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Seven club 柒选餐吧品牌项目书.pdf

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1、SEVEN CLUBbrand manualThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional r

2、estaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our

3、purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBBr

4、and HandbookSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBsevenclubThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We

5、 broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables wit

6、h four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose accordi

7、ng to needs,rich and frugal!BrandintroductionSEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBBrand nameSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertai

8、nment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simpl

9、e dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different catego

10、ries.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBBrand sloganSEVEN CLUBBrand nameSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free

11、 personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry t

12、o choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world importe

13、d beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBBrand PositioningSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we s

14、ell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chi

15、nese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Mu

16、seum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBBrand PositioningSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBCustomer group analysisSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT

17、FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBBrand IntroductionSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation

18、 rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and i

19、nteractive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Reall

20、y can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBBrand IntroductionSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBBrand IntroductionSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicator

21、s.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became th

22、e first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called

23、Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!productdescriptionSEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB Met Creative Brand Met Creative Brand Met

24、 Creative Brand Met Creative Brand SEVEN CLUBFine winemusicGourmetSEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB SEVEN CLUB Met Creative Brand Met Creative Brand Met Creative Brand Met Creative Brand SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBproduct descriptionSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core

25、 value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and ac

26、tivated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and

27、choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBBrand PositioningSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND P

28、LEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional re

29、staurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our p

30、urpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consumers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBproduct descr

31、iptionSevern comes from a planet that uses wine as the source of life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his friends.He also has a great wish-to taste everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in t

32、he universe,going to the infinite space,looking for infinite wines,and infinite happiness.SAIWENGESEVEN CLUBproduct descriptionSevern comes from a planet that uses wine as the source of life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his fri

33、ends.He also has a great wish-to taste everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in the universe,going to the infinite space,looking for infinite wines,and infinite happiness.SAIWENGESEVEN CLUBproduct descriptionSevern comes from a planet that uses wine as the sou

34、rce of life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his friends.He also has a great wish-to taste everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in the universe,going to the infinite space,looking for infini

35、te wines,and infinite happiness.SAIWENGESEVEN CLUBPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONSEVEN CLUBproduct descriptionSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual

36、 en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and bevera

37、ges,cocktail bars,simple dining areas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices accord





42、ED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBSEVEN CLUBBrand logoSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBThe true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and

43、relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditional restaurants and bars,upgraded and activated the brand to meet consumer demand dislocation,and became the first Chinese restaurant and bar industry to choose drinks and beverages,cocktail bars,simple dining a

44、reas,and interactive digital game tables with four functions.A perfectly integrated brand!Our purpose is to give full choice and choice to consumers,and our beverage selection area is also called Beverage Museum.We display 1500+world imported beverage matrices according to different categories.Consu

45、mers Really can choose freely,choose according to needs,rich and frugal!SEVEN CLUBVision applicationSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBSELECTED WHAT YOU W ANT FIND PLEASURE IN SEVEN CLUBTrendAttributesSevenSupermanI pMalleabilityDeviceHovercraftBrandCharacterCome back to theFUTURESev

46、ern comes from a planet that uses wine as the source of life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his friends.He also has a great wish-to taste everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in the univer

47、se,going to the infinite space,looking for infinite wines,and infinite happiness.SevenclubSevern comes from a planet that uses wine as the source of life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his friends.He also has a great wish-to tast

48、e everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in the universe,going to the infinite space,looking for infinite wines,and infinite happiness.Come back to theFUTURECome back to theFUTURECHARACTERFILE“Sai Wen Ge”Severn comes from a planet that uses wine as the source o

49、f life-the seventh planet.As a seventh planet,he loves to taste different wines from all over the world with his friends.He also has a great wish-to taste everything Different wines in the universe,so he became an astronaut,swimming in the universe,going to the infinite space,looking for infinite wi

50、nes,and infinite happiness.The true core value of SEVEN CLUB is to make consumers become brand communicators.What we sell is the cultural spirit of free personality,the spiritual en joyment of entertainment and relaxation rather than the product itself.We broke through the inherent model of traditio

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