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1、高一英语必修一unitwarming up and reading公开课课件14:28,May128.0SichuanguessWarming up234 The earthquake is merciless,but the world is full of love.56Unit 47As we know,earthquake causes much damage.It is a disaster to everyone.Do you know the signs before an earthquake?Pre-readingIt is always calm before a stor

2、m.seismograph8大家应该也有点累了,稍作休息大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流9Discussion:What do you think will happen before an earthquake?10Bright light _ in the sky.flash11The well has deep _in it.cracks12Chickens are flying and dogs are _,and pigs and cows are too _to eat.barkingnervous13

3、Fish jump out of the_,and _run out of the fields.pondmice14Look at the pictures on Pre-reading and tell the signs before an earthquake.We can reduce the loss of an earthquake if we get to notice these signs and take some actions before the earthquake happens.15Apart from Wenchuan Earthquake,do you k

4、now another two big earthquakes happened in China?16In Tangshan,in 1976.Do you know when and where another biggest earthquake happened in China in the 20th century?171819 A night the earth didnt sleepReading20Fast reading:3.Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph1.Skim the passage and think a

5、bout the meaning of the title.2.Write down the main idea of the whole text.(no more than 10 words.)21Whats the meaning of the title“A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”?221.The title“A night the earth didnt sleep”means _.A.the earth was awake all night longB.people on the earth couldnt fall asleep that ni

6、ghtC.the earth shook like crazy that nightD.animals on the earth would not sleep that night23Time:Place:Disaster:July 28,1976Tangshan,HebeiA big earthquakeMain idea:An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28,19762.Whats the main idea of the text?(no more than 10 words)243.Topic sentence of each p

7、aragraph.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.Everything began to shake.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.All hope was not lost.to get the main idea,you should pay special attention to the beginning and ending sentences in e

8、ach paragraph25 According to the main idea of each paragraph,divide this passage into three parts.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Part 1Part 2Part 3Paragraph 426Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage.(use“during,before,after”to fill in the blank)Part 1:Para 1Part 2:Para 2&3Part 3:Para 4 s

9、ignsdamagerecovery the earthquake the earthquake the earthquakeBeforeDuringAfter27Exercise Do Exercise1 on Page27 in your books.28Fast reading:1.When did the earthquake happen?2.How many people died or injured in this disaster?3.In what order did the writer write the passage?A.in order of importance

10、 B.in order of place C.in order of time D.in order of position4.What does the word“them”(para3,line4)refer to?(no more than 4 words)At 3:42 am on July 28,1976.More than 400,000.Bricks on the ground2930rose and felldeep cracks,smelly gastoo nervous to eat31ran out of the fields,looking for places to

11、hidejumped out of the pondsbright lightssound of planes heard even no planescracked and burst32Data(数据数据)v _ of the nation felt the earthquake.v A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ metres wide cut across houses.vIn _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.v _ of the people died or were

12、 injured during the earthquake.v The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _.vAll of the citys hospitals,_ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were gone.1/3830152/3400,00075%90%Para.2-3These numbers show the destructive effects of earthquake directly to the city

13、,which can help student gain more information about the earthquake.33How the army helped the people inTangshan?1.The army _ teams to _ those who were trapped and to bury the _.2.Miners _ from the coal mines.3.Shelters _ for _ whose homes had been _.4._ water was _(take)to the city.organizeddig out d

14、eadwere rescuedwere builtsurvivors destroyedFresh takenAfter the earthquake341).”All hope was not lost.”A None of the hope was lost.B There was no hope at all.C Not all hope was lost.2).“The city began to breathe again.”The two sentences appear in Part _.Guess the meaning of them according to the co

15、ntext.A Slowly,the wind began to blow in the city.B Slowly,the people in the city began to breathe.C Slowly,the city began to come to life.Why?Why?335 Summary What have you learnt in this class?362.Retell the story _ happened in Tang Shan.For a few days,water in the wells _.From the _ of wells _came

16、 out.Mice,chicken,pigs and even fish became _.At 3:00 am,everything began to _.It seemed that the world was _._ of the nation _ it._cut across the city.The city lay _.Strange thingsrose and fellcrackssmelly gasnervousshakeat an endOne-thirdfeltA huge crackin ruins37Two-thirds of the people _ or _.Th

17、en later that afternoon,another big quake _ Tang Shan.People began to wonder _.But all hope _._ came to help those _.Slowly,the city began to _.diedwere injuredshookhow long the disaster would lastwas not lostSoldiersbreathe againsurvivors38391.Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it

18、 right away.You have time to take only one thing.What will you take?Why?I want to take money,books,food,water,clothes Because 40watermoneyidentity cardfoodbook to readclothescomputermappictures of familymobile phoneradio1.What will you take with you Why41Suppose the earth begins to shake,what shall

19、we do or not do?Discuss the following open question in group Discussion(pair or group work)42 Dos Donts 1.Keep calm2.Hide under the table or bed3.Protect your head by putting your bag on it.4.Keep away from glass windows,go to the fields without trees.1.Be nervous2.Be close to the outside wall3.Jump

20、 out of the tall buildings4.Use the lift.Life is so beautiful.We must love our lives.SPEED IS LIFE in an earthquake.4344Tangshans new look4546 Love can light the world.爱可以把世界照亮!爱可以把世界照亮!Love can also make miracles.爱爱 也也 可可 以以 创创 造造 奇奇 迹!迹!4748Hold onto Mom,ChildA poem-In memory of children who lost

21、lives in the earthquakeCome,my child,Hold onto moms hands.The road to Heaven is not dark.Im afraid you might be hurt again.Come,hold moms hands tightly.Let mom go with you.49Mom,Im afraid.The road to Heaven is too dark.I cant see your hand.Since the fallen walls took sunlight away,I shall never see

22、your gentle eyes.Move on,my child,The road ahead has no worries,No books that you cant finish,Nor Dads complaints.You must remember dads face and mine,In the next life,we shall be together again.50Dont worry,mom,The road to Heaven is crowded,There are my classmates and friends.Dont cry,we all sayAny

23、ones mom is our mom.In the days without me,Give your love to other children.51Mom,mom,dont cry.Tears wont send light on our way.Let us go away.Ill remember your face and dads looks.Lets promise,In the next life,well be together again.(the author of the poem is unknown)521.Can you understand it?2.which sentence moves you most?3.Which sentence is your favorite?53

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