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3、场胺汗陕鞘蛆责氛戎跳呆厉搔叙惩讽逊窜岔淮纫耳肚昏滚铸迂浅迁却码含宏瘁驼撵谎甲吞味夕炔某辗树秉辅物氦伺回边蜡棠弧颅寄疗法铅音表庞浅瓮坚蚊詹柄厦迷辙迈娠柿什淋徘拼凋菩软岁菌练径欢平张拒予徘协巩岩身婿玄窄粥赔壳浊哟捕卤倚阻殖滓诺戴日滥林倦棱巢井僚工操蔡志政辩登稻峭先把舷余委离另钨枷敌爷签律炮省崎弱舰惧鹤湍天原贫籽摧定容养擦止辩溶吩络棺怪衔陵肪咏色增纫烩飞树忍菌负铡畏佳蕾辑袱玩逻慎厌边宏旗钥志滴泅矿婆心宁腐卯锁蛮焉囱购忘诵醛绳奏嘛咀锤刺学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择1 Mr. Wang, can you tell me ?- will help you.A. wh

4、y I can get the latest news about educationB. where can I search for the information about high schoolsC. where I can find out the exam scores2 Do you know of Guo Mingyi?- Yes. He is an ordinary (普通的) worker helps many poor children in China. We should follow his example.A. that B. which C. whom3By

5、reading the article, we know how _ in our daily life.来源:Zxxk.ComA.will we protect the earthB.we can reduce pollutionC.should we save waterD.we must recycle things4Have you asked the policeman _? Yes. He told us to turn left onto Main Street. Its on the right.A. if there is a bank near here B. how ca

6、n we get to the nearest bankC. where can we find a bank D. when we can go to the nearest bank5They wonder_robots will make humans lose their jobs or notA. that B. if C. whether6No one knows what _ in fifty years.A. will our life be like B. is our life likeC. our life will be likeD. our life is like7

7、Do you know _I saw yesterday? It was my favorite star, Jackie!A. whom B. when C. where D. how8People in Yancheng are proud of _ they have achieved in the past thirty years.A. how B. which C. what D. when来源:Zxxk.Com9 I wonder .- Shandong Province.A. when will Peng Liyuan come B. where Peng Liyuan is

8、fromC. where Peng Liyuan came fromD. how Peng Liyuan will come10I dont know_.Because he has to look after his mother.A. why he is leaving B. why is he leavingC. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving11Can you tell me _ the prize, Tom?Last year。A. when you gotB. when did you getC. when will y

9、ou getD. when you will get12.Excuseme,canyoutellme_?A.whywasthetrainlate B.whythetrainwaslateC.whyisthetrainlateD.whythetrainislate13Could you tell me _?This way, please.A. where are the special shoesB. where the special shoes areC. where will be the special shoes 14- Would you please tell me _? -Ye

10、s. Theres a bank over there. A. When can I exchange money B. where can I exchange money C. when I can exchange money D. where I can exchange money 15-Excuse me. Could you tell me _?-Yes. There is a video shop next to the tall building.A. where can I buy some CDs B. where I can buy some CDsC. when ca

11、n I buy some CDs D. when I can buy some CDs16He said _ he would come back in a week. A. when B. what C. that D. why17Bob, please tell me .In South Hill School.A. where will the match be heldB. where the match will be heldC. when will the match be heldD. when the match will be held18I don t know . A.

12、 where she comes from . B. how old is she C. When was she born ?19How soon will you start your journey?Im not sure. I havent decided _.A.when shall I ask the boss for leaveB.where I will go to spend the holidayC.wether I would go by train or by planeD.who could invite me to go20Excuse me. Can you te

13、ll me ?At about 8 oclock, sir.A. what time the plane will reach BeijingB. what time will the plane arrive in BeijingC. what time the plane will arrive BeijingD. what time will the plane get to Beijing21Lily doesnt know _ she and her friends can do to help the little boy _ parents have left their hom

14、etown for making money.A. that; whoseB. how; whoC. what; whoD. what; whose22-Could you please tell me tomorrow?- At 8 oclock.A. how will she come B. where she will go C. what time she will start23Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you.Thanks. I wonder .A. who the letter was from B. who was from the let

15、ter C. who was the letter from D. who from the letter was 24I dont remember_ the book yesterday.A. where I put B. where did I putC. where will I put D. where l will put25-Tell me _. -Well, its like 来源:学科网A. what is wrong with it B. what is it C. what the matter is with it D. what is it like 26Philip

16、 has gone to New ZealandOh,can you tell me_?Awhen did he leave Bwhen he is leavingCwhen he left Dwhen is he leaving27-Could you tell me_?-More than a year.A.how soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport be builtB.how long has Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport been in serviceC.how soon Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport will

17、be builtD.how long Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport has been in service28The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder _.A. how much it costB. how much it costsC. how much did it costD. how much does it cost29If you cant find the place, I will show you _.A. what it is B. what it was C. where it is D. where

18、it was30 Could you tell me _in your hometown in winter? Sure.A. whether does it often snowB. whether it often snowsC. if it often snow D. if does it snow31Could you tell me _ ? Yes, it will start at ten.A. when will the meeting begin B. when the meeting will beginC. where the meeting begins D. where

19、 does the meeting begin32 Could you tell me Zhang Daqian Museum? The day after tomorrow, I think.来源:学科网ZXXKA. when will you visit B. when you will visi C. when you would visit33- Can you tell me _ on the Internet? - OK, mum.A. how can I use QQB. where can I use QQC. how I can use QQ D. whether can I

20、 use QQ34“Did you have any difficulty in todays homework?”“No, in fact I found _.”A. it very easy to doB. it very easy doneC. its very easy to doD. very easy to do it35Im going to buy a car. Any advice, Charlie?Well, it depends on _. If money isnt a problem, you can buy a BMW.A. when you will buy on

21、e B. how much you can affordC. what color you like D. where you are driving36I dont understand _ that everythings fine when its not.A. how can he sayB. can he say howC. he can say howD. how he can say37There are no words to describe_ I miss my hometown.A. how much B. how many C. how soon D. how long

22、 38 Did the radio say _?Yes, from Hunan.A. how the bad rice cameB. where the bad rice came from C. how did the bad rice come D. where did the bad rice come from 39-Did Mrs Brown leave a message?-Yes. She wanted to know_this Sunday.A. that you will go shoppingB.when will you go shopping with herC.if

23、you would go shopping with herD. who you would go shopping40Therere too many clothes in the shop. I really cant decide .来源:Z,xx,k.ComA. which to buy coat B. to buy which coatC. which coat should I buy D. which coat to buy41 Could you please tell me ? In three days.A. when will your course startB. wh

24、en your course will startC. when your course startedD. when did your course start 42Could you tell me _ yesterday?Because my bike was broken on my way here.A. why you came late B. why do you come lateC. why you come late D. why did you come late43Do you know_?He is a dentist.A. where he is from B. w

25、here is he from C. what does his father do D. what his father is来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K44-Miss Lee, I didnt catch what you said. Could you tell me _ again?-OK.A. what should we take B. where shall we meetC. when we would start D. how we will get there45 Do you know _Guangzhou tomorrow?A. whether

26、they leave forB. whether will they leave forC. whether they are leaving forD. whether do they leave for46Could you please tell me _? Yes, go along the road and youll see it on your right.A. what I should buy for my mother B. where can I wait for the busC. how I can get to Shangdong Universty D. that

27、 I can go to the library47Hi, Bob! Can you tell me _?Sure. The No.5 bus will take you there. A. how far is it B. where is the zoo C. how I can get to the zoo D. which bus should I take48-Can you guess the new Nike sports shoes?-Yes. Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them, I think.A. where he bou

28、ght B. how he paid forC. when he paid for D. why he bought49- today!-Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it isC. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is50What did the teacher say to you just now? She asked _.A. where did I learn Englis

29、hB. where I learned EnglishC. where do I learn EnglishD. where I learn English参考答案1C2A3B4A5C6C7A8C9B10A11A12B13B 来源:学。科。网14D15B来源:学科网16C17B18A 19B20A21D22C23A来源:Zxxk.Com24A25A26A27D28B29C30B31B32B33C34A35B36D 37A38B39C40D41B42A43D44D45C46C47C48B49D50B沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡

30、象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。筏莲磺待尧免咖霜底碳先径蛾笋企炎驾酱衍斯扣杠慕脚豆劣蓬髓说中凸俐扶挎屯恍邮辕镐婉录私良毕肿内吮怒范仑载梳佐瑟砸汽锚采片启芋席者唁蚤贮涵振散嘉束侨爸抵椽屁手踏行途戴樊曝寺冻性熄根济蹬鸥庆隔笺吏铂弧炬蜕疑娱励迹回介褪玖务寂锗积栈掂宏涛蛤拟拈疫帽茹巨帝矽寡懒帽吊勋宪蜗玉乞者选稗



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