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1、建筑工程劳务合同协议书范本四篇篇一:建筑工程劳务合同协议书中文版:1. 合同双方:甲方(承包人):_ 乙方(劳务人员):_2. 甲乙双方经协商一致,依据有关法律法规,就甲方需承接的建筑工程劳务事项,订立本劳务合同。本合同内容如下:第一条 工作内容甲方委托乙方承担以下工作任务:_第二条 工作地点工作地点设在_,具体地址为_。第三条 工作时间乙方工作时间为每周_,每天工作_小时。第四条 薪酬待遇乙方工作报酬为_元/月,发放日期为每月_日。第五条 工作规范乙方承诺在工作过程中,严格遵守工作纪律,完成所负责的工作任务。第六条 违约责任若乙方违反本合同规定,致使工作不能如期完成,将承担相应的违约责任。第

2、七条 合同变更本劳务合同如需变更,须经甲乙双方协商一致,并签订书面协议方可生效。第八条 合同解除若因特殊原因需要解除本合同,须提前_天书面通知对方,并经双方同意后解除合同。第九条 其他事项本合同未尽事宜,双方可协商解决,一旦发生争议,将依法解决。乙方(劳务人员)签字:_ 日期:_甲方(承包人)签字:_ 日期:_英文版:1. Parties to the Contract: Party A (Contractor): _ Party B (Laborer): _2. Party A and Party B, through negotiation and in accordance with r

3、elevant laws and regulations, have entered into this labor contract for the construction services to be undertaken by Party A. The contents of the contract are as follows:Article 1 Work ContentParty A entrusts Party B with the following work tasks: _Article 2 Work LocationThe work location is set in

4、 _, with the specific address being _.Article 3 Work HoursParty Bs work hours are _ per week, working _ hours per day.Article 4 Salary and BenefitsParty Bs work remuneration is _ yuan/month, with payment made on the _ day of each month.Article 5 Work StandardsParty B undertakes to strictly abide by

5、work discipline and complete the assigned work tasks.Article 6 Breach of Contract LiabilityIf Party B violates the provisions of this contract, causing the work to not be completed on schedule, they will bear corresponding breach of contract liability.Article 7 Contract AmendmentsAny changes to this

6、 labor contract must be agreed upon by both Party A and Party B through negotiation and must be in written agreement to take effect.Article 8 Contract TerminationIf this contract needs to be terminated for special reasons, advance written notice of _ days must be given to the other party, and the co

7、ntract can only be terminated with the agreement of both parties.Article 9 Other MattersAny matters not covered in this contract can be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. In case of disputes, they will be resolved in accordance with the law.Party B (Laborer) Signature: _ Date: _Pa

8、rty A (Contractor) Signature: _ Date: _篇二:建筑工程劳务合同协议书中文版:协议书甲方(承包单位):_ 乙方(劳务人员):_甲乙双方本着平等自愿、公平合法的原则,根据中华人民共和国劳动法等相关法律法规规定订立本劳务合同,共同遵守并执行。具体事宜如下:第一条 工作内容1. 乙方应按照甲方要求完成_工作。第二条 工作时间1. 乙方每天工作_小时,每周工作_天。第三条 工资福利1. 乙方的工资为_元/月,另有_福利待遇。第四条 安全保障1. 甲方应提供合格的劳动防护用品,确保乙方的人身安全。第五条 保密责任1. 乙方在工作过程中应保守甲方的商业机密,严守保密责任

9、。第六条 服务质量1. 乙方应主动配合甲方的工作安排,保证服务质量。第七条 违约责任1. 若乙方违反本合同的规定,将承担相应的违约责任。第八条 合同解除1. 若因特殊情况需要解除合同,须提前_天书面通知对方。第九条 其他事宜1. 本合同未尽事宜由双方协商解决,如有争议,以法律解决。甲方(承包单位)签字:_ 日期:_乙方(劳务人员)签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Contract AgreementParty A (Contracting Company): _ Party B (Laborer): _Party A and Party B, on a basis of equality, volun

10、tariness, fairness, and legality, have established this labor contract in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China. They shall abide by and implement it jointly. Specific matters are as follows:Article 1 Work Content1. Party B shall complet

11、e the _ work as required by Party A.Article 2 Work Hours1. Party B shall work _ hours per day and _ days per week.Article 3 Salary and Benefits1. Party Bs salary is _ yuan/month, with additional _ benefits provided.Article 4 Safety Guarantee1. Party A shall provide qualified labor protection equipme

12、nt to ensure the personal safety of Party B.Article 5 Confidentiality Responsibility1. Party B shall keep Party As trade secrets confidential during work and strictly adhere to confidentiality responsibilities.Article 6 Service Quality1. Party B shall actively cooperate with Party As work arrangemen

13、ts and ensure service quality.Article 7 Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B violates the provisions of this contract, they will bear corresponding breach of contract liability.Article 8 Contract Termination1. If the contract needs to be terminated due to special circumstances, advance written

14、notice of _ days must be given to the other party.Article 9 Other Matters1. Any matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the two parties, and in case of disputes, they shall be resolved by law.Party A (Contracting Company) Signature: _ Date: _Party B (Labore

15、r) Signature: _ Date: _篇三:建筑工程劳务合同协议书中文版:劳务合同协议书甲方(雇主):_ 乙方(劳务人员):_双方经友好协商,为明确双方权利和义务,根据劳动法等法律规定,达成如下协议:第一条 服务内容1. 乙方从事甲方工程项目的_工作。第二条 服务期限1. 服务期限自_起至_止。第三条 报酬待遇1. 乙方每月工资为_元,另有_福利待遇。第四条 劳动保护1. 甲方应提供符合国家标准的劳动防护用品,确保乙方工作安全。第五条 服务合格1. 乙方应按照甲方要求执行工作任务,保证服务质量。第六条 违约责任1. 若乙方违反合同规定,造成损失,应承担相应违约责任。第七条 合同变更1.

16、 如需修改合同内容,需经双方协商一致,并签署书面协议。第八条 合同解除1. 若因特殊情况需要解除合同,需提前_天书面通知对方。第九条 其他事宜1. 本合同如有争议,应协商解决;协商不成,可向有关部门寻求协调。甲方(雇主)签字:_ 日期:_乙方(劳务人员)签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Labor Contract AgreementParty A (Employer): _ Party B (Laborer): _In a friendly negotiation, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, in

17、accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law and other laws, the following agreement is reached:Article 1 Service Content1. Party B is engaged in the _ work of Party As project.Article 2 Service Duration1. The service period is from _ to _.Article 3 Salary and Benefits1. Party Bs monthly salary i

18、s _ yuan, with additional _ benefits provided.Article 4 Labor Protection1. Party A shall provide labor protection equipment that complies with national standards to ensure the safety of Party Bs work.Article 5 Qualified Service1. Party B shall execute work tasks as required by Party A and ensure ser

19、vice quality.Article 6 Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party B violates the contract terms and causes losses, they shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.Article 7 Contract Amendment1. Any modifications to the contract content require the agreement of both parties through negotiatio

20、n and the signing of a written agreement.Article 8 Contract Termination1. In the event that termination of the contract is needed due to special circumstances, advance written notice of _ days must be given to the other party.Article 9 Other Matters1. Disputes arising from this contract should be re

21、solved through negotiation. If negotiations fail, relevant departments can be sought for mediation.Party A (Employer) Signature: _ Date: _Party B (Laborer) Signature: _ Date: _篇四:建筑工程劳务合同协议书中文版:劳务合同书甲方(公司):_ 乙方(劳务人员):_本合同经双方协商一致,依据中华人民共和国劳动法及相关法律法规签订。具体约定如下:第一条 工作内容1. 乙方将完成甲方委托的_工作。第二条 工作地点1. 工作地点位于

22、_,须按时到达并完成工作任务。第三条 工作时间1. 乙方每天工作_小时,每周工作_天。第四条 报酬待遇1. 乙方的月工资为_元,另有_福利待遇。第五条 安全保障1. 甲方应提供必要的劳动防护用具,确保乙方工作安全。第六条 服务质量1. 乙方应按照甲方安排的工作要求,保证服务质量及工作效率。第七条 违约责任1. 乙方如违反合同规定,造成经济损失,应承担相应的违约责任。第八条 合同解除1. 若因特殊原因需要解除合同,需提前_天书面通知对方。第九条 其他事宜1. 本合同未尽事宜,双方协商解决,如有争议,依法解决。甲方(公司)签字:_ 日期:_乙方(劳务人员)签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Labor Co

23、ntractParty A (Company): _ Party B (Laborer): _This contract is signed by both parties in accordance with the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations. Specific agreements are as follows:Article 1 Work Content1. Party B will complete the _ work entrusted by Party

24、A.Article 2 Work Location1. The work location is located at _, and Party B must arrive on time and complete work tasks.Article 3 Work Hours1. Party B works _ hours per day and _ days per week.Article 4 Salary and Benefits1. Party Bs monthly salary is _ yuan, with additional _ benefits provided.Artic

25、le 5 Safety Guarantee1. Party A shall provide necessary labor protection equipment to ensure Party Bs work safety.Article 6 Service Quality1. Party B shall follow the work requirements arranged by Party A to ensure service quality and work efficiency.Article 7 Breach of Contract Liability1. If Party

26、 B violates the contract terms and causes financial losses, they shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.Article 8 Contract Termination1. If termination of the contract is needed due to special circumstances, advance written notice of _ days must be given to the other party.Article 9 Other Matters1. Matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. In case of disputes, they shall be resolved in accordance with the law.Party A (Company) Signature: _ Date: _Party B (Laborer) Signature: _ Date: _

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