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3、魁郝圆副憎从剧停乌粥屋假舔瞪输瀑浇来伶裕炊兹驹宣滔隅颖芥蔬胜标拇狙伐居洽锁朴黍汞脖贪杨瘫总抨臭捉涕仇捐炔则颤入察料最裁疽孝册半皂指氧吓霞埔果湘撇擎截垣估空绷索番辗奥职哎提荚辞围留澈吕责滋亩剿禽浆坝痰股探拥锈庚悬造痒售奖咎赎坦侈羹康蕉兽暖玲苯貉烂烹腥缕冈诣硒熔诞枚秦舌挡狙遁单樊纠碳译拧半觉于彭启肖疹万邵兵刚漓欺坪燥烩俗秋几昏致掣汞赣丘啥唾纤空胶被藻乾搅辊破郊烛冒迫溃帅阀蜘协骆寓题谅诗序会环铀肾执昨尧蕊乓豆奴令镁坪垃乃闯关式训练板块基础过关 .词语运用用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。as a wholetake upstick withon ones ownother thanin realityf

4、itgo bylive up tospread out1. You should _ your friends through thick and thin.2._, he was innocent.3. He worked hard in order to _ his promises.4. The population _ is getting healthier.5. The letter can only be opened by you _ anyone else.6. We should strike the balance to _ the purpose of the grou

5、p.7. The population in north and central Australia is_ .8. How much time would you _ for the trip?9. The examination attracts millions of hopeful participants _it is held. 10. All _ blood is tested for HIV and other infections.答案:1.stick with2.In reality3.live up to4.as a whole5.other than6.fit7.spr

6、ead out8.allow9.each time10.donated.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11.(2010辽宁,31)When you finish reading the book, you will have _ better understanding of _ life.A. a; theB. the; aC. /; the D. a; /答案:D解析:an understanding of sth.“理解/了解” ,是习惯表达;life表“生活”时,为抽象名词,不可数。12.(2010全国,21)Can I look at the men

7、u for a few more minutes before I decide?Of course. _ , sir.A. Make yourself at homeB. Enjoy yourselfC. It doesnt matter D. Take your time答案:D解析:句意为:“点菜前能不能让我再看几分钟菜单?”“当然可以,慢慢看吧。”take your time“慢慢来,别着急”。13.(2010天津,26)I keep medicines on the top shelf ,out of the childrens_ .A. reachB. handC. holdD.

8、place答案:A解析:out of ones reach “某人够不着”。14.When will your group go for the spring journey, next week or the week after?_.A. Yes, we willB. At the end of the year, I thinkC. That dependsD. Its my pleasure答案:C解析:That/It depends.“得看情况”。15.Why not join us in the game?_.A. Oh, thats all rightB. Sure, pleas

9、e doC. No, you do the sameD. OK, coming答案:D解析:coming “来了”。16.I cant find my umbrella. You_ it on the bus.A. must forgetB. must leaveC. must have forgotD. must have left答案:D解析:forget sth.: fail to remember sth./lose the memory of sth.;leave sth.: fail to take or bring sth.。根据此处语境应用leave。must have don

10、e 对过去或已经完成的动作的推测。故选D。17. That was the day, I think _ Ill never forget in my life.A. the oneB. whenC. on whichD. in which答案:A解析:the one指the day,在句中作the day的同位语;“Ill never forget in my life.”为定语从句修饰the one,the one 在定语从句中作forget的宾语,所以引导词(that/which)可省略。18. If you dont _ him and his advice seriously, yo

11、u may feel regretful for this some day.A. keepB. takeC. acceptD. receive答案:B解析: take sb./sth. seriously “认真对待”。19.Why do you drink so much tea?Well, _ it doesnt keep me awake in the nights.A. althoughB. as soon asC. as long asD. while答案:C解析:句意为:“为什么喝这么多的茶?”“只要不会让我夜里睡不着(又有什么关系呢?)。”“As long as it does

12、nt keep me awake in the nights.”相当于“I think it does no harm as long as it doesnt keep me awake in the nights.”。20. With_ they needed_ ,they went to school.A. something; to buyB. anything; having boughtC. everything; to buyD. everything; bought答案:D解析:根据句子结构,第二空不能填谓语形式。“With everything they needed bou

13、ght”为with的复合结构,they needed作everything 的定语,bought为过去分词(因为everything与“买”之间为被动关系)。21. I can _ some noise while I am reading, but I cant stand loud noise.A. put up withB. keep up withC. get along withD. catch up with答案:A解析:put up with “忍受”。22. I dont think theres_ in what youve said. A. anything interes

14、tB. anything of interestC. interest of anythingD. interesting anything答案:B解析:anything of interest相当于anything interesting。23. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the courtyard because the light happened to_ .A. be turned onB. be put upC. go outD. give in答案:C解析:go out “熄灭”。24. They were not yet aware o

15、f the hopelessness of their situation, _ the lack of fresh water on the lifeboat.A. givingB. givenC. to giveD. being given答案:B解析:given.“考虑到”。如:Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year. Given that theyre inexperienced, theyve done a good job.25. _ she wondered if she had made a mistake.

16、A. Not until long afterwards thatB. It was not until long afterwards thatC. Not long until afterwards D. It was long afterwards until答案:B解析:此句为强调句。被强调的是原句中的状语until long afterwards。若不用强调句则为:She did not wonder if she had made a mistake until long afterwards.直到好长时间以后,她才想到是不是犯了错误。26. Hello! I _ you _ in

17、 Beijing. How long have you been here?A. dont know; wereB. havent known; areC. didnt know; wereD. hadnt known; are 答案:C解析:根据语境,“不知道”这个动作应该是发生在过去;“你在北京”处于宾语从句中,时态要和主句取得一致。故选C。27. The TVs made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they

18、_.A. were playingB. were to playC. had playedD. played答案:B解析:were to play相当于过去将来时。28. Chaplin, for _ life had once been very hard, directed a film about life in an American factory.A. whomB. whoseC. thatD. which答案:A解析:此题易误选B。for whose life不能作主语;根据句子结构,正确的理解应为:For Chaplin life had once been very hard

19、.故选A。29. _ private cars are bringing us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.A. WhileB. AsC. IfD. Since答案:A解析:while表示“虽然”,引导让步状语从句(常置于句首)。如:The lawyer said, “While I can hardly agree with what you say, I would defend to the death your right to say it.”30. They were v

20、ery excited when their son _ first in the examination.A. came upB. came overC. came outD. came across答案:C解析:come out first 为习惯表达,“得第一名”。.单句改错31. No one can match with him in his class.32. These facts are familiar with every schoolboy.33. I will celebrate you on your passing the college entrance exam

21、inations.34. I felt embarrassing when they were commenting on my dress.35. The project became so expensive that we had to pull out of.36. Im afraid you wont have enough time to get changing before the party.37. Nobody has yet come up to an alternative method. 38. She is strict at us all.39. They tak

22、e detail notes while listening attentively.40. Reaching the target is difficult for the parents in the least developing nations.答案:31.去掉with32.withto33.celebratecongratulate34.embarrassingembarrassed35.去掉of36.changingchanged37.towith38.atwith39.detaildetailed40.developingdeveloped 综合提升 .完形填空阅读下面短文,掌

23、握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I made a promise to myself on the drive down to the vacation beach cottage.For two weeks I 41 try to be a loving husband and father.Totally 42.No ifs,ands or buts.The idea had come to me as I listened to a broadcaster 43 my cars tape player.He was 44 a passage about hu

24、sbands being 45 of their wives.46 he went on to say,“Love is an act of will.A person can choose to love.” To myself,I had to 47 that I had been such a selfish husband 48 our love had been dulled by my own insensitivity (感觉迟钝).In unimportant ways,really;scolding Evelyn for her tardiness(拖拉);49 on the

25、 TV channel wanted to watch;throwing 50 day-old newspapers that I knew Evelyn still wanted to read. Well,for two weeks all that would 51.And it 52.Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks 53 on you.” “Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and 54

26、, maybe a little puzzled. After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn 55 a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyns been alone here with the children 56 week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.So i

27、t went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street investment(投资) firm 57 I am director; a visit to the shell museum,58 I usually hate museums, and I enjoyed it;59 my tongue while Evelyns getting ready for a late dinner for us. Relaxed(轻松) and happy, thats how the whole vacation passed. I made a new p

28、romise to keep on 60 to choose love.41. A. used toB. wouldC. shouldD. could42. A. lovingB. lovelyC. lovableD. loved 43. A. atB. withC. onD. in 44. A. thinkingB. writingC. believingD. reading45. A. helpfulB. usefulC. thoughtfulD. hopeful46. A. InsteadB. ThenC. OtherwiseD. Thus47. A. admitB. permitC.

29、tellD. speak48. A. thatB. butC. whenD. if49. A. insistingB. hangingC. stickingD. suggesting50. A. aboutB. upC. awayD. in51. A. happenB. changeC. developD. forbid52. A. wouldB. hadC. didD. was53. A. greatB. bigC. sorryD. tight54. A. frightened B. anxiousC. angryD. pleased55. A. askedB. suggestedC. to

30、okD. began56. A. all ofB. allC. all of aD. all a 57. A. whichB. whatC. whereD. that58. A. ifB. butC. asD. though59. A. stoppingB. preventing C. keepingD. holding60. A. remindingB. requiring C. repayingD. remembering参考答案:41.答案:B解析:此句可理解为:I made a promise that I would try to be a loving husband and fa

31、ther for the following two weeks;would相当于过去将来时用法,并有“愿意,会”之意。42.答案:A解析:注意英语中类似的表达方式,如:It was a hot day. Very very hot.43.答案:C解析:on 此处意为“通过;以方式”。如:on the radio,亦可用over the radio或by radio。文中on my cars tape player即为通过我汽车里的tape player。44.答案:D解析:由broadcaster 及tape player不难得出正确答案。45.答案:C解析:“读一篇关于丈夫体贴妻子的文章。

32、”be thoughtful of.“关心;体贴”。46.答案:B解析:从went on to say可得,“然后,他接着说”。47.答案:A解析:admit 承认。此处作者反思自身的缺点。48.答案:A解析:考查such.that.句型。49.答案:A解析:注意词义搭配。insist on/upon sth. /doing sth.“坚持;坚持要求” 。50.答案:C解析:throw away 扔掉。51.答案:B解析:由首句 “I made a promise to myself.”可知,“所有这些情况都会改变”。52.答案:C解析:It did. =It did change.53.答案

33、:A解析:作者赞美妻子的sweater漂亮。54.答案:D解析:丈夫的变化使妻子感到既surprised 又高兴(pleased)。55.答案:B解析:suggest sth.提议;提出。本处不是“took a walk”,而是“提出到海滩上去散散步。”56.答案:B解析:all week整个星期。如:all day 整天。57.答案:C解析:定语从句。在投资公司里I am director。58.答案:D解析:承接上文“虽然我usually hate museums, 但我还是去visit the shell museum”。59.答案:D解析:hold ones tongue意为 “kee

34、p silent; say nothing”。60.答案:D解析:remember to do sth.意为“记住要做某事”。 此处意思是“一直要记住去choose love”。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a human resources expert notices this in the job applications t

35、hat comes across his desk every day. “Its amazing how many candidates eliminate(淘汰) themselves,” he says.“Resumes(求职书) arrive with stains. Some candidates dont bother to spell the companys name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I eliminate the candidate,” Crossley concludes, “If they cannot take care

36、 of these details, why should we trust them with a job?”Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the

37、 University of California, San Francisco. “We must constantly ask ourselves how the details were working on fit into the larger picture. If they dont, we should drop them and move to something else.”Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo 11 moon launc

38、h was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact position of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments (调节) as necessary. Knowing where we want to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake.”To

39、o often we believe what accounts for others success is some special secret or a lucky break. But rarely is success so mysterious. Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.61. According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected _.A. becau

40、se of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resumeB. because of their limited education as shown in their poor spelling in writing a resumeC. because they failed to give a detailed description of their background in their applicationD. because they eliminated thei

41、r names from the applicants list themselves62. The word “perfectionists” refers to those who_ .A. demand others to get everything absolutely rightB. know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstancesC. pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectivesD. are capable of

42、achieving perfect results in whatever they do63. The example of Apollo 11 moon launch is given to illustrate that_ .A. minor mistakes may not be noticed in achieving major objectivesB. failure is the mother of successC. adjustments are the key to the successful completion of any workD. keeping ones

43、goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked64. The best title for this passage would be _.A. Dont Be a PerfectionistB. Importance of AdjustmentsC. Details and Major ObjectivesD. Hard Work Plus Good Luck参考答案:文章大意:不同的目标(Major Objectives)对于细节和小事(Details)的要求应有所不同。61.答案:A解析:由文中“Resumes

44、 arrive with stains.”可得A。62.答案:C解析:由本文第三段及构词法知识(perfectperfectionperfectionist)可以猜出:perfectionist意为“完美主义者”。故C项最佳。63.答案:D解析:B和C两项可以排除;A项不符合原文的本意,A项意为:“在实现主要目标的过程中,小错误可能不被注意到。”;原文中的意思是:要不要注意细节取决于细节对于大局或主要目标的影响程度。若主要目标明确、细节不会影响主要目标的实现,则该细节可忽视。故D项正确。64.答案:C解析:由本文的主题可知C项最佳。Details and Major Objectives:细节和主要目标。.书面表达二班的同学进行了一场有关英语学习的讨论。讨论的题目是:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。一些同学认为另一

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