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1、高一英语必修三1-3单元测试题第卷(共5分)第一节:语法填空一、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当得内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词得正确形式。A: Hel,Bo, It eemstht _1_ arrive at your ome y 1 oclck、: hat happened? Wee alxecting you, ans,D, Arhi、A: Im so sor, Ivebn2_(hold) p y the damntafficjm for hf_h、 I _4_(ariv) but r that、: see、 _5_ are ounow,Li?:Thity eters ad seWer

2、loo rdge、B: Its nt arway frm home, let me see aout mnues walk, anyouwalk here?:Ivehoughtftat, btha n do _6_ mycr? _7_nly Id tken atai!B: Tato ba, bt n rry、 Wellput_8_innr tll one oclok、A: Im so _(terible) r tokeep yo _10_(wait)、B: It doesnt mater、Bye、A: Be、ct 、 el 、n 、 have aived5、 Whe 、ih7、 f 8、off

3、 9、 erribly 、aitng二、请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给得A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1、 The atonauts wero struck y _beut f ntur that tey too lts of pictresi_sac、 A、 the; /B、 he; th C、 /; the 、 /; /2、 Are you eelng_ beteroday?Thns lo、 feel_ better now ollwing thocto dice、A、slihtl; uc B、 ch;someC、 aher; n D、 y; qt、 M

4、teacherpunised methiornng、Wy? Youvedo nting rog, _I ca se、A、 as ong B、 as ra C、swell asD、assoo a4、 Mar ddo le e ner,Bt, and ter _ fom he、 eng B、 ditne C、 way D、ac5、Therices f thefas_are several imes a hihs in the coryside、A、 downtow 、 n t downtwn 、 in dontown 、 at downt6、heirl who is udying tth art

5、clege sa_ formuic ddnce、A、 it 、est C、 power 、segh7、 After YangLie suceded in circlin heearth, _ou atronauts dsireo o is wa i ae、A、 whre B、 owC、 thaD、 what8、 Mrs、Wite fd hr huband _by letr ad apersan_ vry worre、A、 surrundng ; looke 、rrunde ; lokC、srondig;ookg D、 srroued; looing9、Thoughdiffiut, _ him

6、finda j,whch mad verypled、 A、 tried o elp B、 anaed hlp 、 trid helping D、 scceded toelp0、 TheGvernmn s mied t ak_ o hep th unemploye、A、 measues B、 mens C、 mhods 、measremt、 On mywayhome, I sawa oungman with _shlders ryingt find ouhow _t rveris by aig aros i、 A、 wde; id B、 rod;brd C、 rod;wde 、 wie; bro

7、d 12、Whatr youaxious abu? _A、 ow ca we scceed B、 hether w can ucced 、en ca scce D、 Th we cnsuce 13、 As soon a wewt _ te ship,i lettheport、A、abd B、toabor C、aroad、board14、hat he had si and dne in tescool _his paents an teacher、A、was peaed B、 pleased C、 pleseby D、 pleasewith1、 here is the hootig entr?I

8、tis about50 ilomtres _the city o eijin、 in outof 、 sot ofC、the souh of D、 suhn of16、 I wil d_ I can_you、 、 al ht, help 、al hat, help C、 al whih,to help 、what, tohel7、Oftenh_ it for our dong nhin at allwenhwas i o sirts、A、shul B、ould 、col D、ight18、We ar ookinfrwr t_ a chnce to ath topening cereony of

9、 thendo2012 OlympGaes、A、giv B、egven C、ei iven 、givng19、 Te Paker oht nw house bt_wil needalotofw efor heycn move in、te B、 it C、 n D、 whch20、 Do youmindmy takig the ooks awa? _、A、 tiy, plae do、 B、N, o aha 、 Yes, ot atall D、 N,pleaedont21、Would yupmit me_her? orry、We ot prmt _i the lab、A、 smoking; min

10、g B、 to so; moke、smking; sme D、 se; mkn2、The reaon_ shegv fo nt being present was _h havsn peenteder ing、A、 hy;bcause 、 why; wether 、 that;hat D、 how; a23、Thewonwa abot toopen h dor_ she har astrage soud from iie、 、 while C、 whn D、 then2、Tnyes ag,thepuaonofour illae was _ that fthers、A、as tice lag a

11、s 、twi alarg sC、twic smuc as D、as wic much a5、 Wa_yu to etboredwihhr? _was r lazinnd ukindnss、 mae; It B、 cased; Tht C、 e; It D、 gt; That第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分2分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给得A、B、C、四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Billy, arorking sudn,is fourtee year ld ndi the nih de、 H has a parimejobtat _6 h u evey

12、 moning a fv olok,wen mstpeopere sill _7 seep 、H i nesae bo、Each orning,Bilylaves te houset 55to go _28_ hereth newspperslwys are、 The newspers ere _2_ to thecone by uck at midnight、 He alays aes a wag t _30_tem、ntheier istilldark _31_h up eer day,ut during theeoh eait is _32_、ilust send th nespper

13、o e uses of people o his_3_ ina ins of wether、 e tris to put eachpap on the poch(门廊)whereit willbe _34_ fromind,rain orow、 Sometims hi cutoersive hitps,_35_ himverxcitd、Blyarnsabt $0per mnth houghhd_,dhe s saving some of h moe to go o _,wherehe hs always enlnging to o、Beidetat,he _8_ the esofthe arn

14、ins on recordncloh、 Oce aonth,e ha to collectthe _39_tit sicemny o th work duingte da、 That shen i _0_ s tht he isfullof excitement、uckiy,he es _41_ suortedby hi fami、 Sometimes,hen Bill i sick, boter off todliver thewspaer fo him、 Once,his faer as too 42_ o elp、Billyhas ent cusomrs w,bute doest eel

15、_43_but the numbr、Hdrems hte wll et _44_ cstoer as psible ome ay、_5_,he mgh win a priz or being n outstani newspperboy、 H wnts towin atri tEope,bu he willbe happy f hens a new icyle、26、A、 wakesB、takesC、gets D、pics27、A、 sod、fallng C、all D、oudly28、A、crner 、stee C、room D、deatment2、 ven、adesse C、hande、d

16、evered3、A、 arr、bing C、sendD、oa、A、 at whic B、hle C、tatD、wen32、A、 short、blacC、lightD、ng3、A、 rod、way、rueD、path4、A、 proted B、sopped、eptD、prevted3、A、 kng 、letingC、leadiD、ausing36、A、temp B、jobC、work D、struggle、A、 abroad B、scool、clege、hpial3、A、 cos、spendsC、py、ses39、A、 papB、meyC、newspaprsD、reod40、A、 epessB、

17、egtiC、fulfled D、med、veryB、greatC、ayD、a ot o42、A、liey 、reluctan C、tried D、wllig3、sasfi B、lesant C、contentedD、happ44、A、 mnmre、asmuC、manyD、much more45、A、 Ifthat 、If o 、BesiesD、Whats r第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,0小题,每题2分,满分分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题分,满分0分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给得A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One ixth of underrdua

18、tes (本科生)in Beijing his ya hve reistered at a drv schol 、heuens,osty m majors suca usiss manaemnt o inenationalade ,will finishthere driving courses within2das r so 、Trainngcstshave droped to ,2,0yuan f tuents , accordigt theHiin iving Scoolin Beijn、 The price is no ally low, butstudentwill aet it,e

19、eing i asn inesmet (投资) n therfutue 、 Fmliarty withh prton ofutersand fuet Englsh a th basikis gaduatig tdentsned to fnd a o 、 t a driver peritha be anotherfaco、 “I the jobmarke , wninga drivers ermit etim strenthens grauaing sudets eitieess fr a god posiion ,” as Zho Yn ,nuderraduate t the Cn Unive

20、rsity of Politicl inc andLw 、Crs will be ncessa part of may peopes liveinthe in yea ,and itifficult o et apem ut of cmps bcausof he presresoworkin eoples tie、“Havi ultimejob af rduatio ofes liied timeo lern to die、 senir sdnts ve pety f spaetime, plnty o oppotuiteo learn、” Xu Jin ,n ffica at the drv

21、i school, saundrraduaeswee ery able aneius , and cud gpn an hou hat itoo narepl frhours tlen 、In this drvngschool, middl-e eopl, youg women and ollegestdents ae emai cutomrs 、To gea drersperit , beiner inowreuied to hveat lest6 urs practice efehe fina road test、6、The undergdutea lrning drvbecase 、 A

22、、the lik to rivcarB、he ndtissill to findagoo job、C、most of themwil be ab o buy carsi the fture 、they antobe fll-time drive aft raduaton 47、Wich f the olloig is Xu Jians opiion of student lerningto drive?A、 decided t was a wate o money adtim 、B、He thoug thy muslern i atsch 、Heought th woud spend tree

23、 tis ore tm 、D、eagreed that young people ad anadvate in earnig to drive、48、Wihof the ollowi woud be hebettle f thispassage?、Stdnts Learn t Die B、Wele to rivingSchool 、Its Better t Lea to ive t Cllge D、Studnts Py LestoLeano iv Nw BMgradftergrew i warn urpe、 When rmanoldercpied h omeown,the thriig cit

24、y oTarow, Polnd, e efused obytm and eventuly joinedthe Soviear it for h cutrfeedo 、 “Stan strgt, sand al,” he imsef、fr t war, in1947, e boadeda oa fo nhattan、 Hewshnryad sfferng frmseasices、A lonein a ewcontry, hewas frihtenedabout hi fuue 、Still, mached hea-n into the hustle and bustl of the steets

25、 o New Yrk、 Soonhe mt oterEuopean imigrant, eachof h ngofn hi o howy、Itey cddot,why couln e? “Stndstraght, stan tal,” h ou emind himel、Thanks o the help of a loyal ad tuingfied, y ranfater gained a jwlry ooth on Cana Street, New Yor iy 、He once tld meow nouhewas o htfst da o work、 He wast oly tryin

26、to learn this tugh ne bsinss, but ao a new lanuage、To ssurpris,he men n neghborng botho could have tae advanage of himfredtheirhep ad avi、Wtinmoths, ygranfather as mading is sp ehithecoute, seln diaonds and ulued peasas ifhedbee dongit hiwhol li、Stand strit anstad tal、In ryears, my granfath woul ake

27、th ymohradher sstr do the aise t hir wdigs、 A esto with each o them, he thogt about tew begings,and f advtures a ouneys yold eprience toether 、H aso toghtaothe childre ho woul oneday cronhi failnme、I a so proud to b oeo toe chir、 istenng y granfathe remrkabl experinceshas chged the I view my own ie、

28、49、Whichis e correct odr of he things ht appened in thepasge?a、My granfather ok bot mothradrter down he asle at tewdings、 Wrld Wr IIbrke ouin Eure、c、 M gradfter went o mrica、d、M grafaer begantorun hs diaon bsines、e、The menineighboring bos helpdhi、b, ,a ,d, B、b, c,d ,e ,a、b, ,e, a ,d D、c, b ,e ,d ,a5

29、0、Whh is NOT trueaccordng o the pasag?、Mygrnfther was a slderdurin WorldaII、B、My granfaer wn erica by se、C、Mygrfather ha ben doi a jr buineshiole lie、D、My rndfather rn hs busiss sucessfuly、5、rnd proby inpid his grndchilren in tme f troulby ying“_ ”、A、A riend in nee i fendideeB、God el thosewho help t

30、hemses、San stigt ,tad tall D、Pracce msperfc5、can be conclued that_ 、A、Gradpa e lst hear i imeofhardsipB、Granpa ever hew doub pon i fate、Grand waor o be abunessmanD、Granpa didnt l up ohi frieds expectaionCI tink achin power betrha human powerbecause we caosurviv ihou odaly usd mnes k biks, cos,puters

31、, tc、Starte on 14-Apr-208 BySmith-mai:Jnso6-y28s, its erclear ta machn powes bette than anpwr、 But machnepowe hs ts limitation (局限)、 It annot survveithouelectricity and nhadling、 f idnt havethese t then it s pletel ueess、 So man ouldo pely eend ochi、 ne re intsthatbeaus of the use f mchnes hs be la、

32、 This lazinehasroughti nypromlike obesiy, rthiis(关节炎)an oherhealhples、 ut I am not syig ha mn ould leely tufrm a-cine powero man powe、Hehul have blanceof ot、 Even I cat tinkof i wtout a ca, a pte and a cooler、Sally9May-2008usly ceated he achie、So,hum powsgt ha machi poer、 o do thetngs quikly wcrated

33、 themachins、 But mahnes annot hi、 at thik powe beats machin er、Tina17-May-08Buwthout huans thereis no vuef any machie、fsoeonwns t use his mipeetl thnon mst have expertlabor rma ower、omm-My208Hit al,my oinion i ththumapow i more porul thnmche powe,ecaus hmabeings crated te mahie、 Huan rain worksmrepr

34、ed t mhines、Mi2Ma-208 hink human pwer isbetter tan mchine r becaus eve iw trel ooot tonear paceshe oney will not be wasted andwe anet exrcise、53、 Who grees wih mtgenelly?A、 ommy、 B、 Tina、 ally、 D、 onn、54、 Acrding t Johnon, mnshuld _、A、 ke abalancebtweehuanpwerand machin ower、 petely dpend onmacie pwerC、trn fro achine poer to anerpletely、 ie a life witota cr, aute or acool55、 Sally hinks ta humn powe is better tan machine we ecase _、 macines reuslss withotletrcityB、 achine power cnmak peplebee azC、 machine canhink like huan begs 、huan rn ca dothing kl56、 Which the ollowig qustions a

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