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1、七年级英语上任务型阅读(1) My name is Jenny. I am in Beijing. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on May 2nd.My father is 40 years old and his birthday is on June 22nd.My mother is 38 years old and her birthday is on August 3rd. I love my parents very much.Mike is my good friend. He is in Shanghai and he is t

2、hirteen years old. When is his birthday? Well, his birthday is on October 2nd. Mike has a sister and her name is Lisa. How old is Lisa? She is fifteen years old. And her birthday is on May 2nd. Every year, Mike and his sister come to Beijing to see me. We play together(一起) happily.46.Lisa is Jennys

3、sister( ) 判断正误47.Jennys fathers birthday is on (补全句子)48.How old is Mike? 49.Where is Lisa? 50.将划线部分翻译句子 (2)Do you know London Zoo? London Zoo is the worlds oldest scientific (科学的) zoo. It has a history of about 180 years.London Zoo has about 755 kinds of animals. There are lions, camels, giraffes, s

4、nakes, tigers, monkeys and many more. There is also an aquarium(水族馆)in the zoo. It has many kinds of fishes.London Zoo doesnt open every day. It doesnt open on December (十二月)25th. So do not go to visit it on that day. The zoo opens at 10 am and closes at 4 pm in winter and 5: 30 pm in spring, summer

5、 and autumn.根据短文内容回答问题1. How old is London Zoo?_2. How many kinds of animals does London Zoo have?_3. Is there an aquarium in the zoo?_4. Does London Zoo open every day?_5. What time does the zoo open in winter?_(3)Mrs Brown is a teacher. She teaches English, she speaks a little English, too. She go

6、es to Chinese classes every Tuesday. Mrs brown is from England, bur she likes working in China. She says her students are very friendly. She loves them . Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter. Her sons name is Mike. He is ten years old. Her daughters name is Sue. She is seven years old. They go to scho

7、ol in China . They have classes six days a week. They like their school very much.1.What is Mrs Brown ?_.2.How often does she go to Chinese classes ?_3.Where is Mrs Brown from ? _.4.What does Mrs Brown think of her students ?_.5. How many children does she have ? _.(4)Mr. Smith doesnt feel well in h

8、is eyes. He cant see clearly. Today, when he is walking on the road in the country,(1 ) a strong wind blows his scarf off his neck. Mr. Smith begins to run after it. A girl asks him from a window.“Hey!What are you doing?”“Running after my scarf.”“Your scarf? Thats my white cat you are running after.

9、”1( 1)把文中划线部分翻译成汉语 2.What does a girl from the window ask him? 3.Why does Mr. White run after the cat? 4.“Mr. Smith doesnt feel well in his eyes”means ( )5. What does “clearly” mean?A.干净的 B. 正确的 C. 清楚的(5)Jack exercises every morning, and he comes back from school on foot every evening.(1) He often s

10、ays,” Its important to exercise.” So he is very healthy. He often eats fruit and vegetables, 因为水果和蔬菜是健康的食物并能给他许多能量。(2)He seldom eats snacks, biscuits, cakes or some other sweet snacks, because the sweet food isnt healthy. Jack loves watching TV. He watches TV over 4 hours every day. And he goes to sleep very late. He sleeps for 6 hours every night. Its not enough . He knows that it isnt good for his health. He plans to change it.完成下列题目:1. 翻译文中划线句子(1) (2) 2How long does Jack sleep every night? 3.Are sweet snacks good for our health?

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