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1、Unit 8 How was your school trip教案Unit 8 How was your school trip教案A 一、教师寄语:There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength. (只要全力拼搏了,就没有遗憾,没有后悔。) 二、学习目标 知识目标:1.words and ex: aquarium ,shark, seal, souvenir , ate (eat ) , else , win ,(won,won ), autograph, got 2. goal languages

2、 : How was your schoolDid you win that hat? Wany sharks?grammer学习一般过去时及There be句型的一般过去时 能力目标: 学会询问“怎么样、做了什么事”以及表达感受的交际用语。 情感目标:学会积极乐观的表达自己的感 受。 三、教学重、难点: Importa: Simple pagular and irregular verbs(规则和不规则动词的过去式) Difficul: How to talk about evast clearl时预习导学或自测/情景导入 基础知识 一、词汇 单词:礼物;赠品 鲨鱼 水族馆 海豹 逗留,徘徊

3、 闲荡;闲逛 纪念物 短语: 去海滩 吃冰淇淋 去水族馆 照相 去动物园 吃汉堡包 和朋友闲逛 看海豹 买纪念品 二、写出下列单词的过去式: (注意发现规律) go take have eat see do(does) are is(am) ggwin make take bubring fight catch teach sing ring swim dbegin sit give slll spend tellak wear write stand hang watch match daass look relax need study start carry wlaut, let, pu

4、拓展平台 三、根据括号中的汉语写单词。Did you buy a (礼物)for Tinas birthday. 2. I (拍照)last Sundaamily (去)to the beach last suI (买了)a souvwife last weekendDid you (和你朋友一起闲逛)? 四、翻译句子你 的学校郊游怎样?相当好。 2、你去动物园了吗?没有,我去水族馆了。 3、在动物园里有鲨鱼吗?没有。 4、你还做了什么? 5、我和朋友一起逛,还拍了许多照片. 按要求写出下列各词:visit_(过去式) 2. photo_(复数)ake_(反义词) 4. put_(过去式)ur

5、_(现在分词) 6. win_(过去式)gift_(同义词) 8. fun_(形容词)begin_(同义词) 10. wild_(比较级)athletic_(比较级) 12. where_(同音词)ar_(反义词) 14. leave_(过去式)_(名词性物主代词)_(同义词)ght_(同音词)_ _(复数)_(宾格) 20. knife_(复数) 二课时 单词: 礼物;赠品 鲨鱼 水族馆 海豹 逗留,徘徊 闲荡;闲逛 纪念物 赢;获胜 亲笔签名 奖赏 去海滩吃冰淇淋 去水族馆 照相 去动物园 吃汉堡包 和朋友闲逛 看海豹 买纪念品 Step 2 自主学习Lape without lookin

6、g at the book and then answllowing qu: 1.Which aquarium did they go? 2.Waacher happy ?合作探究 ReadA 3a andabelow .You may discuss in pagrouanswers wacher . Then find the paverbarticle .Nowu have any quabout the article , you can ask your classmaalp . _. Class9 did many things , what did they d/then/aft

7、er that/after lunch/finally/adday ? Can you answer?! Try to answFirst,_ . Then,_ After that ,_. After lunch_. Finally,_. Adday ,_拓展创新win 和beat有区别,接人、接物区别说。 二者都有“赢得;获得;胜出”之意,但稍有不同 winwin后跟的宾语,一般是比赛、游戏、奖品、奖金、辩论、战斗等名词。won a hat. 她赢得一顶帽子。 beatbeat后跟的宾语,是人或由人组成的团队等。beat的过去式仍是beat。 In the 29th Ola Lin bea

8、t Wang Hao. 在第29届奥运会上,马琳战败了王浩。 2. end的用法: end n. 结束;结尾 Tas a happy end. 这个故事有一个 快乐的结尾。 end v. 结束 Wg ended, they began to talk with ea当会议结束,他们开始互相交谈。d 最后 We made eight dlaur vacations, bud we went to Harbin aga我们为假期做了八种不同的计划,但最后又去了哈尔滨。 bd of 到末为止 What will the world be like bd2ury? 到21世纪末世界将会怎样? ad o

9、f 在的末尾;在的尽头 Theres a shop adad. 在路的尽头有一家商店。 end with 以结束 The party ended with a song. 聚会以一首歌而结束。梳理归纳 本单元涉及询问“怎么样、做了什么事”以及表达感受的交际用语。How was your day off? 你休息日过得怎样? 本句用来询问某人某一天的情况。 How was your school trip? 你的学校旅行如何? 2. Did you g? 你去过动物园吗? No, I didnt. I waquarium. 没,我没去过。我去了水族馆。 本交际用语用来询问是 否做了什么事及其应答

10、。 Did they take a? 他们照了一些照片吗? did. 是的,他们照过。That soundg. 那听起来很有趣。 此句用来对他人的陈述、建议等表示欣赏 且有兴趣时的一句话。此句中sound 是系动词,意为“听上去;听起来”,后跟形容词作表语,有时也跟“like+名词”。 Lets gvie. 咱们去看电影吧。 That soundg. 听起来很有趣。 That sounds like a busy da那听起来像个繁忙的休息日。达标检测 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Did you buy a g_ for you? 2. W_ in your class?Do you get

11、many v_?s going to have her birthday party at the e_w 请从方框中选出适当的词语完成下列句子(注意部分词语的形式变化) ad of, win, shark, hang out, elWhat _ did you do last night? 2. Alice _days dancing_ the dabus baThere a_ at the Blue Sky AquariuI _ with my dog last Sunday. 请按括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩写)There audur class.(改为一般过去时) _ _u

12、dur cla2. I waquarium wlast Sunday.(改为一般疑问句) _ you _aquarium with youlast Sunday?There wdolwater.(改为否定句) There _ _ dolwaWe sawals at the Blue Water Aquarium.(就画线部分提问) _ _ you _ at the Blue Water Aquarium?Bens friendd themselvl trip.(改为同义句) Bens friends _ a great _l 选择填空 ( )1. _ Emily at her aunts la

13、st night? A. Is B. Was C. Did ( )2. _ he sleep late last night? A. Is B. Was C. Did ( )3. What did you do _ your last trip? A. on B( )4._ the enddawere all tired. A.On B. In C. At ( )5. After two houldren gll, tired _ haA. and B. but C. however ( )_ some caus last nigA.makes B.maked C.made ( )7. Did

14、 they take a? _. A.No,they didnt B.No,they did C.No,they arent ( )8. What _ did you do? A.other B.el五、典型例题解析_ there any waup just now? A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Are 2. Ann _ out wlast Sunday. That sounds like a busy da那听起来像个繁忙的休息日。达标检测 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词来源:Zxxk.ComDid you buy a g_ for you? 2. W_ in your c

15、lass?Do you get many v_?s going to have her birthday party at the e_w 请从方框中选出适当的词语完成下列句子(注意部分词语的形式变化) ad of, win, shark, hang out, elWhat _ did you do last night? 2. Alice _days dancing_ the dabus baThere a_ at the Blue Sky AquariuI _ with my dog last Sunday. 请按括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩写)There audur clas

16、s.(改为一般过去时) _ _udur cla2. I waquarium wlast Sunday.(改为一般疑问句) _ you _aquarium with youlast Sunday?There wdolwater.(改为否定句) There _ _ dolwaWe sawals at the Blue Water Aquarium.(就画线部分提问) _ _ you _ at the Blue Water Aquarium?Bens friendd themselvl trip.(改为同义句) Bens friends _ a great _l 选择填空 ( )1. _ Emily

17、 at her aunts last night? A. Is B. Was C. Did ( )2. _ he sleep late last night? A. Is B. Was C. Did ( )3. What did you do _ your last trip? A. on B( )4._ the enddawere all tired. A.On B. In C. At ( )5. After two houldren gll, tired _ haA. and B. but C. however ( )_ some caus last nigA.makes B.maked

18、C.made ( )7. Did they take a? _. A.No,they didnt B.No,they did C.No,they arent ( )8. What _ did you do? A.other B.el五、典型例题解析_ there any waup just now? A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Are 2. Ann _ out wlast Sunday. A. hang B. hangs C. hung D. hangedIball game, we _ the studlass 9 and _. A. beat; wB. beat; wb

19、eat; wD. won; w六、中考链接(2009 河南)When _ yo u _ your old friend? The day bday. A. will; visit B. did; vwill; visitor D. did; v2.(2009 江西)Hes leaving _ _endA. at B. awith D. w七、课后反思 我的收获:_ _ 我的不足:_ Unit 8 How was your school trip?B 一、教师寄语: My road is under my owl. 我的路,就在我的掌握之中。 二、学习目标 知识目标: 1.熟练掌握并运用日期进行

20、交谈。 2.掌握与学生生活相关的短语,为学生的交际提供素材。本课要求掌握的短语为:,school trip,birthday party,basketball game。 3.熟练运用句型: When is? Its. 能力目标: 让学生学会合理支配时间,做时间的主人。 情感目标: 学会积极乐观的表达自己的感受。培养学生与人合作、互帮互学的团队精神。 三、教学重、难点: Importa: Simple pagular and irregular verbs(规则和不规则动词的过去式) Difficul: How to talk about evast clearl时 睡过头 开车去兜风 上课

21、帮助爸爸和妈妈 和朋友一起看电视 休息日 在海滩 听起来无聊 努力为数学学习 (一)预习导学及自测 翻译下列词组:昨天下午_ 2. 前天_昨晚_ 4. 上个月_去年夏天_ 6. 看录像_整天_ 8. 开车兜风_获得奖金_ 10. 买纪念品_ (二)自主学习Tony slept lalast day off. 托尼在他的上个休息日睡过了头。 sleep late 睡过头;起得晚,相当于get up late。 I slept late on Sundag. 我星期天早上起得晚。 go to be late 睡得晚 Im vdg because I went to bed late last ni

22、g今天早上我很累,因为昨天晚上我睡得晚。 2. Did you have fun camping? 你野营有趣吗? 本句是一般疑问 句,由助动词did开头。 have fun 玩得快乐;过得愉快,相当于have a good/great/nice/ wonderfullf 。 Last weekend we had fun.=Last weekend we had a good/great/wonderful/Last weekend wd ou rselves. 上周末我们玩得很快乐。 have fun +v-ing 做某事快乐 The bas fun watching TV a这男孩经常在

23、家快乐地看电视。Luckily, we brought our umbrellas and raincoats, so we didnt get w并列 幸运的是,我们带了雨衣和雨伞,所以没有被淋湿。 本句是由so连接的并列句。 luckily adv. 幸运地,常修饰动词,形容词,副词或句子。 Luckily, the boy passed the exam. 这男孩幸运地通过了考试。 lucky adj. 幸运的 All of you are lucky dogs. 你们都是幸运儿。 luck n. 幸运 Good luu. 祝你走运。We watched a movie about li

24、vinguture. 我们看了一部关于未来的生活的电影。 本句是一个简单句。介词短语about livinguture作movie的定语。 future n. 将来;未来,常构成短语uture,在将来;在未来 Who can tell what will hauture? 谁能说得清将来会发生什么事? (三)合作探究和no one的用法区别:既可指人,也可指物 可与of 连用,谓语动词可以 是单数也可以是复数,具体指什么人或事物,一般用来回答“How many + 名词复数”, “How much +名词”以及含有“any+名词“的疑问句。How many boys alassroom? 教室

25、里有多少个男孩? None. 一个也没有。相当于 nobody,只指人。用作主语时,谓语用单数,后面不能跟of短语,常用来回答who 和 含有anyone/ anybody引起的疑问句。T房间里空无一人。 2课时 1、写出下列短语 睡过头 开车去兜风 上课 在海滩 帮助爸爸和妈妈 和朋友一起看电视 休息日 听起来无聊 努力为数学学习 去散步_ 去游泳_觉得身体好_ 看起来高兴_ 变得疲劳 _ 2、写出下列词的过去式: paly decide like live study plan havake teaat sleep leava(四)拓展创新的用法以及短语:adj. 休息;不工作,常用在名词

26、后。 day off (因病或节假日)休息;不工作;不上学 He is illacher givda他生病了,老师给了他一天假。adv. 离开 You must b你必须尽快离开。 ask for a day off 请一天假 I havg to do, I want to ask for a da我有一些事情要做。我想请一天假。s day off 在某人的休息日last day off, I wlimb Mountain Tai. 在我的上一个休息日,我去爬了泰山。 have a day off 休假一天awave a day off. 在三月八号,妇女们经常休假一天。 take off 脱

27、下;起飞 Its hot. Please taur coa天热了。脱下你的外套吧。 t urn off 关上 Please tuur TV. Lets go for a wal请关上电视。我们去散散步吧。 (五) 梳理归纳 (六)达标检测 . 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Gga d_ ww2. Its raining outside. Please put on your r_Tg I s_ late and missed my breakfaL_, he foundIn England, children always take u_ w. 用所给词的正确形式填空Didldren have

28、fun _(camp)? 2. The weather _(be) terribldadoesnt want _(watch) TV wgrandNo one _(come)because it was badLast Tuesdaler _(not take) a cla. 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子How was your _ _(休息日), Ming? 2. Old Henry had a _ _(庭院旧货出售)It _(下雨) for two daHe _ _ (淋湿)the day bday. . 单项选择_we can go camping next weekend. A. At

29、 B. ID. For 2. They had _ _ goodlling pancakes and it sounds _ great. A. /; / B. a; / C. a; a D. /; aWhat a pity! I wasnt _ my familbeach! A. with B. stay C. stay with D. stayingWe bought a novel about _utuA. life B. lives C. live D. livedAt last, he _ball maA. wined B. wined C. wins D. won 五、典型例题解析

30、an you _? Lets go for _. A. drive; drive B. drive; a drive C. a drive; a drive D. a drive; dri ve 2. Why are you late again, Grace? I _ agaA. went to bed early B. slept late C. got up early D. had nothingDid they have fun _ the dolw? did. A. watch B. watched C. watching D. to wa六、中考链接(2009 甘肃)This suas much _, so its _A. rain; rain B. rainy; raain; rainy D. rainy; rain 2. (2009 青海)Ta heavy rawal._an umbrella wA. Badly B. Terribly C. Really D. Luc kil(2009 郴州) I didnt take raincoaday, when I gI was all _. A. tired B. happy C. angry D. wet 七、课后反思 我的收获:_ 我的不足:_

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