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1、小学六年级上册阅读理解专项英语复习培优试卷测试卷(答案)(译林版版)一、阅读理解Danny: Hi, Li Hua! Happy Chinese New Year!Li Hua: Hi, Danny! Happy Year of the Ox (牛,公牛).Danny: Sorry, what do you mean?Li Hua: Well, we Chinese named the years after twelve animals. This year is the Year of the Ox! It is a new start cycle of the twelve animal

2、s.Danny: Who decides the order of Chinese zodiac (生肖).Li Hua: In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a running race to choose animals for the names of the years. There were twelve animals faster than the others. The rat was the first of these twelve animals. The ox was the second.Danny: So inter

3、esting! I want to know what my Chinese zodiac.Li Hua: When were you born? Danny: I was born in 2009. Li Hua: Wow! Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).1、This year is the Year of the _. ()ATigerBRatCOx.2、Who tells us a story about Chinese zodiac? ()ALi HuaBDannyCLiu

4、Hua3、In the story, the Jade Emperor held a _ race. ()AsingingBswimmingCrunning4、_ was the first animal in the race. ()AThe ratBThe oxCThe horse5、How old is Danny now? ()A8B12C18二、阅读理解Dear Mark,How are you? I am so glad to be your pen pal. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Jie. I am 12. I

5、live in Beijing China. I know you are interested in Chinese. I feel so happy to let you learn about China.Pandas are my favourite animals. They are cute and shy. They are black and white. They like to eat bamboo. So most of them live in Sichuan.Do you like food? We have many kinds of traditional(传统的

6、) food. On Spring Festival, we have dumplings. On Dragon Boat Festival, we have zongzi. On Mid-Autumn Festival, we have mooncakes. They are all delicious.If you come to Beijing, I will take you to the Great Wall. It is a very long wall. I will take you to the Palace Museum(故宫). You can learn about t

7、he ancient(古代) Emperors lives(皇帝的生活).I hope you will write to me soon.Yours,Chen Jie6、The letter is from _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark7、The letter is to _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark8、Where do pandas live? ()AThe Great Wall.BThe Summer Palace.CSichuan.9、We have _ on Mid-Autumn Day. ()AzongziBdumplingsCm

8、ooncakes10、What are pandas favourite food? ()ADumplings.BMooncakes.CBamboo.三、阅读理解 It was a rainy morning. Tina was getting ready to leave her house. She put on her raincoat and carried an umbrella. The rain beat on her. She felt cold and wet. She wore a pair of slippers to walk to school. She would

9、change into her school shoes when she reached school. Her school shoes and socks were in her bag so that they would not get wet.It was difficult to see where she was going because the rain was heavy. The ground was wet and slippery. She walked slowly and carefully so she did not slip and fall. She a

10、lso had to be very careful of passing cars that might splash water on her. She was eager to reach the school so that she could dry herself and get out of the cold.11、How did Tina go to school? ()AOn foot.BBy bike.CBy bus.12、Where were her school shoes and socks? ()AAt school.BAt home.CIn her bag.13、

11、Did Tina slip and fall? ()AYes, she did.BNo, she didnt.CSorry, I dont know.14、How did Tina feel? ()ACold.BWet.CCold and wet.15、What did Tina need to use because of the rainy weather? ()ARaincoat.BRaincoat and an umbrella.CShoes.四、阅读理解Im Jack. I live near our school. So I usually go to school on foot

12、. But sometimes I go by bike. My father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weekend, I often play with my friend, Mike. We usually play ping-pong. Sometimes we play basketball. This weekend, Im going to visit my grandparents. Because its my grandmas birthday.16、Jack usually goes to

13、 school _. ()Aon footBby bikeCby bus17、Jacks father works _. ()Afar from the schoolBnear the schoolCin the school18、Jack goes to school with _. ()Ahis fatherBhis friend, MikeChis mother19、Jack and Mike usually _. ()Aplay footballBplay ping-pongCplay chess20、Whose birthday is this weekend? ()AGrandfa

14、thers.BGrandmothers.CMikes.五、阅读理解Its Saturday afternoon. Paul and three of his friends are playing in his new room. Its a small but tidy room. Mrs. Miller comes into his room and says, “Heres some food for you, boys.” But Paul says, “Mom, I dont think that is a good idea. I want to keep my room clea

15、n and tidy.” “Paul, your room will be fine. You must treat your friends well,” says Mrs. Miller. She puts the bread and milk on the desk and leaves. Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed. “Please stop, Benny. Dont eat bread or jump on my bed,” says Paul. Tom drinks milk and he spills (洒出) his

16、milk on the floor. Sam draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa. “Oh, no! My new floor and sofa!” says Paul. After Pauls friends leave, he makes some signs (标牌) for his room. “What are those?” Mrs. Miller asks. “Theyre signs. They tell my friends what they must and mustnt do in

17、 my room!” says Paul.21、Pauls room is _. ()Abig and newBsmall but tidyCbig but oldDsmall and old22、The underlined word “that” refers to “_”. ()Aplaying in the roomBbeing good to friendsCeating food in the roomDkeeping the room clean and tidy23、Who jumps on the bed? ()ATom.BSam.CPaul.DBenny.24、Where

18、does Sams pen make marks? ()AOn the bed.BOn the sofa.COn the desk.DOn the floor.25、What are on the signs? ()ASome rules.BFood names.CFamily names.DSome numbers.六、阅读理解I had a dream (梦) last night. I was a taikonaut. Peter was in my dream. He was a taikonaut too. We were in a spaceship. We saw many st

19、ars. We went to Mars (火星). Mars was very cold. There was no water or air. And there were no trees. But there were Martians (火星人). The Martians were very friendly. We became friends and played games. We had a lovely time!26、Last night I had _. ()Aa spaceshipBa good dreamCa present27、It was very _ on

20、Mars. ()AHotBcoolCcold28、There was/were _ on Mars. ()AMartiansBtreesCwater29、The Martians were _. ()AtallBangryCfriendly30、We _ with the Martians. ()Aplayed baseballBplayed gamesCplayed chess【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了中国的十二生肖的故事。1、句意:今年是_年。A虎;B鼠;C牛;根据对话中的T解析:1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】对话大意:对话介

21、绍了中国的十二生肖的故事。1、句意:今年是_年。A虎;B鼠;C牛;根据对话中的This year is the Year of the Ox! 今年是牛年。故选C。2、句意:谁告诉我们关于中国生肖的故事?A李华;B丹尼;C刘华;根据对话,可知是李华,故选A。3、句意:在故事里,玉皇大帝举行了_比赛。A唱歌;B游泳;C跑步;根据对话中的 In one story, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) held a running race to choose animals for the names of the years.在一个故事,玉皇大帝举行一场赛跑选择动物作为年份的名字。

22、可知玉皇大帝举行跑步比赛,故选C。4、句意:_是比赛中第一名动物。A鼠;B牛;C马;根据对话中的The rat was the first of these twelve animals. 鼠是这十二个动物中的第一名。故选A。5、句意:丹尼现在多大了?根据对话中的 I was born in 2009.Your birth-year animal is the rat. This year is your animal year (本命年).我出生于2009年。你的生肖是鼠。今年是你的本命年。可知丹尼十二岁了,故选B。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、A7、C8、C9、C10、C【导语】本文是作者向她的

23、笔友介绍自己和介绍中国。6、句意:这封信来自_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根解析:6、A7、C8、C9、C10、C【导语】本文是作者向她的笔友介绍自己和介绍中国。6、句意:这封信来自_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信署名可知信是陈洁写的,故选A。7、句意:这封信是写给_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信的称呼可知是写给马克的信,故选C。8、句意:熊猫住在哪里?A长城,B颐和园,C四川。根据“So most of them live in Sichuan.”大多数熊猫都居住在四川,故选C。9、句意:中秋节我们吃_。A粽子,B饺子,C月饼。根据“On Mid-Autumn Festival, we

24、 have mooncakes. ”可知我们中秋节吃月饼,故选C。10、句意:熊猫最喜欢的食物是什么?A饺子,B月饼,C竹子。根据“They like to eat bamboo. ”可知熊猫喜欢吃竹子,故选C。三、阅读理解11、A12、C13、B14、C15、C【分析】短文大意:主要讲蒂娜在雨天的早上如何去上学的事。11、句意:蒂娜怎么去上学?A步行。B骑自行解析:11、A12、C13、B14、C15、C【分析】短文大意:主要讲蒂娜在雨天的早上如何去上学的事。11、句意:蒂娜怎么去上学?A步行。B骑自行车。C乘公共汽车。根据原文She wore a pair of slippers to w

25、alk to school. 可知她穿着拖鞋走着去上学,故选A。12、句意:她上学的鞋(校鞋)和袜子在哪里?A在学校。B在家。C在她包里。根据原文Her school shoes and socks were in her bag so that they would not get wet.可知它们在她的包里,故选C。13、句意:蒂娜滑倒了吗?A是的,她滑到了。B不,她没滑到。C不好意思,我不知道。根据原文She walked slowly and carefully so she did not slip and fall. 可知她走得又慢又小心,所以没有滑倒,故选B。14、句意:蒂娜感觉

26、怎么样?A冷的。B湿的。C又冷又湿。根据原文She felt cold and wet. 可知她感觉又冷又湿,故选C。15、句意:因为雨天蒂娜需要用什么?A雨衣。B雨衣和雨伞。C鞋。根据原文She put on her raincoat and carried an umbrella. She wore a pair of slippers to walk to school. 可知她穿着雨衣和拖鞋,带着雨伞在雨中行走,故C选项符合,故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、A17、C18、A19、B20、B【分析】16、句意:杰克通常_去上学。A步行,B骑自行车,C乘公共汽车,根据So I us解析

27、:16、A17、C18、A19、B20、B【分析】16、句意:杰克通常_去上学。A步行,B骑自行车,C乘公共汽车,根据So I usually go to school on foot.所以我通常步行去上学。故答案为A。17、句意:杰克的爸爸_工作。A远离学校,B在学校附近,C在学校里,根据My father works in our school.我的爸爸在我们学校工作。故选C。18、句意:杰克和_去上学。A他的爸爸,B他的朋友,杰克,C他的妈妈,根据My father works in our school. We go to school together.我爸爸在我们学校工作。我们一起

28、去学校。故选A。19、句意:杰克和迈克通常_。A踢足球,B打乒乓球,C下象棋,根据We usually play ping-pong.我们通常打乒乓球。故选B。20、句意:这个周末是谁的生日?A爷爷的。B奶奶的。C迈克的。根据Because its my grandmas birthday.因为是我奶奶的生日。故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、D24、B25、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房间后,他制定了一些规则。21、句意:保罗的房间是_解析:21、B22、C23、D24、B25、A【导语】本文主要讲述了保罗的朋友弄乱了他的房间后,他制定了一些规则。21、句意:

29、保罗的房间是_。A又大又新,B小但整洁,C大但旧,D又小又旧。根据“Its a small but tidy room.”可知保罗的房间小但整洁,故选B。22、句意:划线单词“that”指_。A在房间玩,B对朋友友好,C在房间吃东西,D保持房间干净整洁。根据文章第二段大意可知,保罗不想在房间吃东西,避免弄脏了房间,故选C。23、句意:谁在床上跳?A汤姆。B山姆。C保罗。D班尼。根据“Benny takes some bread and jumps on the bed.”可知班尼在床上跳,故选D。24、句意:山姆的笔在哪里留下了污点?A在床上。B在沙发上。C在书桌上。D在地板上。根据“Sam

30、draws a picture, but his pen makes some marks (污点) on the sofa.”可知山姆在沙发上留下了污点。故选B。25、句意:标志上有什么?A一些规则。B食品名称。C家人名字。D一些数字。根据“Theyre signs. They tell my friends what they must and mustnt do in my room!”可知是保罗制定的规则,故选A。六、阅读理解26、B27、C28、A29、C30、B【导语】本文讲述了我的梦境在火星上的见闻。26、句意:我昨天晚上_。A飞船,B一个好梦,C解析:26、B27、C28、A2

31、9、C30、B【导语】本文讲述了我的梦境在火星上的见闻。26、句意:我昨天晚上_。A飞船,B一个好梦,C一个礼物。根据I had a dream (梦) last night.可知我昨天晚上做了个好梦,故选B。27、句意:火星是非常_。A热的,B凉爽的,C冷的。根据Mars was very cold.可知火星是非常冷的,故选C。28、句意:火星上有_。A火星人,B树,C水。根据But there were Martians (火星人).可知火星上有火星人,故选A。29、句意:火星人是_。A高的,B愤怒的,C友好的。根据The Martians were very friendly.可知火星人是友善的,故选C。30、句意:我们和火星人一起_。A打棒球,B玩游戏,C下棋。根据We became friends and played games.可知我们和火星人一起玩游戏,故选B。

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