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1、家政服务合同协议书范本五则第一份合同协议书范本:中文版:甲方:家政服务公司乙方:客户(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲方是一家专业的家政服务公司,有着丰富的经验和良好的口碑;乙方是一家需要家政服务的客户,现双方就具体服务事项达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 保洁服务:包括日常卫生打扫、清洁、护理家具、整理杂物、倒垃圾等;2. 烹饪服务:按照乙方要求提供健康、美味的膳食;3. 育儿服务:如有婴幼儿需看护,提供照料服务;4. 其他指定服务项目:由乙方和甲方另行商定的服务项目。二、服务期限本合同自签订之日起生效,服务期限为一年,双方可根据需要商议延长合同期限。三、服务费用1. 服务费用为XXX元/月,由乙方按月支

2、付;2. 如服务项目有额外费用,须事先征得乙方同意后支付。四、服务标准1. 甲方承诺提供专业、高质量的家政服务;2. 乙方有权对服务进行监督和评估,如有不满意可以提出,甲方将及时处理。五、违约责任1. 若一方未履行本合同约定的义务,应承担相应的违约责任;2. 如因不可抗力因素影响正常服务,双方可以协商解决。本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:(盖章)乙方:(盖章)英文版:Party A: Housekeeping Service CompanyParty B: Client (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Whereas Party

3、 A is a professional housekeeping service company with rich experience and good reputation; Party B is a client in need of housekeeping services, the two parties have reached the following agreement on specific service matters:I. Service Contents1. Cleaning Service: including daily hygiene cleaning,

4、 tidying up, furniture care, organizing miscellaneous items, and garbage disposal;2. Cooking Service: providing healthy and delicious meals as per the requirements of Party B;3. Childcare Service: providing care services if there are infants or young children to be taken care of;4. Other designated

5、service items: service items to be separately agreed upon by Party B and Party A.II. Service PeriodThis contract shall take effect from the date of signing and the service period is one year. The two parties may negotiate to extend the contract period as needed.III. Service Fees1. The service fee is

6、 XXX yuan/month, to be paid by Party B monthly;2. Additional fees for service items must be approved by Party B before payment.IV. Service Standards1. Party A promises to provide professional and high-quality housekeeping services;2. Party B has the right to supervise and evaluate the services. If t

7、here is any dissatisfaction, Party A will address it promptly.V. Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in this contract, they shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability;2. In the event of force majeure affecting normal service, the two

8、parties may negotiate to resolve the issue.This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both having equal legal effect.Party A: (Seal)Party B: (Seal) -第二份合同协议书范本:中文版:甲方:家政服务员乙方:客户(以下简称乙方)鉴于家政服务员甲方具备相关的从业资格和经验,乙方是需要雇佣家政服务的客户,现双方就服务事宜达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 定期保洁服务:包括清洁打扫

9、、护理家具、洗涤家居布艺等;2. 烹饪服务:提供乙方指定的膳食;3. 衣物洗护服务:协助乙方洗晒、熨烫衣物;4. 其他乙方指定的服务项目。二、工作时间及报酬1. 家政服务员每日工作8小时,休息1小时。如需要加班,应经过乙方同意;2. 服务报酬为XXX元/月,由乙方按月支付。三、服务质量和保密1. 家政服务员应保证服务质量,遵守职业操守;2. 家政服务员应对乙方的个人信息和家庭私密信息保密。四、工伤及医疗1. 家政服务员遇到工伤,乙方应负担相应的医疗费用;2. 家政服务员需提供健康证明,确保乙方安全。五、解约条款1. 若家政服务员需要解约,应提前一个月通知乙方;2. 若乙方需解约,家政服务员应提

10、前一个月通知。本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:(签名)乙方:(签名)英文版:Party A: Housekeeping Service StaffParty B: Client (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Whereas Housekeeping Service Staff Party A possesses the necessary qualifications and experience, and Party B is a client in need of hiring housekeeping services,

11、 the two parties have reached the following agreement on service matters:I. Service Contents1. Regular cleaning service: including cleaning, furniture care, and laundering household fabrics;2. Cooking service: providing the meals specified by Party B;3. Laundry service: assisting Party B with washin

12、g, ironing, and folding clothes;4. Other service items specified by Party B.II. Working Hours and Remuneration1. The housekeeping service staff works 8 hours per day with a 1-hour break. Overtime work requires Party Bs approval;2. The service remuneration is XXX yuan/month, to be paid by Party B mon

13、thly.III. Service Quality and Confidentiality1. The housekeeping service staff should ensure service quality and uphold professional ethics;2. The housekeeping service staff must maintain the confidentiality of Party Bs personal and household private information.IV. Work Injury and Medical Treatment

14、1. In case of a work injury, Party B shall bear the corresponding medical expenses;2. The housekeeping service staff must provide a health certificate to ensure Party Bs safety.V. Termination Clause1. If the housekeeping service staff needs to terminate the contract, they should notify Party B one m

15、onth in advance;2. If Party B needs to terminate the contract, the housekeeping service staff should notify Party B one month in advance.This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both having equal legal effect.Party A: (Signature)Party B: (Signature) -第三份合同协

16、议书范本:中文版:甲方:家政服务员乙方:客户(以下简称乙方)鉴于家政服务员甲方具备相关的从业资格和经验,乙方是需要雇佣家政服务的客户,现双方就服务事宜达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 定期保洁服务:包括清洁卫生、打扫整理、擦窗等;2. 烹饪服务:提供乙方指定的膳食菜肴;3. 衣物清洗服务:协助乙方清洗晒衣、熨烫等;4. 其他指定服务项目。二、工作时间及报酬1. 家政服务员每天工作8小时,休息1小时,加班应经过乙方同意;2. 服务费用为XXX元/月,由乙方按月支付。三、服务质量与保密1. 家政服务员应保证服务质量,遵守职业操守;2. 家政服务员应保守乙方的个人信息和家庭隐私。四、工伤及医疗1. 家

17、政服务员若遭遇工伤,乙方应负担相关医疗费用;2. 家政服务员需定期体检,确保工作状态良好。五、解约条款1. 若家政服务员有解约需求,应提前一个月通知乙方;2. 若乙方有解约需求,家政服务员应提前一个月通知。本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:(签名)乙方:(签名)英文版:Party A: Housekeeping Service StaffParty B: Client (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Whereas Housekeeping Service Staff Party A possesses the necessary

18、 qualifications and experience, and Party B is a client in need of hiring housekeeping services, the two parties have reached the following agreement on service matters:I. Service Contents1. Regular cleaning service: including hygiene cleaning, tidying up, and window cleaning;2. Cooking service: pro

19、viding the dishes specified by Party B;3. Laundry service: assisting Party B with washing, drying, ironing clothes, etc.;4. Other specified service items.II. Working Hours and Remuneration1. The housekeeping service staff works 8 hours per day with a 1-hour break. Overtime work requires Party Bs app

20、roval;2. The service fee is XXX yuan/month, to be paid by Party B monthly.III. Service Quality and Confidentiality1. The housekeeping service staff should ensure service quality and uphold professional ethics;2. The housekeeping service staff must maintain the confidentiality of Party Bs personal in

21、formation and household privacy.IV. Work Injury and Medical Treatment1. In case of a work injury, Party B shall bear the corresponding medical expenses;2. The housekeeping service staff must undergo regular physical examinations to ensure good working conditions.V. Termination Clause1. If the housek

22、eeping service staff needs to terminate the contract, they should notify Party B one month in advance;2. If Party B needs to terminate the contract, the housekeeping service staff should inform Party B one month in advance.This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy

23、 each, both having equal legal effect.Party A: (Signature)Party B: (Signature) -第四份合同协议书范本:中文版:甲方:家政服务公司乙方:客户(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲方是一家专业的家政服务公司,乙方是需要家政服务的客户,现双方就服务事项达成如下协议:一、服务内容1. 定期保洁服务:包括清洁、打扫、除尘等;2. 烹饪服务:提供乙方所需餐食;3. 家居摆件布置:协助乙方布置家居摆件;4. 其他乙方需要的服务。二、工作时间及报酬1. 家政服务员每日工作8小时,休息1小时。如有需要加班,应经乙方同意;2. 服务费用为XXX元/月

24、,由乙方按月支付。三、服务质量和安全1. 家政服务员应提供高质量的服务,保证乙方的安全和卫生;2. 家政服务员应注意家居安全,避免因疏忽造成意外事故。四、工伤和保险1. 家政服务员若遇工伤,甲方应负责承担相关医药费;2. 家政服务员应购买工伤保险,确保享受工伤福利。五、解约条款1. 若家政服务员需要解约,应提前一个月通知乙方;2. 若乙方需解约,家政服务员应提前一个月通知。本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:(盖章)乙方:(盖章)英文版:Party A: Housekeeping Service CompanyParty B: Client (hereinafter re

25、ferred to as Party B)Whereas Party A is a professional housekeeping service company, and Party B is a client in need of housekeeping services, the two parties have reached the following agreement on service matters:I. Service Contents1. Regular cleaning service: including cleaning, tidying up, dusti

26、ng, etc.;2. Cooking service: providing the meals needed by Party B;3. Home decoration arrangement: assisting Party B in arranging home decorations;4. Other services required by Party B.II. Working Hours and Remuneration1. The housekeeping service staff works 8 hours per day with a 1-hour break. Over

27、time work requires Party Bs approval;2. The service fee is XXX yuan/month, to be paid by Party B monthly.III. Service Quality and Safety1. The housekeeping service staff should provide high-quality service to ensure Party Bs safety and hygiene;2. The housekeeping service staff should pay attention t

28、o home safety and avoid accidents caused by negligence.IV. Work Injury and Insurance1. If the housekeeping service staff suffers a work injury, Party A shall bear the related medical expenses;2. The housekeeping service staff should purchase work injury insurance to ensure they enjoy work injury ben

29、efits.V. Termination Clause1. If the housekeeping service staff needs to terminate the contract, they should notify Party B one month in advance;2. If Party B needs to terminate the contract, the housekeeping service staff should inform Party B one month in advance.This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both having equal legal effect.Party A: (Seal)Party B: (Seal) -第五份合同协议书范本:中文版:甲方:家政服务员乙方:客户(以下简称乙方)鉴于家政服务员甲方有着丰富的从业经验和专业技能,乙方

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