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1、1.听句子,选择与其所对应的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II.听五段短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)6. Whose backpack is green?A.Lucys B. Jacks C. Johns7. What does Amy do every morning?A. She runs. B. She eats an apple. C. She takes a shower.8. Whats the telephone number of Tonys car?A.5936 B. 4935 C. 59459.Whats in the

2、mans fridge?A.Some meat. B.Some vegetables. C. Some milk10.How does Jenny go to school every day?A.By car B.By bus C. On footIII. 听长对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)11.Who did Toms mother go shopping with today?A.Toms father B.Toms sister C.Mrs.Li12.What color is Toms new sweater?A.Blue B. Brown C. Green13.How m

3、uch is Toms new sweater?A.Ten dollars. B.Twenty dollars. C.Thirty dollars14.What did Toms mother buy for herself?A .A cap. B. A coat C. A dress15.What did Tom do today?A.He played computer games.B.He did his homework.C.He watched TV.IV.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(10分)16.There are_ people in the picture.A.four

4、 B.six C. nine17.Bills grandparents are_years old now.A.sixty B.seventy C.eighty18._are on the right of Bills grandparents.A.Bills parents B.Bills uncle and aunt C.Brad and Jane19.Jane wears a pair of glasses and a blue _.A.T-shirt B.skirt C.coat20.Bill is in a _jacket.A.blue B.white C. black笔试部分V.单

5、项选择。(共10分)21. I can swim , but I _ do Chinese kung fu.A.can B. cant C. may D. must22. Jenny can play _tennis, but she cant play_violin.A. the,the B. the, / C. /,the D. /, /23. Lisa enjoy _ to music very much.A. listen B. to listen C. listens D. listening24. She sings_and her songs are very_.A. good,

6、well B. well,good C. good,good D. well,well25.There _ an apple and two oranges in the bag.A.have B.has C.is D.are26.- What _ animals do you want to see?A.other B.else C.others D. elses27.How do you go to the museum, _bus or _foot?A.on,on B.on, by C.by, on D.by,by28. _ does your uncle do? Hes a polic

7、eman.A. Where B. What C. How D. Who29. _ your brother have _ pen pals?A. Do, some B.Do, any C. Does, some D. Does, any30. This is_bedroom. Its tidy and nice.A. Lilys and Lucys B. Lily and LucysC. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and LucyVI.完型填空。(共10分)Jim is a basketball fan(迷). He _31_ good at playing basketb

8、all .And he _32_ a great _33_ collection . Jack is _34_ best friend and a basketball _35_. He plays basketball _36_ , _37_ he _38_ any sports collections . They _39_ on the school basketball team . They _40_ basketball every day .31. A. am B. is C. are D. has32. A.do B. does C. has D.have33. A. bask

9、etball B.soccer C. sports D.sport34. A. his B. her C. he D.him35. A.father B. friend C. friends D.player36. A. well B.good C.fun D.interesting37. A. so B. but C. or D.for38. A. havent B. dont have C.doesnt have D.doesnt has39. A. are B.is C. am D.be40. A. play B. plays C.are playing D.playingVII.阅读理

10、解。41-45每题1分,46-55每题1.5分(共20分)( A)Welcome to Mr Smiths Store. Come and have a look. We have vegetables and fruit, tomatoes and carrots are¥4.5. We have apples and oranges for¥1.2. Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors. We also have socks, hats and bags for¥7. Come and see for yourself!

11、据短文内容,判断正误。正确的用A表示,错误的用B表示。( )41.They have apples for ¥1.5.( )42.You can buy tomatoes in Mr Smiths Store.( )43.They have sweaters in all colors .( )44.They sell hats, socks and table for¥7.( )45.They have five things in Mr Smiths Store.(B)Jim: Lets play computer games.Peter: That sounds good. Wheres

12、 your computer?Jim: I dont have a computer. Do you have a computer?Peter: No, I dont. But I have a TV. Lets watch TV.Jim: No, its boring. Lets play tennis. I have a tennis racket.Peter: Good. Where is it?Jim: On the sofa. Do you have a racket?Peter: No, I dont. Does your brother have a racket?Jim: Y

13、es, he does. And he has tennis balls.( )46.Does Jim have a computer? _A.He has no computer. B.He has two computers.C.Yes, he does. D.No, he doesnt.( )47.Jim has a racket. Where is it? _A.Its on the sofa. B.Its near the sofa.C.Its behind the sofa. D.Its under the sofa.( )48.Does Peter have a tennis r

14、acket? _A.Yes, he does. B.He has a tennis racket.C.He has two tennis rackets. D.No, he doesnt.( )49.Does Jim have a tennis racket? _A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesnt.C.He has two tennis rackets. D.He doesnt have a tennis racket.( )50.Does Jims brother have a tennis racket? _A.He doesnt have tennis bal

15、ls. B.Yes, he does.C.No, he doesnt. D.He has tennis balls.(C)My name is Jim Stone . I am a headmaster (校长). I often get up at seven oclock. Then I have breakfast . I have coffee and bread for breakfast .Sometimes I have milk and eggs .I go to work at eight in the morning .I am very busy in the schoo

16、l .Lunch is at 12 oclock .I have lunch at school . I finish my work at 6 and come home at 6:30 .I have dinner at home . I often watch TV in the evening . I dont like listening to music . Sometimes I read newspapers . I go to bed at 11 oclock.51.Where does Jim Stone work ?A. at school B. in an office

17、 C. in a shop D. at home52.What does he not have for breakfast ?A. coffee and bread B. milk C. Chicken D. eggs53.Where does he have lunch ?A. At home B. At school C. In the country D. In a hospital54.Is he busy(忙得)in the school ?A. No, he isnt B. No, he doesnt C.Yes, he does D.Yes, he is55.What does

18、 he often do after dinner in the evening ?A.Listen to music B. Read newspapers C.Watch TV D.Have a rest第II卷(共55分)VIII.翻译下列句子(共10分)56. 我喜欢和别人交谈。I like _ _ others.57. 不要和你的同学打架。_ _ with your classmates.58. 听音乐可以帮助我们放松。Listening to music can _ us _.59. 我们每个人都应该遵守规则。Everyone should _ _ _.60. 你到学校需要多长时间?

19、_ _ does it _ you to get to school?IX.短文填空。(10分)How do you get to school ? For many students, its _61_ to get to school. _62_for the students in one _63_ village in China, it is _64_.There is a very_65_ river _66_ their school _66_ the village. There is _67_bridge and the river runs too _68_ for _69

20、_. So these students go on a ropeway to _70_the river to school.X. 任务型阅读。(共10分)Look at the picture on the blackboard. We can see a house in it. Behind the house there is a hill with many trees. Near the hill we can see a river. There are three boats in the river. One is blue, the other two are yello

21、w. There are some Young Pioneers in those boats. Near the house we can see a big tree. Under the tree there is a small bus. Its a white bus.71.There is a _ on the _.72._ is the hill? Its _ the house.73.There are a lot of _ on the hill.74.Some _ _ are in the boats.75.Is there a _ _ bus under the big

22、tree? Yes, there is.XI. 补全对话。(共10分)根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话语境的句子抄写在空白处,使对话恢复完整。Jack:Hi,May.Here are all the clubs.May:_76_.Jack:I want to join the English Club. I like to speak English._77_.May:Hmm._78_.Can you play chess?Jack:No,I dont like chess. Do you like music?May:Oh, yes.I can sing and dance._79_.Bob:

23、 Me,too._80_.(B) 请根据下列对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话完整。Dave:81 _?Jill: He walks to school.Dave:82_?Jill:I take the bus.Dave:83_?Jill:Oh.About one hour and 30 minutes.Dave:84_?Jill:Yes.I only go home on weekends.Dave:85_.Jill:Its about 60 kilometers.XII.书面表达。(共15分)假如你是王磊,是三中的一名学生。你的外国朋友David想知道你们学校的一些规则,

24、请你给他发一封电子邮件简单介绍一下你们学校的情况。文中不得出现真实的人名。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1.穿校服2.禁止迟到3.上课不要说话4.禁止抄作业5禁止在楼道内乱跑6.不允许践踏草坪,采摘花朵7.禁止随意扔垃圾,节约水电。Dear David,How is everything going? Now Ill tell you some rules in my school._Yours,Wang Lei2016-2017学年第二学期七年级英语第一次月考答案题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案 D A B E C B A A C A题号 11 12 13 14 15 1

25、6 17 18 19 20答案 C A B C B C A B C C题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30答案 B C D B C A C B D B题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40答案 B C C A D A B C A A题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50答案 B A A B B D A D A B题号 51 52 53 54 55答案 A C B D C选择题。(共55题,16-20每题2分,46-55每题1.5分,其余每题1分,计65分)完成句子。(共5小题,计10分)56. talking to

26、/with 57. Dont fight58. help relax 59. follow the rules60. How long take短文填空。(共10小题,计10 分)61. easy 62. But 63. small 64. difficult 65. big66. between. and 67.no 68. quickly 69. boats 70. cross任务型阅读。(共5题,计10分)71. house blackboard72. Where behind73. trees74. Young Pioneers75. small white补全对话。(计10分)76.

27、What club do you want to join? 77.How about you?78.I want to join the chess club. 79.I like music.80.Lets join the music club.81.How does John get to school? 82.How do you get home from to school?83.How long does it take? 84.Thats a long time.85.How far is it from your home to school?书面表达(共15分)Dear David,How is everything going? Now Ill tell you some rules in my school. (略)_ _Yours,Wang Lei

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