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1、译林版小学英语五上译林版小学英语五上Unit3 Our animal friends(Story time)Unit3 Our animal friends Lets make friends!Im Nancy.I have big eyes and long hair.I can run.Lets make friends!Im I haveI canlong short big small head eye ear mouth nose hair tail leg arm body feet wing fingerLets listen!What animal friends can yo

2、u see in the song?Lets talk!Q1:What animals can you see?Lets talk!Q2:What can they do?The bird can fly.It has_.The dog can run.It has_.The fish can swim.They have_.tailslegswingslegs wingsThey are my friends!Hurray!Lets think!Lets chant!tails(let)(sing)They are talking about their animal friends,too

3、.Story timeWatch and guess 他们的动物朋友是谁呢?他们的动物朋友是谁呢?Watch and guess 他们的动物朋友是谁呢?他们的动物朋友是谁呢?.A Big eyes and big bodies.B Legs and arms.C Big tails.A Fly.B Swim.C Jump.Q1.What do the fish have?Q2.What can the fish do?小提示:小提示:自读第一段,用查阅的方式,将选项弄明白后,自读第一段,用查阅的方式,将选项弄明白后,在第在第1段中找答案。段中找答案。图片也可以帮助你哦!图片也可以帮助你哦!Le

4、ts read and tick!big_big_big_no_ or_They haveThey canLets talk!eyesbodiestailslegsarms28 30 I have an animal friend.It is(white black).It has(two four)legs and a(short long)tail.It has(small big)ears.It can run and jump.Lets listen and tick!28 30 I have an animal friend.It is(white black).It has(two

5、 four)legs and a(short long)tail.It has(small big)ears.It can run and jump.Lets listen and tick!试着用试着用It is It It is It has has It canIt can来介绍它吧!来介绍它吧!想一想:如何来谈论动物朋友?abilityability(能力)(能力)(能力)(能力)featurefeature(特征(特征(特征(特征)colourcolour(颜色)(颜色)(颜色)(颜色)animal friendsLets think!Lets think!1 What colour

6、?什么颜色的?什么颜色的?2 What do they have?他们有什么?他们有什么?3 What can they do?他们能做什么?他们能做什么?AnimalAnimal ColorColorFeature(Feature(特征特征特征特征)Ability(Ability(能力能力能力能力)小提示:小提示:1.根据所需了解的信息,大声朗读第根据所需了解的信息,大声朗读第3,4段。段。2.快速锁定任务,完成表格。快速锁定任务,完成表格。Lets read and complete!whitewhitered eyesred eyeslong earslong earsfour legs

7、four legsa short taila short tailrun run yellowgreentwo legstwo wingsbig mouthbig tailtalkflyLets look and say!It is It has It can.Lets look and say!It is It has It canI have two animal friends.One is red and the other is black一个是一个是 另一个是另一个是They have big eyes and big bodies.They have no legs or arm

8、s,but they have big tails.They can swim.Read the story跟读故事,注意模仿跟读故事,注意模仿语音语调语音语调和和语气语气哦!哦!I have an animal friend.It is white.It has four legs and a short tail.It has big ears.It can run and jump.My animal friend is white.It has red eyes and long ears.It has four legs and a short tail.It can run.My

9、animal friend is yellow and green.It has two legs and two wings.It has a big mouth and a long tail.It can talk and fly.Enjoy the story选择你喜欢的方式读课文。选择你喜欢的方式读课文。和同伴分段读和同伴分段读自己朗读自己朗读小组内齐读小组内齐读 根据提示,尝试复述课文。根据提示,尝试复述课文。Lets retell!Have a try!Introduce your animal friends .现在由你来用英语介绍你的动物朋友。现在由你来用英语介绍你的动物朋友

10、。Tips:1.1.选出你喜爱的动物。选出你喜爱的动物。选出你喜爱的动物。选出你喜爱的动物。2.2.用英语介绍它。用英语介绍它。用英语介绍它。用英语介绍它。Lets introduce!My animal friend I have an animal friend.It is _.It has _.It can _.draw your animal friend(s)here.(请把你动物朋友画在这(请把你动物朋友画在这里吧!)里吧!)I like it!Lets introduce!法国女孩蒂皮,出生在非洲,法国女孩蒂皮,出生在非洲,从小与身为摄影师的父母在非洲生从小与身为摄影师的父母在非

11、洲生活,拥有许许多多的野生动物朋友。活,拥有许许多多的野生动物朋友。她把在非洲与各种野生动物生活在她把在非洲与各种野生动物生活在一起的动人故事和亲身感受写成了一起的动人故事和亲身感受写成了我的野生动物朋友我的野生动物朋友绘本,同时绘本,同时编入她父母为她拍摄的编入她父母为她拍摄的130130多幅极多幅极为难得的照片。为难得的照片。28 30Animals are our friends.Please take good care of them.动物是我们的好朋友,动物是我们的好朋友,请好好的善待他们。请好好的善待他们。Homework:1.1.读课文读课文5 5遍,并签字。遍,并签字。2.2.抄写书下单词抄写书下单词6 6个,并默写。(签个,并默写。(签字)字)3.3.一起作业网。一起作业网。

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