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1、Unit 2 Wish you were hereUnit 2 Wish you were herePLAYgrasslandgiraffes zebra on the grasslandlionIt is the worlds largest desert.It covers 3,500,000 sq m-about the size of the US.The Sahara DesertDo you think Africa is a beautiful land?Would you like to go to Africa for your holiday?QuestionsAn adv

2、enture in AfricaListen to the tape of the passage,then answer these questions:1 Who wrote the following letter?2 What animal is uncomfortable to sit on?3 How long will the author stay in Africa?Toby.About four weeks.Fast readingCamel.PLAY 1.According to paragraph 1,_.A.Toby is planning a business tr

3、ip B.Toby usually travels in his summer holiday C.Colin wants to travel before starting university D.Toby is not very excited about the trip 2.In line 12,“there”refers to_.A.the United States B.Morocco C.northern Africa D.the Sahara DesertPlease choose the best answer.CD 3.According to paragraph 2,_

4、.A.Toby enjoys travelling on camels B.Toby is worried about travelling on camels C.Toby will feed the camels D.Colin loves camels 4.According to paragraph 5,Toby wants to_.A.see a giraffe up close B.scare animals away C.take photographs of animals D.shoot an elephant BC 5.In line 34“them”refers to_.

5、A.the elephants B.Colin and Toby C.the guides D.the giraffes 6.According to the letter,Toby enjoys_.A.comfortable,expensive holidays B.cultural holidays C.adventure holidays D.staying at homeCCPara 1True or false1.Toby would spend a few weeks traveling before he goes to university.2.After the trip t

6、o Africa,Colin will go to university.Careful readingWhere to start:Time:Where to go:How to go there:What to take:How long:London15th JulyMorocco/Saharaplane (from London to Morocco)camels(through Sahara)tents/sleeping bags/a flashlightsix daysSaharaLake Victoria1.What adventure activity will the wri

7、ter try?2.Is there any danger when he does this activity?How to protect themselves?waterproofWhite water raftingThey have to wear _ clothing,a _ and a _,just _ their raft gets turned upside down or sinks.special helmetin caseraftlife jacketParagraph 4-5Q:What will they do in Kenya?In _,theyll live w

8、ith the _ people in their villages,and eat and drink _ they do,including cows _.Kenya localwhateverbloodTheyll walk across the land,following the _ of wildlife such as elephants,lions and_.tracksgiraffesPara 6What will they do after sunset?Why?get enough rest tiring,feel sick as the air gets thinner

9、.Where will they climb Mount Kilimanjaro?in TanzaniaPara 7They will go to the Himalayas.Q:Where will they go before going back to London?4 weeks in Africa1 week 2 weeks 1 weekKenyaKenyaMount KilimanjaroMount KilimanjaroThe River NileThe Sahara DesertThe Sahara DesertPut the activities in the correct

10、 order according to Tobys plan for the trip._ travel down the River Nile._ travel on camels through the Sahara Desert _ climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania _ see wild animals in Kenya _ fly to Morocco _ go to the Himalayas 325416Post readingPost-reading activities Lets look at some other pictures yo

11、u often see when traveling.Rubbish hill?Lake?“某某某到此一游某某某到此一游”What should we do to be a good traveler?DiscussionWhat should we do while travelling?What mustnt we do while travelling?Boys and girls,Take action!Make our homethe earthmore beautiful and a real home for all!homeworkWhat should we do to be a good traveler?Give your advice.

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