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1、(word完整版)会展英语复习题一,问答1. The benefits of exhibitionExhibitions provide a highly flexible environment in which a wide range of sales and marketing objectives can be achieved , from generating sales leads and launching new products, to building brand image, maintaining customer relations and appointing

2、new agents。 2,A twoway communicationBusiness is conducted face to face。As an exhibition, suppliers can physically demonstrate product benefits and visitors can see, touch, taste, smell, hear , and judge for themselves。 3,Speed to marketMake sales and create profitable leads.Shorten your sales cycle

3、Launch new products to a receptive audienceIncrease your prospect databasePosition yourself against your competitionLearn more about your customers needs, face to facePromote your products and services to this hard-to reach audiencesEvaluate and compare products and suppliers2. How to decorate a boo

4、th successfully?1,The display should say who you are, what to do, and the benefits of your product/service in just a few second. 2,Exhibition stand design is a specialized field and should be undertaken by a professional organization with experience in this field。 3,Your corporate image and identity

5、 should be prominently featured. 4,Avoid unnecessary physical barrier-you want visitors to access your stand easily to feel comfortable. 5,Demonstrations and presentations create movement-and movement attractive visitors 6,Be aware of the physiological effects of color.3. What mistakes we should not

6、 make beforeshow, at-show and aftershow?Beforeshow:1,failing to set exhibiting goals 2,forgetting to read the exhibitor manual 3,leaving graphics to the last minute 4,neglecting booth staff preparationAtshow: 1,ignoring visitorsneeds 2,handing out literature and premiums 3,being unfamiliar with demo

7、nstrations 4,overcrowding the booth with company representativesPost-show: 1,ignoring lead followup 2,overlooking show evaluation.二,翻译句子1. I would suggest you make a reservation with your credit card now, otherwise we cant guarantee your booth. 我建议您现在就用信用卡预订,否则我们无法保证您的摊位.2。 Let me confirm your reser

8、vation。 我再确认一下您的预订.3. I need you to answer some questions to make the reservation. 为了帮您预订,我需要您回答我几个问题。4。 Well send you a letter of confirmation by email/by fax within 5 working days. 我们在5个工作日内会给您电邮/传真一份预订确认书。5。 Let me check it for you. 我帮您查一查.6。 Do you have any raw space in the center? 你们有(展区)中心的光地吗

9、?7。 An in-line booth will be fine. 我要一个道边摊位就行了。8。 May I know the location? 我能不能知道(摊位的)位置?9. Well send you a layout of the exhibition hall, and mark the available booth on it. 我们可以给您发一份展厅的布局图,并且把可预订的摊位标出来。10。 Im afraid were fully booked. 恐怕我们已经预订满了。11。 We still have some standard booths available。 我们

10、还有一些标准摊位。12. Cancellation will only be accepted in writing before the stipulated deadline。 取消展位必须于截至日期前以书面形式提出。13. All cancelled orders will be subject to a 30 cancellation charge。 所取消的申请需缴付30作取消手续费用。14。 A written notification by the exhibitor is demanded for cancellation of exhibition space. 参展企业若取

11、消参展或削减展出面积,应以出面形式通知(主办单位)。15. Only cancellation and refund requests made in writing will be accepted. 取消参展与申请退款必须以书面形式提出。16. All refunds will be processed after the event/exhibition。 所有退款需在本次活动/展览结束之后方能办理。17. The utmost (best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2%. 我们最多能减价百分之二。 18。 We cannot take a

12、nything off the price. 我们不能再减价了. 19. Weve already cut down our prices to cost level。 我们已经将价格降到成本费的水平了。 20。There is no room for any reduction in price。 价格毫无再减的余地了。21。 Ill see to it that such things do not happen again。我保证这样的事不会再发生.22. I hope you will accept the terms of ”payment by installments”我希望你们

13、能接受分期付款的方式.23. The balance should be paid not later than Sept. 1st, 2010。 余款须于2010年9月1日前付清。24. If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.对这些条款有何意见,请尽管提,不必客气。25。 I hope this will lead to further business between us。我希望这次交易将使我们之间的贸易得到进一步发展.三,翻译词语产品发布会:product launch 小册子:pamp

14、hlet 参展商:exhibitor实地考察工作:field-work 参展商手册:exhibitor manual 赞助商:sponsor标准展台区:turkey stands area 总面积;gross square feet 角落展位:corner booth 服务指南:service knit 隔板:side divider 信息展板;information panel半岛型展位:peninsula booth 保修期:warranty period目录;catalog合同条款条件:contract terms and conditions合同期满:expiration of con

15、tract 毁约:break the contract 撤销合同:cancel the contract合同双方:contract parties定约人:contractor批发销售:wholesale零售:retail潜在客户:potential customer陈列柜:display case展品说明品:exhibit prospectus撤展:moveout租赁物品:rental items价格表:price list信誉可靠:solid reputation四,填词1, goals,or the purpose for exhibiting,area the essence of th

16、e whole tradeshow experience ,knowing what you want to accomplish .at a show will help plan every other aspect-your theme,the booth layout and display,graphics,product displays premiums,literature,etc,exhibiting goals complement your corporate marketing objectives and help in accomplishing them.2, T

17、he exhibitor manuel is your complete reference guide to every aspect of the show and your key to saving money。admittedly some show management makes these easier to read than others,everything you need to know about the show you are participating in ,should be contained in the manual-show schednles,s

18、uch as contractor information,registration,service order forms。electrical service,floor plans and exhibit specifications,shipping and freight services,housing information,advertising and promotion,remember that the floor price for show services is normally 10-20higher so digning up early will always

19、 give you a significant savings9,show leads often take second place to other management activities that occur after being out of the office for several days ,the longer leads are left unattended ,the colder and more mediocre they become ,prior to the show ,establish how leads will be handled ,set ti

20、melines for followup and make sales representatives accountable for leads given to them10,the more you know and understand about your performance at shows,the more improvement and finetuning can take place for future shows,no two shows are alike,each has it own idiosyncrasies and obstacles ,there is always room for improvement,invest the time with your staff immediately after each show to evaluate your performance, it pays enormous dividends。(by susan friedann)4

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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