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1、1.Tom is not at school.Do you know what happen _?A with him B to him C to he D for he考点分析:a Happen to sb(宾)2.My mother is _.I have to look after her.A in the hospital B at a hospital C in hospital D in a hospital考点分析:a:Look after=take(good)care of b:In hospital住院 in the hospital在医院里(不是住院)2024/5/9 周四

2、1苏老师精品英语5.She saw _ boy playing with his dog A.a eight-year-old B.an eight-years-old C.an eight-year-old D.a eight-years-old考点分析:a 有连字符的名词有连字符的名词全部用单数 b see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事 c 辩析a;an;the6.The story sounds_.A.interestingly B.interesting C.interested D.danger考点分析:a:sound(v)听起来 辩析 sound

3、hear listen b:辩析 interested interesting 2024/5/9 周四2苏老师精品英语7.John told me to _ the pictures _ tomorrow.A.take;here B.bring;there C.taking;there D.bring;here考点分析:a take拿走拿走;bring带来带来;carry随身携带;fetch派人去取8.There _ a lot of _ in the kitchen and it was very_.A.was;smoke;hot B.were;smokes;hot C.was;smoke;

4、hotter D.were;smoke;hotter考点分析:a:there be 句型be 看其后的名词单复数 b:smoke 不可数n c:very 修饰形容词原级修饰形容词原级2024/5/9 周四3苏老师精品英语13.They have _.A.enough food to eat B.food enough eat C.enough food eating D.food enough eating考点分析:a have 是中招重点词 b:enough是中招重点词enoughadjadj+n to doI have enough food to eat我有足够多的食物吃Advadv修饰

5、句子I played the game enough我玩这个游戏足够多地了Have sth to do有事要做2024/5/9 周四4苏老师精品英语形容词正常修饰:形形容词前放置修饰名容词前放置修饰名词词副词正常用法:副副词前放置修饰形词前放置修饰形容词容词A red roseANVery goodEnough Enough food(adj)Good enough(enough 做副词;后放置修饰形容后放置修饰形容词词)2024/5/9 周四5苏老师精品英语14.-Must I clean the room today?-No,you_.A.must not B.can not C.need

6、 not D.may not考点分析:回答回答must 开头的疑问句开头的疑问句,用用neednt(基础题基础题)15.She _ so much _ her mother.A.looks;like B.looks;for C.looks;after D.looks forwards;to考点分析:look 的搭配的搭配 Look at看;look around四周环顾;look like看上去象;look forward to期待;look up向上看;look out of从向外看;look out当心!look for寻找2024/5/9 周四6苏老师精品英语16.Mr.White li

7、kes to live in a _ place.A.quite B.quiet C.quick D.quietly考点分析:词型易混quite(ad)很,十分;quiet(a)安静的;quick(a)快的,迅速的17.Kate has a cat _ Tom A.called B.call C.to call D.calling考点分析:固定搭配固定搭配 sb named/called 叫名字的人 这个叫汤姆的男孩是我的同学.2024/5/9 周四7苏老师精品英语18.-May I take my pet to school?19.-no,you_.A.may not B.might not

8、 C.need not D.can not考点分析:回答回答may 开头的疑问句开头的疑问句,用用can not(基础基础题题)19.The teacher told the children to keep the classroom_.A.to clean B.cleans C.clean D.cleaned考点分析:keep的用法的用法:keep sth.+adj.保持某种状保持某种状态态 2024/5/9 周四8苏老师精品英语22.Toms gold fish died because he gave them _ food.A.too much B.much too C.a few

9、D.too many考点分析:常考题常考题 Many+可数many booksToo many进一步修饰I have too many booksMuch+不可数much foodToo much进一步修饰He needs too much food Too+adjtoo hotMuch too进一步修饰It is much too hot.2024/5/9 周四9苏老师精品英语32.He began learning English._ the age of five.A.for B.on C.in D.at考点分析:a:begin doing sth/begin to do sth b:a

10、t the age of=when sb is.Years old 33.His job is _ cars.A.to repair B.repaired C.repairs D.repair考点分析:固定搭配(固定搭配(the job is to do 某人的工作是某人的工作是)2024/5/9 周四10苏老师精品英语34.We should protect our eyes _ sunglasses.(考有动作含义的介词)A.in wear B.by wearing C.with wearing D.to wear考点分析:a:介词介词ving所以排除 A,D b:by通过方式 with

11、本身就有本身就有“戴戴”的意思的意思,意意思重复思重复,就象enter不能和 into连用.Protect our environment from pollution 35.He visited Uncle Li_ a cold morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for考点分析:on+具体某天具体某天 morning a cold morning也是具体某一天也是具体某一天2024/5/9 周四11苏老师精品英语36.They often _ school activities after school.A.join B.do C.take part in D.play wi

12、th考点分析:常考题.记清记清join的搭配的搭配 join the Party/the Army/入党/参军 please join us请加入我们 Joinvt常接“组织,党派”Join the ArmyTake part in参加具体活动 they take part in the club activities.2024/5/9 周四12苏老师精品英语39.You can find some _ on the Internet.A.informations B.information C.picture D.story考点分析:a:information 不可数名词不可数名词 b:请写

13、:一条消息 40.The _ girl is looked well by her grandmother A.five-years-old B.five year old C.five-years old D.five-year-old考点分析:a:连字符中表示复数(参见第五题)b:翻译此句2024/5/9 周四13苏老师精品英语47.wed better go and tell her the _ news.I am sure she will be very _ it.A.surprised;surprising in B.interested;interesting in C.inte

14、resting;interesting at D.surprising;surprised at考点分析:a:had better do sth/had better not do sth最好做(不做).b:surprising sth让人惊讶的 c:sb be surprised at/with 某人对感到惊讶 49.The teacher told us not_ our dictionaries to school the next day.A.to bring B.to take C.bring D.take考点分析:a:tell sb not to do(不定式的否定不定式的否定,基

15、础语法知识基础语法知识)b:bring 与take的区别(常考题)bring 带 take拿走 2024/5/9 周四14苏老师精品英语51.When I was watching TV,I _ someone calling my name outside.A.heard B.listen C.listen to D.hear考点分析:a:又再考hear;listen to的用法和区别(参考第三题)hear 听到听到 listen to 听的动作听的动作 2024/5/9 周四15苏老师精品英语59.The house is _ for us to _.A.big enough;live B

16、.enough big;live in C.big enough;live in D.enough big;live考点分析:a:考enough做副词副词的用法(参考13题的讲解)b:live和house的关系.live in the house60.He finished his sandwich and asked for _.A.the other B.another C.other D.others考点分析:a:ask for 要求要求 b:再考再考another 的用法的用法(参考43,53题的讲解)2024/5/9 周四16苏老师精品英语61.Do you like the cak

17、e _ nuts _ it?A.with;in B.have;in C.has;on D.with;of考点分析:a:区分介词有动作含义,和动词用法 the cake with nuts有坚果的单糕有坚果的单糕 b:in/on/of 三个介词本意的区别2024/5/9 周四17苏老师精品英语63.The used car is _ 500 dollars.A.cost B.pay C.worth D.spend考点分析:常考题常考题 Cost v值Sth costs.某物值The car costs 500 dollarsWorthadj值Sth be worth钱某物值The car is

18、worth 500 dollarsPay v花费Sb pay钱for物He paid 500 dollars for the car.Spendv花费Sb spend钱on物He spent 500 dollars on the car.2024/5/9 周四18苏老师精品英语Cost值主语必须是物CostcostcostI didnt think the car _ 100,000.Cost/costed/is worth/worthHe _ a half day to have a wash.took/spent/is taking/costHe _ the bill.Bought/pai

19、d for/paid/spent2024/5/9 周四19苏老师精品英语花费时间人 spend 时间 in doing sth人 take 时间 to doIt takes/took sb sometime to do2024/5/9 周四20苏老师精品英语65.-Do you still remember _ me somewhere in ShangHai?-yes,of course,two years ago.A.seeing B.see C.to see D.saw考点分析:常考题常考题(特殊特殊v其后配其后配ving/to do的不同含义的不同含义)rememberRemember

20、 doing记得过去已做过的事I shall remember seeing him once我记得曾见过他Remember to do记住将要做某事I remember to see him tomorrow.我明天一定要见他forgetForget doing已经做过,却忘了He forgot telling her about it.他忘记曾告诉过她这件事Forget to do 因没有记住而忘了He forgot to tell her about it.他忘记告诉她这件事了.2024/5/9 周四21苏老师精品英语66._ is really hard _ them to climb

21、 Mount Qomolangma.A.This;is B.it;for C.This;for D.it;to考点分析:a:it is for sb to do sth.强调句 参见第四题讲解67.Jack hasnt paid for the school things,has he?-_.His father will pay for him.A.yes,he has B.no,he hasnt C.yes,he did D.no,he didnt考点分析:a:反意疑问句的回答方式反意疑问句的回答方式:“是是”就是就是yes,“不是不是”就就是是 “no”,不要和中国的习惯混淆不要和中国的

22、习惯混淆 b:本题又和现在完成时的否定句联合考察2024/5/9 周四22苏老师精品英语68.She is _,but she looks young.A.in her fifties B.at her fifty C.in her fifty D.at her fifties考点分析:in ones fifties.某人五十岁时在某人岁时When sb be 50 years old(状语从句)She looks young when she is 50 years oldAt the age of 50 years She looks young at the age of 50 year

23、s.In ones fifties She looks young in her fiftiesIn ones fifty years old She looks young in her 50 years old2024/5/9 周四23苏老师精品英语69.Tom studies_,but his sister _ studies.A.hard;hard B.hardly;hardly C.hard;hardly D.hardly;hard考点分析:易混词:hard努力的;硬;难;艰苦 hardly几乎不几乎不70.Do you know the lady_ is interviewing

24、our headmaster?A.which B.who C.whom D.whose考点分析:定语从句,连词在句子中做主语,并指代人.2024/5/9 周四24苏老师精品英语71.its _ ride from my home to the factory.A.two hours and halfs B.two and half hours C.two and a half hours D.two hour and a halfs考点分析:常考题常考题,重点题重点题 半小时Half of hour(half为n)I have half of hours timeA half hour(hal

25、f 为 adj)I have a half hours timeHalf an hour(half 为 adj)I have half an hours time.2.5小时Two and a half hours2024/5/9 周四25苏老师精品英语72.I have _ a raincoat _ an umbrella.That is why I have to wait until the rain stops.A.neither;nor B.either;or C.not only;but also D.both;and考点分析:常考题常考题,重点词重点词前提条件:两者之间Neith

26、er nor(否定词)既不A也不BI have neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.Eitheror或者A或者BI dont have either a raincoat or an umbrella.Bothand既有A又有BBoth you and I will take part in the party.Not onlybut also不仅A而且BNot only you but also I will take part in the party.2024/5/9 周四26苏老师精品英语73.Most of us wondered if girls

27、football team could _ boys football team in the final match.A.beat B.win C.hit D.lose考点分析:beat连续打击 hit一次打击 win战胜 lose输 A beat B,so A win the game74._ is the Summer Palace from here?-About three kilometers away.You can take the No.35 bus.A.how long B.how often C.how far D.how much考点分析:考how 引起的特殊疑问词,参

28、见21题2024/5/9 周四27苏老师精品英语75._ a heavy snow tomorrow.A.there will have B.there is going to have C.there will has D.there is going to be考点分析:a:there be 与将来时联合考察 b:there是形式主语,be后的名词才是真正的主语.76.Who will _ if he _ come?A.mop it up;wont B.mop up it;doesnt C.mop it up;doesnt D.mop it up;dont考点分析:a:mop it up

29、(mop up 抹干,擦干)b:主将从现主将从现(主句和状语从句都表将来时间含义,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来)2024/5/9 周四28苏老师精品英语l在状语从句中在状语从句中,如果主句和从句都表示将来的时间含义如果主句和从句都表示将来的时间含义,那么从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时那么从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时.lI will go if it is fine tomorrow.l如果明天好天我就去如果明天好天我就去lWe shall be away when he arrives.l他一来我们就离开他一来我们就离开lI wont go out unless you agree.

30、l我不会出去除非你同意我不会出去除非你同意2024/5/9 周四29苏老师精品英语77._ cloudy day it is!A.how B.what C.how a D.what a考点分析:考感叹句 感叹句有两种78.The flood killed _ people A.thousands of B.thousand of C.thousands D.thousand考点分析:a:thousands of成千上万的(大约的概念)thousand 一千 b:类似词类似词:hundreds of millions ofHow adj+陈述句!How cloudy it is!What n+陈

31、述句!What a cloudy day it is!2024/5/9 周四30苏老师精品英语79.This math problem is not easy.I cant work it out _.A.without he B.with him C.without him D.with he考点分析:考对句子的理解:没有他,我不可能做出来 without(prep)+宾格 (没有)work out 算出80.This problem is so difficulty that only _ students can work it out.A.a few B.few C.little D.

32、a little考点分析:few;a few;little;a little 的区别2024/5/9 周四31苏老师精品英语Sothat如此以至于So good a-such a goodIt was such _ that many got late.Cold/coldness/a cold day/cold a dayHe works so hard _ he has higher salary.So that/so/if/in order to2024/5/9 周四32苏老师精品英语Few,a few,little,a little 的区别的区别Few+可数可数n几乎没有几乎没有Few

33、people came here 以前几乎很少人来以前几乎很少人来A Few+可数可数n一些一些(小数量的小数量的)A Few people come here now现在有点人现在有点人来来little+不可数不可数n几乎没有几乎没有I have little time 我几乎没有时间我几乎没有时间A little+不可数不可数n一些一些(小数量的小数量的)I have a little time 我有一点时间我有一点时间2024/5/9 周四33苏老师精品英语81.We all think _ to play the game A.it is interested B.that was i

34、nteresting C.it is interesting D.that interesting考点分析:a:宾语从句;强调句和interesting 的结合.b:it is interesting to do做某事很有趣82.I think he will prefer the blown trousers.Lets buy_.A.it B.one C.ones D.that考点分析:(他会喜欢棕色裤子的,让我们买一条吧),只有b;c符合这种意思,trousers是复数,所以选ones2024/5/9 周四34苏老师精品英语83.-_is the movie ticket for?-abo

35、ut 30 yuan A.how long B.how many C.how much D.how soon考点分析:又一次考how引起的特殊疑问句 how much多少钱84.-_will your manager return to the company,please?-in about three days A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much考点分析:你们经理多快会回公司?三天之内.要区分英语中“多快”和“多久”,虽然汉语不太区分.“多快”how soon表速度;“多久”how long表时间段2024/5/9 周四35苏老师精品英

36、语85._did it take him to repair the computer?-about 2 days A.how soon B.how often C.how long D.how far考点分析:参考上题 it takes(took)sb sometime to do花费某人多少时间做某事86.She taught _ English.A.her B.hers C.herself D.she考点分析:teach oneself 自学2024/5/9 周四36苏老师精品英语87.if you want to keep fit,you have to eat_ food and d

37、o _sports.-You mean the more exercise I do,the _ I will be.A.less;more;healthier B.more;less;health C.less;fewer;healthily D.most;fewest;healthier考点分析:a.基础的比较级(少吃less food;多运动more sports)b.the morethe 比较级(越越)(越锻炼,越健康)88.I must return the digital camera to Nancy.I _ it 2 weeks ago.A.lent B.borrowed C

38、.have kept D.have lent考点分析:a:2 weeks ago两周前决定不能用完成时 b:borrow 对主语来讲(借入借入)lend 对主语来讲(借出借出)c:return(v)归还归还;返回返回2024/5/9 周四37苏老师精品英语89.The number of the boy babies_ much larger than that of the girl babies these years.A.are B.was C.is D.were考点分析:the number of 的数字(参考第37题)number是主语中核心词;单数90.I felt sorry t

39、hat I was late for the meeting.I was so busy _ a novel that I forgot _ the time.A.to read;looking at B.reading;to use C.to read;seeing D.reading;to look at考点分析:a:be busy(with)doing sth忙于某事 b:forget to do sth 忘记做某事(我忘了带钥匙)forget doing sth 以前做过,却忘了.(这个知识我学过,不过现在忘了)c:sothat如此如此.以至于以至于2024/5/9 周四38苏老师精品

40、英语91.I am not sure if I am going to Tims party.I may go to the concert_.A.only B.instead C.early D.late考点分析:考instead(代替)的意思和对句子的理解(我不能确定是否去他的派对,我可能去音乐会(代替去派对代替去派对)92.His mother will go to New York with his brother_ a few days.A.in B.after C.with D.before考点分析:in 可表示“过多少时间之后”,常和将来时连用.we will graduate

41、in 2 years.2024/5/9 周四39苏老师精品英语93.His parents couldnt _ if they would buy a secondhand car.A.describe B.discover C.decide D.disappear考点分析:考易混词型Describe描述;discover发现;decide决定;disappear消失94.When the old woman was in good health,she _ shopping on Sunday.A.was used to go B.used to going C.used to go D.g

42、et used to going考点分析:当这个老人过去健康时,她过去常常周日去商场 used to do sth 过去常常 be/get used to doing sth 习惯于(参考23题)2024/5/9 周四40苏老师精品英语95.When I got _ home,I saw my mother _picture on the wall.A.back;putting off B.off;put up C.back;putting up D.off;putting off 当我回家时,看见妈妈正在墙上钉钉子.(同时发生)考点分析:a:get back home 回家=go/come

43、back home b:put up挂起=hang up96.I know your father _ to a lot of cities,but what about your mother?-my mother?She _ away from my hometown even once.A.has gone;has never gone B.has been;has never gone C.has gone;has never been D.has been;has never been她从未离开过我们的家乡考点分析:a:has gone to someplace 已经去某地了 b:h

44、as been to someplace曾去过某地 c:be away from 离开某地2024/5/9 周四41苏老师精品英语97._ of us could understand the article,_ we could hardly find any new words in it.A.few;thought B.few;because C.a few;so D.few;though考点分析:考对句子的理解 though 虽然98.A group of scientists_ some eggs _ by dinosaurs in the Gobi Desert in the 19

45、20s.A.found;lying B.founded;laid C.found;lain D.found;laid考点分析:a:some eggs laid by dinosaurs 一些恐龙生下的蛋(lay laid laid)2024/5/9 周四42苏老师精品英语99.Many of the stars are_ far away _ .A.very;not to see B.too;not to see C.very;not to be seen D.too;to see考点分析:tooto太而不能(无not的否定句)很多星星离我们太远而看不见100.You _ the flower

46、s,for the earth is _.A.neednt to water;wet enough B.neednt water;enough wet C.mustnt water;enough wet D.neednt water;wet enough考点分析:a:情态v not+v原 need not water b:for 因为 c:wet(a)+enough(a+enough)(enough+n)(参考13)2024/5/9 周四43苏老师精品英语101.I dont know _ the computer .A.what to use B.how use C.how to use D

47、.how can use考点分析:how to do 如何做某事102.He often _ from the Internet for us.A.get information B.gets information C.get informations D.gets informations考点分析:a:主单+vs(一般现在时)b:information(不可数)(参考39)补充:a piece of四个意思:张paper首music条news/information 块2024/5/9 周四44苏老师精品英语103.You can _ the umbrella_ .A.take;home

48、B.take;to home C.bring;home D.bring;to home考点分析:take sth home把带回家 home(adv)所以home前不加to 就如:go home 104.The boy is _ the ball A.tall enough catching B.enough tall catching C.enough tall to catch D.tall enough to catch考点分析:a:be to do b:a+enough(参考59;13)单句的前提下,不管两个动词离多远,一定要用to连接例:I am nice to meet.v 变to

49、 v原2024/5/9 周四45苏老师精品英语105.Jack is good at_.A.playing the piano B.to play the piano C.playing piano D.to play piano考点分析:a:at(prep)+ving b:杰克善于弹钢琴;如the piano杰克善于弹这架钢琴106.May I put my bike here?-No,you _ A.may not B.cant C.might not D.maynt考点分析:回答回答may 开头的疑问句开头的疑问句,用用can not(基础题基础题)(参考参考4)2024/5/9 周四4

50、6苏老师精品英语107.He _ a lot of time_ me with my math.A.spends;help B.spend;helping C.spend;to help D.spends;helping考点分析:a:sb spend sometime(in)doing sth 花时间做某事 b:sb spend some money(on)sth花钱买 c:help sb with sth=help sb(to)do sth108.I have _ to tell you.A.anything interesting B.something interesting C.int

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