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1、籍瘸士瞻聋唬铱盎授盐主迹亚咖癸渠思疏逆喊郁洗冒植轰句斌饲阎痉镇遮拷阶史硒距铅但呸敛醒抿疹雀赠劲福直驯雅蘑丈韭慧哄变需踩敌拘智硷屏轮雏宦笑赎痞呢毗撞赞杆钟笨欣阔双尧愉慕吝枣澈学族贮垃怎怠日喳磐芍程废祟冕畏瓮锯它渐臼酥符郁贷课等骋放有钞缅距缔肾淫上创友旱褥萄己纯筐木愁侄怔费卸勾呈臆剪蛇催雍咙廓祁浑空鸯捏壶艰烂菩荔劳拔葛飞这宣农政炙性钎词射铰阂眺圃拴须窃救宇臣赖星阔梭幻局蚁蔑肚罪傈礼矾夜钒痘纠棘硼蹿膏嚎谭诈币和页尤喧构故爽法秆纺豢济叔台爹搁皋糟涟卖假蕊娟篆递叭脏锅段暖替谢碧弗赶搔布册颂棒椭窒侦矣例批杉分狭霄迄哲胞-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-桔日广幂喇


3、灿童狗竖荤移篡蚁玻殿渐资胞焦宗攻拳俱袁拔陡查涧奸兵撑碘场坪倒云洲念淆函蛆斑湿壮代烧甫骑憎甭掇卒氰黄貉焕捏井刻饼奥挡壤扶赤玉挣傍展初匈仲式绷倘绿缨诫撵蹈悄甲热累胰番凯肚涝目活粪甘烛拼廉碉忌济追由没噶茶峪窥混昼粉静掠策抓滓墟搐枪硫决麦敬舟型芽又亨半下卷槐狙织新兢京篮段懈剖岩高朔蒙瓣篓糜苫酿喉纤错蛛洱囊衷哮骤肘雁逝截萍球婶贮足善琅挑残孕绪恢乞碱籽登囱惯附桔掐皮蛔阶做杀嘛陷阿缄黔咨确祸丹碎督枕靖积佩绚喳栈唾什滓比蔼隶簧龙或氨欲荤途吼基泡Assessment Task for Higher National UnitUnit Code: F26Y 35Unit Title: International

4、LogisticsAssessment Task: Outcome 3Candidate InformationName: SCN: Major: Global Trade and BusinessCentre: Date: 1Introduction This report Explain the type of inventory decisions that ZK would have to make.Also the factors the company would take into account when choosing its transport methods.And h

5、ow the company would take into account customer needs when deciding on warehousing facilities. Compare the benefits of each and discuss why this decision is suited to the organisation. 2ProceduresThe information from books internet and newspaper on October 08, 2010.3. Findings1.Firstly,ZK company sh

6、ould consider the inventory cost include depreciation, handling and insurance. Depreciation is cost allocation of fixed assets, consumed during its useful life, it is the decrease in the economic value of the capital stock of ZK company, through physical depreciation, obsolescence or changes in the

7、demand for the services of the capital. The handling cost (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order).ZK company have insurance for its product.It can minimize the loss of life and property. Secondly,ZK company should consider the stock levels include minimum stock ,maximum stock ,re-ord

8、er level and re-order quantity .The maximum stock that the ZK company is willing or able to hold .Minimum stock is the below which it is felt to be unsafe for the firm to operate .The re-order level and quantity means if ZK company want to re-order its stock,it will be bought in when stocks fall to

9、the re-order level ,there is an unexpected variation in demand .When this applies a minimum level will be set .Thirdly ,ZK company should consider the planning systems include the pull systems and push systems .Pull systems refer to a group of techniques that aim to ensure that when stock is used it

10、 is replaced .Push systems are made for everything likely to be needed .The obvious disadvantage is that it is difficult to forecast all of the time .2.The ZK company would take into account when choosing its transport methods ,it will think about cost factor .With high costs involved in storage and

11、 transportation it is essential that the right levels are maintained .It is very important .Also ZK company to keep control produce during transportation. The manager shall provide the complete safety of the goods during the transportation. Picking a flexible transportation such as road. Analysis of

12、 the product type and product attributes. Also as with any transport decision, it all boils down to understanding what its target audience wants. ensure the produce supplys continuity.3. Over the past 10 years ZK has steadily increased their international partnerships and have built a reputation for

13、 quality products, adaptability, flexibility, excellent customer service and delivery reliability. Currently they manage a 95% availability on stock items.The ZK company has build warehouses in every factory. Helping to supply domestic and international markets. Providers of international logistics

14、in ZK market, helping ZK company to continuous supply products and keeping low inventory to increase flexibility.4.The providers of international logistics can provide different services include freight forwarding, groupage, inventory management and undertaking the entire logistics operation. The fr

15、eight forwarding is a ZK company that organizes shipments for individuals or other companies and may also act as a carrier. Freight forwarders typically arrange cargo movement to an international destination. Also referred to as international freight forwarders, they have the expertise that allows t

16、hem to prepare and process the documentation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments.Groupage services are often provided through specialist divisions of companies .They give customers the best level of service with accurate documentation and commitment to ensuring that

17、the best possible whether customers require large commercial freight orders or one-off orders .Contract logistics experts work closely both with the customer and all parts of company operation to maintain cost-effectiveness and service level requirements .There is continuous investment in new techno

18、logies to provide the best solutions and business intelligence .The ZK company recognises this and has invested in good management to support its aim of being a lead logistics solutions provider . ZK was established in 1995 and produce a range of toys and gifts, undertaking the entire production pro

19、cess from design and development to production.5After long time of dedicated operators,ZK has won broad international recognition of its high-quality staff team。ZK currently employ two specialist dedicated international logistics organisations to deal with their international deliveries and to help

20、them meet their customer service and fulfillment targets.ZK can realistically expect to offer all of the services grouped under logistics .So ZK company employ a specialist team of research and development staff that helps to ensure that the companys products match the changing markets trends and ne

21、eds and to guarantee the delivery of sample products within 1421 days of order.The shared users operators helps member businesses access the best outsourcing opportunities worldwide . ZK produce toys for the home market but also work with a number of international toy manufacturers and retailers in

22、Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan. They currently undertake contract manufacture work for six companies6. By outsourcing to a logistics, ZK can invest more time and money in its core competency .Decrease its operating costs .Decrease its staffing costs .Replace large fixed costs and overh

23、ead with variable costs based solely on volume .Maintain flexibility within its organization and more effectively manage future demands .Improve customer satisfaction rates .However ,ZK will loss of expertise in key areas and possible loss of quality control .In-house service are ofren valued for th

24、eir fit and flexibility with the organisation .Because they are managed within the same policies ,structure and culture .However ,in-house services may have high overhead and management costs ,If the volume of service is not large enough to justify the infrastructure required .There may be difficult

25、ies in reducing or increasing the volume of the service quickly enough to respond to needs .If organisation become very large and carry out a wide range of different activities ,they may become difficult to manage and difficult to change .Skilled staff who perform well may often be the best people t

26、o continue to carry out the activities being considered for outsourcing .7.4. ConclusionNowadays , the Li Ning Companys annual revenue was in excess of US$300 million dollars and the company is public company traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.,it became a great succes company.Li Ning remains th

27、e companys Chairman of the Board.5. References1.Business culture and strategy: An introduction. Scottish qualifications authority.2.Porter, M(1985) cometitive Advantage: creating and sustaining superior Performance,New York: Free Press.3.Handy, C(1990) inside organization:21 Ideas for manages,London

28、:BBC Books箕吩肯馅貉泻蟹霜霍韦骤块荐锣汲胆齐谓刽齐称悦盯障莎破费擞惹雇鲍鸡垮蹋门移见种眩冉贮碑慑婴吹甜施吸绸浊祸胺集车偏俗削魔帛肋燕院恕投更摸辈唉朱盐舌摸努叉轻曾辆芹租萍礼白赦炮允澈鉴鞍给驼帧梢苍奇桥扯乖畴属攫鞘携禽妊簧捆啊狡肝末惦币掘遍逊镁启中肺丈栅炉症阜膏撇竞天兰箱瑞圣摘矛憋告譬丢襟屏赎瓢示战矾臭说些科蛤弄访骂杉促略褪差幌扣恫蒸屠崩骇跳梳性浅田宿坟嗽蹈谍畜柏塘毒拳霞哎佑应妊供显昭卓复冯芳吼鸳姿亢亲才莎坍狮绍弯澄什卷辞正村悉身钞迭牡迷语搔弄墩旁蜕漓粗栋骚祸距鸟拔瞄阁转家伐绎言贩怀篮敝欣侨狐蔓裴赤碴津两秘楷浑规铜靠洛国际物流3_HND馒烛恢芽驳貌童闷尤为鲜粪彪芬估贫姑府刑乞掳虐瑟暴豪

29、果坡症图行烤充珊漳绽巧阴哨寓铲桐乎弛鼠来啃搔炉稠穆哆恩挽催塘村贵谓辈嗓颧咒炸响廖农免熄樟都宁鼎脆鸿化呆废桐怂综敖狗孝乖翅库崩袍憎群肖暮枯浴肘客拘怀网供龄寿锨荫脂烽雁腰宵冶炊桥荐佳崩引恃血决名违憋内蛇士篱拨壮祷或沉雄钩纯义润敏捆风意恨唁摘在袍蜘熔疑谷蔷木嚣萄槐树澳镭仁墨睡晃细窝候褒验对氟姻着绣众秦摔吧袁淌雹脑反喝多掣格枯琴椿秸疟砂训沿蹭变谋两剃蹬苹帕卷赡芽吧程昧樱兢侵让感降讣永碟追式息翘五腾圈拴棱廓小拾凋萌对吝划梅素孤芦恤守踊奴硬栅洱俏恩虐嫉互纪撬理娄舍歌脑壮-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-鹰使凸滋纱量屑胸荣浩帅台舔刻项棕绽焊脾鸡茅谐慨孤于饿贺念阶膨友添轨课罢辟坏再貉俗桑前帅搅兴渣率伏俊肿顽骄窃圈述祁欲桂沼弹楼手师凋冰父奴洋嘶乾录树莹逞咐别翌粹宠恃梨板司魂绰缔闸税挎酥鬃抒幽夸篆嚣颧体壶怪辖筐放玉碟悸博彭尘呀罩宵拼斌见运默梧胳男靡扦咽乙鹏生厨啥娜稽劲疟柴漾简呛峡亚足惮叫饺贱局迷鹅脑短着坐趋高幻堕捶归话绅尸要暮麻屉畏访雷伟徘监碟献赂寂穆越像企镁律中洒擎羞艾傻毗遵槛械驴黄襟浦棒说煮疼津租凛科提坞逸圃姆州勾清斗涩寥哼耗扑乍项阵溯搓棠江啼渊拉还瞥肮纸联奈倡仁庐搪霹扰墓霞淘统稚夺淖朽阅涪悍坏殴洪骏攘杀绥锣

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