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1、Unit 6 家人、朋友与周围的人维克多英语词汇教学探讨与实践 【(一)认知(一)认知】话题教学词汇表 教学目标检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识12学生:上台演示学生:上台演示教师:总结补充教师:总结补充 Step I:主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇family members&friendsbackgroundfamily membersrelativespeople aroundrelationsStep II:子话题词汇聚焦深度认知目的目的在语境中强化记忆在语境中强化记忆

2、步骤步骤1.1.子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输入输入(单句单句、文段文段)2.2.子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输出输出(语篇语篇)子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输入输入Say&Guess!When she broke up with him,she said,“When you start off,everythings great and lovely,and the person youve married is flawless(完美的),and youre flawless.Then time goes by,and you share a life.You have children

3、and you have different views on bringing up children.Then there are misunderstandings and quarrels.”marry,share,break up,bring upA survey shows that about 30 percent of Chinese youth are NEETs(people currently“not in education,employment or training,”)and are supported by their parents,the Guangzhou

4、 Daily reported.More importantly,they do not want to find any job themselves and have to depend on their families.dependThe Two Best Things About Being Close to Your GrandmaIf you were lucky enough to grow up with a grandma,then you know how nice it is to have someone in your family who cares about

5、you in ways that differ from your parents.Your grandparents dont have to deal with the day-to-day nuisances(令人讨厌的事物)of raising you,which means they can be involved in all the fun parts of growing up.To be continued.1.You have special things in common.Sometimes interests skip a generation,and grandma

6、 and you are likely to share a few qualities that your mom and dad lack.2.Shes good at advice.When you need someone to turn to,grandma is always a good go-to.You might not want to share all your secrets with your parents,and sometimes your friends just dont have the same amount of wisdom as your gra

7、ndma.Shell listen to you without judgment,help figure out whats best for you,and support you no matter what you choose.You can always rely on her.Sleep Now NanaAlthough I cannot see you,I feel your presence near.I will hold you close in memory,Till I drop my very last tear.So sleep now with the ange

8、ls,and your golden heart let rest.Although our hearts are broken,we know God took the bestA shared poem written by a girl whose grandma has just passed away.子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输出输出Practice&Write!学生用书学生用书P27综合训练综合训练:第一题、第二题第一题、第二题 【(二)讲练(二)讲练】Part I 基础训练基础训练教学目标讲练重难点词汇,讲练重难点词汇,嚼透嚼透其释义、用法和搭配,其释义、用法和搭配,以能够熟

9、练运用。以能够熟练运用。建立基本的建立基本的英语概念英语概念,培养英语,培养英语思维能力思维能力。12教学目录 重点词释义重点词释义:“熟熟”词词“生生”义义:重点词用法专练重点词用法专练:重点词块专练重点词块专练:close,separatecompany,delivermarry,share,dependhave.in common(with),break up,keep/stay in touch(with),make up,(be)familiar to,pass away 重点词释义重点词释义根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解:根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解:

10、一词多义;一词多义;熟词生义;熟词生义;精准的汉语释义;精准的汉语释义;英语释义;英语释义;辨析义;辨析义;搭配义搭配义close 近的;靠近近的;靠近的;接近的的;接近的 可能要可能要;几乎要;几乎要 亲密的;亲密的;亲近的;密亲近的;密切的切的 仔细的;仔细的;周密的;严周密的;严密的密的 相差无几相差无几的;势均力的;势均力敌的敌的接近某种状接近某种状态的态的“近距离近距离”地地“看看”某某人人/某物某物(比赛结果)(比赛结果)接近的接近的关系上关系上接近的接近的基本义:时基本义:时间、空间、间、空间、数量上接近数量上接近的的【教学建议教学建议】根据根据close的基本义的基本义“近的近

11、的;靠近的;接近的;靠近的;接近的”,启发启发学生理解其他释义;学生理解其他释义;借助英语释义准确理解释义借助英语释义准确理解释义 ;掌握重点搭配掌握重点搭配close to及各层释义下的其他重点搭配。及各层释义下的其他重点搭配。adj 近的;靠近的;接近的近的;靠近的;接近的 near in space,time or amountTheir birthdays are very close togetherclose together.他们的生日挨得很近。Our new house is close toclose to the school.我们的新家离学校很近。Its never a

12、good idea to exercise too close toclose to bedtime.睡前运动并不好。2011 天津 不用于名不用于名词词前前 可能要可能要;几乎要;几乎要 almost in a particular state;likely to do sth soonHe was close to tearsclose to tears.他几乎要掉眼泪了。Do not let any failures discourage you,for you can never tell how closeclose you may be toto victory.不要因为失败而灰心

13、,因为你永远不知道自己离成功有多近。2013 湖南Lauren is close to completingclose to completing her study on sharks ability to sense pressure.劳伦很快就要完成她对鲨鱼感压能力的研究了。2008 天津 亲密的;亲近的;密切的亲密的;亲近的;密切的 knowing sb very well and liking them very much;near in family relationshipa close friendclose friend 亲密的朋友Research suggests that

14、 there is a close relationship between retaining customers and making profits.研究表明维系客户和赚取利润之间有着密切的关系。2011 上海 只用于名只用于名词词前前 仔仔细细的;周密的;的;周密的;严严密的密的 careful and thoroughAll of them wanted to be the first to get get a close look ata close look at Mount Vesuvius.他们所有人都想第一个仔细看看维苏威火山。译林 3相差无几的;相差无几的;势势均力均力敌

15、敌的的 won by only a small amount or distancea close seconda close second 屈居第二a close finisha close finish 势均力敌的结局keep a close watch/eye on 密切注视;严密监视We kept a close watch on the prisoners.我们严密监视犯人的行动。Dont worry.I will keep a close eye on the kids.别担心,我会小心看管孩子们的。adv 紧紧紧紧地;接近地地;接近地The girl heldheld the p

16、uppy closeclose.女孩紧紧地抱着小狗。We must all stay/keep closestay/keep close.我们都必须紧紧地呆在一起。Come closeCome close so that I can see you.靠近点儿,好让我能看见你。Getting close toGetting close to nature adds to the joy of life.接近自然可增添生活的乐趣。2013 天津【备考指导备考指导】close的形容词释义的形容词释义 及副词考频较高;及副词考频较高;close在高考各题型中均有出现在高考各题型中均有出现。形容词:形容

17、词:Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around it.(2015 浙江短文改错)(释义)They should not feed the wild animals in a close distance because they may attack people.(2014 江西阅读表达)(释义)I seem to remember you like the idea of being close to a bus station.(2012 北京听力)(释义)The fine selection

18、 of the major works was done in close collaboration with other institutions.(2015 全国阅读改)(释义)There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen.(2011 全国阅读)(释义)副词:副词:We sat close together reading and talking.(2014 湖北完形)Brazilians often stand close when talking.(2014 浙江阅读)separate【教学

19、建议教学建议】根据根据separate的基本义的基本义“分开分开”,启发学生理解其他释义;,启发学生理解其他释义;掌握掌握separate和和divide的辨析;的辨析;掌握重点搭配掌握重点搭配separate.from.adj 无比较级无比较级 单独的;分开的;单独的;分开的;不同的不同的two separate buildings 两座独立的大楼Youd better keep meat separate from other food in the fridge.你最好把肉同冰箱里的其他食物分开放。Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.切

20、生肉和熟肉要用不同的刀。go ones separate ways 断绝往来;分道而行Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways?你认为莎拉和汉纳应尝试再做朋友还是断绝关系?译林 1They went their separate ways when they reached the mountaintop.到了山顶之后,他们分道而行。分开分开(基本义)(基本义)地域上分开地域上分开(语域扩大语域扩大)把把隔开隔开区分;分清区分;分清分居;分手分居;分手特点分开特点

21、分开(由具象到抽象由具象到抽象)关系分开关系分开(由具象到抽象)由具象到抽象)separate(v)的语义网络的语义网络 vt&vi(使使)分离;分离;(使使)分开分开 to divide into different parts or groupsseparate the eggsseparate the eggs 把蛋清和蛋黄分开The students were separated intoseparated into four groups.学生被分成了4组。In the fog,they got separated fromseparated from the group.他们和团队

22、在雾中走散了。辨辨 divide,separate二者均可表示“分开”。divide 通常指把整体分为若干部分,其后常接介词into。The world is divided into seven continents.世界被分成七大洲。Divide the money among the six of you.这笔钱你们六个人分。separate 通常指把原来连在一起或靠近的物或人分隔开来,其后常接介词from。Wed better separate the good ones from the bad ones.我们最好把好的和坏的分开。She doesnt want to be sepa

23、rated from him.她不想和他分开。vt 把把隔开隔开 to be between two people,areas,countries,etc.,keeping them apartThe lighthouse is separated from the land by a wide channel.灯塔和陆地之间隔着一条宽阔的海峡。vt 区分;分清区分;分清 to make sb/sth different in some way from sb/sth elseThe ability to think separatesseparates humans fromfrom ani

24、mals.思维能力使人有别于动物。She finds it difficult to separateseparate fact fromfrom fantasy.她觉得很难分清事实和幻想。vi 分居;分手分居;分手 to stop living together He separated fromseparated from his wife after 7 years of marriage.他和妻子结婚7年后分居了。【拓展拓展】同族词同族词 separate,separated(夫妻)分居的,separately,separationseparately adv 分别地;独立地分别地;独

25、立地They did arrive together,but I think they left separately.他们确实是一起到的,但我想他们是分开走的。separation U 分离;分开分离;分开This unjust separation of people on the basis of skin color was challenged.这种基于肤色的不公正种族隔离政策受到了质疑。人教 3Separation from his family made him very sad.与家人分开使他非常伤心。C 分居分居【备考指导备考指导】separate的形容词及动词释义的形容词及

26、动词释义 考频较高;考频较高;separate在高考听力、阅读和完形中经常出现,为完在高考听力、阅读和完形中经常出现,为完形词汇;形词汇;separate的派生词的派生词separately,separation在高考中也有在高考中也有考查。考查。形容词:形容词:There is a separate bedroom,a modern kitchen with a refrigerator.(2017 全国补全文章)She said good-bye and,for the first time,they went their separate ways.(2010 湖北完形)动词:动词:Th

27、e story was about a dog who was separated from his family.(2015 天津阅读)(释义)Changes in the workplace separated children from adults,with adults working and children attending school.(2012 上海阅读)(释义)派生词:派生词:I wanted the American Dream and worked toward it like everyone else,all of us separately chasing t

28、he same thing.(2013 江苏完形)The separation between my mother and me has proved to be a blessing for me.(2014 天津完形)巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P2526基础训练:第一题基础训练:第一题 “熟熟”词词“生生”义义 一词多义中的衍生义一词多义中的衍生义 培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力。能力。“生义生义”与基本义联系不紧密与基本义联系不紧密 教学侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一些低义频的释教学侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一

29、些低义频的释 义,义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。company【教学建议教学建议】C 公司;商号公司;商号(firm/business)U 作伴;陪伴作伴;陪伴I felt nervous in the company of such an important man.和这么一个重要人物在一起,我感到很紧张。释义释义 与基本义联系不紧密,需单独记忆与基本义联系不紧密,需单独记忆;释义释义下的短语可做适当补充。下的短语可做适当补充。Im sure well have a wonderful time and enjoy each others company.我

30、相信我们会享受彼此的陪伴,度过愉快的时光。U 宾客;朋友;同伴宾客;朋友;同伴for company 作伴;陪伴作伴;陪伴There was almost no wind only the flames of our fire for company.几乎没有风只有篝火的火焰与我们作伴。人教 3in company with 与与一起一起My friend Bill is coming to see me in company with his new friend.我的朋友比尔将和他的新朋友一道来看我。keep company(with)(和和)经常交往经常交往keep sb company

31、 陪伴某人陪伴某人Ive promised to keep my sister company when her husband is away.我答应妹妹在她丈夫不在的时候陪伴她。deliver【教学建议教学建议】vt&vi 递送;传送递送;传送 to take goods,letters,packages,etc.to a particular place or person:vt 发表;表达;讲发表;表达;讲 to give a speech,talk,etc.or other official statement:deliver a speech/lecture 作报告/授课通过基本义

32、掌握衍生义。通过基本义掌握衍生义。递送演讲、报告等递送演讲、报告等 vt 接生;使分娩:接生;使分娩:Her husband had to deliver the baby himself.她丈夫不得不亲自接生。递送婴儿递送婴儿巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P26基础训练基础训练:第二题第二题 重点词用法专练重点词用法专练 嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握;嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握;熟悉考点,查漏补缺。熟悉考点,查漏补缺。marry【教学建议教学建议】vt 娶;嫁;和娶;嫁;和结结婚婚 marry sb marry sb 与某人结婚:与某人结婚:与某人结婚:与

33、某人结婚:On returning to the palace,the king marries the woman.一回到宫殿,国王就和这位女子结婚了。外研 2 表达和某人结婚时,注意表达和某人结婚时,注意marry sb和和get married to sb的用法;的用法;表示结婚的状态,用表示结婚的状态,用be married,表示动作,用,表示动作,用get married。和某人结婚,直接表达为和某人结婚,直接表达为marry sb,不用介词。,不用介词。marry sb to sb marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人;把某人嫁给某人;把某人嫁给某人;把某人嫁给某人;为某人

34、娶亲:为某人娶亲:为某人娶亲:为某人娶亲:My fathers trying to marry me to his accountants daughter.我父亲想让我娶他会计的女儿。vi 结结婚;婚;结结合合My uncle didnt marry until he was forty-five.我叔叔直到45岁才结婚。【拓展拓展】marriage C&U 结婚;婚姻结婚;婚姻 C 结婚仪式;婚礼结婚仪式;婚礼marriage adj 已婚的;已婚的;有配偶的有配偶的 反反 unmarried/singlea married man/womanmarried man/woman 已婚男子/

35、女子Please state whether you are single,married,or divorced in the form.请在表格中注明您是单身、已婚还是离异。be married(to sb)be married(to sb)表示状态表示状态表示状态表示状态(与某人与某人与某人与某人)结婚结婚结婚结婚They have been married to each other for 20 years.他们已经结婚20年了。get married(to sb)get married(to sb)表示动作表示动作表示动作表示动作(与某人与某人与某人与某人)结婚结婚结婚结婚They

36、 are hoping to get married next year.他们希望明年结婚。Jane got married to her husband immediately after graduation.简一毕业就嫁给了她丈夫。在英语口语中,在英语口语中,表达表达“结婚结婚”时,时,get married比比marry更常用。更常用。【备考指导备考指导】marry:Only Cinderellas foot fit perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her.(2014 福建阅读)(释义)分词形容词分词形容词married考频较高;考

37、频较高;marry和和married在高考听力、单选、阅读和完形中经在高考听力、单选、阅读和完形中经常出现。常出现。married:Percival has been married to Laura for two years.(2012 福建阅读改)On her next birthday,Ann will have been married for twenty years.(2011 天津)A.is B.has been C.will be D.will have been My best friend is getting married on Sunday and I wont m

38、iss it for anything.(2010 全国听力)share分享;合用;分享;合用;共用共用 (基本义)(基本义)分享费用分享费用(由一种事物到另一由一种事物到另一种事物种事物)分配;分摊;分担分配;分摊;分担共同具有共同具有向某人诉说向某人诉说(想法想法/秘密秘密/问题等问题等)分享兴趣,感受等分享兴趣,感受等(由具象到抽象由具象到抽象)分享想法、秘密、分享想法、秘密、问题等问题等(由具象到抽象)由具象到抽象)share(v)的的语义网络语义网络【教学建议教学建议】v vt&vi 分享;合用;共用分享;合用;共用 to have or use sth with othersI h

39、ave to shareshare all my toys withwith my younger sisters.我不得不与妹妹们分享我所有的玩具。2010 福建 v 重点掌握每层释义及用法和搭配,尤其是搭配重点掌握每层释义及用法和搭配,尤其是搭配share.with.;n 以掌握释义为主。以掌握释义为主。She shared a house with three other students.她和其他三个学生合住一所房子。There isnt an empty table.Would you mind sharing?没有空桌了,你介意拼桌吗?vt 分配;分分配;分摊摊;分担;分担 to

40、divide sth between two or more peopleAfter his death,his property was shared shared out betweenout between his children.他去世后,财产被分给了子女。I took a taxi together with another passenger and we shared the bill.我和另外一名乘客同坐一辆出租车,我们分摊了费用。I can do my bit to help with the housework,so as to share mothers daily b

41、urden.我尽自己的一点力来帮忙做家务,以分担妈妈的日常负担。2011 江苏改 vt&vi 共同具有共同具有 to have the same feelings,ideas,etc.as sb elseThey shared a common interest in football.他们都对足球感兴趣。All the parents present shareshare the beliefbelief in the importance of reading with Miss Li.所有在场的家长都和李老师看法一样,认为阅读非常重要。vt&vi 向某人向某人诉说诉说(想法想法/秘密秘密

42、/问题问题等等)to tell others about your ideas,experiences and feelingsThe two friends shared everything and they had no secrets.这对朋友无话不谈,他们之间毫无秘密。Could you shareshare your experiences withwith us?你能和我们讲讲你的经历吗?n C 一份;份一份;份额额;股份;股份the lions sharethe lions share 最大的一份Ill bear/take/have my share ofshare of th

43、e expense.我愿承担我的那份费用。Share pricesShare prices are down in London.伦敦的股票价格在下跌。【备考指导备考指导】Some guests brought presents.Others brought flowers.Some even brought desserts to share.(2015 北京完形)(释义)Imagine you are a student and you share a flat with another student who you think isnt doing her share of the h

44、ousework.(2015 福建短文填词)(释义)share的动词释义的动词释义 及搭配及搭配share.with.考频很高;考频很高;share在高考各题型中经常出现,且常作为考点,为完在高考各题型中经常出现,且常作为考点,为完形词汇。形词汇。Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and share similar feelings with those involved.(2015 江苏任务型阅读)(释义)Its been a month since I came t

45、o this new school and I really want to share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.(2015 四川短文改错)(释义)By doing so,I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly.(2015 浙江书面表达)(释义)depend【教学建议教学建议】depend on/upon 依靠;依依靠;依赖赖 近近 rely onWe depend ondepen

46、d on energy toto do many things in our daily lives.在日常生活中,我们做很多事都离不开能源。人教 4 掌握重点搭配掌握重点搭配depend on/upon,其中,其中upon较正式,不较正式,不如如on常用;常用;掌握交际用语掌握交际用语It/That(all)depends;注意注意depend的派生词所搭配介词亦为的派生词所搭配介词亦为on。dependDont always depend on others.You should learn to rely on yourself.不要总是依赖别人,你应该学会靠自己。We depend o

47、n him finishing the job this weekend.我们指望他这个周末能完成工作。相信;信相信;信赖赖 近近count onDepend upon itDepend upon it,we shall solve the problem at last.请相信,我们最终会解决这个问题。He was the sort of person you could depend on.他这个人你是可以信赖的。由由决定;取决于决定;取决于The future of space research depends on depends on how muchhow much money w

48、e have.太空研究的未来取决于我们的经济实力。外研 5The journey takes about two hours,depending on traffic.旅途大约需要两小时,这取决于交通状况。2011 上海Everything depends on peoples attitude.态度决定一切。2014 江西It/That(all)depends.那得看情况。那得看情况。How long are you staying?你会待多久?I dont know.It depends.我不知道,那得看情况。【拓展拓展】dependdependencedependentdependabl

49、eindependenceindependentindependently反反反反 dependence n U 依靠;依依靠;依赖赖He is his mothers dependence.他是他母亲的依靠。our dependence ondependence on oil as a source of energy 我们对石油能源的依赖 dependent adj 依靠的;依依靠的;依赖赖的的Internet users become more dependent ondependent on the Internet to store information.互联网用户越来越依赖互联网

50、储存信息。2015 安徽 由由决定的决定的Success is dependent onis dependent on your efforts and ability.成功取决于你的努力和能力。【备考指导备考指导】depend on:How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age.(2017 浙江阅读)depend on的释义的释义考频较高;考频较高;depend on在高考各题型中经常出现;习语在高考各题型中经常出现;习语It depends.在高考听力、对话填空和单选中经常出现。在高考听力、对话填空和单选中经常出现。Although C

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