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1、复习题一Part I: Vocabulary and Structure (1*15=15%)There are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the correct answer to each question.1. Most adults who are learning a foreign language would disagree _ the statement that it is unnecessary for them to be taught grammar.A. to B. up C. with D. at2. They

2、are willing _ mistakes and try again.A. to making B. to make C. making D. for making3. The nuclear family usually_ two parents and their children. A. consists of B. is consist of C. is consisted of D. made of4. Not only_ us light, but it gives us heat. A. the sun gives B. the sun does give C. gives

3、the sun D. does the sun give5. A person who makes wise decisions has_.A. a good brain B. a good intention C. good judgment D. good imagination6. The light gradually_ and shapes and colors grew fainter.A. faded B. melted C. disappeared D. died7. This book gives a brief _ of the history of the univers

4、ity.A. outlook B. reference C. research D. outline8. He would not listen at all to the doctors advice that he _ smoking immediately.A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. will stop9. I_ you with the funds. Why didnt you ask me?.A. should provide B. had provided C. could provide D. could have provided10. So

5、little_ about stock exchange that the lecture was pletely beyond me. A. did I know B. I had known C. I knew D. I was known11. I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work _ before lunch.A. being done B. done C. to do D. to be done12. He regretted _ the decision too hastily.A. make B. to m

6、ake C. making D. have made13. Its not polite to _ a speaker when he is making a speech.A. interrupt B. cease C. oppose D. inquire14. Fish is good brain food_ it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food.A. because B. for C. since D. just as15. After the explosion, the factory was a _ of total

7、confusion.A. situation B. scene C. view D. showPart II Cloze (1*20=20%)There are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the correct answer to each question.There was a time when, if a lady got into a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up and _16_ her seat. But now, things are

8、different. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window _17_if he feels a bit shy, hide behind his newspaer. Either way, the lady will have to stand _18_ someone else gets off.You cant entirely blame men for this change in manners, _19_. Gone are the days when women could be referred to as

9、 weakers without causing_20_. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding _21_with men, not just equality in jobs or education, _22_in social life. Hold a door open for some women and you are _23_to get an angry lecture on treating women as _24_ unable o open doors for themselves. Take a girl

10、 out for a meal and shell probably _25_ on paying her share of the bill. On second thoughts, that is perhaps not a bad idea.16. A. provide B. offer C. hand D. reserve17. A. so B. therefore C. otherwise D. or18. A. if B. when C. until D. while19. A. though B. either C. indeed D. too20. A. trouble B.

11、offence C. damage D. problem21. A. working B. contact C. correspondence D. equality22. A. neither B. and C. but D. besides23. A. able B. sorry C. likely D. disappointed24. A. patients B. inferiors C. housewives D. cripples25. A. keep B. concentrate C. depend D. insist If you have a watch, dont repai

12、r it! I know it 26 . Once I had a beautiful watch. And this watch 27 perfect time. But one night it happened that I forgot to 28 it up. Next morning I went to a watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to 29 by the exact time. The watchmaker examined my watch and said: The regulator (校准器) is to be pu

13、shed up 30 your watch is four minutes 31 .I tried to stop him, tried to 32 him understand that my watch kept perfect time, but he did not listen to me and pushed the regulator.My beautiful watch began to gain time. It 33 faster and faster day by day. By the end of the second month it 34 all the cloc

14、ks and watches of the town far 35 .26Afor reality Bfor truth Cfor certain Dfor certainty27Akept Btold Cobserved Dstruck 28Aturn Bwind Cpick Dput29Abe turned Bbe taken Cbe put Dbe set 30Aas Bas if Cwhen Dif 31Afast Bslowly Cfaster Dslow 32Aget Bpersuade Cmake Dexplain 33Agained Blost Cwent Dwon34Ahad

15、 remained Bhad left Chad stayed Dhad fallen35. A. before B. behind C. ahead D. afterPart III: Reading prehension (2*15=30%)Read the following passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each question.Passage 1 The first time I decided to leave home was when I was a sophomore in high school.

16、I was having trouble getting along with my parents. I had about a hundred dollars in my pocket, and so I thought about leaving home. It took me only three weeks away from home when I started to feel homesick. I have learned that living on my own requires that I bee more responsible. When I was in mi

17、ddle school, my parents often asked me to do things. But now I must make my own decisions because I am on my own. I also think that being creative is the nicest thing in the world. However, when I was with my parents I found it hard for me to be creative simply because I always followed their ideas.

18、 36. According to the passage, the author decided to leave home because_.A. he liked to live on campusB. he had trouble getting along with his parentsC. he had to study in another cityD. he felt he was old enough to leave home37. According to the passage, the author became_ after he lived on his own

19、.A. more responsibleB. more experiencedC. more industriousD. more dependent38. From the passage, we can see that the author_.A. always decided on things by himselfB. often made decisions when he was studying in middle schoolC. seldom made decisions by himself when he was in middle schoolD. never dec

20、ided on anything by himself39. What did the author think was the nicest thing in the world?A. Being independentB. Being responsibleC. Being creativeD. Being more decisivePassage 2Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I

21、 made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often es in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post

22、 office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, a

23、nd that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasnt it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are goin

24、g to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You dont know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but plaints.” 40. At first the author looked upon life as a process of getting. He formed his view of life because_.A. other people were selfishB. he thought

25、it exciting to get from othersC. of his early educationD. of his character41. The author wrote a note of appreciation to the post office because_.A. he knew what such a note would mean to the post office.B. he had discovered giving-away made life more excitingC. he believed he would get something ba

26、ck by doing so D. the postman delivered an important letter in time42. The post master promised_.A. to make a new post office box for the authorB. to let the author have a post office boxC. to include the authors name on the listD. to deliver the authors mail to his home43. The post master interfere

27、d because_. A. he overheard their conversationB he had received a lot of plaints for lack of boxesC. he was thankful for the letter the author had writtenD. he was proud of their good servicePassage 3 Music is part of most peoples lives. Good music can bring happiness to many people. Some people lik

28、e classical music, but for most young people, pop music seems more attractive. Young people are interested in pop music because it es from real life and sounds cool. Most young people like to sing pop songs or listen to them. They find that the tones of pop songs are easy to follow and the words are

29、 easy to remember. So when a pop singer sings a lovely pop song, some young people will sing it together loudly. Besides, many pop songs can tell us about love and romantic dreams. I have a friend who felt very sad when he lost his love. But a month later, I found that he had bee much better. He tol

30、d me it was pop songs that cheered him up. I like pop music because it can express the personal feelings of young people in the modern world. while listening to pop music, I can get strength. Some pop music, especially rock music, will help me forget my troubles. When I fail in something or get depr

31、essed, I will listen to rock music, and soon I will feel much better.44. This passage mainly talks about _. A. music B. food C. education D. clothes45. According to the passage, young people are interested in pop music because _.A. it makes people relax. B. it es from real life and sounds cool. C. i

32、t makes people excited. D. it is played by the popular musician.46. According to the passage, the writers friend was cheered up by_. A. swimming B. dancing C. pop songs D. shopping47. When the writer fails in something or get depressed, the writer will_. A. drink beer B. dance C. listen to sad songs

33、. D. listen to rock music.Passage 4 I still remember the first day when I came to college. It was a sunny day. Everything seemed fresh to me. All the freshmen were excited. I was very excited, too. I had long dreamed of being a college student. Later my dream had e true. This was really a turning po

34、int in my life. I looked at the modern classroom buildings and the large library. I felt proud of my college. I knew that going to college would be a good opportunity for me to obtain a great deal of knowledge. The knowledge would be useful for my future career. But I knew that studying at college w

35、as a challenge to me. I had to learn how to overe the difficulties in my study and life at college. Anyway, I was determined to study hard. I must live up to the expectations of my parents and my friends. I was sure that I could face the challenge. I would make the best of the opportunity. I would p

36、rove myself a worthy college student.48. According to the passage, for the first day when the writer came to college, the weather was_.A. windyB. snowyC. rainyD. sunny49. According to the passage, ing to the college was a _ point in my life.A. goodB. turningC. badD. great50. The writer felt_ his col

37、lege.A. proud of B. sorry aboutC. disappointed atD. unsatisfied withPart IV Translation (3*5=15%)1.学生们正在准备期末考试。(prepare)2.人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。 (consideras)3. 物价随季节而变动。(variable)4. 他很仔细地处理了一个困难的局面。(deal with)5. 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。(make difference to.)Part V Writing (20%) Write a position on the topic “How to Spe

38、nd the Weekend?” Your position should use the following sentences as the topic sentence of each paragraph and you are required to write at least 100 words.The topic sentences are:A. Now people have five workdays every week in China.B. People may do many things at the two-day weekend.C. For us, what

39、is the best way to spend the weekend?复习题二Part I: Vocabulary and Structure (1*15=15%)There are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the correct answer to each question.1. I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work _ before lunch.A. being done B. done C. to do D. to be done2. He regrett

40、ed _ the decision too hastily.A. make B. to make C. making D. have made3. Its not polite to _ a speaker when he is making a speech.A. interrupt B. cease C. oppose D. inquire4. Fish is good brain food_ it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food.A. because B. for C. since D. just as5. After th

41、e explosion, the factory was a _ of total confusion.A. situation B. scene C. view D. show6. The light gradually_ and shapes and colors grew fainter.A. faded B. melted C. disappeared D. died7. This book gives a brief _ of the history of the university.A. outlook B. reference C. research D. outline8.

42、He would not listen at all to the doctors advice that he _ smoking immediately.A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. will stop9. I_ you with the funds. Why didnt you ask me?.A. should provide B. had provided C. could provide D. could have provided10. So little_ about stock exchange that the lecture was ple

43、tely beyond me. A. did I know B. I had known C. I knew D. I was known11. Most adults who are learning a foreign language would disagree _ the statement that it is unnecessary for them to be taught grammar.A. to B. up C. with D. at12. They are willing _ mistakes and try again.A. to making B. to make

44、C. making D. for making13. The nuclear family usually_ two parents and their children. A. consists of B. is consist of C. is consisted of D. made of14. Not only_ us light, but it gives us heat. A. the sun gives B. the sun does give C. gives the sun D. does the sun give15. A person who makes wise decisions has_.A. a good brain B. a good inten

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