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1、重要短语整理8BUnit 11. past名词,“过去,往事”;形容词,“过去的,以前的”;介词,“(指时间、数量等)过;通过,经过”in the past 在过去 (用于一般过去时)in the past few years 在过去的几年中(用于现在完成时)go past the post office = pass the post office经过邮局at half past twelve 在十二点半2. present动词,“颁发,授予”;名词,“礼物”present sb with授予某人receive many presents 收到很多礼物3. northern形容词,“北方的,

2、北部的”;名词north,“北方,北部”a northern city 一个北方城市in the northern part of Jiangsu = in the north of Jiangsu 在江苏的北部4. wife名词,“妻子”,其复数是wivesthe policemens wives 警察的妻子the wives handbags 妻子的手提包5. pollution名词,“污染”water/ noise/ air pollution 水/ 噪声/ 空气污染less pollution 更少的污染6. factory名词,“工厂”,其复数是factoriestwo shoe f

3、actories 两家鞋厂7. realize动词,“意识到;实现”realize the importance of protecting the environment意识到保护环境的重要性realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想realize ones mistake 意识到某人的错误8. improve动词,“改进,改善”;名词improvementimprove the lives of patients 改善病人的生活水平improve ones English 提高某人的英语水平improve ones health 改善某人的健康状况9. in some ways在

4、某种程度上,在某些方面in different ways 以不同的方式in the same way 以相同的方式in this way 以这种方式in the way 挡道by the way顺便问一下,顺便说一句on the way to school在上学的路上on the way home 在回家的路上10. lonely形容词,“孤独的,寂寞的”feel lonely from time to time时不时觉得孤单寂寞live on the lonely island住在孤岛上11. anyway副词,“无论如何,总之”Anyway, the story itself is int

5、eresting.不管怎样,这个故事本身很有趣。12. interview动词或名词,“采访,会见”;interviewer名词,“采访者”interview sb = have an interview with sb 采访某人one of the interviewers 采访者之一13. return 动词,“返回,归还”return to sp = e back to sp 返回某地return sth to sb = give sth back to sb 把某物还给某人return home 回家Unit 21. fantastic形容词,“极好的,美妙的”have a fanta

6、stic time = have a good time 玩的开心2. speed名词,“速度”move at high speed 高速移动at a speed of以的速度3. ride动词,“骑车(马等)”;名词,“短途旅程”ride home/ to school 骑车回家/ 上学two hours ride 两个小时的旅程the whole ride 整个旅程4. feel动词,“觉得,感到”;名词feeling,“感觉”feel unhappy/ worried感觉不高兴/ 担心the same feeling 相同的感受5. countryside名词,“乡村,农村”live i

7、n the countryside = live in the country 住在乡村6. marry及物动词,“与某人结婚,娶,嫁”;形容词married,“已婚的”;名词marriage,“结婚,婚姻”marry sb = be/ get married to sb 与某人结婚celebrate their fifteen years of marriage 庆祝他们十五年的婚姻7. except介词,“不包括,除之外”except me 除了我8. business名词,“企业,商行,工厂,生意”get a lot of support from local businesses 得到

8、当地企业的大力支持run three businesses 经营三家工厂do business 做生意on business 出差a business letter 一封商业信函9. flight名词,“飞行,航班”take ones first flight 进行第一次飞行flight number 航班10. airport名词,“机场”at the airport 在飞机场Unit 31. online形容词,“联网的,在线的”online travel 网上旅游 online school 网上学校order sth online 网上订购某物 get online 上网2. prog

9、ramme(program)名词,“节目;(演出或活动)程序;(电脑)程序”watch interesting TV programmes 看有趣的电视节目write puter programs 编电脑程序3. receive动词,“得到;接到”receive ones letter = hear from sb 收到某人来信4. southern形容词,“南方的,南部的”;名词south“南方,南部”in the southern part of China = in the south of China 在中国的南部a southern city 一个南方城市5. internation

10、al形容词,“国际的”international charities 国际慈善机构an international language 一门国际语言6. huge形容词,“巨大的”two huge strange objects两个巨大的奇怪的物体7. relax动词,“放松”;形容词relaxed,“放松的”;relaxing“令人放松的”relax oneself 放松某人自己help sb (to) relax帮助某人放松feel relaxed 感觉放松make sb relax(ed) 使某人放松relaxing music 令人放松的音乐8. bottom名词,“底部”;反义词top

11、at the bottom of the tank 在浴缸的底部on the top floor 在顶楼a top student 一个尖子生9. pleasure名词,“高兴,乐事”;形容词pleasant,“令人高兴的”;pleased,“满意的”with pleasure 很乐意Its my pleasure. 不用谢。Its a pleasure to do sth 做某事是一件乐事Its pleasant to do sth 做某事很愉快be pleased with对满意be pleased to do sth 高兴得做某事10. ruler名词,“统治者,管理者”the rule

12、r of a country 一个国家的统治者11. dollar名词,“美元”fewer dollars 更少的美元Ten dollars is enough for me. 对我来说十美元足够了。Unit 41. knowledge名词,“知识”;grammar名词,“语法”a lot of knowledge 许多知识by testing the knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary 通过测试英语语法和词汇知识2. spare形容词,“空闲的;多余的”;动词,“留出,匀出”spare time 空余时间a spare ticket 一张多

13、余的票spare some time for me为我留出一些时间3. ugly形容词,“丑陋的”;名词uglinessan ugly person 一个丑陋的人even uglier 更丑陋4. tie动词,“系”;名词“领带”;现在分词tyingtie sth to sth 把系到tiearound把围在a silk tie一条丝绸领带5. until介词,“直到时候,直到为止”;同义词tillnotuntil直到才wait until noon 一直等到中午live as a family until baby tigers are 23 years old 老虎宝宝群居直到2至3岁6.

14、 continue动词,“继续”continue to the end坚持到最后continue to live/ living 继续活下来7. manage动词,“设法完成”manage to join two spacecrafts together设法把两个宇宙飞船连接起来8. lift(英)名词,“电梯”;动词,“提”go up by lift 乘电梯上楼lift the box 提箱子9. return动词,“返回,归还”return to sp = e back to sp 返回某地return sth to sb = give sth back to sb 把某物还给某人retu

15、rn home 回家10. on time 准时in time 及时,来得及11. refuse动词,“拒绝,不愿”refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事12. success名词,“成功”;形容词successful,“成功的”;副词successfully,“成功地”a great success 很成功wish you success 祝你成功have success at school 学业有成be successful 成功的a successful businessman 一个成功的商人pass the driving test successfully 成功地通过了驾驶考试

16、13. experience可数名词,“经历”;不可数名词,“经验”;形容词experienced,“有经验的”my experiences in Shanghai 我在上海的经历Ill never forget the experience. 我永远不会忘记那次经历。a lot of experience 许多经验an experienced actor 一个有经验的演员be experienced in doing sth 在做某事方面很有经验14. advice不可数名词,“建议,忠告”;同义词suggestion;动词advise,“建议”give sb some advice 给某人

17、一些建议follow/ take ones advice 采纳某人的建议ask sb for advice 征求某人的建议advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事15. habit名词,“习惯”TV viewing habits 看电视的习惯the habit of doing sth 做某事的习惯develop/ form the habit of形成的习惯Its a good habit to do sth做某事的好习惯Unit 51. litter不可数名词,“垃圾”;同义词rubbishleave litter there 把垃圾扔在那儿drop litter carel

18、essly 随意扔垃圾No littering. 禁止扔垃圾。2. turn动词,“变成,成为”;名词,“轮次,机会”turn the place into a park 把这个地方变成一个公园turn on/ off the radio 打开/ 关掉收音机turn up/ down 调高/ 低turn left/ right 向左/ 右转turn around/ back转身/ 往回走Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事了wait for ones turn 等着轮到某人3. close形容词,“近的;亲密的”;动词,“关”,其形容词是closed“关着的”be c

19、lose to离近a close friend 一个亲密的朋友keep the windows closed 让窗户关着4. subject名词,“科目;主题;(句子的)主语”be good at all the subjects擅长所有的科目the subject of the new play 新剧的主题5. push动词,“推”;反义词pull,“拖,拉”push them into the back of a van把它们推进了货车箱push the door 推门6. discussion名词,“讨论”;动词discusshave a discussion about sth = d

20、iscuss sth 讨论某事7. public形容词,“公开的”;名词,“公开,公众”a planned public activity 一个计划好的公开的活动public schools 公立学校be open to the public 对公众开放in public 公开地,公然8. explain动词,“解释,说明”explain (sth) to sb 向某人解释(某事)9. risk名词,“危险,风险”a risk of getting killed 被杀的危险动词,“冒险” risk doing sth 冒险做某事10. purpose名词,“目的”;同义词aim,goalthe

21、 purpose of的目的11. host名词,“主持人”;动词,“主持”the host of the charity show 慈善义演的主持人host the show 主持演出12. indeed副词,“真正地,确实”A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真正的朋友。Unit 61. train动词,“训练”;名词“火车”;名词training,“训练”train sb to do sth 训练某人做某事train hard 刻苦训练train as a nurse 训练成为护士train for a charity walk 为慈善步行

22、做训练receive special training in在方面接受特殊训练take a train 乘火车2. blind形容词,“瞎的,失明的”;名词blindness,“失明”be blind 失明的blind people = the blind 盲人because of ones blindness 由于某人的失明3. chance名词,“机会”have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事miss a chance to study 错过一次学习的机会4. similar形容词,“相似的,类似的”be similar to和相似share similar chara

23、cteristics 具有相似的性格特征5. necessary形容词,“必要的”;反义词unnecessaryIts necessary (for sb) to do sth (对于某人来说)做某事很有必要6. coach名词,“长途汽车;教练”get on/ off the coach 上/ 下长途汽车one of the best coaches 最好的教练之一7. background名词,“背景”the background of the story故事的背景8. achieve动词,“获得”;名词achievement,“成就”achieve a balance between s

24、tudy and play 在学习和玩耍之间取得平衡Hepburns achievements went beyond the film industry. 赫本的成就超越了电影业。9. prize名词,“奖赏,奖品”win a prize for获得奖10. operation名词,“手术”;动词operate,“做手术”perform/ do/ have an operation on patients = operate on patients给病人做手术be operated on 被做手术11. homeless形容词,“无家可归的”homeless people 无家可归的人bee

25、 homeless 变得无家可归12. disabled形容词,“有残疾的”a disabled person 一个残疾人the disabled 残疾人Unit 71. spread动词,“使分布;展开,扩散”The coins were spread all over the floor. 硬币撒了一地。spread quickly 迅速蔓延2. mostly副词,“主要地,大部分地”mostly in poor countries 主要在贫穷国家mostly live on rice 主要以大米为主食3. case名词,“病例”80 percent of the cases of bli

26、ndness 80%的失明病例4. cure动词,“治愈”be cured 被治愈5. afford动词,“买得起,能做”afford sth 支付得起afford to do sth 经济上有能力做afford the house = afford to buy the house 买得起房子6. proud形容词,“自豪的,骄傲的”;名词pridebe proud of因而自豪be proud to do sth 为做某事感到骄傲be proud that 为而骄傲with pride 骄傲地ones pride 某人的骄傲7. medicine不可数名词,“药”;形容词medical,“

27、医学的,医疗的”take medicine 服药 make medicine 制药study medicine 学医 medical treatment 医学治疗medical accident 医疗事故8. develop动词,“开发,发展,养成”名词developmentdevelop plants 开发植物develop the industry 发展工业develop the good habit of studying 养成良好的学习习惯with the development of Nantong 随着南通的发展9. treat动词,“治疗,对待”;名词treatmenttreat

28、 and cure most eye problems 治疗并治愈大部分眼睛问题treat sb equally 平等对待某人treat sb kindly = treat sb with kindness 善待某人have no money for medical treatment 没有钱进行医学治疗10. set动词,“建立,为设置背景”set up a hospital 创立一家医院be set up 被建立be set on Mars 以火星为设置背景11. war名词,“战争”hate wars 讨厌战争the Second World War 第二次世界大战12. pale形容词

29、,“苍白的”pale skin and blond hair 苍白的皮肤和金黄色的头发13. check动词,“核实,查明”check sth for sb 为某人核实某事check the answers 检查答案14. officer名词,“官员”an officer 一个官员Unit 81. serious形容词,“严重的;严肃的”;副词seriously,“严肃地,严重地”such a serious problem 如此严重的问题nothing serious 没什么严重的take sth seriously 认真对待某人be seriously ill 病得很严重2. reduce

30、动词,“减少;减轻”reduce the pollution 减少污染3. cause名词,“原因”the main cause 主要原因the cause of.的原因4. wise形容词,“明智的,充满智慧的”Its wise (of sb) to do sth (某人)做某事是明智的5. allow动词,“允许”allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事sb be allowed to do sth 某人被允许做某事6. punish动词,“惩罚”;名词punishmentbe punished 被惩罚punish sb by doing sth 通过做某事惩罚某人7. ric

31、h形容词,“富有的,丰富的”;名词richnessthe rich 富人 richer and richer 越来越富裕rich experience 丰富的经验8. produce动词,“制作”;名词producer,“制作人,制造商”be produced 被制作9. pollute动词,“污染”;名词pollution,“污染”;形容词polluted,“被污染的”pollute the river 污染河流be polluted 被污染less air pollution 更少的空气污染a polluted river 一条被污染的河流10. empty形容词,“空的”;反义词fullbe empty 空的an empty house 一个空房子

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