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1、Part A Unit4 A Spring Outing闽教闽教版(版(三起点三起点)五五年级年级下册下册Sing a song.Spring is coming.Lets go for a spring outing.spring outingWhatre you going to take with you?Im going to take some water.Well be thirsty.waterthirstyWhatre you going to take with you?Im going to take a camera.cameraWhatre you going to t

2、ake with you?Im going to.Listen and follow.Whatre they going to do?Theyre going to climb a mountain.They are going for a spring outing.Listen and follow.mountainhillListen and follow.climb a mountainListen and follow.Whats Wang Tao going to take with him?Whats Sally going to take with her?Hes going

3、to take some water.Shes going to take a camera.录音录音课文句子课文句子G:We are going for a spring outing.S:Yeah!G:Were going to climb a mountain.You can take some food with you.(注意模仿语音、语调哦)Listen and follow.录音录音课文句子课文句子S:Whatre you going to take with you?W:Im going to take some water with me.Well be thirsty.S:

4、Youre right.(注意模仿语音、语调哦)Listen and follow.录音录音课文句子课文句子S:Are you going to wear sports shoes?W:Yes,Im going to.S:Im going to take a camera with me.I want to take some photos.W:Good idea.(注意模仿语音、语调哦)Listen and follow.三人一组,练习对话,随后表演出来吧!Role playListen and follow.We are going for a _.We are going to _.We

5、 can take _ with us.Wang Tao is going to take _ with him.Hell be _.Sally is going to take _ with her.She wants to _.spring outingclimb a mountainsome foodsome waterthirstya cameratake some photosLearn to write.A:Are you going to _?B:Yes,_.A:Im going to take _ with me.I want to _ .B:Good idea!wear sp

6、orts shoesIm going toa cameratake some photosAsk and answer.A:Whatre you going to take with you?B:Im going to take _ with me.Ask and answer.Whatre you going to take with you?Im going to.Whatre you going to wear?Im going to wear 本节课学习的单词为:climb water thirsty camera spring outing mountain怎样询问并回答别人将要带某物?Whatre you going to take with you?Im going to take with me.Whatre you going to take with you?Im going to take an umbrella with me.例句1.登录“优教同步学习网”,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。2.写一份旅行计划或周末与父母外出游玩的计划,写出需要带的物品和必要的着装,下节课汇报。3.选取几张以前春游时的照片带到学校,下节课使用。4.登录“优教同步学习网”,预习Unit4 PartB Listen and follow。

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