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1、北师大版小学五年级下学期期末英语质量试卷测试题(附答案解析)一、单项选择1Mothers Day is a festival for _. ()AchildrenBold peopleCmothers2Its eight oclock. The students _ an English lesson in the classroom. ()Aare havingBare haveCis having3How is the soup? ()It _. Its bad for me.Asmells niceBis just rightCis too cold4Does your mother l

2、ike shopping? ()Yes. She _ now.AshopsBis shopCis shopping5_ is your sister doing? ()She is dancing.AWhatBWhereCWhy6What _ the children doing? ()_ reading books.Ais; HesBare; TheyreCare; They7The bookshop is next to our school. ()Lets go there _ now.Atake a busBby footCon foot8What do people eat at t

3、he Double Ninth Festival? ()They eat _.Arice dumplingsBjiaoziCrice cakes9_ they playing sports? ()AAreBDoCWill10We _ eat _ drink in the library. ()Ashould; andBshouldnt; andCshouldnt; or11Can you _ your bike _ me? ()Ashow; toBshow; forCshowing; to12The Double Ninth Festival is _. ()Ain springBin Oct

4、ober or NovemberCin November or DecemberDin October13The park is near my home. So I often go there _. ()Aby planeBby trainCon footDby metro14He is _ years old, this year he will have his _ birthday party. ()Atwelve; twelveBtwelfth; twelveCtwelve; twelfth15Nancy _ play the piano every evening. ()Ahav

5、e toBhas toChas二、用单词适当形式填空16_ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.17We should _ (read) English every morning. Mike reads it every day.18What _ (be) your uncle?Hes a bus _ (drive).19Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.20The computer room is on _ (twelve) floor.The Art room is on the

6、 _ (eight) floor.21I want _ (cook) some soup. Would you like _ (any) soup?22You shouldnt _ (drink) _ (some) juice.You shouldnt eat too many _ (sweet) _ (too).You should brush your _ (tooth) in the morning and before bedtime.23Its my little sisters _ (five) birthday.24Lily has a cold. She should _ (d

7、rink) warm water.25What is your mother doing?She _ (wash) clothes at home.26Five students have their _ (birthday) in December.27Bobby _ (have) a new bike. He likes _ (ride) it in the park.28Cindy has a cat. Its name is Kitty. It likes _ (sleep).29Its Chongyang Festival. The children _ (chat) with th

8、e old people in the room now.30The girl _ (try) on this red skirt and it fits.三、完成句子31Id like some _ (西红柿) for lunch.32These grapes are big and s_.33Im l_ for some juice, b_ Im t_.34Jack b_ his teeth every night.35My mother often cooks _ (土豆炖肉).36Do you often go to Beijing _ (乘飞机)?37April is the _ m

9、onth of the year.38Andrew often helps his mum do housework. Look! Hes c_ the table.39Whos _ _ (洗蔬菜) in the kitchen?Mum is.40I have a bad t_. My teeth hurt.四、阅读判断The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is a popular festival in China. It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival. We also cal

10、l it yuanxiao. It means family reunion (团圆) and happiness. On this festival, we usually go out after dinner and watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks. There are many people and lantern shows there. The lanterns look very beautiful at night. Children are very happy at the Lantern Festival. An

11、d they can make lanterns and hold (拿着) them in their hands. These lanterns are in different colours and shapes (形状). We like watching them very much. At the Lantern Festival, we usually eat small dumpling balls.41、The Lantern Festival is _ festival. ()Aa ChineseBa WesternCan American42、Whens the Lan

12、tern Festival? ()AFourteen days before the Spring Festival.BIn January or February.CFourteen days after the Spring Festival.43、We can see a lot of _ at the Lantern Festival. ()ApeopleBlantern showsCboth A and B44、We often _ in the streets or in the parks. ()Aeat rice dumplingsBwatch lanternsCwatch f

13、ireworks45、People and children all _. ()Acan make lanternsBcan colour lanternsClike the Lantern Festival五、阅读判断English breakfast is a very big mealeggs, bread, tomato soup, tea, coffee and so on. For many people, lunch is a quick meal. In cities, there are a lot of fast food restaurants(餐馆). People c

14、an buy sandwiches there. Students usually have lunch at school. Many students just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home. “Tea” means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes or some bread. They usually have supper between(在之间) 6:00 p.m

15、. and 8:00p.m., and often all the family eat together. People often get take-away meals they buy the food and then bring(带来) it home to eat.46、Many people in England have a _ breakfast and a _ lunch. ()Abig; quickBsmall; quickCbig; slowDsmall; slow47、Students usually have lunch _. ()Aat homeBat scho

16、olCoutsideDin the restaurants48、What dont they have for afternoon tea? ()ASandwichesBChickenCCakesDBread49、When do they usually have supper? ()ABetween 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.BBetween 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.CBetween 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.DBetween 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.50、When people get a take-awa

17、y meal, they eat it _. ()Aat homeBin the schoolCoutsideDin the restaurants六、阅读理解Ben and Jack are good friends. Theyre twelve. They are in the same class. They are in Nanjing Primary School. They have the same hobby. They like sport very much. At school, they like having PE lessons. Look, they are ha

18、ving a PE lesson now. Ben is jumping up and down. He jumps very high. Jack is running. He runs fast. At the weekends, they like swimming and climbing. Sometimes they go to the playground to play volleyball and basketball. Sport is good for their health(健康), so they are strong(强壮的).阅读短文,选择正确答案。51、How

19、 old are Ben and Jack? ()AThey are eleven.BThey are twelveCBen is eleven and Jack is twelveDThey are not twelve52、Do they have the same hobby? ()AYes, they doBNo, they dont.CYes, they have different hobbiesDThey have the same hobby53、What do they like doing at school? ()AThey like climbingBThey like

20、 singingCThey like swimmingDThey like having PE lessons54、What is Jack doing? ()AHes jumpingBHes playing basketballCHes playing footballDHes running.55、Is sport good for their health? ()AYes, it is.BI dont think soCNo, it isntDIts bad七、阅读理解 Scientists are trying to make the deserts (沙漠) into good la

21、nd (土地) again. They want to bring water to the desert so that people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the desert. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things for the earth.Some places on the earth dont

22、 get very much rain. But they still dont become deserts. This is because some green plants are growing there. Some green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth very dry. Plants dont let the wind blow the dirt away. When a little of rain falls, t

23、he plants hold the water. Without (没有) plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.56、Scientists want to bring _ to the desert. ()AearthBrainCwindDwater57、Because _ do bad things, many places are becoming deserts. ()AanimalsBpeopleCthe sunDthe wind58、Which sentence is NOT true? ()AMany pla

24、ces are becoming deserts.BScientists ask people to live and grow food in the desert.CScientists learn a lot about the deserts.DSome places dont get very much rain.59、The meaning of the underlined (下划线) word “dirt” is _.()A地球B沙子C泥土D石子60、Why are green plants and grass helpful? ()ABecause they can hold

25、 the water.BBecause they can stop the wind from blowing the dirt away.CBecause they can keep the earth wet.DAll the above.【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:母亲节是_的节日。A孩子们,B老年人,C妈妈。根据常识可知母亲节是妈妈的节日,故选C。2A解析:A【详解】句意:八点了。学生们正在教室里上英语课。根据句意可知该题考查现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词,主语The students是复数,be动词用are,have的现在分词是having,所以A选项符合题意

26、,故选A。3C解析:C【详解】句意:这汤怎么样?它_。它对我不好。A闻起来很美味,B刚刚好,C太冷了,根据答语中的后一句可知C选项符合,故选C。4C解析:C【详解】句意:你的妈妈喜欢购物吗?是的。她现在正在购物。shops动词第三人称单数;is shop表达错误,排除B;is shopping现在进行时;根据句中的now,可知句子是现在进行时,be doing结构,主语She是第三人称单数,be动词用is,shop现在分词为shopping,故选C。【点睛】5A解析:A【详解】句意:你的妹妹正在做_?她正在跳舞。What什么;Where在哪里;Why为什么;根据答语正在做的事情,可知问句问的是

27、你妹妹正在做什么?故选A。【点睛】6B解析:B【详解】句意:孩子们正在做什么?_正在读书。问句和答句都是现在进行时,主语the children是复数,be动词用are,答句主语用人称代词they代替,they是复数,be动词用are,They are=Theyre,故选B。【点睛】7C解析:C【详解】句意:书店在我们学校旁边。我们现在_去那儿吧。根据句意,可知书店离学校很近。A乘公共汽车。B表述错误。C步行。C选项符合语境,故选C。【点睛】8C解析:C【详解】句意:重阳节人们吃什么?他们吃_。A粽子,B饺子,C重阳糕。根据常识,可知重阳节吃重阳糕,C选项符合语境,故选C。9A解析:A【详解】

28、句意:他们正在做运动吗?根据playing,可知横线处填Are,构成现在进行时;Do和will后的动词用原形。故选A。10C解析:C【详解】句意:我们不能在图书馆吃和喝。由常识可知不能在图书馆里吃和喝,因此应用否定形式shouldnt,句子为否定句,表示和应用连词or,因此选项C符合题意,故选C。11A解析:A【详解】句意:你能给我看看你的自行车吗?show sth. to sb.给某人看某物,can后的动词用原形。故选A。12D解析:D【详解】句意:重阳节是在_。A在春天,B在十月或十一月,C在十一月或者十二月,D在十月。根据常识可知,重阳节是农历九月初九,每年都是十月左右。故选D。13C解

29、析:C【详解】句意:公园离我家很近。所以我经常_去那。A坐飞机,B坐火车,C步行,D坐地铁,选项C符合题意,故选C。14C解析:C【详解】句意:他今年十二岁了,今年他将举行他的第十二个生日聚会。“十二岁”用基数词twelve表示,“第十二个生日”用序数词twelfth表示,故选C。15B解析:B【详解】句意:南希每天晚上_弹钢琴。A不得不,B不得不,C有,根据题意可知,该空应填不得不,have to不得不,根据every evening可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,肯定句中动词要用第三人称单数形式,have的第三人称单数为has,故选B。二、用单词适当形式填空16Jims【详解

30、】句意:吉姆的生日在5月1日。该空做birthday的定语,用所有格形式Jims。故答案为Jims。17read【详解】句意:我们应该每天早上读英语。迈克每天读。should后跟动词原形,故答案为read。18 is driver【详解】句意:你叔叔是干什么的?他是一名公共汽车司机。根据答语可知时态是一般现在时,主语是your uncle,系词用is,根据句意可知是问职业,第二空是词组公共汽车司机bus driver,故答案为is;driver。19twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答

31、案为twelfth。20 twelfth eighth【详解】句意:电脑教室在十二楼。美术教室在八楼。表示楼层时用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,eight的序数词是eighth。故答案为twelfth;eighth。21 to cook some【详解】句意:我想要做一些汤。你想要一些汤吗?第一个空所给单词是动词cook,想要做某事用want+to+动词原形,故填to cook。第二个空所给单词any一般用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句,但是这里是提出建议和请求并想要得到对方肯定回答的疑问句,所以用some,故第故答案为to cook;some。22 drink an

32、y sweets either teeth【详解】句意:你不应该喝果汁。你也不应该吃太多糖。你应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。情态动词shouldnt后面跟动词原形,所以第一句中第一空填动词原形drink,否定句中将some改为any;too many后面跟可数名词复数形式,sweet的复数形式是sweets,否定句中“也”用either表示;第三句中填名词复数形式,tooth的复数形式是teeth,故答案为drink;any;sweets;either;teeth。23fifth【详解】句意:今天是我妹妹/姐姐的五岁生日。表示几岁生日,要用序数词,five的序数词是fifth,故答案为fifth。2

33、4drink【详解】句意:莉莉感冒了。她应该喝温水。should后跟动词原形,故答案为drink。25is washing【详解】句意:你妈妈正在做什么?她正在家洗衣服。问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语She是第三人称单数,be用is,wash用现在分词washing,故答案为is washing。26birthdays【详解】句意:有五名学生的生日在十二月。birthday生日,根据限定词their可知用复数形式。故答案为birthdays。27B解析: has riding【详解】句意:鲍比有一辆新自行车。他喜欢在公园里骑它。该句是一般

34、现在时,主语Bobby是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,have的第三人称单数形式为has;ride骑,like doing sth.喜欢做某事,后跟动名词形式,ride的动名词形式为riding;故答案为has;riding。【点睛】28sleeping#to sleep【详解】句意:辛迪有一只猫。它的名字叫凯蒂。它喜欢睡觉。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,sleep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为sleeping/to sleep。【点睛】29are chatting【详解】句意:今天是重阳节。孩子们正在房间里和老人们聊天。由句中now可知句子时态为现在

35、进行时,其构成为be+现在分词,句中主语为the children,因此be动词应用are,chat的现在分词为chatting,故答案为are chatting。【点睛】30tries【详解】句意:女孩试穿这件红色裙子,很合身。try on试穿,动词短语,根据it fits可知该句为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词try要用单数第三人称形式tries,故答案为tries。【点睛】三、完成句子31tomatoes【详解】句意:我午餐想要吃一些西红柿。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,西红柿tomato,可数名词单数形式,some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,故tomato变为tomatoes。故

36、答案为tomatoes。32sweet#weet【详解】句意:这些葡萄又大又_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填sweet甜的,形容词做表语。故答案为sweet。33 looking#ooking because#ecause thirsty#hirsty【详解】句意:我在_一些果汁,_我_。根据句意及首字母提示可知第一空填look,该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,look的现在分词形式为looking;第二空填because因为;第三空填thirsty口渴的。故答案为looking;because;thirsty。34brushes#rushes【详解】句意:杰克每晚_他

37、的牙齿。根据句意和所给单词首字母可知题干表达的是杰克每晚都刷牙。根据句意可知这里是一般现在时,主语是杰克第三人称单数,动词刷brush用第三人称单数brushes。故答案为brushes。35meat with potatoes【详解】句意:我妈妈经常做土豆炖肉。土豆炖肉meat with potatoes,固定搭配,故答案为meat with potatoes。36by plane【详解】句意:你经常乘飞机去北京吗?根据句意和汉语提示可知,乘飞机为介词短语by plane,故答案为by plane。37fourth【详解】句意:四月是一年的_个月。根据题意和常识可知,四月是一年的第四个月,该

38、空应填序数词fourth第四,故答案为fourth。38cleaning#leaning【详解】句意:安德鲁经常帮他妈妈做家务。看!他正在_桌子。根据Look!可知,后面的句子是现在进行时,结构为be+doing。根据语境和字母提示可知,clean清扫,现在分词cleaning符合题意,故答案为cleaning。 39 washing vegetables【详解】句意:谁在厨房里洗蔬菜?是妈妈。洗蔬菜wash vegetables,由Whos可知句子是现在进行时,故动词用现在分词,wash的现在分词是washing。故答案为washing;vegetables。40toothache#ooth

39、ache【详解】句意:我牙痛得厉害。我的牙齿疼。have a bad toothache牙痛得厉害,固定动词短语,故答案为toothache。四、阅读判断解析:41、A42、C43、C44、B45、C【导语】本文介绍了元宵节。41、句意:元宵节是_节日。A中国的,B西方的,C美国的,根据“The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is a popular festival in China.”,可知元宵节是中国的节日,故选A。42、句意:元宵节在什么时候?A春节前第十四天。B在一月或二月。C春节后第十四天。根据“It is in February or March, fourtee

40、n days after the Spring Festival.”,可知元宵节在春节后第十四天,故选C。43、句意:我们可以在元宵节看到很多_。A人,B灯会,根据“There are many people and lantern shows there.”,可知我们可知在元宵节看到很多人和灯会,故选C。44、句意:我们经常在街上或公园里_。A吃粽子,B赏花灯,C看烟花,根据“On this festival, we usually go out after dinner and watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks.”,可知我们经常在街

41、上或公园里赏花灯,故选B。45、句意:人们和孩子都_。A可以制作灯笼,B可以给灯笼涂色,C喜欢元宵节,根据全文可知人们和孩子都喜欢元宵节,故选C。五、阅读判断解析:46、A47、B48、B49、B50、A【解析】46、句意为“在英国很多人吃_早饭和_午餐。”,根据“English breakfast is a very big mealeggs, bread, tomato soup, tea, coffee and so on. For many people, lunch is a quick meal.”可知早餐时big,午餐时quick,故选A。47、句意为“学生通常_吃午饭。”,根据

42、“Students usually have lunch at school.”可知在学校吃午饭,故选B。48、句意为“他们下午茶不吃什么?”,根据“Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes or some bread.”可知吃的时三明治,蛋糕或一些面包没有鸡肉,故选B。49、句意为“他们晚餐通常何时吃?”,根据“They usually have supper between(在之间) 6:00 p.m. and 8:00p.m.”可知在下午6点到8点,故选B。50、句意为“当人们带外卖,他们在_吃。”,根据“People

43、often get take-away meals they buy the food and then bring(带来) it home to eat.”可知在家里吃,故选A。六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、A53、D54、D55、A【解析】七、阅读理解解析:56、D57、B58、B59、C60、D【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了科学家们正试图使沙漠再次变成好土地。56、句意:科学家想把_带到沙漠。A地球;B雨;C风;D水;根据短文中的They want to bring water to the desert so that people can live and grow food. 可知

44、科学家想要把水带到沙漠,故选D。57、句意:因为_做坏事,许多地方正变成沙漠。A动物;B人们;C太阳;D风;根据短文中的 But more and more of the earth is becoming desert. Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things for the earth.可知因为人们正在做坏事,许多地方正变成沙漠,故选B。58、句意:哪句话不正确?A许多地方正在成为沙漠。B科学家要求人们在沙漠中生活和种植食物。C科学家们对沙漠有了很多了解。D有些地方雨水不多。根据They want to bring water to the desert so that peopl

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