1、影视剧合作协议书范本-*合作协议书*甲方:* *地址:*法定代表人:*联系电话:*乙方:* *地址:*法定代表人:*联系电话:*鉴于甲、乙双方为共同开发和制作一部影视剧,并为确保双方合作顺利进行,特订立本合作协议,并共同遵照执行,以正式约束双方之权利和义务。*第一条 项目名称及内容*1.1 合作影视剧的正式名称为:,涉及的主要内容包括但不限于剧本、拍摄、后期制作、发行等环节。1.2 甲、乙双方声明,所涉及内容的原创性及知识产权归属清晰明确,不存在侵权行为。*第二条 合作方式及责任*2.1 甲方负责提供影视剧的剧本创作、拍摄场地的安排,以及拍摄过程中的统筹协调。2.2 乙方负责投资资金、拍摄设备
2、的准备、演员的选择与邀约,以及后期制作的进行。2.3 甲、乙双方在制作过程中应保持密切沟通,及时协商解决可能出现的问题和分歧。*第三条 费用及分润*3.1 影视剧的制作费用由乙方承担,具体的费用估算及分配方式双方需在合作前进行详细商议并书面确认。3.2 收益分成采取比例分配模式,具体分成比例由双方商议确定,并在本协议生效后不得私自更改。*第四条 影视版权及推广*4.1 影视剧的版权归属于双方共同所有,任何一方未经另一方同意不得单独进行版权转让或授权。4.2 影视剧的推广活动由甲、乙双方共同商议制定,各自负责推广渠道的开发和宣传效果的监测。*第五条 保密条款*5.1 双方在合作过程中可能涉及的商
3、业机密和敏感信息,应当严格保密,未经对方书面同意不得向第三方透露。5.2 若因一方泄密导致损失,应承担相应的法律责任并赔偿对方。*第六条 不可抗力*6.1 若因不可抗力因素(包括但不限于自然灾害、战争等)导致影视剧制作进程中断或延误,双方可相互商定如何协调处理。*第七条 合作期限及解除*7.1 本合作协议自双方签署之日起生效,合作期限至影视剧制作完成并正式上线播出后结束。7.2 若一方违反本协议内容,经对方书面通知后仍未改正,对方有权解除本协议,且有权追究违约方的法律责任。*第八条 争议解决*8.1 本协议涉及的争议由双方友好协商解决,若协商不成,可向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。*第九条 其他条款
4、*9.1 本协议未尽事宜由双方另行协商确定。9.2 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*甲方:* *乙方:*签署日期:* *签署日期:*-*Co-Production Agreement*Party A:* *Address:*Legal Representative:*Contact Number:*Party B:* *Address:*Legal Representative:*Contact Number:*Whereas Party A and Party B intend to collaborate on the development and product
5、ion of a film and in order to ensure a smooth partnership between the two parties, this co-production agreement is hereby formulated and shall be binding upon both parties.*Article 1 Project Name and Content*1.1 The formal name of the co-produced film is: , which includes, but is not limited to, the
6、 script, filming, post-production, distribution, and other relevant aspects.1.2 Party A and Party B declare that the originality and intellectual property rights of the content involved in the film are clear and unambiguous, with no copyright infringements.*Article 2 Mode of Cooperation and Responsi
7、bilities*2.1 Party A is responsible for providing the scriptwriting, arranging filming locations, and coordinating the overall process of filming.2.2 Party B is responsible for funding, preparing filming equipment, selecting and inviting actors, and carrying out post-production tasks.2.3 Party A and
8、 Party B are required to maintain close communication during the production process, and promptly resolve any issues or disagreements that may arise.*Article 3 Costs and Revenue Sharing*3.1 The production costs of the film shall be borne by Party B, and the specific cost estimates and distribution m
9、ethods shall be determined through detailed negotiations between the two parties before the collaboration commences.3.2 The revenue shall be shared based on a predetermined ratio, which shall be agreed upon by both parties, and shall not be altered without mutual consent after the agreement comes in
10、to effect.*Article 4 Film Rights and Promotion*4.1 The film rights belong to both parties jointly, and neither party shall transfer or license the rights without the other partys consent.4.2 The promotion of the film shall be jointly planned and executed by Party A and Party B, each responsible for
11、developing promotional channels and monitoring the effectiveness of publicity.*Article 5 Confidentiality*5.1 Both parties shall maintain strict confidentiality of any trade secrets and sensitive information that may be involved in the collaboration, and shall not disclose such information to third p
12、arties without the written consent of the other party.5.2 Any losses incurred due to confidentiality breaches by either party shall result in legal liability and compensation to the other party.*Article 6 Force Majeure*6.1 In case of force majeure events (including but not limited to natural disaste
13、rs, war, etc.) that result in interruptions or delays in the film production process, both parties may mutually agree on how to coordinate and address the situation.*Article 7 Term of Collaboration and Termination*7.1 This co-production agreement shall come into effect upon the signing of both parti
14、es and shall remain valid until the completion of the film production and its official online release.7.2 In the event of a breach of the agreement by either party, and if the breach is not rectified following written notice from the other party, the latter shall have the right to terminate the agre
15、ement and pursue legal action against the defaulting party.*Article 8 Dispute Resolution*8.1 Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties; failing which, legal action may be pursued in a competent court.*Article 9 Other Provisions*9.1 M
16、atters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved through mutual negotiations between the two parties.9.2 This agreement comprises of two identical copies, each party holding one, and both copies carry equal legal validity.*Party A:* *Party B:*Date:* *Date:*- By signing this agreement, both Par
17、ty A and Party B confirm their understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined herein, and hereby commit to fulfilling their respective obligations in the collaborative production of the film.This co-production agreement serves as a testament to the cooperation and mutual trust between the parties, and sets the foundation for a successful partnership in the realm of film production.Regards, Your Name