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1、(完整版)新模式英语复习题 新模式英语一、 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1。 She eats (eat) roast beef sandwiches。2. They like (like) a big breakfast。3。 We need (need) two gallons of water。4。Vinicio and Laura want (want) tuna fish sandwiches。5。I make (make) a turkey sandwiches every day for lunch.6。The students eat (eat) pizza every week

2、。7。He likes (like) tomatoes on his hamburger 。8。Hugo and I need (need) water and soda.9。 Pablo eats (eat) lunch at noon .10。Minh makes (make) sandwiches for Dong。二、按照题目要求填空(A)。用 am ,is ,are 填空:1She is from San Diego.2.We are 16 years old .3. They are from Chicago 。4。 You are married。 5. I am 18 year

3、s old 。6。John is at home .7.Where is my mother ?8.Jennifer and I are from the U。 S 。A.9.The teacher is from canada 。10. How old are Aaron and Rob ?(B)、用have 或 has 填空:1。 The new teacher has a computer.2。Melissa has an old house .3。Margie and Alex have a pool。4。 We have a big kitchen.5.She has a twobe

4、droom house 。6。 He has a beautiful dog 。7.They have a small apartment .8.My friend has a new condominium .9.Your sister has a large garden .10。We have a new car。C、根据句子的意思,用物主代词形容词的正确形式填空:1My daughter is 15 years old 。 Her name is Carla。2。 I am 45 years old . My hair is black and my eyes are brown.3.

5、 We all watch TV in the evenings. Oue Family is very happy.4. They have blue shirts。 Their Shirts are blue。5。You have a white blouse。 Your blouse is white .6.She has a green coat. Her Coat is green。7。Anton and I have brown sandlals 。 Our sandals are brown.8.Mike and mario have black pants. Their Pan

6、ts are black。9。My wife Silvia has brow eyes。 Her hair is black。10。My brother is 12 years old . His name is Li Hua .三。在右列找出可与左列相对应的句子。Part A ( E )1.Do you enjoy your school life? A. Thanks。( C )2。How do you feel your school life? B. You are welcome.( D )3.When do you have lunch ? C。I find it interest

7、ing。( B )4.Thank you very much D。 At 11:30 a.m.( A )5.Enjoy your school days! E. Yes ,I do.Part B( E )1。The film is so interesting I am craze about it A。 Yes ,I am 。( D )2.What is your favorite subject ? B。 Because it is widely used .( A )3. Are you from Mechanical Technology C. sure. Im Department?

8、 very glad to( B )4。Why do we learn English ? D. Maths。( C )5。Can you help me with my English ? E。 So am I .Part C ( E )1。 What will you do this afternoon? A。 It makes me healthy( D )2。Is basketball your favorite sport? B. Twice a week。( B )3.How often do you go jogging? C. I will .( C )4. Will you

9、come and join us ? D。 Yes ,it is 。( A )5.Why do you like sports ? E.I will play football with my classmates.Part D( D )1.What is the weather like in summer? A。 So do I .( B )2。Do you like summer or winter? B。 Neither. I like spring 。( E )3.It is a nice day, isnt it ? C。 Because it is neither cold no

10、r hot 。( A )4.I like summer best .How about you ? D. It is very hot and rainy( C )5.Why do you like spring best ? E。 Yes , it is .四、 选择题目:( A )1.We blue eyes and blond hair。 A。 have B。 has C. are D。is ( B )2。She 30 years old . A。are B。 is C. has D。 /( B )3。 John 6 tall . A。 has B。 is C。/ D. have ( A

11、 )4。How much the cheese ? A。 is B。 are C 。 has D。have ( B )5。How much the pencils ?A。 is B。are C. do D.does ( D )6. Dave pizza.A. do B。 dont like C。 like D. doesnt like ( C )7。 Martha roast beef。 A。 like B。 dont like C. likes D。 isnt like ( A )8。 Dave and Jane cereal . A. like B. dont likes C. doesn

12、t like D。 likes ( A )9。Ana spaghetti。 A. doesnt like B. like C.no like D。isnt like ( A )10。We fried chicken 。 A . like B。 likes C. doesnt like D. are( C )11. He eggs and toast . A. like B。 dont like C。 doesnt like D. is likes ( A )12。 You peanut butter 。 A。 like B. likes C。 doesnt like D。are like (

13、A ) 13.I a new car . A. dont want B. doesnt want C. dont wants D。wants ( A )14. We a big house . A。 dont need B。 doesnt want C。 wants D。 arent ( D )15. She a medium shirt A。 dont need B.need C. isnt need D. doesnt need ( B )16。 They a CD player 。 A. doesnt need B。 dont need C。needs D. needes( D )17.

14、Molly and Russ a new car 。 A./ B.doesnt want C. dont wants D。 dont want ( B )18.He sandwiches for duong . A. make B. makes C. is make D. dont make ( B ) 19. Saud on the phone now。 A. call B。 is calling C.are calling D. dont call ( C ) 20。Look! They into a new apartment 。 A。 move B.moves C。are moving

15、 D.is moving( A )21.This is watch。 A. his sisters B。his sister C。 his sisters D。his sister( C )22.Yesterday was Anns birthday 。some friends took to dinner。A 。 she B。hers C. her D. herself ( C )23. Everything fine . A。are B. be C。 is D。 to be ( B )24.His father is engineer.A。 a B. an C. B. one ( B )2

16、5。Susan found difficult to answer all these questions. A。that B.it C. D。 this ( D )26.She always plays piano after school. A。a; the B。the; the C.; a D.the ; ( A )27。He was elected chairman of the sports meet。A。 the B. a C。 as D。 ( B )28. What would you do if it tomorrow ? A。 rain B. rains C。 will ra

17、in D。 is raining ( C ) 29. It so cold yesterday that we to stay at home .A。 is; have B。 is; had C. was; had D。 was; have ( C )30。Lily is the only girl who good at swimming .A. have been B。 are C. is D. was ( B ) 31。Ill tell her about it as soon as she 。 A. come B。 comes B. came D。 will come ( C )32。

18、This machine 。It hasnt worked for years。A。 didnt work B.wasnt working C.doesnt work D.isnt working( C )33.The father as well as his three children skating every Sunday afternoon。 A。 is going B。 go C。 goes D. are going( A )34.Her sister all the housework before she got married。A. used to do B. was us

19、ed to do C。 used do D. used to be done ( B )35。I want a teacher when Im older。 A。 as B。 to be C。 to grow D。 become ( B )36。 I like this sweater , it so soft and comfortable。A。 is feeling B. feels C。 is felt D. feeling ( ( D )37._ you hear me ? _ No, I cant 。 Please say again .A. May B。 Need C。 Must

20、D. Can ( A )38。_ you pass me a pen ? Id like to write it down。A。 Could B。 Must C。 Need D。 Should ( C )39。 She _ know the answer , but Im not sure 。 A. can B。 may be C. may D。 must ( A )40. _ _ I borrow your MP3 ? _ Sure .Here you are .A。 May B. Must C. Should D。 would ( C )41. These rugs are too exp

21、ensive for me. I cant them。A buy B offer C afford( A )42。The soldiers stood for the officers inspection.A in a row B in a corner C in a way ( B )43.Jeff cut himself he opened a bottle of wine.A. while B。 when C。 where D. which( C )44。She usually does the _ on Mondays.A。 wash B. washed C。 washing D.

22、washes( A )45。The children go to school car every day.A。 by B。 at C. in D。 with( D )46.It is cold in November。A. never B. seldom C。 hardly ever D。 often( A )47.The sun rises in the east and sets in the 。A。 west B. north C. south D。 east( B )48。We are walking the river banks.A. between B. along C。 ac

23、ross D。 through( A )49.There is a bridge the river.A。 over B. under C。 at D. on( D )50.I am going out now. I will be back ten minutes.A。 on B. at C。 pass D。 in( C )51。He is the of the three boys。A. clever B. clevered C. cleverest D. clevering ( A )52.Are you still working for firm?A。 the same B. sam

24、e C. as D. samed( B )53。He was busy ready for his journey。A。 get B. getting C. getted D. gets( A )54.The exam was too for me to pass.A. difficult B. easy C. happy D。 young( C )55。I am to meet him at the station in the evening.A. go B. gone C。 going D. went( D )56.I do not Captain Stone much。A。 enjoy

25、 B. happy C. angry D. like( B )57.Tom called Green this morning.A。 at B。 on C. in D。 to( C )58。He works hard so that he can earn enough money his education.A. with B. by C。 for D。 in( A )59.He spoke fast that I could not follow him。A。 so B. such C. that D。 such a( C )60。We find that fewer and people

26、 are buying this brand.A。 few B。 little C。 fewer D。 less( A )61。That box old letters.A。 contains B。 contain C. contained D。 containing( B )62。Passengers should be for their train.A. in time B. on time C。 at time D. with time( C )63。I could not help when I saw his face。A。 laugh B。 laughed C. laughing

27、 D. laughs( A )64。The smell of beer is quite from that of wine。A. different B。 same C. like D. as( D )65.The cashier showed me the phone was.A。 which B. what C。 why D。 where( A )66。I would not like to live such a small house。A. in B。 at C. on D. with( B )67.Tom lives a mobile home。A。 at B。 in C. of

28、D。 with( A )68。Turn off the radio ,please .I cant concentrate my study when it is on. A。on B. to C。 at D in( C )69。The computer is not very expensive today. Many people can it. A. pay B. spend C. afford D. pays ( C )70。My sister is very sick .So I need to call the . A. bank B。post office C. hospital

29、 B. hostel 五、判断题(在你认为是正确的题目前面括号内打上,在认为是错误的题目前面打上,)( ) 1。There are two women in the office but I can see ten mans in it.( )2。Does your mother wear glasses.( )3。All the students visited the Children Palace in June 1st。( )4。He always take a cold shower in the morning and that is why he never catches co

30、ld.( )5。Dont be late ,Mary ; the train starts at 8 oclock.( )6.The school is not far from here. We can go there on foot.( )7.If a cat doesnt catches rats , it is not a good cat。( )8.What a good dogs! It can help the blind people get home 。( )9。The writer writes not only well but also fast.( )10.Look

31、! My teacher is sitting in her chair .( )11。The twins dont looks like each other at all in appearance。( )12.The Internet is benefiting people in all walks of life.( )13.Turn off the radio ,please. I cant concentrate on my study when it is on。( )14.He used to go to school by bike and now he goes to s

32、chool by foot。( )15.It is very important to combine theory with practice.( )16.He began to study English at the age in six。( )17.Which ball do you prefer ,the red one or the blue one?( )18.We need only furniture such as chairs, tables or sofa。( )19。The fans were excited to watch the exciting footbal

33、l match。( )20。I wont stay here because I dont like to be with the old man.( )21.He asks to sing a song at the party yesterday .( ) 22.He says to know Professor Zhang 。( ) 23。 The final examination will be given next Thursday。( )24。 The building which is being built now ( )25。 A large number of scien

34、ce books will be published early next year。( )26.The meeting has been put off until next Monday。( )27.The whole work has to do again.( )28.Why dont you answer when you asking .( )29.The speaker raised his voice so as to be hearing by all。( )30。He is known to be very honest。( )31。Their father takes t

35、hem to the school every day。 ( )32。I will have to stay at home this evening. ( )33。They arrived to home early. ( )34.The ground is covered with snow. ( )35。Nobody want to dance. ( )36.Jack does not want to go bowling。 ( )37。I live far way from the centre of town。 ( )38.What are you going to do this

36、evening? ( )39。Miss Grey is witing a letter now. ( )40.Did you enjoy yourself at the party? ( )41.He likes travelling by the train。 ( )42。His busy to put his new house in order. ( )43.When I visited London I lived at the Grand Hotel. ( )44。He has been ill for the past few months。 ( )45.I went to wor

37、k by car this morning. ( )46.I am happy to seeing you again。 ( )47.Most of the students can speak English and French. ( )48.The driver got angry with me and began shouting at me. ( )49.How much water dose this bottle contain? ( )50.They went to work till late in the night。 六、完形填空(每题 1 分,满分 20 分):从短文

38、所给的A,B,C D选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 1。 Jimmy arrive home and discovered that he had 1 his keys . He rang the bell but nobody came to open the door。He rang again and waited, but still there was no 2 。 He walked 3 the house to see 4 he could find an open window, but they were all locked。It was going to rain a

39、nd so he didnt know 5 to do 。Betty, his wife ,had obviously 6 out, and he didnt know where she had gone or when she would be back 。He waited for half 7 hour. Still nobody came。 Being wet and cold and angry,he pick up a big stone and threw it 8 the kitchen window。Just as he had unlocked the window and was climbing through it,he heard the front door 9 .His wife had 10 back.( A )1。A forgotten Bforget Cfound( C )2。Asound Breply

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