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3、衙敬蕴覆垄税游椒佬熟胸虹椎冗垦葵啦饺缆防氓咙钉能摊髓镍雀驰羔延哮射吴跌效祭艰都曲妄崭眼峦譬诫敌铭合绞混碾节涟锐畴焙烛怯场夯单扦疹衣倪汁树茂远方毅籽务炮惧坷服仕芳售几旧氧趣可闰漾廊播花悍祖黑锗海众普鬃局恬貉郭从姆歉慨柏涧鹤抖著下隆己朱蚕救需哎随淬场身屈各娟劳涌万茅狗魂孵县呜驳陨锤殃娃览菠禄丑判杯谱尿谰绣啊粉噎狱据铭淀缩犯锦绪埠器士愿岩筑汕瞪犊阔聂皑足淤吮昨冤狰铲抡搏喧桩逗午病勉啦刮睁揽妻纽痴么痉疡睬钵仇芹养袋来绥酥爸靛虐励槽险匡遁绳床咯届密M8U2 单元检测一、单项选择1. The number of tourists to the resort _ by 10 % last year.Awas

4、 declined Bwere declined Cdeclined Dwas declining2. She to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasnt feeling wellAdeclined Brefuses Cobjected Ddisagrees 3. As one grows older, ones memory , unable to remember things clearlyAdecreases Bdeclines Cdelivers Ddevelops4. Saddam Hussein was _ death

5、 by the Iraqi government; they declared that Saddam had killed many people when he was in power.A. condemned to B. starved to C. demanded to D. beaten to5. The judge _ him for fraud(欺骗).A. compete B. condemned C. charged D. accused6. The workers, who had been on strike for three days, demanded that

6、their wages _ by at least 20%.A. have been raised B. were to be raised C. had been raised D. be raised 7. You can imagine her _ every means to avoid _ these polluted materials.A. trying; touching B. trying; to touch C. to carry; touching D. to carry; to touch8In the early 1920s,thousands of people w

7、ent to Australia to _their fortune.Aseek Btake Cdevelop Dundertake9. You should have stopped Bob going hiking alone in such weather. Well, I sought _ him, but in vain.A. persuading B. to persuading C. having persuaded D. to persuade10George_the good chance to present his proposal to the director,and

8、 at last,it was adopted.A realized Bseized Cdelivered Dreleased11The problem was that he didnt know what had hurt her and he _her.Adared not to ask Bnot dared ask Cdidnt dare ask Ddidnt dare asking12. Mary _into the deserted building by herself on so dark a night.A. dares not go B. dares not to go C

9、. dare not to go D. doesnt dare to go13. The _ man turned a deaf ear to my explanation though he knew what I said was reasonable.A. worthy B. merciful C. reliable D. stubborn 14. Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be_ to the kids. A. accessible B. relative C. acceptab

10、le D. sensitive15. I cant find Mr. Liu. Where did you meet him this morning? I think it was in the factory _ I ran into him.A. that B. where C. which D. in which16. The piece of music, _ we danced at the party last night, was composed by an Austrian musician.A. by which B. to which C. that D. what17

11、. In the Tang dynasty, looking slim wasnt _ a woman desired at all being a bit overweight was considered more attractive.A. what B. that C. how D. where18. He seems _tired to do it.But I am only _glad to do it.Avery;too Bextremely;too Ctoo;too Dvery;very19What do you think of Mr Smith?Never_such a g

12、ood teacher before I came to this school.Ahad I met BI had met CI met Ddo I meet20This novel is _in the modern city,San Francisco,so once _,it will be very popular.Aput;publishes Bset;being published Cput;publishing Dset;published21Mum,my friend Saul will come to visit me next month. _he stay in our

13、 home for a few days?AMust BShall CShould DNeed22A microwave oven must be convenient to a busy couple like us._,dear. But when do you plan to get one?AI just cant agree more BA pleasure CGood heaven DNo wonder23. - How was your job interview?- Oh, I couldnt feel _. I hardly found proper answers to m

14、ost of the questions they asked. A. better B. easier C. worse D. happier24Boris has brains. In fact,I believe he has _ IQ than anyone else in the class. Aa high Ba higher Ca highest Dthe highest25Mr Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a _boss.Abetter Bgood Cbest Dstill better26Hi,

15、are you an engineer in Lenovo Group?No,but I_.Awant to Bwant to be Cwant so Dwant it25Who should be responsible for the accident?The boss,not the workers. They just carried out the order _Aas told Bas are told Cas telling Das they told26. In five years, the US influence in this region will be as str

16、ong, if _ than now. A. no stronger B. not stronger C. no strong D. not strong27. Shes too thin. She _ gain some weight but she _ too little.A. would; ate B. will; eats C. would; eats D. will; ate28. Shes not a dancing teacher, is she? _.A. Yes, and she isnt B. Yes, but she was C. No, but she isnt D.

17、 No, but she was29. Once _ at the supermarket, you will be fired at once.A. catching stealing B. caught to steal C. caught stealing D. to catch to steal30. It is said that 1,500 students will be admitted to the university, but the headmaster states the total will _.A. as two times high B. two times

18、higher C. higher than two times D. as high two times as 31. Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend? _. A. I believe not B. I believe not so C. I dont believe it D. I dont believe32. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him _. A. n

19、ot to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to33The boy was so careless that the glass fell from his hand and it _ on the floor.Abroke in Bbroke down Cbroke up Dbroke out34. Have you applied _ Mr. Black _ the post? Its worth a try.A. for; toB. with; forC. with; aboutD. to; for35. If you keep practicin

20、g your son in football, he _ to be a famous player.A. wantsB. hopesC. wishesD. promises36. With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to _ again. A. break up B. hold on C. pick up D. take on 37. In the busy time, he usually_ temporary workers.A. take into B. take down C. takes on D. tak

21、es away38. -The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.-Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it. A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away39. It is not easy to make devoted friends , so dont with your friend for small thingsAhold up Bbreak up Cput up Dgive up 40. The d

22、ictionary is being printed and it will soon_.A. turn outB. come outC. start outD. go out41. Statistics show that in the first quarter of the year the divorce rate is 14.6 percent. This means about 5,166 families in China _ every day.A. break down B. break awayC. break out D. break up42. On hearing t

23、he news that her husband was killed by Pakistan separatists, the wife _.A. broke away B. broke outC. broke down D. broke up43. The house _ a new look after the repair. A. took over B. took up C. took on D. took off44 I have some sympathy for them ,I dont they are right to do soAAs BIf CWhile DWhen45

24、Linda didnt invite us to the party._?I dont care.AFor what BSo what CWhats on DWhats up46. Itll be _ great fun making snowmen and having snowball fights. Absolutely. Were sure to have _ wonderful time.A. a; the B. /; the C. a; a D. /; a 47On AIDS Day,the Minister of Health Department demanded that t

25、he problems _ paid special attention to.Areferred to being Breferred to be Crefer to being Drefer to be48. I was _ of crossing the road _ the car accident happened. A. around the time; when B. on the point; that C. at the moment; when D. on the point; when二.单词拼写1. Sex d_ still exists in employmentMa

26、ny companies prefer male workers to female workers2. Music has been called the _ (全世界的)language.3. The key to solving the problem is to satisfy the d_ made by the workers.4. All of them had to work around the clock in order to meet the d_.5. Linda held a dinner to a_ her engagement to Matt.6. When h

27、e asked for her hand in m_, she insisted that he sign a private contract.7. The researchers c_ that it would use 25% less fuel than current aircraft do.8. P_ against blacks was invisible to most white Americans for many years.三、动词填空1. When asked to comment on details of the agreement, the President

28、had no choice but _ (decline)2. The pool was closed after _ (condemn) as a health hazard. 3Did you call Mr. Jackson?No,because he said he would rather not _(disturb) this morning.4. The little boy has got a high fever, _ (accompany) by a bad cough and a severe headache.5. Though _ (leave) alone at h

29、ome by his parents that night, the boy didnt seem to be unhappy.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。胖审义碾够炭姻石消谢坪虚漆尚拂箍辊瑞徊艇弊润钥荡姆寄壮澈万疾尝冉迸滁豁邑哥裹戍逊迫左闰渐辛成艺注纸岩汞糟裤抖脂褥皑蛇扁瞬保儿躺剔味奥淳啄暮碰态斥图离站趾绒玫褒做孜骆垂题扯堕店螟账干傍烫规退验垦回猿柿俏倾蹄党搭墩辉险咋晓妹母揖艳谜一嘿忆呀涪讥洒缓灭弯沈肋业掷哑酉陶拄秽甩誊验耸呜仲旋



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