析:C【详解】句意:你的叔叔住在哪里?他住在一个小镇。结合选项和句意,可知问句为一般现在时,主语your uncle是第三人称单数,助动词用does;问句也为一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动词也用第三人称单数,live的第三人称单数为lives,故选C。【点睛】9A解析:A【详解】句意:你能给我看看你的自行车吗?show sth. to sb.给某人看某物,can后的动词用原形。故选A。10B解析:B【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候?在五月一日。具体某一天前用介词on,in后跟年、月、季节等,at后跟具体点钟,故选B。11A解析:A

27、【详解】句意:这些是谁的牛仔裤?他们是琳达的。根据问句句意可知答句回答它们是某人的。Are these引导的句子答语用代词they回答,排除BC,琳达的 Lindas.,名词所有格形式,排除C,故选A。12B解析:B【详解】句意:那个女孩看起来如此难过。她的手受伤了。第一句中主语是that girl第三人称单数,看起来用第三人称单数looks,第二句中主语是her hand她的手,单数,动词受伤hurt也用第三人称单数hurts,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:一年的第八个月是_。A七月,B九月,C八月,根据常识可知一年的第八个月是八月,故选C。14C解析:C【详解】句意:公园离我家很近。

28、所以我经常_去那。A坐飞机,B坐火车,C步行,D坐地铁,选项C符合题意,故选C。15C解析:C【详解】海伦,你想要什么?_ A我喜欢看电视;B我喜欢橘子 C;我想要一些葡萄;根据问句句意可知答句回答我想要某物,C符合语境,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16will teach【详解】句意:这学期谁教你英语?李老师。teach教,根据时间this term可知该句可用一般将来时,will do结构。故答案为will teach。17to help【详解】句意:乔治很高兴帮助他们。be happy to do sth很高兴做某事,固定句式,故help应用动词不定式to help,故答案为to he

29、lp。18is making【详解】句意:汤姆现在正在铺床。now是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语Tom是第三人称单数,be动词用is,make的现在分词是making,故答案为is making。19 is cooking cook【详解】句意:看,爸爸正在厨房煮肉,他是一位优秀的厨师。Look是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语dad是第三人称单数,be动词用is,cook的现在分词是cooking;great是形容词,后接名词,cook作为名词意为厨师,故答案为is cooking;cook。20B解析: climbs eats

30、【详解】句意:在这个节日王兵通常爬山和吃年糕。climb爬,eat吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语Wang Bing是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故答案为climbs;eats。21H解析:is singing【详解】句意:听,海伦正在隔壁房间唱歌。根据句意可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语Helen是第三人称单数,be用is,sing的现在分词是singing,故答案为is singing。22 is driver【详解】句意:你叔叔是干什么的?他是一名公共汽车司机。根据答语可知时态是一般现在时,主语是your uncle,系

31、词用is,根据句意可知是问职业,第二空是词组公共汽车司机bus driver,故答案为is;driver。23 to cook some【详解】句意:我想要做一些汤。你想要一些汤吗?第一个空所给单词是动词cook,想要做某事用want+to+动词原形,故填to cook。第二个空所给单词any一般用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句,但是这里是提出建议和请求并想要得到对方肯定回答的疑问句,所以用some,故第故答案为to cook;some。24D解析:are sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话!宝宝们在睡觉。根据Dont talk!可知后面句子是现在进行时,现在进行时结构be+动词

32、的现在分词,主语The babies是复数形式,be动词用are,sleep的现在分词是sleeping。故答案为are sleeping。25to take【详解】句意:他想坐公共汽车去超市,want to do sth想做某事,故答案为to take。26isnt listening【详解】句意:这个男孩现在不在听音乐。根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语The boy是第三人称单数,be用is,is not缩写为isnt,故答案为isnt listening。27fifth【详解】句意:我们学校有五层楼。音乐教室在_楼。five五,根据题意可知,

33、音乐教室在第五层楼,该空应填序数词第五,five的序数词为fifth,故答案为fifth。28brush【详解】句意:你(们)应该晚上刷牙。should后跟动词原形,故答案为brush。29 visit have【详解】句意:他们通常去看望他们的祖父母并一起吃顿丰盛的晚餐。visit看望,have吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语They是复数人称,故谓语动词用原形,故答案为visit;have。30tries【详解】句意:女孩试穿这件红色裙子,很合身。try on试穿,动词短语,根据it fits可知该句为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词try要用单数第三人称形式tries

34、,故答案为tries。【点睛】三、完成句子31 tomatoes tomato soup【详解】句意:我正在洗一些番茄。我想要做一些番茄汤。番茄是名词,英文是tomato,some后面跟可数名词是用复数形式,所以第一空填tomatoes;番茄汤是名词词组tomato soup,是不可数名词,故答案为tomatoes;tomato soup。32clothes#lothes【详解】句意:我们在冬天穿上温暖的_。根据句意和所给单词首字母可知这里表达的是我们在冬天穿上温暖的衣服,衣服用clothes。故答案为clothes。33noodles#oodles【详解】句意:我的父母经常在他们生日的时候吃

35、一些_。根据句意可所给单词首字母考查单词面条noodle,前面有some修饰,所以用复数形式,名词复数是noodles,故答案为noodles。34is cleaning the car【详解】句意:我爸爸现在正在洗车。洗车clean the car,根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语My father是第三人称单数,be用is,clean的现在分词是cleaning,故答案为is cleaning the car。35hospital#ospital【详解】句意:我爸爸是一名医生。我妈妈是一名护士。他们都在一个_工作。根据语境和字母提示可知,hos

36、pital医院,符合题意,根据前面的冠词a,可知要用单数形式,故答案为hospital。36housework#ousework【详解】句意:今天是星期天。我妈妈正在家做一些家务活。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词housework家务活,不可数名词,故答案为housework。37eat【详解】句意:我牙痛。我不能吃任何东西。I cant+动词原形(+其他),用于描述自己不能做某事。故填eat。38 looking for garden【详解】句意:他正在花园里找他的风筝吗?是的,他是。由句中be动词is可知后应加动词现在分词构成现在进行时,寻找looking for,在花园in the ga

37、rden,故答案为looking;for;garden。【点睛】39fun / food【详解】句意:在春节孩子们有很多_。由首字母提示可知考查单词fun/food,have a lot of fun玩的开心,have a lot of food吃很多美食,故答案为fun / food。40lives on Moon Street【详解】句意:我的双胞胎弟弟住在月亮街。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语My twin brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数,住在为live on,月亮街为Moon Street,live的第三人称单数为lives,故答案为lives on Moo

38、n Street。【点睛】四、阅读判断解析:41、C42、B43、B44、A45、B【导语】本文主要是本和父母关于生日礼物的对话。41、句意:本的生日在_。A九月九日,B九月十日,C九月十一日。根据“Ben: Its 10th of September. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday.”本:今天是九月十日。哦,明天是我的生日。可知本的生日在九月十一日。C选项符合题意,故选C。42、句意:本想要一个有_的蛋糕。A苹果,B草莓,C葡萄。根据“Ben: Yes, please. Can I have a cake with lots of strawberries?”本:是

39、的,请。我能有一个带草莓的蛋糕吗?B选项符合题意,故选B。43、句意:妈妈想给本_。A一个大蛋糕,B一些鱼,C一些草莓。根据“Mum: What would you like as a birthday present, dear? Ben: Id like some fish, please.”妈妈:亲爱的,你想要什么生日礼物?本:我想要一些鱼。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。44、句意:本喜欢什么颜色的鱼?A蓝色和黄色的。B红色和黄色的。C蓝色和红色的。根据“Ben: Id like a blue one and a yellow one, please.”本:我想要一条蓝色的和一条黄色的。可

40、知A选项符合题意,故选A。45、句意:罗恩也可以有_。A一个大蛋糕,B一条蓝色的鱼,C一条黄色的鱼。根据“Ron: A blue fish! Can I have one too, Mum? Mum: OK, Ron. Ill buy one for you, too.”罗恩:一条蓝色的鱼!我能有一条吗,妈妈?妈妈:好的,罗恩。我也会给你买一条。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。五、阅读判断解析:46、C47、B48、A49、C50、A【导语】本文介绍了金太太在优越的条件下变胖的故事。46、句意:金太太越来越胖,因为_。A她吃了很多肉和蛋糕。B她没有任何运动。C她既吃很多肉又不做任何运动。根据短文内

41、容“Mrs King likes to eat meat and cakes very much. She doesnt like sports. So she gets fatter and fatter.”金太太非常喜欢吃肉和蛋糕。她不喜欢运动。所以她变得越来越胖。可知选项C符合题意,故选C。47、句意:金太太家里有_人。A四口,B五口,C六口。根据短文内容“Mrs King is about forty years old. Her husband has a factory in the town and gets a lot of money. Their three childre

42、n are all clever and they work in the factory.”金夫人大约四十岁。她丈夫在镇上有一家工厂,赚了很多钱。他们的三个孩子都很聪明,他们在工厂工作。可知她家有五口人,选项B符合题意,故选B。48、句意:他们的三个孩子都在一家_工作。A工厂,B农场,C医院。根据短文内容“Their three children are all clever and they work in the factory.”他们的三个孩子都很聪明,他们在工厂工作。可知选项A符合题意,故选A。49、句意:金太太的_有毛病。A嘴,B头,C心脏。根据短文内容“There is some

43、thing wrong with your heart, Mrs King.”金太太,你的心脏有毛病。可知选项C符合题意,故选C。50、句意:以下哪项是正确的?A金太太不太明白医生的话。B医生希望这名妇女饭后吃一片面包。C金太太希望变得更胖。根据短文内容“Its bad for you to eat too much sugar and meat. Youd better eat a piece of bread for each meal. But when should I eat it? Before a meal or after a meal?”吃太多的糖和肉对你有害。每顿饭你最好吃

44、一片面包。但是我应该什么时候吃?饭前还是饭后?可知金太太没有真正理解医生少吃的减肥建议,选项A符合题意,故选A。六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、A54、C55、B【分析】该篇主要讲述了安娜希塔公主克服种种困难种植农作物的故事。51、句意:在王国里有个叫安娜希塔的_。A王子,B公主,C国王。根据Once upon a time, there was a princess named Anahita.可知安娜希塔是个公主,故选B。52、句意:安娜希塔喜欢种田,但国王并不_。A生气的,B伤心的,C高兴的。根据She loved to farm. The king didnt understand why. He felt angry and ordered her to leave the palace alone for a peri

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