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1、Dongguan Shunan Travel Co.,LtdCar rental contract(self-drive)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B):Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. I Vehicles party A hereby agrees to lease Par

2、ty B its lawfully owned vehicles which is license plant number is_,Car models is_,Frame number is _Engine Number is_ , color is _ and one good technical performance of vehicles leased to Party B the legitimate use of vehicles.IICar Rental period The lease term will be from (month) (day) (year) to_ (

3、month) (day) _(year). Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before (month) (day) (year) IIIRent, deposit, payment time 1.Deposit of Security: To ensure that the car and its accessory facilities are safe and in good condition and that accounts of relevant fees are settled

4、on schedule during the term of lease, Party B agrees to pay to Party A RMB: twenty thousand yuan Normal discharge of the contract until completion of Party B should supply net of other costs of Party A, Party A will return the deposit to party B. 2、Rental: RMB:_(Including tax) per month. 3 、 payment

5、 timeParty B shall pay the first month rent when Signed this contract and After a month before _(day) Party B shall be paid at the month; 4、payment: ( ) Cash ( ) Bank transfer 5、The rental vehicles will be limited traveling 5,000 kilometers per month,Excess mileage charges RMB_ per kilometers; the u

6、se time is 30 minutes More than lease time be considered overtime , Excess times charges RMB_per hourIVObligations of Party A:1.Provide to Party B with good Vehicle technology,Have comprehensive insurance: (Include:Vehicle Damage Insurance,Driver and passenger personal accident insurance,Third party

7、 liability insurance,Robbery Insurance and Traffic Compulsory Insurance), Various licenses and pay fees and complete finished,Vehicle condition and vehicle license to the standard the annex shall prevailTransfer list of self-drive)2.Party A shall bear all of the rental vehicle fees, insurance, annua

8、l inspection, maintenance costs.3.Such as lease vehicle accident during the lease, Party A shall assist Party B in the accident outside the grounds and provide a vehicle for the B grade alternative to the use of alternative rental car borne by Party B;4.The lease period, Party B should meet regularl

9、y to fulfill rental vehicle maintenance (every Warranty and Maintenance_ by the party responsible for costs borne by _he parties) and annual inspection obligations, agree that all leased vehicles are regularly returned to the designated repair shop maintenance and Party annual examination, Party sho

10、uld be maintained and examined three working days in advance of this Party, such as maintenance and examined more than three working days, Party A should provide the same level of service vehicles to continue to Party B 5.Lease period of this contract vehicle is the property of Party A, Party B is o

11、nly right to use; such as Party B using the vehicle during the lease in The Peoples Republic of China laws and regulations prohibited all acts, all the legal consequences arising therefrom, and economic losses borne entirely by the Party B, Party A shall have the right to immediately recover the lea

12、sed vehicle, the risk of a cent refundable deposit, and report to public security agencies.V Rights and obligations of Party B1.The rental vehicle is limited to travel within Guangdong, such as Party B needs to drive vehicles outside the Guangdong province, must inform Party A before three days in a

13、dvance to purchase vehicles for use within the same risk (premiums by Party B), rental vehicles in Guangdong of the Overseas accidents caused by a legal consequences and economic losses borne entirely by the Party B;2.used during the accident, the incident handling and vehicle repairs are required t

14、o pay Party B during the rental term;3.Lease period, Party B shall observe the following conventionsa. party B shall not sublet the leased vehicles, lease, mortgage, no damage or loss of license and not engage in business with the leasing of transport vehicles are required to legitimate the use of a

15、 vehicle and take rental vehicles used for legitimate purposesb. Party B needs to lease the vehicle to a holding valid driving license Peoples Republic of staff driving, and their purchase in full personal accident insurance and injury insurance, drivers should abide by relevant laws and rules, safe

16、 and civilized driving, not alcohol After driving; c. Party B shall not lease vehicles to add, replace them and the modification of any part;d. If have accident caused the loss, shall promptly notify party A and assist in handling the accident;e. During the rental vehicle B and, if illegal in time,

17、the cost resulting from violation by the Party concerned;Party B violates this section shall bear the responsibility of any third party, resulting in the loss of Party on the market price for compensation, the liability of Party A Party B, including: loss of the vehicle itself (the insurance compens

18、ation or promise of compensation other than the part) the vehicle for repairs or to accept illegally dealing Party A caused the loss of rental income4.Party B shall return the vehicle, Party A withheld a violation fine of RMB3,000 yuan deposit, until a month after the inquiry no illegal records retu

19、rned in full to Party B, Party B shall promptly any violation to handle illegal, who have returned illegally after a fine margin , Party B was found other illegal records in the rental period , Party A reserves the recourse to Party B as deal with violation and to pay a fine .5.Commitment period of

20、the lease vehicle fuel costs, parking charges, car payments and Party B requires modification (subject to consent of Party A) the cost of vehicles, it can not remove the installation of car additional products when return the vehicle6.For renewal, to one week before the expiration of the contract re

21、newal process to the Party procedures, overdue for three days (including 3 days) The above does not return the vehicle late rent during the rent under this contract twice the calculated7.Lease period, traffic accidents should be dealing with traffic regulations, and notify Party A in the first scene

22、, handle traffic accidents by the Party to advance the expenses; rental vehicle damage or loss of Party B under the control of the time (including force- majeure cause vehicle damage, lost), Party B shall bear the lack of vehicle insurance claims part of the economic losses (refer to the insurance c

23、ompensation and the actual difference between the repair and rental income losses, or that lack parts of the insurance compensation for economic losses (refer to insurance claims and the difference between the actual cost of repair and rental income losses, or that the insurance compensation with th

24、e vehicles market price of the price difference and loss of rental income);8.Damage to vehicle in the lease period, regardless of whether the driver belongs to Party B has the responsibility ,Party B in accordance with the vehicle restored 30% of the cost of repairing vehicles paid Party A for compe

25、nsation for accelerated depreciation;9.Party B during the lease term, if found abnormal or defective vehicles should immediately stop, and inform the Party A, by the Party A designated repair shop repair, the cost borne by the responsible party is responsible, under special circumstances, with the a

26、pproval of Party A agrees to After Party B to repair the fault of rental vehicles abnormal or fault caused by Party B, Party B must compensation by actual damages.10.Term of more than one month, Party B shall notify Party A will be receiving the vehicle to the designated repair point on Party rental

27、 vehicle for technical inspection and maintenance, such as checking the vehicle, not on time, the resulting damage to all vehicles responsibility and economic losses by Party B. 11. Party B Rental of vehicles receiving the notice of annual examination should actively cooperate, within the specified

28、time will return the vehicles and documents, Party A, otherwise Party B shall bear the annual inspection of vehicles overdue fine of 300 yuan, and the resulting vehicle and all economic losses loss of charge by the Party B; 12. Also should fill up car, clean vehicles, or fees charged by oil consumpt

29、ion and the cost of washingVI Lease purchase vehicles 1. The lease term, Party A will transfer ownership of rental vehicles to a third party without seeking the consent of Party B, but Party B should inform the case of transfer of ownership. 2.Party B as a result of work requirements, rental vehicle

30、s wishing to transfer to a third party the right to use, must be passed the Party agreed that the third party and the Party to re-sign the contract, otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for the consequences of this risk deposit refunded.VIIDefault1.Such as Party B early termination of the contrac

31、t , Party B must pay to Party A compensation based on the less than the period rent to Let the total 100%.2.Party A has not B delivery vehicles for use every day by late penalty to Party B compensation, liquidated damages for the 5% of the total rent payable3.Party B shall pay rent on time, late-day

32、 unpaid rent, in addition to clearing the arrears should pay the rent, the rent owed for each overdue day subject to late fees of 5%, malicious rent arrears, the Party A has the right to immediately termination of service and recall car, and Party B will not be removed the economic responsibility fo

33、r this.4.Party B breach of contract, without authorization will be transferred to the use of rental vehicles, Party A will be transferred to another person to use the number of days to meet the rent 50% rental surcharge, and the visual condition to recover the vehicle, and detained for 50% of paymen

34、t of liquidated damages.5.Party B breach of contract, lease vehicles will be transferred to another person without authorization to use and generate traffic, all the legal consequences arising therefrom, and economic losses borne entirely by the Party B, Party A shall not bear any responsibilityVIII

35、. Dispute resolution Both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. In case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matterIX . Othe

36、r terms1.This contract by the Party and Party B signed by both parties entered into force, in duplicate, Party A and Party B each keep a one, annex, and evidence provided by Party B are all part of the contract;2.After the commencement of this contract is signed, Party A and Party B to provide each

37、other with company seal copy of a valid business license, are an integral part hereof.3.Party A,Party B parties unanimously agreed to provide a guarantor of the contract For B, the guarantor must be the Dongguan,or Shenzhens permanent residence, and must personally carry accounts of this, identity c

38、ards and real estate license to the company signed a guarantee contract Party A, and shall bear joint and several guarantees of the responsibility for Party B .4.Outstanding issues of this contract, by mutual agreement, to make well-being of sufficient provisions, signed by both parties, and have th

39、e same legal effect as this contract. X. Supplementary items _ Party A: Legal representative ID No:Address:Tel: Representative:Date: Party B:Legal representativeID NO:Address:Tel:Representative:Date:代理记帐业务约定书甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: (以下简称乙方) 经甲乙双方友好协商,自愿达成以下乙方为甲方提供会计代理服务相关事项的业务约定:一、 乙方为甲方提供以下会计代理服务:建账、记账(总分类

40、账、二级明细账)、填制财务报表、税务报表、国税申报、地税申报(含网上申报)。甲方如有其他服务要求,需在约定书中注明,口头商定无效。 二、甲方在每月25日至次月15日前,按时将本单位所发生合法的经济业务票据传给乙方(乙方可上门取送票据,每月壹次)并提供纳税申报所需要的各种印章(公章、财务章、人名章等)。因甲方票据传递、提供各种印章及税务机关要求的其他资料不及时,造成乙方延误各种纳税申报的,责任由甲方自负。三、在甲方按时传递经济业务票据及按时提供各种印章的情况下,乙方应按时为甲方代理纳税申报,造成延误各税种申报的, 责任由乙方负责。四、乙方丢失票据,书写、计算错误而引起的税务罚款及滞纳金,责任由乙

41、方负责;甲方账外逃税、提供的虚假票据、提供原始凭证不符合规定引起的税务责任,由甲方负责。 五、甲方的出纳每月应主动与乙方会计核对银行账及现金账余额。六、甲方在签订业务约定书的同时付款,否则无效,到期后乙方接受甲方付款的视为约定延续,若到期后未续约付款的,约定终止,双方不再相互承担责任。七、甲方在业务约定期间内如有地址、电话、开户银行及账号、税务登记、工商登记等发生变化应在非报税期内三天、报税期内(每月25日至次月15日)当天通知乙方,不能及时通知乙方由此而产生的后果,由甲方自负。 八、业务约定到期或终止时,如果甲方聘用乙方工作人员,乙方对业务约定期间的凭证、账目、税务出现的问题概不负责。 九、

42、甲方为:1.纯地税户 2.国地税户3.一般纳税人,每月凭证不超过一本,无特殊核算要求(超出要求范围的,服务费另行协商)。十、约定期限: 年 月至 年 月,付款方式:每 ,另每会计年度账本及报表资料费贰佰元,工商年检代理费贰佰元,残保金代理费贰佰元; 年 月 日合计收取 元。十一、本业务约定书一式两份,双方各持一份,经双方签字盖章付款后生效。本约定书未尽事宜,甲乙双方应本着友好协商的态度进行协商解决。十二、会计每月25日至次月1日联系取票据,以下列举部分单据: 1、企业本月开具的发票及与之相对应的收款凭证(进账单、现金送款单、现金收入凭单、出库单、发票领用存情况等);2、企业取得的购货发票及与之

43、相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单、入库单等);3、企业取得的费用发票(交通费、差旅费、通讯费、广告费、业务宣传费、房租、水电费、办公费、运费、汽油费、保险单据等)及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单等);4、银行缴税税票,利息单,进账单,支票存根,电汇单及其它各种银行票据;5、企业自制原始凭单:工资单,折旧单等;6、一般纳税人发票汇总表(一套),作废发票(联次齐全),抵扣票认证清单,金税卡;7、其它需要的资料_8、凭证报表由乙方暂存,待工作完成后,年度终了时返还客户。 注意:月末取票后企业如开具收入发票须立即通知乙方。甲方: 乙方: 联系人: 联系人:联系电话: 联系电话:电子邮件/ QQ: 地址:

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