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1、六年级上册阅读理解专项英语复习试题测试卷(答案)(译林版版)一、阅读理解 It was Childrens Day last Sunday. In the morning, Lily went to the zoo with her parents. She found there were many animals in the zoo. Lily likes the bears. She fed them with some food.In the afternoon, Lily visited her grandparents. They gave Lily a gift. It was

2、 a beautiful dress. Then Lily chatted with her grandparents in the living room. They had dinner together at about six oclock.Lily was very happy last Childrens Day.1、Last Saturday was _. ()Athe thirty-first of MayBthe second of JuneCthe first of June2、Lily and her _ went to the _. ()Afriends; zooBpa

3、rents; parkCparents; zoo3、Lily used the _ to feed the _. ()Afruit; bearsBfood; bearsCfood; monkeys4、Lilys grandparents gave Lily a _. ()AdressBskirtCschool bag5、Lily and her grandparents _ in the afternoon. ()Achatted in the gardenBwatched TV in the living roomCchatted in the living room二、阅读理解To: Na

4、ncyFrom: WangWeiJan. 12thDear Nancy,Today is Wednesday. I am so excited. Its “No Homework Day” in my school. On this day, we dont have any homework. Because of the “Double Reduction”(双减), I can finish my homework before 7:00 p.m. on other days. Thats really good. After dinner, I usually do some spor

5、ts. Sometimes I go for a walk with my family. And I go to bed early everyday. Sleeping enough makes me healthy and happy.On the weekend, I have more time to do my favourite things. I like painting and playing basketball. On Saturdays, I often draw pictures in the park. On Sundays, I usually go to th

6、e gym and play basketball. It will be sunny this Sunday. I am going to have a picnic with my friends. It will be fun!Do you have “No Homework Day” at school in the USA? What about your weekend? Please tell me.Wang Wei6、It is “No Homework Day”. How does Wang Wei feel? ()AShe is excited.BShe is afraid

7、.CShe is worried.7、Does Wang Wei go to bed early? ()AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CSometimes.8、What are Wang Weis hobbies? ()APainting and sleeping.BPainting and playing basketball.CGoing for a walk and going hiking.9、What is Wang Wei going to do this weekend? ()ADraw pictures.BPlay basketball.CHav

8、e a picnic.10、Where does Nancy live now? ()AThe UK.BThe USACChina.三、阅读理解On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings or under the Christmas trees. Last Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in t

9、he stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much,” he said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see whats in the box. He shook the box and listened. His sister Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!” Then they opened the box

10、. A pretty dress was in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.11、What time did Mike get up last Christmas Day? ()AAt twenty to six.BAt twenty past six.CAt six.12、The lovely dog was for _. ()ANancyBNancys sisterCNancys brother13、The pretty dress was for _. ()AMikeBMike

11、s sisterCMikes brother14、Mike got _ present(s) from his family. ()AoneBtwoCthree15、Whats in the box for Mike? ()AA toy dog.BA dress.CSorry, I dont know.四、阅读理解Mr King lived in a small town, but he had a job in a big city. So he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday.On that day Mr Ki

12、ng took his new car out of the garage (车房) and washed it. A neighbour (邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr King turned and saw him.“Thats a new car. Is it yours?” The neighbour asked. “Sometimes,” Mr King answered. The neighbour was surprised. “Sometimes?” he said. “What do you

13、mean?”“Well” answered Mr King slowly. “When theres a party in town, its my daughters. Where theres a football game, it belongs to (属于) my son. When I washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas (汽油), its mine.”16、Mr King worked in _. ( )Aa small townBa bi

14、g city17、Mr King lives in _ now. ( )Aa small townBa big city18、When Mr King was washing his new car, his neighbour came to ask him _. ( )Aif the car is newBif the car is Mr Kings19、“Sometimes” in the story means _. ( )Awho needs the car, whose the car isBthe car isnt Mr Kings20、When will the car bel

15、ong to Mr King? ( )AWhen there is a football game.BWhen there is no gas.五、阅读理解John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesnt give them to him. Theyre bad for(对不好) his teeth, she thinks. But John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves John very much and sometimes he buys John some cho

16、colates. Then Johns mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy. This Sunday is Johns seventh birthday. On Saturday evening, John says, “Please, God(上帝), give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.” His mother says, “God cant hear(听见) you. Dont shout(喊).”“I know,” says

17、 the boy with a smile(微笑), “but grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”21、Johns mother thinks _. ()AJohns teeth are badBchocolates are good for teethCJohns teeth are goodDchocolates are bad for Johns teeth22、Why does Johns mother let him eat chocolates sometimes? ()ABecause Johns grandfather b

18、uys some chocolates for him.BBecause she is happy.CBecause she wants to make Johns grandfather happy.DBecause she thinks its not bad to eat some chocolates sometimes.23、What day is Johns seventh birthday? ()AThis Saturday.BThis Sunday.CNext Friday.DNext Monday.24、John shouts to _. ()Amake his grandf

19、ather hear himBmake God hear himCmake his mother hear himDeat some chocolates25、Which one is TRUE? ()AJohns grandfather is God.BJohns mother buys John some chocolates.CJohn may get a big box of chocolates for his birthday.DJohn can get chocolates from God.六、阅读理解There are four seasons in China. March

20、, April and May make the spring. June, July and August make the summer. September, October and November make the autumn. The rest (剩下) of the months make the winter. Seasons in Australia are opposite (相反的) to seasons in China. When its spring in China, it is autumn in Australia. Because China is in

21、the north of the earth and Australia is in the south. Near the North Pole (北极) there are two seasons. The winter nights are long. For more than two months you cant see the sun. The summer days are long, and theres no night.26、_make the winter season in China. ()AOctober, November and DecemberBNovemb

22、er, December and JanuaryCDecember, January and February27、The first season in China is _.()AWinterBautumnCspring28、When its summer in China, it is _ in Australia. ()AWinterBautumnCspring29、China is in the _ of the earth. ()ANorthBsouthCwest30、Near the North Pole there are two seasons: _.()Aspring an

23、d summerBsummer and winterCsummer and autumn【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、A2、C3、B4、A5、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了莉莉儿童节的一天。1、句意:上周六是_。根据短文中的It was Child解析:1、A2、C3、B4、A5、C【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了莉莉儿童节的一天。1、句意:上周六是_。根据短文中的It was Childrens Day last Sunday.上周日是儿童节。儿童节是六月一号,周六是五月三十一号the thirty-first of May,可知B、C选项不符合,A选项符合,故选A。2、句意:莉莉和她的_去_。根

24、据短文中的 Lily went to the zoo with her parents.莉莉和她的父母去了动物园。可知A、B选项不符合,C选项parents; zoo父母;动物园,符合题意,故选C。3、句意:莉莉使用_喂养_。根据短文中的Lily likes the bears. She fed them with some food.莉莉喜欢熊,她用一些食物喂养它们。可知A、C选项不符合,B选项food; bears食物;熊,符合题意,故选B。4、句意:莉莉的祖父母给莉莉一个_。根据短文中It was a beautiful dress.它是一件漂亮的连衣裙。可知B、C选项不符合,A选项dr

25、ess连衣裙,符合题意,故选A。5、句意:在下午莉莉和她的祖父母_。根据短文中的 Then Lily chatted with her grandparents in the living room. 然后莉莉她的祖父母在客厅聊天。可知A、B选项不符合,C选项chatted in the living room在客厅聊天,符合题意,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、A7、A8、B9、C10、B【导语】本文是王微写给南希的电子邮件,介绍了我作业日,日常的学校生活,兴趣爱好,周末活动及本周的活动计划。6解析:6、A7、A8、B9、C10、B【导语】本文是王微写给南希的电子邮件,介绍了我作业日,日常的

26、学校生活,兴趣爱好,周末活动及本周的活动计划。6、句意:今天是“无作业日”。王微感觉如何?A她很兴奋。B她很害怕。C她很担心。根据Today is Wednesday. I am so excited. Its “No Homework Day” in my school. 今天是星期三。我太激动了。今天是我们学校的“无作业日”。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。7、句意:王微睡得早吗?A是的,她是。B不,她不是。C有时。根据And I go to bed early everyday. 并且我每天很早睡觉。可知应做肯定回答,A选项符合题意,故选A。8、句意:王微的爱好是什么?A画画和睡觉。B画画和

27、打篮球。C散步和徒步旅行。根据I like painting and playing basketball. 我喜欢画画和打篮球。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。9、句意:王微这周末打算做什么?A画画。B打篮球。C野餐。根据I am going to have a picnic with my friends. 我打算和我的朋友们一起去野餐。C选项符合题意,故选C。10、句意:南希现在住在哪里?A英国。B美国。C中国。根据Do you have “No Homework Day” at school in the USA? 你(们)在美国学校有“无作业日”吗?可知B选项符合题意,故选B。三、阅读理

28、解11、B12、C13、B14、B15、C【分析】本文主要讲了去年圣诞节迈克找礼物的事情。11、句意:去年圣诞节迈克几点起床的?A五点四十。B解析:11、B12、C13、B14、B15、C【分析】本文主要讲了去年圣诞节迈克找礼物的事情。11、句意:去年圣诞节迈克几点起床的?A五点四十。B六点二十。C六点。根据Last Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty.,可知去年圣诞节迈克六点二十起床的,故选B。12、句意:可爱的狗是给_的。A南茜,B南茜的妹妹,C南茜的哥哥,根据He quickly put on the clothes and looked f

29、or his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much,” he said happily.,可知可爱的狗是给迈克的,迈克是南茜的哥哥,故选C。13、句意:漂亮的连衣裙是给_的。A迈克,B迈克的妹妹,C迈克的哥哥,根据文章最后几句可知漂亮的连衣裙是给南茜的,南茜是迈克的妹妹,故选B。14、句意:迈克从他的家人那里得到了_份礼物。A一,B二,C三,根据“Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much,” he said happily. ike

30、 looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.,可知迈克从他的家人那里得到了一个玩具狗以及圣诞树下有个礼物盒子,共两份礼物,故选B。15、句意:盒子里有什么给迈克的?A一个玩具狗。B一条连衣裙。C对不起,我不知道。根据Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.,可知不知道盒子里有什么给迈克,故选C。四、阅读理解16、B17、B18、B19、A20、B【分析】短文主要讲述了金先生回答自己洗的汽车属于谁的问题。16、句意:金先生在_

31、工作解析:16、B17、B18、B19、A20、B【分析】短文主要讲述了金先生回答自己洗的汽车属于谁的问题。16、句意:金先生在_工作。A一个小镇上,B一个大城市。根据文中句子Mr King lived in a small town, but he had a job in a big city.可知他在一个大城市工作,故选B。17、句意:金先生现在住在_。A一个小镇上,B一个大城市。根据文中句子So he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday.可知他现在搬到了大城市,故选B。18、句意:当金先生洗他的新车时,他的邻居

32、来问他_。A车是否是新的。B车是否是金先生的。根据文中句子Thats a new car. Is it yours?可知邻居来问车是否是金先生的,故选B。19、句意:“有时”在故事中意思是_。A谁需要汽车,汽车就是谁的。B汽车不是金先生的。根据文章最后一段内容可知谁需要车,车就是谁的,故选A。20、句意:什么时候汽车属于金先生?A当有一场足球赛时。B当没有油时。根据文中句子And when it needs gas (汽油), its mine.可知当没有油的时候,汽车是属于金先生的。故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、D22、C23、B24、A25、C【导语】本文讲述了约翰爱吃巧克力,但是妈妈

33、不准吃,认为对牙齿不好,约翰的爷爷有时会买给他吃。21、句解析:21、D22、C23、B24、A25、C【导语】本文讲述了约翰爱吃巧克力,但是妈妈不准吃,认为对牙齿不好,约翰的爷爷有时会买给他吃。21、句意:约翰的妈妈认为_。A约翰的牙齿坏了,B巧克力对牙齿好,C约翰的牙齿是好的,D巧克力对约翰的牙齿不好,根据文中“John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesnt give them to him. Theyre bad for(对不好) his teeth, she thinks.”可知约翰的妈妈不让约翰吃巧克力因为她认为巧克力不好

34、,故选D。22、句意:为什么有时候约翰的妈妈让约翰吃巧克力?A因为约翰的爷爷给约翰买了一些巧克力,B因为她开心,C因为她想要约翰的爷爷开心,D因为她认为有时候吃一些巧克力不错,根据文中“hen Johns mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy.”可知约翰的妈妈让约翰吃巧克力是因为她想让老人开心,故选C。23、句意:约翰的第七个生日是哪天?A这个周六,B这个周日,C下个周五,D下个周一,根据文中“This Sunday is Johns seventh birthday.”可知这个周日是约翰的生

35、日,故选B。24、句意:约翰大喊为了_。A让他爷爷听见他,B让上帝听见他,C让他妈妈听见他,D吃一些巧克力,根据文中的二、三段可知约翰向上帝大喊想要一盒巧克力,妈妈说上帝听不到,约翰却说爷爷可以听到,所以约翰大喊是为了让爷爷听到,故选A。25、句意:哪一个是对的?A约翰的爷爷是上帝,B约翰的妈妈给约翰买了一些巧克力,C约翰可能会因生日得到一大盒巧克力,D约翰能从上帝那得到巧克力,根据文中“I know,” says the boy with a smile(微笑), “but grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”可知约翰知道上帝听不到他的话

36、,但是爷爷能听到并且可能买给他,故选C。六、阅读理解26、C27、C28、A29、A30、B【解析】短文介绍了中国,澳大利亚和北极的季节区别。26、题干句意:在中国,_组成冬季。根解析:26、C27、C28、A29、A30、B【解析】短文介绍了中国,澳大利亚和北极的季节区别。26、题干句意:在中国,_组成冬季。根据文中第一段可知十二月、一月和二月组成冬季,故选C。27、题干句意:在中国第一个季节是_。A选项是冬季,B选项是秋季,C选项是春节,故选C。28、题干句意:当中国是夏天时,澳大利亚时_。根据文中句子Seasons in Australia are opposite (相反的) to seasons in China.可知澳大利亚是冬季。故选A。29、题干句意:中国在地球的_。根据文中句子Because China is in the north of the earth and Australia is in the south.可知中国在地球北部。故选A。30、题干句意:在北极附近有两个季节:_。根据文中最后一段,可知北极附近只有冬季和夏季,故选B。【点睛】

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